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> Windows > InitCommonControls |
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kasake36 19 Apr 2006, 11:33
Hello! I want to create a Tab-Control. For that, the WIN32API.HLP-docu says that before a tab-control can be created with CREATE_WINDOW_EX, the programmer should check if the common-control-dll is loaded. This is done by calling the InitCommonControls function.
So when i call InitCommonControls, the executable crashes, when i do not call InitCommonControls, no tab-control is created. InitCommonControls crashes everytime and everywhere i call it... I attached my code; as you will notice i have copied some snippets out of the "Tabbed"-example http://board.flatassembler.net/topic.php?t=2380. Is it possible to create a tab-control in the resource-section? If yes, how is the tab-control defined then? Thank you very much! Code: format PE GUI 4.0 entry start include '%fasmwinc%win32a.inc' ;=============================================================================== section '.data' data readable writeable ;=============================================================================== IDD_MAIN = 100 struct TC_ITEM imask dd 0 lpReserved1 dd 0 lpReserved2 dd 0 pszText dd 0 cchTextMax dd 0 iImage dd 0 lParam dd 0 ends tci TC_ITEM wc WNDCLASS flags dd ? tab dd ? caption rb 40h message rb 100h hInst dd ? cl_tab db 'SysTabControl32',0 cl_main db 'TISCHPRO',0 fini db 'TabControl konnte nicht erstellt werden',0 ;=============================================================================== section '.code' code readable executable ;=============================================================================== start: invoke GetModuleHandle,0 mov [hInst],eax mov [wc.hInstance],eax mov [wc.hIcon],NULL mov [wc.hCursor],NULL mov [wc.style],0 mov [wc.hbrBackground],COLOR_WINDOW mov [wc.lpfnWndProc],MainDialogProc mov [wc.cbClsExtra],0 mov [wc.cbWndExtra],0 mov [wc.lpszMenuName],0 mov [wc.lpszClassName],cl_main invoke RegisterClass,wc invoke DialogBoxParam,[hInst],IDD_MAIN,HWND_DESKTOP,\ MainDialogProc,0 or eax,eax jz exit exit: invoke ExitProcess,0 proc MainDialogProc hwnddlg,msg,wparam,lparam push ebx esi edi cmp [msg],WM_INITDIALOG je wminitdialog cmp [msg],WM_COMMAND je wmcommand cmp [msg],WM_CLOSE je wmclose xor eax,eax jmp finish wminitdialog: ;call InitCommonControls invoke CreateWindowEx,0,cl_tab,NULL,\ WS_CHILD+WS_VISIBLE,0,0,100,200,[hwnddlg],NULL,[hInst],NULL cmp eax,NULL je failed mov [tab],eax mov [tci.imask],TCIF_TEXT+TCIF_IMAGE mov [tci.pszText],cl_main mov [tci.iImage],-1 lea ebx,[tci] invoke SendMessage,eax,TCM_INSERTITEM,0,ebx mov [tci.pszText],cl_main invoke SendMessage,[tab],TCM_INSERTITEM,1,ebx jmp finish failed: invoke MessageBox,[hwnddlg],fini,cl_main,MB_ICONERROR+MB_OK wmcommand: jmp processed wmclose: invoke EndDialog,[hwnddlg],0 processed: mov eax,1 finish: pop edi esi ebx ret endp ;=============================================================================== section '.idata' import data readable writeable ;=============================================================================== library kernel,'KERNEL32.DLL',\ user,'USER32.DLL',\ comctl32,'COMCTL32.DLL' import kernel,\ GetModuleHandle,'GetModuleHandleA',\ ExitProcess,'ExitProcess' import user,\ CreateWindowEx,'CreateWindowExA',\ DialogBoxParam,'DialogBoxParamA',\ GetDlgItemText,'GetDlgItemTextA',\ IsDlgButtonChecked,'IsDlgButtonChecked',\ MessageBox,'MessageBoxA',\ RegisterClass,'RegisterClassA',\ SendMessage,'SendMessageA',\ EndDialog,'EndDialog' import comctl32,\ InitCommonControls,'InitCommonControls' ;=============================================================================== section '.rsrc' resource data readable ;=============================================================================== directory RT_DIALOG,dialogs resource dialogs,\ IDD_MAIN,LANG_GERMAN+SUBLANG_DEFAULT,aka resource versions,\ 1,LANG_GERMAN+SUBLANG_DEFAULT,vinfo dialog aka,'TISCHPRO',0,0,390,275,\ WS_CAPTION+WS_TABSTOP+WS_SYSMENU or\ WS_MAXIMIZEBOX+DS_CENTER ; WS_CAPTION+WS_POPUP+WS_SYSMENU+WS_TABSTOP+DS_MODALFRAME+DS_CENTER ;dialogitem 'STATIC','&Caption',-1,10,10,70,8,WS_VISIBLE ;dialogitem 'SysTabControl32',NULL,1000,\ ; 3,3,361,216,WS_VISIBLE+WS_TABSTOP enddialog versioninfo vinfo,VOS__WINDOWS32,VFT_APP,VFT2_UNKNOWN,\ LANG_GERMAN+SUBLANG_DEFAULT,0,\ 'FileDescription','Arbeitskarten-Verwaltung',\ 'LegalCopyright','2006 by Kasake36',\ 'FileVersion','0.01',\ 'ProductVersion','0.1' |
19 Apr 2006, 11:33 |
kasake36 19 Apr 2006, 12:35
ARGH! ARGH! ARGH! I could have sworn i've tested it that way! But probably used "call" instead of invoke. Thank you a lot!
Does it make a difference if i invoke InitCommonControls at the very beginning of the program instead of just before CreateWindowEx? Ah, now i know what the class-field in the reseditor is for. I just installed the Resource-Editor that "ships" with lcc-win32, which looks pretty good! |
19 Apr 2006, 12:35 |
Vasilev Vjacheslav 20 Apr 2006, 16:41
Quote: Does it make a difference if i invoke InitCommonControls at the very beginning of the program instead of just before CreateWindowEx? i think you can call InitCommonControls everywhere (it used just for linking comclt32 import to executalbe, for more options see InitCommonControlsEx) |
20 Apr 2006, 16:41 |
kasake36 20 Apr 2006, 17:41
Ok. I read the Win32API-Help about TabControls and it says that InitCommonControls has to be called before a TabControl is created so i expect it can be called at every position. But i was not sure when you wrote i had to call it as first command after the start label, because it worked and my "call" before the TabControl creation didn't work.
Thank you for the help. |
20 Apr 2006, 17:41 |
f0dder 23 Apr 2006, 10:04
Well, you were using a dialog with common controls, and expecting InitCommonControls to work in the initdialog? Eek. On a lot of windows versions, InitCommonControls is just a "dummy" that does nothing but make sure the DLL file is linked in. but still.
Best practise is to initialize the "subsystems" (common controls, winsock, COM) you need early on. That way, you can check for errors and not have to bomb out in the middle of everything... |
23 Apr 2006, 10:04 |
kasake36 24 Apr 2006, 08:08
? Why shouldn't it work to initalise a subsystem in the wminitdialog? To what problems this could lead in older than WinXP Systems for example?
24 Apr 2006, 08:08 |
f0dder 24 Apr 2006, 09:11
I'm not saying it will necessarily lead to problems, just that it's cleaner initializing subsystems at program start...
But WM_INITIDIALOG / WM_CREATE are somewhat bad places to put initialization. Consider you need to call InitMyWidget before you can use MyWidget controls. You make a dialog with some MyWidgets, and put the InitMyWidget call in WM_INITDIALOG. Obviously this will fail, windows cannot create the dialog because the MyWidget class hasn't been registered, and thus your dialog proc won't be called. I've seen people run amok with "we're gonna localize the use of subsystems". The end result was Winsock init/shutdown code for basically every time a socket call was necessary - very ugly. Better centralize subsystem init/shutdown. |
24 Apr 2006, 09:11 |
kasake36 24 Apr 2006, 09:23
Although i stood up with the left leg first i believe i see the point. Thx!
24 Apr 2006, 09:23 |
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