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Joined: 30 Dec 2014
Posts: 130
Location: Russian Federation, Irkutsk
Mikl___ 09 Feb 2015, 06:24
second lesson, creation MessageBox
format PE GUI
include 'win32ax.inc'
; import data in the same section

   invoke MessageBox,NULL,wText,wTitle,MB_OK
wTitle          db   'Iczelion Tutorial #2a: MessageBoxA',0
wText           db   'Win32 Assembly with FASM is Great!',0   
data import

 library user32,'USER32.DLL'
 import user32,\

end data    
Do not need a function call ExitProcess -- the application terminates normally
A few other ways to create a MessageBox
format PE GUI
include 'win32ax.inc'
; import data in the same section

   invoke MessageBox,NULL,wText,wTitle,MB_OK
wTitle          du   'Iczelion Tutorial #2b: MessageBoxW',0
wText           du   'Win32 Assembly with FASM is Great!',0   
data import

 library user32,'USER32.DLL'
 import user32,\

end data    

format PE GUI
include 'win32ax.inc'
; import data in the same section

   invoke MessageBoxEx,NULL,wText,wTitle,MB_OK,0
wTitle          db   'Iczelion Tutorial #2c: MessageBoxExA',0
wText           db   'Win32 Assembly with FASM is Great!',0   
data import

 library user32,'USER32.DLL'
 import user32,\

end data    

format PE GUI
include 'win32ax.inc'
; import data in the same section

   invoke MessageBoxEx,NULL,wText,wTitle,MB_OK,0
wTitle          du   'Iczelion Tutorial #2d: MessageBoxExW',0
wText           du   'Win32 Assembly with FASM is Great!',0   
data import

 library user32,'USER32.DLL'
 import user32,\

end data    

format PE GUI
include 'win32ax.inc'
; import data in the same section

   invoke MessageBoxTimeout,NULL,wText,wTitle,MB_OK,0,-1
wTitle          db   'Iczelion Tutorial #2e: MessageBoxTimeoutA',0
wText           db   'Win32 Assembly with FASM is Great!',0   
data import

 library user32,'USER32.DLL'
 import user32,\

end data    

format PE GUI
include 'win32ax.inc'
; import data in the same section

   invoke MessageBoxTimeout,NULL,wText,wTitle,MB_OK,0,-1
wTitle          du   'Iczelion Tutorial #2f: MessageBoxTimeoutW',0
wText           du   'Win32 Assembly with FASM is Great!',0   
data import

 library user32,'USER32.DLL'
 import user32,\

end data    

format PE GUI
include 'win32ax.inc'
; import data in the same section
        mov edi,msgboxparam
        xor ebx,ebx
        mov dword [edi+MSGBOXPARAMS.cbSize],sizeof.MSGBOXPARAMS
        mov dword [edi+MSGBOXPARAMS.hwndOwner],ebx
        mov dword [edi+MSGBOXPARAMS.hInstance],400000h
        mov dword [edi+MSGBOXPARAMS.lpszText],wText
        mov dword [edi+MSGBOXPARAMS.lpszCaption],wTitle
        mov dword [edi+MSGBOXPARAMS.dwStyle],MB_ICONASTERISK or MB_OK;:= MB_USERICON;
        mov dword [edi+MSGBOXPARAMS.lpszIcon],ebx;:= PCHAR('MYICO');
        mov dword [edi+MSGBOXPARAMS.dwContextHelpId],ebx;:= 0;
        mov dword [edi+MSGBOXPARAMS.lpfnMsgBoxCallback],ebx;:= nil;
        mov dword [edi+MSGBOXPARAMS.dwLanguageId],ebx;:= LANG_NEUTRAL
   invoke MessageBoxIndirect,edi
wTitle          db   'Iczelion Tutorial #2g: MessageBoxIndirectA',0
wText           db   'Win32 Assembly with FASM is Great!',0   
msgboxparam MSGBOXPARAMS 
data import

 library user32,'USER32.DLL'
 import user32,\

end data    

format PE GUI
include 'win32ax.inc'
; import data in the same section
        mov edi,msgboxparam
        xor ebx,ebx
        mov dword [edi+MSGBOXPARAMS.cbSize],sizeof.MSGBOXPARAMS
        mov dword [edi+MSGBOXPARAMS.hwndOwner],ebx
        mov dword [edi+MSGBOXPARAMS.hInstance],400000h
        mov dword [edi+MSGBOXPARAMS.lpszText],wText
        mov dword [edi+MSGBOXPARAMS.lpszCaption],wTitle
        mov dword [edi+MSGBOXPARAMS.dwStyle],MB_ICONASTERISK or MB_OK;:= MB_USERICON;
        mov dword [edi+MSGBOXPARAMS.lpszIcon],ebx;:= PCHAR('MYICO');
        mov dword [edi+MSGBOXPARAMS.dwContextHelpId],ebx;:= 0;
        mov dword [edi+MSGBOXPARAMS.lpfnMsgBoxCallback],ebx;:= nil;
        mov dword [edi+MSGBOXPARAMS.dwLanguageId],ebx;:= LANG_NEUTRAL
   invoke MessageBoxIndirect,edi
wTitle          du   'Iczelion Tutorial #2h: MessageBoxIndirectW',0
wText           du   'Win32 Assembly with FASM is Great!',0   
msgboxparam MSGBOXPARAMS 
data import

 library user32,'USER32.DLL'
 import user32,\

end data    

format PE GUI
entry start
include 'win32ax.inc'
; import data in the same section

 _Length                rw 1            ; length of string in bytes (not chars)
 MaximumLength  rw 1            ; length of Buffer in bytes (not chars)
 Buffer                 rd 1            ; pointer to string

proc start
local MessageBuffer[200]:WORD
local Message[2]:UNICODE_STRING
local HardErrorPointer[3]:DWORD
        xor ebx,ebx
        lea edi,[MessageBuffer]
        mov [Message.Buffer+(sizeof.UNICODE_STRING*0)],edi
        mov [Message.MaximumLength+(sizeof.UNICODE_STRING*0)],Num
        mov [Message._Length+(sizeof.UNICODE_STRING*0)],Num-2
        lea edx,[Message+(sizeof.UNICODE_STRING*0)]
        mov [HardErrorPointer+(4*0)],edx;pwText
        mov esi,wText
        mov ecx,Num+Num1
        rep movsb
        lea edi,[MessageBuffer+Num]
        mov [Message.Buffer+(sizeof.UNICODE_STRING*1)],edi
        mov [Message.MaximumLength+(sizeof.UNICODE_STRING*1)],Num1
        mov [Message._Length+(sizeof.UNICODE_STRING*1)],Num1-2
        lea edx,[Message+(sizeof.UNICODE_STRING*1)]
        mov [HardErrorPointer+(4*1)],edx;pwCaption
        mov [HardErrorPointer+(4*2)],MB_ICONASTERISK+MB_OK;uType
        lea edx,[HardErrorPointer]
        push x
        push ebx;0
        push edx
        push 3
        push 00000011b
        call [NtRaiseHardError]   
wText           du   'Win32 Assembly with FASM is Great!',0 
Num = $-wText 
wTitle          du   'Iczelion Tutorial #2j: NtRaiseHardError',0
Num1 = $-wTitle
x dd 0
data import

 library ntdll,'ntdll.DLL'
 import ntdll,\

end data    
Post 09 Feb 2015, 06:24
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Joined: 30 Dec 2014
Posts: 130
Location: Russian Federation, Irkutsk
Mikl___ 09 Feb 2015, 06:35
The third lesson
format PE GUI
include 'win32ax.inc'
; import data in the same section

          xor ebx,ebx
          mov edi,wTitle
          mov esi,400000h

          ; +------------------------------+
          ; | registering the window class |
          ; +------------------------------+
          invoke RegisterClass,esp,ebx,window_procedure,ebx,\
          ; +--------------------------+
          ; | creating the main window |
          ; +--------------------------+
          push ebx esi ebx ebx
          shl esi,9;400000h * 200h = 80000000h = CW_USEDEFAULT
          invoke CreateWindowEx,ebx,edi,edi,WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW+WS_VISIBLE,\
          mov ebp,esp
          ; +---------------------------+
          ; | entering the message loop |
          ; +---------------------------+
message_loop: invoke GetMessage,ebp,ebx,ebx,ebx
          invoke DispatchMessage,ebp
          jmp message_loop
          ; +----------------------+
          ; | the window procedure |
          ; +----------------------+
window_procedure: cmp dword[esp+8],WM_DESTROY
               je wmDESTROY
               jmp dword [DefWindowProc]
wmDESTROY: invoke ExitProcess,ebx

wTitle db   'Iczelion Tutorial #3:The Simplest Window in FASM',0 ;name and class of our window
data import

 library KERNEL32, 'KERNEL32.DLL',\
         user32,   'USER32.DLL'
 import KERNEL32,\
               ExitProcess,        'ExitProcess'
 import user32,\
                RegisterClass,      'RegisterClassA',\
                CreateWindowEx,     'CreateWindowExA',\
                DefWindowProc,      'DefWindowProcA',\
                GetMessage,         'GetMessageA',\
                DispatchMessage,    'DispatchMessageA'
end data    
Post 09 Feb 2015, 06:35
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Joined: 30 Dec 2014
Posts: 130
Location: Russian Federation, Irkutsk
Mikl___ 09 Feb 2015, 06:38
The fourth lesson
format PE GUI
include 'win32ax.inc'
; import data in the same section

          xor ebx,ebx
          mov edi,wTitle
          mov esi,400000h
          ; +------------------------------+
          ; | registering the window class |
          ; +------------------------------+
          invoke RegisterClass,esp,CS_HREDRAW or CS_VREDRAW,WndProc,ebx,\
          ; +--------------------------+
          ; | creating the main window |
          ; +--------------------------+
          push ebx esi ebx ebx
          shl esi,9
          invoke CreateWindowEx,ebx,edi,edi,WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW+WS_VISIBLE,\
          mov ebp,esp
          ; +---------------------------+
          ; | entering the message loop |
          ; +---------------------------+
message_loop: invoke GetMessage,ebp,ebx,ebx,ebx
          invoke DispatchMessage,ebp
          jmp message_loop
          ; +----------------------+
          ; | the window procedure |
          ; +----------------------+
proc WndProc hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam
local expRect:RECT

                        mov eax,[uMsg]
                        mov edi,[hWnd]
                        dec eax; cmp uMsg,WM_DESTROY
                        dec eax
                        je wmDESTROY
                        sub eax,WM_PAINT-WM_DESTROY; cmp uMsg,WM_PAINT
                        je   wmPAINT
                        jmp dword [DefWindowProc]
wmPAINT:        invoke BeginPaint,edi,esp
                        lea esi,[expRect]
                        invoke GetClientRect,edi,esi,eax
                        invoke DrawText,dword[esp+16],expTxt,-1,esi,DT_SINGLELINE or DT_CENTER or DT_VCENTER
                        invoke EndPaint,edi,esp
wmDESTROY:       invoke ExitProcess,eax
      wTitle    db   'Iczelion Tutorial #4:Painting with Text',0 ;name of our window
      expTxt    db   'Win32 assembly with FASM is great and easy',0
data import

 library KERNEL32, 'KERNEL32.DLL',\
         user32,   'USER32.DLL'
 import KERNEL32,\
               ExitProcess,        'ExitProcess'
 import user32,\
                RegisterClass,      'RegisterClassA',\
                CreateWindowEx,     'CreateWindowExA',\
                DefWindowProc,      'DefWindowProcA',\
                GetMessage,         'GetMessageA',\
                BeginPaint,         'BeginPaint',\
                GetClientRect,      'GetClientRect',\
                DrawText,           'DrawTextA',\
                EndPaint,           'EndPaint',\
                DispatchMessage,    'DispatchMessageA'
end data    
Post 09 Feb 2015, 06:38
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Joined: 30 Dec 2014
Posts: 130
Location: Russian Federation, Irkutsk
Mikl___ 09 Feb 2015, 06:48
The fourth lesson (application "A")
format PE GUI
include 'win32ax.inc'
; import data in the same section
          xor ebx,ebx
          mov edi,wTitle
          mov esi,400000h
          ; +------------------------------+
          ; | registering the window class |
          ; +------------------------------+
          invoke CreateSolidBrush,0FF0000h,ebx,edi;blue brush
          invoke RegisterClass,esp,CS_HREDRAW or CS_VREDRAW,WndProc,ebx,\
          ; +--------------------------+
          ; | creating the main window |
          ; +--------------------------+
          push ebx esi ebx ebx
          shl esi,9
          invoke CreateWindowEx,ebx,edi,edi,WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW+WS_VISIBLE,\
          invoke SetTimer,eax,ebx,50,ebx;create timer #0 for 50mSec
          mov ebp,esp
          ; +---------------------------+
          ; | entering the message loop |
          ; +---------------------------+
message_loop: invoke GetMessage,ebp,ebx,ebx,ebx
          invoke DispatchMessage,ebp
          jmp message_loop
          ; +----------------------+
          ; | the window procedure |
          ; +----------------------+
proc WndProc hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam
local expRect:RECT
local expSize:SIZE
local newfont:DWORD
local oldfont:DWORD
                        mov eax,[uMsg]
                        mov edi,[hWnd]
                        dec eax; cmp uMsg,WM_DESTROY
                        dec eax
                        je wmDESTROY
                        sub eax,WM_PAINT-WM_DESTROY; cmp uMsg,WM_PAINT
                        je   wmPAINT
                        sub eax,WM_TIMER-WM_PAINT; cmp uMsg,WM_PAINT
                        je   wmTIMER                    
                        jmp dword [DefWindowProc]
wmTIMER:        invoke InvalidateRect,edi,ebx,1
                        add [angle],16 
                        jmp wmBYE
wmPAINT:        invoke BeginPaint,edi,esp
                        mov ecx,[angle]
                        invoke    CreateFont,26,12,ecx,ecx,400,ebx,ebx,ebx,\
                                   DEFAULT_PITCH or FF_SCRIPT,\
                                   font,eax ;default font object
                        mov [newfont],eax          
                        invoke    SelectObject,dword[esp+4],eax
                        mov [oldfont],eax
                        lea esi,[expRect]
                        invoke GetClientRect,edi,esi
                        invoke SetTextColor,dword[esp+4],0x32C8C8;RGB=50,200,200 
                        invoke SetBkColor,dword[esp+4],0xFF0000;RGB=0,0,255 
                        lea eax,[expSize]
                        invoke GetTextExtentPoint32,dword[esp+12],expTxt,len,eax
                        push len;Num-expTxt 
                        push expTxt
                        push 0.0017453292519943295769236907684886;=pi/1800
                        push eax
                        fld dword[esp+4]
                        mov eax,[angle]
                        add eax,1800
                        mov [esp+4],eax
                        fimul dword[esp+4]
                        mov eax,[expSize+SIZE.cy]
                        mul eax 
                        mov [esp+4],eax
                        mov eax,[expSize+SIZE.cx]
                        mul eax 
                        add [esp+4],eax
                        shr dword[esp+4],2
                        fild dword[esp+4]
                        fistp dword[esp+4]
                        fimul dword[esp+4]
                        fistp dword[esp]
                        fimul dword[esp+4]
                        fistp dword[esp+4];-y
                        mov eax,[esi+RECT.bottom]
                        shr eax,1
                        add [esp+4],eax
                        mov ecx,[esi+RECT.right]
                        shr ecx,1
                        add [esp],ecx
                        invoke TextOut,dword[esp+16]
                        invoke DeleteObject,[newfont]
                        invoke SelectObject,dword[esp+4],[oldfont]
                        invoke EndPaint,edi,esp
wmBYE:          ret
wmDESTROY:      invoke KillTimer,ebx
                        invoke ExitProcess,eax
      wTitle    db   'Iczelion Tutorial #4-1:Painting with Rotation Text',0 ;name of our window
      expTxt    db   'Win32 assembly with FASM is great and easy'
          len = $ - expTxt
          font  db "script",0
      angle     dd   0
      buffer    rb   30
data import

 library KERNEL32, 'KERNEL32.DLL',\
         user32,   'USER32.DLL',\
         gdi32,    'gdi32.dll'
 import KERNEL32,\
                ExitProcess,        'ExitProcess'
 import user32,\
                RegisterClass,      'RegisterClassA',\
                CreateWindowEx,     'CreateWindowExA',\
                DefWindowProc,      'DefWindowProcA',\
                GetMessage,             'GetMessageA',\
                BeginPaint,             'BeginPaint',\
                GetClientRect,      'GetClientRect',\
                EndPaint,               'EndPaint',\
                SetTimer,               'SetTimer',\
                KillTimer,              'KillTimer',\
                InvalidateRect,     'InvalidateRect',\          
                DispatchMessage,    'DispatchMessageA'
  import gdi32,\
                TextOut,                'TextOutA',\
                CreateFont,             'CreateFontA',\
                SetTextColor,       'SetTextColor',\
                SetBkColor,             'SetBkColor',\
                SelectObject,       'SelectObject',\
                DeleteObject,           'DeleteObject',\
                CreateSolidBrush,   'CreateSolidBrush'
end data    

Filesize: 56.71 KB
Viewed: 5588 Time(s)


Last edited by Mikl___ on 10 Feb 2015, 06:57; edited 1 time in total
Post 09 Feb 2015, 06:48
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Joined: 25 Jul 2010
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typedef 10 Feb 2015, 03:42
I don't think you should call these alternatives. Perhaps supplements.
Post 10 Feb 2015, 03:42
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Joined: 30 Dec 2014
Posts: 130
Location: Russian Federation, Irkutsk
Mikl___ 10 Feb 2015, 05:35
Hi, typedef !
Well, let it be supplements, I don't mind... Image
Post 10 Feb 2015, 05:35
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Joined: 30 Dec 2014
Posts: 130
Location: Russian Federation, Irkutsk
Mikl___ 10 Feb 2015, 08:55
Lesson# 4B
format PE GUI
include 'win32ax.inc'
; import data in the same section
ZZZ_STATIC              equ 1
ZZZ_TEXTOUT             equ 3
ZZZ_SETTEXT             equ 8
ZZZ_EXIT                equ 9
IDM_MENU                equ 101
IDM_MAINMENU    equ 101

  x             rd 1
  y             rd 1
  n             rd 1
  lpStr     rd 1
  uiFlags   rd 1
  icl           RECT
  pdx           rd 1

          xor ebx,ebx
          mov edi,wTitle
          mov esi,400000h
          ; +------------------------------+
          ; | registering the window class |
          ; +------------------------------+
          invoke RegisterClass,esp,ebx,WndProc,ebx,\
          ; +--------------------------+
          ; | creating the main window |
          ; +--------------------------+
          push ebx esi ebx ebx
          shl esi,9
          invoke CreateWindowEx,ebx,edi,edi,WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW+WS_VISIBLE+WS_VSCROLL ,\
          invoke CreateWindowEx,ebx,static,expTxt0,WS_CHILD + SS_LEFT,\
          mov [hStaticText],eax
          mov ebp,esp
          ; +---------------------------+
          ; | entering the message loop |
          ; +---------------------------+
message_loop: invoke GetMessage,ebp,ebx,ebx,ebx
          invoke DispatchMessage,ebp
          jmp message_loop
          ; +----------------------+
          ; | the window procedure |
          ; +----------------------+
proc WndProc hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam
local expRect:RECT
local expSize:SIZE

                        mov eax,[uMsg]
                        mov edi,[hWnd]
                        dec eax; cmp uMsg,WM_DESTROY
                        dec eax
                        je .wmDESTROY
                        sub eax,WM_PAINT-WM_DESTROY; cmp uMsg,WM_PAINT
                        je .wmPAINT
                        sub eax,WM_COMMAND-WM_PAINT; cmp uMsg,WM_COMMAND=111h
                        je .wmCOMMAND
                        sub eax,WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC-WM_COMMAND;WM_CTLCOLORSTATIC=138h
                        je .wmCTLCOLORSTATIC
.wmDEFAULT:     leave
                        jmp dword [DefWindowProc]
.wmCTLCOLORSTATIC: invoke SetBkColor,dword[wParam],0DEEBEFh
                        invoke GetStockObject,NULL_BRUSH
                        jmp .wmBYE
.wmPAINT:       lea esi,[expRect]
                        invoke GetClientRect,edi,esi
                        add [esi+RECT.bottom],400
                        invoke BeginPaint,edi,esp
                        invoke FillRect,eax,esi,COLOR_BTNFACE+1
                        invoke SetBkMode,dword[esp+4],TRANSPARENT
                        mov eax,[Page]
                        jmp [handle+eax*4]
.STATICText:invoke ShowWindow,[hStaticText],SW_SHOW
                        jmp .1
.TextOut1:      invoke TextOut,dword[esp+4*4],40,100,expTxt3A,expTxt3B-expTxt3A-1
                        invoke TextOut,dword[esp+4*4],40,120,expTxt3B,expTxt3C-expTxt3B-1
                        invoke TextOut,dword[esp+4*4],40,140,expTxt3C,expTxt3D-expTxt3C-1
                        invoke TextOut,dword[esp+4*4],40,160,expTxt3D,expTxt3E-expTxt3D-1
                        invoke TextOut,dword[esp+4*4],40,180,expTxt3E,expTxt4 -expTxt3E-1
                        jmp .1
.TabbedTextOut1:   invoke TabbedTextOut,dword[esp+28],40,40,expTxt4,-1,ebx,ebx,ebx
                        jmp .1
.DrawText1:     invoke DrawText,dword[esp+16],expTxt1,-1,esi,DT_WORDBREAK
                        jmp .1
.ExtTextOut1:invoke ExtTextOut,dword[esp+28],40,40,ebx,esi,expTxt2,expTxt3A-expTxt2-1,ebx
                        jmp .1
.PolyTextOut1:lea eax,[expSize]
                        invoke GetTextExtentPoint32,dword[esp+12],expTxt8,pptxt-expTxt8-1,eax
                        mov eax,[esi+RECT.bottom]
                        lea eax,[eax+eax*4]
                        shr eax,4
                        lea ecx,[pptxt]
                        mov [ecx+POLYTEXTA.x],eax
                        mov eax,[esi+RECT.right]
                        sub eax,[expSize+SIZE.cx]
                        shr eax,1
                        mov [ecx+POLYTEXTA.y],eax
                        mov dword[ecx+POLYTEXTA.n],pptxt-expTxt8-1
                        mov dword[ecx+POLYTEXTA.lpStr],expTxt8
                        mov dword[ecx+POLYTEXTA.uiFlags],ETO_OPAQUE     
                        mov [ecx+POLYTEXTA.icl],esi
                        invoke PolyTextOut,dword[esp+8],ecx,1
                        jmp .1
.SetText1:      invoke SendMessage,dword[hWnd],WM_SETTEXT,ebx,expTxt7
.NullText:      jmp .1
.wmCOMMAND:     mov eax,[wParam]
                        cmp eax,ZZZ_EXIT;03
                        je .wmDESTROY;menu_exit
                        mov [Page],eax
                        invoke SendMessage,dword[hWnd],WM_SETTEXT,ebx,wTitle
                        invoke ShowWindow,[hStaticText],SW_HIDE
                        invoke InvalidateRect,edi,ebx,ebx
                        jmp .wmBYE
.DrawTextEx1:invoke DrawTextEx,dword[esp+20],expTxt5,-1,esi,DT_LEFT+DT_WORDBREAK+DT_EXPANDTABS+\
.1:                     invoke EndPaint,edi,esp
.wmBYE:         ret
.wmDESTROY:     invoke ExitProcess,ebx
handle  dd WndProc.NullText,WndProc.STATICText,WndProc.DrawTextEx1,WndProc.TextOut1
                dd WndProc.TabbedTextOut1,WndProc.DrawText1,WndProc.PolyTextOut1,WndProc.ExtTextOut1
                dd WndProc.SetText1
     ;exp = experiment
hStaticText rd 1
static          db "STATIC",0
wTitle          db 'Iczelion Tutorial #5-2:few ways of Text output in FASM',0 ;name of our window
Page        dd 0
expTxt0   db   '1) Text output using STATIC ', 10,' Understands newlines and tabs line ', 10
       db 'does not require processing WM_PAINT messages',0
expTxt1   db   '5) To display multiple lines of text within the boundaries of a given rectangular area using DrawText API ', 10,' description ', 10
db 'function DrawText (DC: HDC; Str: PChar; Count: Integer; var Rect: TRect; Format: Word): Integer;', 10
db 'Draws fopmatipovanny text. Type fopmatipovaniya indicated PARAMETERS Format. If not explicitly dt_NoClip, ', 10
db 'text vypezaetsya in ogpanichivayuschy ppyamougolnik.', 10, 'PARAMETERS:', 10
db 'DC: symbols are device context.', 10, 'Str: you draw with string. If Count = -1, it must end with a null character. ', 10
db 'Rect: TRect, ogpanichivayuschy text.', 10, 'Format: One or more constants: dt_Bottom, dt_CalcRect, dt_Center, dt_ExpandTabs,', 10
db 'dt_ExternalLeading, dt_Left, dt_NoClip, dt_NoPrefix, dt_Right, dt_SingleLine, dt_TabStop, dt_Top, dt_VCenter and', 10
db 'dt_WordBreak. See. Section "Flags fopmatipovaniya text DURING pisovanii, dt_" in Chapter 1. ', 10
db 'Return value: The height of the text.', 10, 'function is in a file user32.dll',0
      expTxt2   db   '7) ExtTextOut function allows you to output text string '
db 'in the specified rectangle using the current font and manages Background mode',0
expTxt3A db '3) Text output using TextOut. Function displays the text ',0
expTxt3B db 'in the given coordinates, which are always given with respect',0
expTxt3C db 'to the (upper left corner) of the window. Does not understand hyphens and',0
expTxt3D db 'tabs line. When redrawing the workspace required to provide processing',0
expTxt3E db 'WM_PAINT. To display these lines TextOut function calls five times!',0   
      expTxt4   db   '4) To create a multi-column table with aligned columns of text, use ',9,' TabbedTextOut API',0
expTxt5   db   '2) The DrawText function draws formatted text in the specified rectangle. It formats the text according to the specified method (expanding tabs, justifying characters, breaking lines, and so forth). '
db ' To specify additional formatting options, use the DrawTextEx function.',0
expTxt7   db   'Text output in the window title through SendMessage',0
expTxt8   db 'Text output using PolyTextOut API',0
pptxt POLYTEXTA ;0,40,Numb,expTxt7,ETO_OPAQUE,ebx,ebx,10,10,ebx
data import
 library KERNEL32, 'KERNEL32.DLL',\
         gdi32,    'gdi32.dll',\
         user32,   'USER32.DLL'
 import KERNEL32,\
               ExitProcess,                     'ExitProcess'
import gdi32,\
               TextOut,                         'TextOutA',\
               ExtTextOut,                      'ExtTextOutA',\
               SetTextColor,            'SetTextColor',\
               SetBkColor,                      'SetBkColor',\
               GetStockObject,          'GetStockObject',\
               SetTextAlign,            'SetTextAlign',\
                   PolyTextOut,                 'PolyTextOutA',\
               SetBkMode,                       'SetBkMode'
 import user32,\
                RegisterClass,          'RegisterClassA',\
                GetClientRect,          'GetClientRect',\
                CreateWindowEx,         'CreateWindowExA',\
                DefWindowProc,          'DefWindowProcA',\
                GetMessage,                     'GetMessageA',\
                DispatchMessage,        'DispatchMessageA',\
                DestroyWindow,          'DestroyWindow',\
                BeginPaint,                     'BeginPaint',\
                EndPaint,                       'EndPaint',\
                FillRect,                       'FillRect',\
                GetDC,                          'GetDC',\
                DrawTextEx,                     'DrawTextExA',\
                DrawText,                       'DrawTextA',\
                ReleaseDC,                      'ReleaseDC',\
                ShowWindow,                     'ShowWindow',\
                InvalidateRect,         'InvalidateRect',\
                TabbedTextOut,          'TabbedTextOutA',\
                SendMessage,            'SendMessageA'

end data
align 4
data resource
     directory RT_MENU,appMenu

     resource  appMenu,\

     menu IDR_MAINMENU
          menuitem 'Text Output',0,MFR_POPUP
          menuitem 'Static',ZZZ_STATIC,MFT_STRING
          menuitem 'DrawTextEx',ZZZ_DRAWTEXTEX,MFT_STRING
          menuitem 'TextOut',ZZZ_TEXTOUT,MFT_STRING
          menuitem 'TabbedTextOut',ZZZ_TABBEDTEXTOUT,MFT_STRING
          menuitem 'DrawText',ZZZ_DRAWTEXT,MFT_STRING
          menuitem 'PolyTextOut',ZZZ_POLYTEXTOUT,MFT_STRING
          menuitem 'ExtTextOut',ZZZ_EXTTEXTOUT,MFT_STRING
          menuitem 'Settext',ZZZ_SETTEXT,MFT_STRING
          menuitem '&Exit',ZZZ_EXIT,MFR_END

          menuitem '&Exit',ZZZ_EXIT,MFR_END
end data    

Filesize: 48.15 KB
Viewed: 5501 Time(s)


Filename: ftut_04-2.zip
Filesize: 5.58 KB
Downloaded: 346 Time(s)

Last edited by Mikl___ on 13 Feb 2015, 08:10; edited 2 times in total
Post 10 Feb 2015, 08:55
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Mikl___ 10 Feb 2015, 08:58
Lesson# 5
format PE GUI
include 'win32ax.inc'
; import data in the same section

          xor ebx,ebx
          mov edi,wTitle
          mov esi,400000h
          ; +------------------------------+
          ; | registering the window class |
          ; +------------------------------+
          invoke RegisterClass,esp,ebx,WndProc,\
          ; +--------------------------+
          ; | creating the main window |
          ; +--------------------------+
          push ebx esi ebx ebx
          shl esi,9
          invoke CreateWindowEx,ebx,edi,edi,WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW+WS_VISIBLE,\
          mov ebp,esp
          ; +---------------------------+
          ; | entering the message loop |
          ; +---------------------------+
message_loop: invoke GetMessage,ebp,ebx,ebx,ebx
          invoke DispatchMessage,ebp
          jmp message_loop
          ; +----------------------+
          ; | the window procedure |
          ; +----------------------+
proc WndProc hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam

                 mov eax,[uMsg]
                 mov edi,[hWnd]
                 dec eax; cmp uMsg,WM_DESTROY
                 dec eax
                 je .wmDESTROY
                 sub eax,WM_PAINT-WM_DESTROY; cmp uMsg,WM_PAINT
                 je .wmPAINT
                 jmp dword [DefWindowProc]
.wmPAINT:invoke BeginPaint,edi,esp
                 invoke    GetCurrentObject,eax,ebx;OBJ_FONT
                 invoke    CreateFont,26,12,ebx,ebx,400,ebx,ebx,ebx,\
                                   DEFAULT_PITCH or FF_SCRIPT,\
                                   fontname,eax ;default font object
                    invoke    SelectObject,dword[esp+8],eax
                    invoke    SetTextColor,dword[esp+8],0x32C8C8;RGB=50,200,200
                    invoke    SetBkColor,dword[esp+8],0xFF0000;RGB=0,0,255
                    invoke    TextOut,dword[esp+20],ebx,ebx,expTxt,Num
                    invoke    SelectObject,dword[esp];esi
                    invoke    EndPaint,edi,esp

.wmDESTROY:      invoke ExitProcess,ebx
     ;exp = experiment
fontname        db "script",0
wTitle          db   'Iczelion Tutorial #5:More about Text',0 ;name of our window
expTxt          db   'Win32 assembly with FASM is great and easy'
Num = $ - expTxt

data import

 library KERNEL32, 'KERNEL32.DLL',\
         GDI32,    'GDI32.DLL',\
         user32,   'USER32.DLL'
 import KERNEL32,\
               ExitProcess,        'ExitProcess'
 import user32,\
                RegisterClass,      'RegisterClassA',\
                CreateWindowEx,     'CreateWindowExA',\
                DefWindowProc,      'DefWindowProcA',\
                GetMessage,         'GetMessageA',\
                BeginPaint,         'BeginPaint',\
                EndPaint,           'EndPaint',\
                DispatchMessage,    'DispatchMessageA'
  import    GDI32,\
               CreateFont,         'CreateFontA',\
               SetTextColor,       'SetTextColor',\
               SetBkColor,         'SetBkColor',\
               TextOut,            'TextOutA',\
               GetCurrentObject,   'GetCurrentObject',\
               SelectObject,       'SelectObject'

end data    

Filesize: 37.88 KB
Viewed: 5500 Time(s)


Last edited by Mikl___ on 13 Feb 2015, 08:14; edited 3 times in total
Post 10 Feb 2015, 08:58
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Location: Russian Federation, Irkutsk
Mikl___ 10 Feb 2015, 09:02
Lesson# 6
format PE GUI
include 'win32ax.inc'
; import data in the same section

          xor ebx,ebx
          mov edi,wTitle
          mov esi,400000h
          ; +------------------------------+
          ; | registering the window class |
          ; +------------------------------+
          invoke RegisterClass,esp,ebx,WndProc,ebx,\
          ; +--------------------------+
          ; | creating the main window |
          ; +--------------------------+
          push ebx esi ebx ebx
          shl esi,9
          invoke CreateWindowEx,ebx,edi,edi,WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW+\
          mov ebp,esp
          ; +---------------------------+
          ; | entering the message loop |
          ; +---------------------------+
message_loop: invoke GetMessage,ebp,ebx,ebx,ebx
          invoke TranslateMessage,ebp
          invoke DispatchMessage,ebp
          jmp message_loop
          ; +----------------------+
          ; | the window procedure |
          ; +----------------------+
proc WndProc hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam

                        mov eax,[uMsg]
                        mov edi,[hWnd]
                        mov esi,expChar
                        sub eax,WM_DESTROY
                        je .wmDESTROY
                        sub eax,WM_PAINT-WM_DESTROY; cmp uMsg,WM_PAINT
                        je .wmPAINT
                        sub eax,WM_CHAR-WM_PAINT
                        je .wmCHAR
                        jmp dword [DefWindowProc]

.wmCHAR:        push dword [wParam]
                        pop dword  [esi]
                        invoke InvalidateRect,edi,eax,TRUE
                        jmp .wmBYE

.wmPAINT:       invoke BeginPaint,edi,esp
                        invoke TextOut,eax,182,100,Message,expChar-Message-1
                        invoke TextOut,dword[esp+16],242,150,esi,1
                        invoke EndPaint,edi,esp
.wmBYE:         ret

.wmDESTROY:      invoke ExitProcess,eax
     ;exp = experiment
      wTitle    db   'Iczelion Tutorial #6:Keyboard Input in FASM',0 ;name of our window
      Message   db 'Press any key',0
      expChar   dd '?'
data import

 library KERNEL32, 'KERNEL32.DLL',\
         user32,   'USER32.DLL',\
         GDI32,    'GDI32.DLL'
 import KERNEL32,\
               ExitProcess,        'ExitProcess'
 import user32,\
                RegisterClass,      'RegisterClassA',\
                CreateWindowEx,     'CreateWindowExA',\
                DefWindowProc,      'DefWindowProcA',\
                GetMessage,         'GetMessageA',\
                BeginPaint,         'BeginPaint',\
                EndPaint,           'EndPaint',\
                DispatchMessage,    'DispatchMessageA',\
                TranslateMessage,   'TranslateMessage',\
                InvalidateRect,     'InvalidateRect'
  import    GDI32,\
               TextOut,            'TextOutA'

end data    

Filesize: 27.43 KB
Viewed: 5498 Time(s)


Last edited by Mikl___ on 13 Feb 2015, 08:13; edited 1 time in total
Post 10 Feb 2015, 09:02
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Location: Russian Federation, Irkutsk
Mikl___ 12 Feb 2015, 02:43
Lesson# 7
format PE GUI
include 'win32ax.inc'
; import data in the same section
          xor ebx,ebx
          mov edi,wTitle
          mov esi,400000h
          ; +------------------------------+
          ; | registering the window class |
          ; +------------------------------+
          invoke RegisterClass,esp,ebx,WndProc,ebx,\
          ; +--------------------------+
          ; | creating the main window |
          ; +--------------------------+
          push ebx esi ebx ebx
          shl esi,9
          invoke CreateWindowEx,ebx,edi,edi,WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW+\
          mov ebp,esp
          ; +---------------------------+
          ; | entering the message loop |
          ; +---------------------------+
message_loop: invoke GetMessage,ebp,ebx,ebx,ebx
          invoke DispatchMessage,ebp
          jmp message_loop
          ; +----------------------+
          ; | the window procedure |
          ; +----------------------+
proc WndProc hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam
local Rect:RECT

                  mov eax,[uMsg]
                  mov edi,[hWnd]
                  dec eax; cmp uMsg,WM_DESTROY
                  dec eax
                  je .wmDESTROY
                  sub eax,WM_PAINT-WM_DESTROY; cmp uMsg,WM_PAINT
                  je .wmPAINT
                  sub eax,WM_LBUTTONDOWN-WM_PAINT;cmp eax,WM_LBUTTONDOWN
                  je .wmLBUTTONDOWN
                  sub eax,WM_RBUTTONDOWN-WM_LBUTTONDOWN
                  je .wmRBUTTONDOWN
                  jmp dword [DefWindowProc]
.wmPAINT:         mov ebx,[nextRect]
                  inc ebx;cmp nextRect,-1
                  jz .1
                  invoke BeginPaint,edi,esp
                  invoke SetBkMode,eax,TRANSPARENT
.3:               mov edx,8
                  mov eax,[ebx*4+recs-4]
                  mov ecx,eax
                  shl ecx,1
                  jnc @f
                  shl edx,1
@@:               shr ecx,17
                  push [PS+edx] [PS+edx+4] ecx 
                  push word 0
                  push ax
                  invoke  TextOut,dword[esp+16]
                  dec  ebx
                  jnz .3
                  invoke EndPaint,edi,esp
                  jmp .1
.wmLBUTTONDOWN:   mov eax,80000000h
.wmRBUTTONDOWN:   add eax,[lParam]
                  cmp [nextRect],MAXRECTS-1
                  jge short @f
                  inc [nextRect]
                  mov ecx,[nextRect]
                  mov [ecx*4+recs],eax
                  movzx edx,ax
                  shl eax,1
                  shr eax,17
                  lea esi,[Rect]
                  mov [esi+RECT.left],edx
                  mov [esi+RECT.top],eax
                  add edx,150
                  mov [esi+RECT.right],edx
                  add eax,20
                  mov [esi+RECT.bottom],eax
                  invoke InvalidateRect,edi,esi,ebx
                  jmp .1
@@:               invoke MessageBeep,ebx
.1:               ret

.wmDESTROY:      invoke ExitProcess,ebx
     ;exp = experiment
      wTitle    db   'Iczelion Tutorial #7:Mouse Input',0 ;name of our window
      text1     db 'Right Mouse Click'
      text2     db 'Left Mouse Click '
      PS        dd 0,0,text2-text1, text1, PS-text2, text2
      recs      dd MAXRECTS dup (?)
      nextRect  dd      -1
data import

 library KERNEL32, 'KERNEL32.DLL',\
         user32,   'USER32.DLL',\
         GDI32,    'GDI32.DLL'
 import KERNEL32,\
               ExitProcess,        'ExitProcess'
 import user32,\
                RegisterClass,      'RegisterClassA',\
                CreateWindowEx,     'CreateWindowExA',\
                DefWindowProc,      'DefWindowProcA',\
                GetMessage,         'GetMessageA',\
                BeginPaint,         'BeginPaint',\
                EndPaint,           'EndPaint',\
                DispatchMessage,    'DispatchMessageA',\
                InvalidateRect,     'InvalidateRect',\
                MessageBeep,        'MessageBeep'
  import    GDI32,\
               TextOut,            'TextOutA',\
               SetBkMode,          'SetBkMode'
end data    
#7-1: Creating a cursor and icons from file
format PE GUI
include 'win32ax.inc'
; import data in the same section
          xor ebx,ebx
          mov edi,wTitle
          mov esi,400000h
          invoke LoadCursorFromFile,"Images\cursor.cur",COLOR_WINDOW+1,ebx,edi
          ; +------------------------------+
          ; | registering the window class |
          ; +------------------------------+
          invoke RegisterClass,esp,ebx,window_procedure,\
          ; +--------------------------+
          ; | creating the main window |
          ; +--------------------------+
          push ebx
          push esi
          shl esi,9
          invoke CreateWindowEx,ebx,edi,edi,WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW+WS_VISIBLE,\
          mov ebp,esp
          ; +---------------------------+
          ; | entering the message loop |
          ; +---------------------------+
message_loop: invoke GetMessage,ebp,ebx,ebx,ebx
          invoke DispatchMessage,ebp
          jmp message_loop
          ; +----------------------+
          ; | the window procedure |
          ; +----------------------+
window_procedure: cmp dword[esp+0x08],WM_DESTROY
               je wmDESTROY
               jmp dword [DefWindowProc]
wmDESTROY: invoke ExitProcess,ebx
wTitle db   'Iczelion Tutorial #7-1:Creating a cursor and icons from file in FASM',0 ;name of our window
data import

 library KERNEL32, 'KERNEL32.DLL',\
         user32,   'USER32.DLL'
 import KERNEL32,\
               ExitProcess,        'ExitProcess'
 import user32,\
                RegisterClass,      'RegisterClassA',\
                CreateWindowEx,     'CreateWindowExA',\
                DefWindowProc,      'DefWindowProcA',\
                GetMessage,         'GetMessageA',\
                DispatchMessage,    'DispatchMessageA',\
                LoadCursorFromFile, 'LoadCursorFromFileA'
end data    

#7-2: Creating a cursor and icons from resources
format PE GUI
include 'win32ax.inc'
  ID_CURSOR = 18
; import data in the same section

          xor ebx,ebx
          mov edi,wTitle
          mov esi,400000h
          invoke LoadCursor,esi, ID_CURSOR,COLOR_WINDOW+1,ebx,edi
          ; +------------------------------+
          ; | registering the window class |
          ; +------------------------------+
          invoke RegisterClass,esp,ebx,window_procedure,\
          ; +--------------------------+
          ; | creating the main window |
          ; +--------------------------+
          push ebx esi ebx ebx
          shl esi,9
          invoke CreateWindowEx,ebx,edi,edi,WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW+\
          mov ebp,esp
          ; +---------------------------+
          ; | entering the message loop |
          ; +---------------------------+
message_loop: invoke GetMessage,ebp,ebx,ebx,ebx
          invoke DispatchMessage,ebp
          jmp message_loop
          ; +----------------------+
          ; | the window procedure |
          ; +----------------------+
window_procedure: cmp dword[esp+0x08],WM_DESTROY
               je wmDESTROY
               jmp dword [DefWindowProc]
wmDESTROY: invoke ExitProcess,ebx
wTitle db 'Iczelion Tutorial #7-2: Creating a cursor and icons from resources in FASM',0 ;name of our window
data import

 library KERNEL32, 'KERNEL32.DLL',\
         user32,   'USER32.DLL'
 import KERNEL32,\
               ExitProcess,        'ExitProcess'
 import user32,\
                RegisterClass,      'RegisterClassA',\
                CreateWindowEx,     'CreateWindowExA',\
                DefWindowProc,      'DefWindowProcA',\
                GetMessage,         'GetMessageA',\
                DispatchMessage,    'DispatchMessageA',\
                LoadCursor,         'LoadCursorA'
end data
section '.rsrc' resource data readable

    directory RT_CURSOR,cursors,\

  resource cursors,\

  resource group_cursors,\

  cursor cursor1,cursor1_data,'Images\cursor.cur'    

Icon binary datas
format PE GUI
include 'win32ax.inc'
ICON_SIZE = 744  ;taille de Icon.ico (header=22 Image=744) total=766
; import data in the same section

          xor ebx,ebx
          mov edi,wTitle
          mov esi,400000h
          invoke LoadCursorFromFile,CursorFile,COLOR_WINDOW+1,ebx,edi
          ; +------------------------------+
          ; | registering the window class |
          ; +------------------------------+
          invoke RegisterClass,esp,ebx,WndProc,\
          ; +--------------------------+
          ; | creating the main window |
          ; +--------------------------+
          push ebx esi ebx ebx
          shl esi,9
          invoke CreateWindowEx,ebx,edi,edi,WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW+WS_VISIBLE,\
          invoke CreateIconFromResource,ptIcon,ICON_SIZE,-1,030000h
          mov [hIcon],eax
          mov ebp,esp
          ; +---------------------------+
          ; | entering the message loop |
          ; +---------------------------+
message_loop: invoke GetMessage,ebp,ebx,ebx,ebx
          invoke DispatchMessage,ebp
          jmp message_loop
          ; +----------------------+
          ; | the window procedure |
          ; +----------------------+
proc WndProc hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam

            mov eax,[uMsg]
            mov edi,[hWnd]
            dec eax
            dec eax;cmp d[esp+0x08],WM_DESTROY
            jz .wmDESTROY
            sub eax,WM_PAINT-WM_DESTROY
            jz .wmPAINT
            jmp dword [DefWindowProc]

.wmPAINT:invoke BeginPaint,edi,esp
            invoke DrawIcon,eax,134,68,[hIcon]
            invoke EndPaint,edi,esp

.wmDESTROY: invoke ExitProcess,eax
wTitle     db   'Iczelion Tutorial #7-3:Icon binary datas in FASM',0 ;name of our window
hIcon      rd 1
ptIcon     FILE 'Images\Cursor.cur':22   ;skip the header of the file icon
CursorFile db 'Images\cursor.cur',0
data import

 library KERNEL32, 'KERNEL32.DLL',\
         user32,   'USER32.DLL'
 import KERNEL32,\
               ExitProcess,        'ExitProcess'
 import user32,\
                RegisterClass,      'RegisterClassA',\
                CreateWindowEx,     'CreateWindowExA',\
                DefWindowProc,      'DefWindowProcA',\
                GetMessage,         'GetMessageA',\
                DispatchMessage,    'DispatchMessageA',\
                LoadCursorFromFile, 'LoadCursorFromFileA',\
                BeginPaint,         'BeginPaint',\
                EndPaint,           'EndPaint',\
                DrawIcon,           'DrawIcon',\
                CreateIconFromResource, 'CreateIconFromResource'
end data    

Filesize: 28.98 KB
Viewed: 5541 Time(s)


Filename: lesson7.zip
Filesize: 8.4 KB
Downloaded: 354 Time(s)

Post 12 Feb 2015, 02:43
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Location: Russian Federation, Irkutsk
Mikl___ 12 Feb 2015, 06:02
Menu in FASM

Create a menu via a resource file
ASM file
format PE GUI
include 'win32ax.inc'
; import data in the same section
ZZZ_TEST equ 0
ZZZ_OPEN equ 1
ZZZ_SAVE equ 2
ZZZ_EXIT equ 3

          xor ebx,ebx
          mov edi,wTitle
          mov esi,400000h
          ; +------------------------------+
          ; | registering the window class |
          ; +------------------------------+
          invoke RegisterClass,esp,ebx,WndProc,ebx,\
          ; +--------------------------+
          ; | creating the main window |
          ; +--------------------------+
          push ebx esi ebx ebx
          shl esi,9
          invoke CreateWindowEx,ebx,edi,edi,WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW+\
          mov ebp,esp
          ; +---------------------------+
          ; | entering the message loop |
          ; +---------------------------+
message_loop: invoke GetMessage,ebp,ebx,ebx,ebx
          invoke DispatchMessage,ebp
          jmp message_loop
          ; +----------------------+
          ; | the window procedure |
          ; +----------------------+
proc WndProc,hWnd,uMsg,wParam,lParam
         mov eax,[uMsg]
         dec eax; cmp uMsg,WM_DESTROY
         dec eax
         je wmDESTROY
         sub eax,WM_COMMAND-WM_DESTROY; cmp uMsg,WM_PAINT
         je wmCOMMAND
         jmp dword [DefWindowProc]

wmCOMMAND: mov ebx,[wParam]
         cmp ebx,ZZZ_EXIT
         je wmDESTROY;menu_exit
         invoke MessageBox,[hWnd],[menu_handlers+ebx*4],menu_name,eax
wmDESTROY:  invoke ExitProcess,ebx
     ;exp = experiment
wTitle    db   'Iczelion Tutorial #8-1:Create a menu via a resource file in FASM',0 ;name of our window
menu_name       db      'ZZZ_Menu',0
test_msg        db      'You select menu item TEST',0
open_msg        db      'You select menu item OPEN',0
save_msg        db      'You select menu item SAVE',0
menu_handlers dd test_msg, open_msg, save_msg
data import

 library KERNEL32, 'KERNEL32.DLL',\
         user32,   'USER32.DLL'
 import KERNEL32,\
               ExitProcess,        'ExitProcess'
 import user32,\
                RegisterClass,      'RegisterClassA',\
                CreateWindowEx,     'CreateWindowExA',\
                DefWindowProc,      'DefWindowProcA',\
                GetMessage,         'GetMessageA',\
                DispatchMessage,    'DispatchMessageA',\
                DestroyWindow,      'DestroyWindow',\
                MessageBox,         'MessageBoxA'

end data
section '.rsrc' resource from 'ftut_08-01.res' data readable    

#define ZZZ_TEST 0
#define ZZZ_OPEN 1
#define ZZZ_SAVE 2
#define ZZZ_EXIT 3

        POPUP "&File"
        {       MENUITEM "&Test",ZZZ_TEST
                MENUITEM "&Open",ZZZ_OPEN
                MENUITEM "&Save",ZZZ_SAVE
                MENUITEM SEPARATOR
                MENUITEM "&Exit",ZZZ_EXIT
        MENUITEM "&Exit",ZZZ_EXIT
Create a menu function through LoadMenu
format PE GUI
include 'win32ax.inc'
; import data in the same section
ZZZ_TEST equ 0
ZZZ_OPEN equ 1
ZZZ_SAVE equ 2
ZZZ_EXIT equ 3

          xor ebx,ebx
          mov edi,wTitle
          mov esi,400000h
          ; +------------------------------+
          ; | registering the window class |
          ; +------------------------------+
          invoke RegisterClass,esp,ebx,WndProc,ebx,\
          ; +--------------------------+
          ; | creating the main window |
          ; +--------------------------+
          push ebx esi ebx ebx
          shl esi,9
          invoke CreateWindowEx,ebx,edi,edi,WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW+WS_VISIBLE,\
          mov ebp,esp
          ; +---------------------------+
          ; | entering the message loop |
          ; +---------------------------+
message_loop: invoke GetMessage,ebp,ebx,ebx,ebx
          invoke DispatchMessage,ebp
          jmp message_loop
          ; +----------------------+
          ; | the window procedure |
          ; +----------------------+
proc WndProc,hWnd,uMsg,wParam,lParam

                  mov eax,[uMsg]
                  dec eax; cmp uMsg,WM_DESTROY
                  dec eax
                  je wmDESTROY
                  sub eax,WM_COMMAND-WM_DESTROY; cmp uMsg,WM_PAINT
                  je wmCOMMAND
wmDEFAULT:        leave
                  jmp dword [DefWindowProc]

wmCOMMAND:        mov ebx,[wParam]
                  cmp ebx,ZZZ_EXIT;03
                  je wmDESTROY;menu_exit
show_msg:         invoke MessageBox,[hWnd],[menu_handlers+ebx*4],menu_name,eax
wmBYE:          ret

wmDESTROY:       invoke ExitProcess,ebx
     ;exp = experiment
wTitle    db   'Iczelion Tutorial #8-2:Create a menu function through LoadMenu in FASM',0 ;name of our window
menu_name       db      'ZZZ_Menu',0
test_msg        db      'You select menu item TEST',0
open_msg        db      'You select menu item OPEN',0
save_msg        db      'You select menu item SAVE',0
menu_handlers dd test_msg, open_msg, save_msg
data import
 library KERNEL32, 'KERNEL32.DLL',\
         user32,   'USER32.DLL'
 import KERNEL32,\
               ExitProcess,        'ExitProcess'
 import user32,\
                RegisterClass,      'RegisterClassA',\
                CreateWindowEx,     'CreateWindowExA',\
                DefWindowProc,      'DefWindowProcA',\
                GetMessage,         'GetMessageA',\
                DispatchMessage,    'DispatchMessageA',\
                DestroyWindow,      'DestroyWindow',\
                MessageBox,         'MessageBoxA'

end data
align 4
data resource
     directory RT_MENU,appMenu

     resource  appMenu,\

     menu menuMain
          menuitem '&File',0,MFR_POPUP
          menuitem '&Test',ZZZ_TEST,MFT_STRING
          menuitem '&Open',ZZZ_OPEN,MFT_STRING
          menuitem '&Save',ZZZ_SAVE,MFT_STRING
          menuitem '&Exit',ZZZ_EXIT,MFR_END

          menuitem '&Exit',ZZZ_EXIT,MFR_END
end data    
Creating menus via Template-structure
format PE GUI
include 'win32ax.inc'
; import data in the same section
ZZZ_TEST equ 0
ZZZ_OPEN equ 1
ZZZ_SAVE equ 2
ZZZ_EXIT equ 3
MFR_END    equ 80h
MFR_POPUP  equ 01h

          xor ebx,ebx
          mov edi,wTitle
          mov esi,400000h
          ; +------------------------------+
          ; | registering the window class |
          ; +------------------------------+
          invoke RegisterClass,esp,ebx,WndProc,ebx,\
          invoke    LoadMenuIndirect,appMenuTemplate
          ; +--------------------------+
          ; | creating the main window |
          ; +--------------------------+
          push ebx esi eax ebx
          shl esi,9
          invoke CreateWindowEx,ebx,edi,edi,WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW+WS_VISIBLE,\
          mov ebp,esp
          ; +---------------------------+
          ; | entering the message loop |
          ; +---------------------------+
message_loop: invoke GetMessage,ebp,ebx,ebx,ebx
          invoke DispatchMessage,ebp
          jmp message_loop
          ; +----------------------+
          ; | the window procedure |
          ; +----------------------+
proc WndProc,hWnd,uMsg,wParam,lParam

                        mov eax,[uMsg]
                        dec eax; cmp uMsg,WM_DESTROY
                        dec eax
                        je .wmDESTROY
                        sub eax,WM_COMMAND-WM_DESTROY; cmp uMsg,WM_PAINT
                        je .wmCOMMAND
.wmDEFAULT:     leave
                        jmp dword [DefWindowProc]
.wmCOMMAND:     mov ebx,[wParam]
                        cmp ebx,ZZZ_EXIT;03
                        je .wmDESTROY;menu_exit
                        invoke MessageBox,[hWnd],[menu_handlers+ebx*4],menu_name,eax
.wmBYE:         ret
.wmDESTROY:     invoke ExitProcess,ebx
     ;exp = experiment
wTitle    db   'Iczelion Tutorial #8-3: Creating menus via Template-structure in FASM',0 ;name of our window
menu_name       db      'ZZZ_Menu',0
test_msg        db      'You select menu item TEST',0
open_msg        db      'You select menu item OPEN',0
save_msg        db      'You select menu item SAVE',0
menu_handlers dd test_msg, open_msg, save_msg
appMenuTemplate dw 1    ; menu template version
                dw 4    ; offset from end of this word to menu item list
                dd 0    ; menu bar help ID
                dd MFT_STRING,MFS_ENABLED,0
                dw MFR_POPUP                    ; first column
                du '&File',0,0  ; pad to align 4
                dd 0                           ; popup help ID
                du 0,'&Test',0,0
                du 0,'&Open',0,0
                du 0,'&Save',0,0
                dd MFT_SEPARATOR,0,0
                dw 0,0    ; pad to align 4
                dw MFR_END                      ; bottom of column
                du '&Exit',0,0  ; pad to align 4
                dw MFR_END         ; second column, last one
                du '&Exit',0,0  ; pad to align 4
                dd 0                            ; popup help ID
data import
 library KERNEL32, 'KERNEL32.DLL',\
         user32,   'USER32.DLL'
 import KERNEL32,\
               ExitProcess,        'ExitProcess'
 import user32,\
                RegisterClass,      'RegisterClassA',\
                CreateWindowEx,     'CreateWindowExA',\
                DefWindowProc,      'DefWindowProcA',\
                GetMessage,         'GetMessageA',\
                DispatchMessage,    'DispatchMessageA',\
                DestroyWindow,      'DestroyWindow',\
                MessageBox,         'MessageBoxA',\
                LoadMenuIndirect,   'LoadMenuIndirectA'
end data    
Software creation menu
format PE GUI
include 'win32ax.inc'
; import data in the same section
ZZZ_TEST equ 0
ZZZ_OPEN equ 1
ZZZ_SAVE equ 2
ZZZ_EXIT equ 3

          xor ebx,ebx
          mov edi,wTitle
          mov esi,400000h
          ; +------------------------------+
          ; | registering the window class |
          ; +------------------------------+
          invoke RegisterClass,esp,ebx,WndProc,ebx,\
          ; +--------------------------+
          ; | creating the main window |
          ; +--------------------------+
          push ebx esi ebx ebx
          shl esi,9
          invoke CreateWindowEx,ebx,edi,edi,WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW+\
          mov ebp,esp
          ; +---------------------------+
          ; | entering the message loop |
          ; +---------------------------+
message_loop: invoke GetMessage,ebp,ebx,ebx,ebx
          invoke DispatchMessage,ebp
          jmp message_loop
          ; +----------------------+
          ; | the window procedure |
          ; +----------------------+
proc WndProc,hWnd,uMsg,wParam,lParam

          mov eax,[uMsg]
          dec eax; cmp uMsg,WM_CREATE
          je wmCREATE
          dec eax; cmp uMsg,WM_DESTROY
          je wmDESTROY
          sub eax,WM_COMMAND-WM_DESTROY; cmp uMsg,WM_PAINT
          je wmCOMMAND
          jmp dword [DefWindowProc]
wmCREATE: invoke CreatePopupMenu
          mov edi,eax;    mov hPopupMenu,eax
          lea esi,[AppendMenu]
          push menu_test1
          push ZZZ_TEST
          push MF_STRING
          push eax;hPopupMenu
          call dword [esi];_imp__AppendMenuA@16
          push menu_open1
          push ZZZ_OPEN
          push MF_STRING
          push edi;hPopupMenu
          call dword [esi];_imp__AppendMenuA@16
          push menu_save1
          push ZZZ_SAVE
          push MF_STRING
          push edi;hPopupMenu
          call dword [esi];_imp__AppendMenuA@16
          push ebx;0
          push ebx;0
          push MF_SEPARATOR
          push edi;hPopupMenu
          call dword [esi];_imp__AppendMenuA@16
          push menu_exit1
          push ZZZ_EXIT
          push MF_STRING
          push edi;hPopupMenu
          call dword [esi];_imp__AppendMenuA@16
          invoke CreateMenu,MF_POPUP,edi,menu_file
          mov edi,eax;mov edi,hMenu
          push edi;hMenu
          call dword [esi];_imp__AppendMenuA@16
          push menu_exit1
          push ZZZ_EXIT
          push MF_STRING
          push edi;hMenu
          call dword [esi];_imp__AppendMenuA@16
          invoke SetMenu,[hWnd],edi
          jmp wmBYE
wmCOMMAND: mov ebx,[wParam]
          cmp ebx,ZZZ_EXIT;03
          je wmDESTROY;menu_exit
show_msg: invoke MessageBox,[hWnd],[menu_handlers+ebx*4],menu_name,eax
wmBYE:    ret

wmDESTROY: invoke ExitProcess,ebx
     ;exp = experiment
wTitle    db   'Iczelion Tutorial #8-4: Software creation menu in FASM',0 ;name of our window
menu_file       db 'File',0
menu_test1      db 'Test',0
menu_open1      db 'Open',0
menu_save1      db 'Save',0
menu_exit1      db 'Exit',0
menu_name       db 'ZZZ_Menu',0
test_msg        db 'You select menu item TEST',0
open_msg        db 'You select menu item OPEN',0
save_msg        db 'You select menu item SAVE',0
menu_handlers dd test_msg, open_msg, save_msg
data import
 library KERNEL32, 'KERNEL32.DLL',\
         user32,   'USER32.DLL'
 import KERNEL32,\
               ExitProcess,        'ExitProcess'
 import user32,\
                RegisterClass,      'RegisterClassA',\
                CreateWindowEx,     'CreateWindowExA',\
                DefWindowProc,      'DefWindowProcA',\
                GetMessage,         'GetMessageA',\
                DispatchMessage,    'DispatchMessageA',\
                DestroyWindow,      'DestroyWindow',\
                MessageBox,         'MessageBoxA',\
                AppendMenu,         'AppendMenuA',\
                CreatePopupMenu,    'CreatePopupMenu',\
                CreateMenu,         'CreateMenu',\
                SetMenu,            'SetMenu'
end data    
Creating dynamic menu
format PE GUI
include 'win32ax.inc'
; import data in the same section

          xor ebx,ebx
          mov edi,wTitle
          mov esi,400000h
          ; +------------------------------+
          ; | registering the window class |
          ; +------------------------------+
          invoke RegisterClass,esp,CS_VREDRAW+CS_HREDRAW,\
          ; +--------------------------+
          ; | creating the main window |
          ; +--------------------------+
          push ebx esi ebx ebx
          shl esi,9
          invoke CreateWindowEx,ebx,edi,SPACE,WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW+\
          mov ebp,esp
          ; +---------------------------+
          ; | entering the message loop |
          ; +---------------------------+
message_loop: invoke GetMessage,ebp,ebx,ebx,ebx
          invoke DispatchMessage,ebp
          jmp message_loop
          ; +----------------------+
          ; | the window procedure |
          ; +----------------------+
proc WndProc,hWnd,uMsg,wParam,lParam
local buffer[100]:BYTE

                  mov eax,[uMsg]
                  mov edi,[hWnd]
                  dec eax; cmp uMsg,WM_CREATE
                  je wmCREATE
                  dec eax; cmp uMsg,WM_DESTROY
                  je wmDESTROY
                  sub eax,WM_COMMAND-WM_DESTROY; cmp uMsg,WM_PAINT
                  je wmCOMMAND
                  sub eax,WM_MENUSELECT-WM_COMMAND
                  je wmMENUSELECT
wmDEFAULT:        leave
                  jmp dword [DefWindowProc]

wmCOMMAND:        mov eax,[HWNDBTN];check to see if you pressed
                  cmp [lParam],eax
                  je YES_BUT
                  cmp word [wParam],5;check to see whether the selected menu item MENUC - exit
                  je wmDESTROY
                  cmp word [wParam],4;check to see whether the selected menu item with ID 5
                  jne FINISH
YES_BUT:;Processing pressing. first delete the text in the title
                  invoke SendMessage,edi,WM_SETTEXT,ebx,SPACE
                  dec [PRIZN]
                  jns l5
                  add [PRIZN],3;if (PRIZN < 0) PRIZN=2
                  jmp l5

wmCREATE:         invoke CreateWindowEx,ebx,CLSBUTN,CPBUT,STYLBTN,\
                  mov [HWNDBTN],eax;Remember handle button
l5:               ;download the desired menu
                  invoke LoadMenu,400000h,[PRIZN]
                  invoke SetMenu,edi,eax;set menu
                  jmp FINISH

wmMENUSELECT:     mov ecx,[lParam]
                  jecxz FINISH;skip the first message when accessing the menu
                  test word [wParam+2],MF_POPUP;check that activated - menu item or heading drop down menu
                  setne al
;filling structure for function call GetMenuItemInfo
                  lea esi,[MENI]
                  mov [esi+MENUITEMINFO.cbSize],sizeof.MENUITEMINFO
                  mov [esi+MENUITEMINFO.fMask],MIIM_TYPE
                  mov [esi+MENUITEMINFO.hSubMenu],ecx;MENI.hSubMenu:=lParam
                  mov [esi+MENUITEMINFO.dwTypeData],esp;Pointer to a buffer that receives the desired line
                  mov [esi+MENUITEMINFO.cch],100;sizeof.buffer;buffer length
                  push esi;receive information about the selected menu item
                  push eax
;if 0, then lword wParam menu item identifier
;if 1, the title number lword wParam drop-down menu
                  movzx eax,word [wParam]
                  invoke GetMenuItemInfo,ecx,eax
;check the function result
                  or eax,eax;cmp eax,0
                  jz FINISH
;display the name of the menu item as the title of all windows
                  invoke SendMessage,edi,WM_SETTEXT,ebx,[esi+MENUITEMINFO.dwTypeData]
FINISH:           leave
                  retn 0x10

wmDESTROY:       invoke ExitProcess,ebx
     ;exp = experiment
wTitle    db   'Iczelion Tutorial #8-5: Creating dynamic menu in FASM',0 ;name of our window
SPACE db 30 dup(32),0
CPBUT     db 'Change menu',0
HWNDBTN   dd 0
PRIZN dd 2
data import
 library KERNEL32, 'KERNEL32.DLL',\
         user32,   'USER32.DLL'
 import KERNEL32,\
                ExitProcess,        'ExitProcess'
 import user32,\
                RegisterClass,      'RegisterClassA',\
                CreateWindowEx,     'CreateWindowExA',\
                DefWindowProc,      'DefWindowProcA',\
                GetMessage,         'GetMessageA',\
                DispatchMessage,    'DispatchMessageA',\
                MessageBox,         'MessageBoxA',\
                LoadMenu,           'LoadMenuA',\
                SetMenu,            'SetMenu',\
                SendMessage,        'SendMessageA',\
                GetMenuItemInfo,    'GetMenuItemInfoA'
end data
align 4
data resource
     directory RT_MENU,appMenu 

     resource  appMenu,\
     menu MENUP
          menuitem 'First point',10,MFR_POPUP
          menuitem 'First',1,MFT_STRING
          menuitem 'Second',2,MFR_END
          menuitem 'Second point',20,MFR_POPUP+MFR_END
          menuitem 'Third',3,MFT_STRING
          menuitem 'Fourth',4,MFT_STRING
          menuitem 'Else submenu',30,MFR_POPUP
          menuitem 'Additional point',6,MFT_STRING+MFR_END
          menuitem 'Exit',5,MFR_END
     menu MENUC
          menuitem 'First set',10,MFR_POPUP
          menuitem 'White',101,MFT_STRING
          menuitem 'Grey',102,MFT_STRING
          menuitem 'Black',103,MFR_END
          menuitem 'Second set',30,MFR_POPUP+MFR_END
          menuitem 'Red',104,MFT_STRING
          menuitem 'Blue',105,MFT_STRING
          menuitem 'Green',106,MFR_END
      menu MENUN
          menuitem '',2,MFR_END
end data    
Creating a floating menu
format PE GUI
include 'win32ax.inc'
; import data in the same section
ZZZ_TEST equ 0
ZZZ_OPEN equ 1
ZZZ_SAVE equ 2
ZZZ_EXIT equ 3

          xor ebx,ebx
          mov edi,wTitle
          mov esi,400000h
          ; +------------------------------+
          ; | registering the window class |
          ; +------------------------------+
          invoke RegisterClass,esp,ebx,WndProc,ebx,\
          ; +--------------------------+
          ; | creating the main window |
          ; +--------------------------+
          push ebx esi ebx ebx
          shl esi,9
          invoke CreateWindowEx,ebx,edi,edi,WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW+\
          mov ebp,msg
          ; +---------------------------+
          ; | entering the message loop |
          ; +---------------------------+
message_loop: invoke GetMessage,ebp,ebx,ebx,ebx
          invoke DispatchMessage,ebp
          jmp message_loop
          ; +----------------------+
          ; | the window procedure |
          ; +----------------------+
proc WndProc hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam
local hMenu:DWORD
local rect:RECT
         mov eax,[uMsg]
         dec eax; cmp uMsg,WM_DESTROY
         dec eax
         je wmDESTROY
         sub eax,WM_COMMAND-WM_DESTROY; cmp uMsg,WM_PAINT
         je wmCOMMAND
         je wmRBUTTONDOWN
         jmp dword [DefWindowProc]

wmRBUTTONDOWN: invoke CreatePopupMenu
        mov edi,eax;hPopupMenu,eax
        invoke CreateMenu
        mov [hMenu],eax
        lea esi,[AppendMenu]
        push menu_test1 ZZZ_TEST MF_STRING edi;hPopupMenu
        call dword [esi];_imp__AppendMenuA@16
        push menu_open1 ZZZ_OPEN MF_STRING edi;hPopupMenu
        call dword [esi];_imp__AppendMenuA@16
        push menu_save1 ZZZ_SAVE MF_STRING edi;hPopupMenu
        call dword [esi];_imp__AppendMenuA@16
        push ebx ebx MF_SEPARATOR edi;hPopupMenu
        call dword [esi];_imp__AppendMenuA@16
        push menu_exit1 ZZZ_EXIT MF_STRING edi;hPopupMenu
        call dword [esi];_imp__AppendMenuA@16
        push menu_file edi MF_POPUP [hMenu]
        call dword [esi];_imp__AppendMenuA@16
        push menu_exit1 ZZZ_EXIT MF_STRING [hMenu]       
        call dword [esi];_imp__AppendMenuA@16
        invoke TrackPopupMenu,edi,TPM_LEFTALIGN+TPM_LEFTBUTTON,[msg.pt.x],[msg.pt.y],\
        ebx,dword [hWnd],ebx
        invoke GetWindowRect,dword [hWnd],esp;push offset rect
        jmp end_wm_check

wmCOMMAND: mov ebx,[wParam]
         cmp ebx,ZZZ_EXIT
         je wmDESTROY;menu_exit
show_msg: invoke MessageBox,dword [hWnd],[menu_handlers+ebx*4],menu_name,eax
end_wm_check: ret
wmDESTROY:  invoke ExitProcess,ebx
wTitle    db   'Iczelion Tutorial #8-6: Creating a floating menu',0 ;name of our window
menu_file       db 'File',0
menu_test1      db 'Test',0
menu_open1      db 'Open',0
menu_save1      db 'Save',0
menu_exit1      db 'Exit',0

menu_name       db      'ZZZ_Menu',0
test_msg        db      'You select menu item TEST',0
open_msg        db      'You select menu item OPEN',0
save_msg        db      'You select menu item SAVE',0
menu_handlers dd test_msg, open_msg, save_msg
msg             MSG     
data import

 library KERNEL32, 'KERNEL32.DLL',\
         user32,   'USER32.DLL'
 import KERNEL32,\
               ExitProcess,        'ExitProcess'
 import user32,\
                RegisterClass,      'RegisterClassA',\
                CreateWindowEx,     'CreateWindowExA',\
                DefWindowProc,      'DefWindowProcA',\
                GetMessage,         'GetMessageA',\
                DispatchMessage,    'DispatchMessageA',\
                CreateMenu,         'CreateMenu',\
                AppendMenu,         'AppendMenuA',\
                TrackPopupMenu,     'TrackPopupMenu',\
                GetWindowRect,      'GetWindowRect',\
                CreatePopupMenu,    'CreatePopupMenu',\
                MessageBox,         'MessageBoxA'

end data
align 4
data resource
     directory RT_MENU,appMenu

     resource  appMenu,\

     menu Menu
          menuitem  '&File',10,MFR_POPUP
          menuitem  '&Test',ZZZ_TEST,MFT_STRING
          menuitem  '&Open',ZZZ_OPEN,MFT_STRING
          menuitem  '&Save',ZZZ_SAVE,MFT_STRING
          menuitem  '&Exit',ZZZ_EXIT,MFR_END
          menuitem  '&Exit',ZZZ_EXIT,MFR_END
end data    
Imitation through the menu toolbar
format PE GUI 4.0
include 'win32ax.inc'
; import data in the same section
ZZZ_TEST equ 0
ZZZ_OPEN equ 1
ZZZ_SAVE equ 2
ZZZ_EXIT equ 3
TBSTYLE_SEP     equ 01h
TBSTYLE_FLAT     equ 0800h
TBSTYLE_LIST     equ 1000h
TBSTYLE_CUSTOMERASE              equ 2000h
TBSTYLE_REGISTERDROP             equ 4000h
TBSTYLE_TRANSPARENT              equ 8000h
TBSTYLE_DROPDOWN        equ 0008h
TBSTYLE_NOPREFIX        equ 0020h
TBSTYLE_EX_MIXEDBUTTONS        equ 00000008h
BTNS_SEP                equ TBSTYLE_SEP
BTNS_WHOLEDROPDOWN      equ 0080h           ; draw drop-down arrow, but without split arrow section
        xor ebx,ebx
        sub esp,sizeof.INITCOMMONCONTROLSEX
        invoke InitCommonControlsEx,esp
        add esp,sizeof.INITCOMMONCONTROLSEX
        invoke GlobalAlloc,40h,\  ; uFlags
                           1024  ; memory buffer size
        xchg esi,eax
        mov edi, esi
        mov dword [edi],WS_OVERLAPPED+WS_SYSMENU+DS_CENTER+40h
        mov word [edi+8],1        ; number of controls
        mov word [edi+0Ah],50 ; x y co-ordinates
        mov word [edi+0Ch],50
        mov word [edi+0Eh],230
        mov word [edi+10h],100
        add edi, 16h
        invoke MultiByteToWideChar,ebx,\  ;CodePage=0
                                   1,\    ;dwFlags
                                   wTitle,\ ;caption
                                   -1,\   ;cchMultiByte
                                   edi,\  ;lpWideCharStr
                                   aMsSansSerif-wTitle        ;cchWideChar
        add edi,(aMsSansSerif-wTitle)*2; 1Ah
        mov word [edi],10 ;pointsize
        inc edi;add edi, 2
        inc edi
        invoke MultiByteToWideChar,ebx,\    ; CodePage=0
                                   1,\      ; dwFlags
                                   aMsSansSerif,\ ; font
                                   -1,\     ; cchMultiByte
                                   edi,\    ; lpWideCharStr
                                   aMsctls_statusb-aMsSansSerif; cchWideChar
        add edi,(aMsctls_statusb-aMsSansSerif)*2+4-1
        and edi,-4 ;align 4 = add edi,4-1 /and edi,-4
        mov     dword [edi], 50000000h
        mov     word [edi+10h],150  ;DlgStatus=150
        add     edi, 12h
        invoke MultiByteToWideChar,ebx,\            ; CodePage=0
                                   1,\              ; dwFlags
                                   aMsctls_statusb,\; lpMultiByteStr
                                   -1,\      ; cchMultiByte
                                   edi,\             ; lpWideCharStr
                                   aToolbarwindow3-aMsctls_statusb   ; cchWideChar
        invoke DialogBoxIndirectParam,400000h,\    ; hInstance
                                       esi,\        ; hDialogTemplate
                                       ebx,\        ; hWndParent= 0
                                       DialogFunc,\ ; lpDialogFunc
                                       ebx          ; dwInitParam=0
        invoke GlobalFree,esi             ; hMem
        ret;invoke ExitProcess,ebx
proc DialogFunc hDlg:DWORD,uMsg:DWORD,wParam:DWORD,lParam:DWORD
        xor ebx,ebx
        mov eax,[uMsg]
        mov edi,[hDlg]
        sub eax,WM_CLOSE ;cmp uMsg,10h
        jz wmCLOSE
        sub eax,WM_INITDIALOG-WM_CLOSE;cmp uMsg,110h
        jz wmINITDIALOG
        dec eax         ;cmp uMsg,111h
        jnz wmBye
wmCOMMAND: mov ebx,[wParam]
        cmp ebx,ZZZ_EXIT;03
        je wmCLOSE;menu_exit
show_msg: invoke MessageBox,edi,[menu_handlers+ebx*4],menu_name,eax
        jmp wmBye
wmINITDIALOG: lea esi,dword [SendMessage]
        push ebx             ;hIcon
        push 1               
        push -128;WM_SETICON
        push edi;      ; hDlg
        call dword [esi];SendMessageA
        invoke GetStockObject,SYSTEM_FIXED_FONT
        push TRUE;1               
        push eax        ;hFont
        push WM_SETFONT;30h             
        push edi      ; hWndParent
        call text_bar
        push eax        ;hToolbar
        call dword [esi];SendMessageA
        jmp wmBye
wmCLOSE: invoke EndDialog,edi,ebx
wmBye:  xor eax,eax
text_bar: invoke CreateWindowEx,ebx,aToolbarwindow3,ebx,WS_CHILD+WS_VISIBLE+\
        500,20,dword [esp+10h],ebx,400000h,ebx
        mov edi,eax;edi:=[TBhWnd]
        push ebx sizeof.TBBUTTON TB_BUTTONSTRUCTSIZE eax;TBhWnd      
        call dword [esi]

        push ebx 5 TB_SETINDENT edi
        call dword [esi]

        sub esp,sizeof.TBBUTTON;create a buffer for the structure TBBUTTON
        mov [esp+TBBUTTON.iBitmap],I_IMAGENONE;dword [edi],-2
        mov [esp+TBBUTTON.dwData],ebx
        mov [esp+TBBUTTON.iString],ebx
        mov [esp+TBBUTTON.fsStyle],BTNS_BUTTON or BTNS_AUTOSIZE;byte [edi+9],10h;
        mov [esp+TBBUTTON.fsState],TBSTATE_ENABLED
;TxtItem  0,  0, "Test"
        mov [esp+TBBUTTON.idCommand],ebx ;0
        push esp 1 TB_ADDBUTTONS edi      ; hWnd
        call dword [esi]
        push aTest ebx TB_ADDSTRING edi
        call dword [esi]
;TxtItem  1,  1, "Open"
        inc [esp+TBBUTTON.idCommand]
        inc [esp+TBBUTTON.iString]
        push esp 1 TB_ADDBUTTONS edi      ; hWnd
        call dword [esi]
        push aOpen ebx TB_ADDSTRING edi      ; hWnd
        call dword [esi]
;TxtItem  2,  2, "Save"
        inc [esp+TBBUTTON.idCommand]
        inc [esp+TBBUTTON.iString]
        push esp 1 TB_ADDBUTTONS edi      ; hWnd
        call dword [esi]
        push aSave ebx TB_ADDSTRING edi      ; hWnd
        call dword [esi]
        mov [esp+TBBUTTON.idCommand],ebx; 0
        mov [esp+TBBUTTON.fsStyle],BTNS_SEP;byte [edi+9],1;
        push esp 1 TB_ADDBUTTONS edi      ; hWnd
        call dword [esi]
;TxtItem  4,  3, "Exit"
        add [esp+TBBUTTON.idCommand], 3h
        mov [esp+TBBUTTON.fsStyle],BTNS_BUTTON or BTNS_AUTOSIZE
        inc [esp+TBBUTTON.iString]
        push esp 1 TB_ADDBUTTONS edi      ; hWnd
        call dword [esi]
        push aExit ebx TB_ADDSTRING edi      ; hWnd
        call dword [esi]
        mov eax,edi
        add esp,sizeof.TBBUTTON;destroy buffer
        retn    4
wTitle db 'Iczelion Tutorial #8-7: Imitation through the menu toolbar in FASM',0 ;name of our window
aMsSansSerif    db      'MS Sans Serif',0
aMsctls_statusb db      'msctls_statusbar32',0
aToolbarwindow3 db      'ToolbarWindow32',0  
aTest  db    'Test',0
aOpen  db    'Open',0
aSave  db    'Save',0
aExit  db    'Exit',0
     ;exp = experiment
menu_name db 'ZZZ_Menu',0
test_msg  db 'You select menu item TEST',0
open_msg  db 'You select menu item OPEN',0
save_msg  db 'You select menu item SAVE',0
menu_handlers dd test_msg, open_msg, save_msg
data import

 library KERNEL32, 'KERNEL32.DLL',\
         user32,   'USER32.DLL',\
         gdi32,    'gdi32.dll',\
         comctl32, 'comctl32.dll'
 import KERNEL32,\
               GlobalAlloc,        'GlobalAlloc',\
               GlobalFree,         'GlobalFree'
 import user32,\
                LoadIcon,           'LoadIconA',\
                EndDialog,          'EndDialog',\
                SendMessage,        'SendMessageA',\
                CreateWindowEx,     'CreateWindowExA',\
                MessageBox,         'MessageBoxA'
  import gdi32,\
                GetStockObject,     'GetStockObject'
  import comctl32,\
                InitCommonControlsEx, 'InitCommonControlsEx'
end data    
Working with tables accelerators
format PE GUI
include 'win32ax.inc'
; import data in the same section
ZZZ_TEST      equ 0
ZZZ_OPEN      equ 1
ZZZ_SAVE      equ 2
ZZZ_EXIT      equ 3
IDM_MENU      equ 37
IDM_FILE      equ 100          ;menu 1
IDM_EXIT      equ 200          ;menu 2

                xor ebx,ebx
                mov edi,wTitle
                mov esi,400000h
          ; +------------------------------+
          ; | registering the window class |
          ; +------------------------------+
                invoke RegisterClass,esp,ebx,WndProc,ebx,\
          ; +--------------------------+
          ; | creating the main window |
          ; +--------------------------+
                push ebx esi ebx ebx
                shl esi,9
                invoke CreateWindowEx,ebx,edi,edi,WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW+WS_VISIBLE,\
                mov [hwnd],eax
                invoke LoadAccelerators,400000h,IDR_MAINACCEL
                mov [ACC],eax
                mov ebp,esp
          ; +---------------------------+
          ; | entering the message loop |
          ; +---------------------------+
message_loop: invoke GetMessage,ebp,ebx,ebx,ebx
                invoke DispatchMessage,ebp
                invoke TranslateAccelerator,[hwnd],[ACC],ebp
                or eax,eax
                jne message_loop
                invoke TranslateMessage,ebp
                jmp message_loop
          ; +----------------------+
          ; | the window procedure |
          ; +----------------------+
proc WndProc hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam 

                mov eax,[uMsg]
                dec eax
                dec eax; cmp uMsg,WM_DESTROY
                je wmDESTROY
                sub eax,WM_COMMAND-WM_DESTROY; cmp uMsg,WM_COMMAND
                je wmCOMMAND
                jmp dword [DefWindowProc]
wmCOMMAND: mov ax,word[wParam]
                cmp eax,ZZZ_EXIT
                je wmDESTROY;menu_exit
show_msg: invoke MessageBox,[hWnd],[menu_handlers+eax*4],menu_name,ebx;MB_OK
wmDESTROY:  invoke ExitProcess,eax
     ;exp = experiment
wTitle    db   'Iczelion Tutorial #8-8: Working with tables accelerators in FASM',0 ;name of our window
menu_name       db      'ZZZ_Menu',0
test_msg        db      'You select menu item TEST',0
open_msg        db      'You select menu item OPEN',0
save_msg        db      'You select menu item SAVE',0
menu_handlers dd test_msg, open_msg, save_msg
ACC     rd 1
hwnd    rd 1
data import

 library KERNEL32, 'KERNEL32.DLL',\
         user32,   'USER32.DLL'
 import KERNEL32,\
               ExitProcess,        'ExitProcess'
 import user32,\
                RegisterClass,      'RegisterClassA',\
                CreateWindowEx,     'CreateWindowExA',\
                DefWindowProc,      'DefWindowProcA',\
                GetMessage,             'GetMessageA',\
                DispatchMessage,    'DispatchMessageA',\
                DestroyWindow,      'DestroyWindow',\
                MessageBox,             'MessageBoxA',\
                LoadAccelerators,   'LoadAcceleratorsA',\
                TranslateMessage,   'TranslateMessage'
end data
align 4
data resource
  directory RT_MENU,menus,\

  resource menus,\

  resource accelerators,\

 _ equ ,09h,                   ;tab

  menu main_menu
       menuitem '&File',IDM_FILE,MFR_POPUP
                menuitem '&Test' _ 'Ctrl+T',ZZZ_TEST
                menuitem '&Open' _ 'Ctrl+O',ZZZ_OPEN
                menuitem '&Save' _ 'Ctrl+S',ZZZ_SAVE
                menuitem '&Exit' _ 'Ctrl+X',ZZZ_EXIT,MFR_END

       menuitem '&Exit',IDM_EXIT,MFR_POPUP + MFR_END
                menuitem '&Exit',ZZZ_EXIT,MFR_END

  accelerator main_keys,\
end data    
Post 12 Feb 2015, 06:02
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Joined: 30 Dec 2014
Posts: 130
Location: Russian Federation, Irkutsk
Mikl___ 13 Feb 2015, 08:44
format PE GUI
include 'win32ax.inc'
; import data in the same section
ID_1     equ    0
ID_2     equ    1
ID_3     equ    2

          xor ebx,ebx
          mov edi,wTitle
          mov esi,400000h
          ; +------------------------------+
          ; | registering the window class |
          ; +------------------------------+
          invoke RegisterClass,esp,ebx,WndProc,ebx,\
          ; +--------------------------+
          ; | creating the main window |
          ; +--------------------------+
          push ebx esi ebx ebx
          shl esi,9
          invoke CreateWindowEx,ebx,edi,edi,WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW+\
          mov edi,eax             ;hWnd
          push LR_LOADFROMFILE
          push ebx                ;0
          push ebx                ;0
          push ebx                ;IMAGE_BITMAP
          push aMybp1
          push 400000h            ;hInstance
          call [LoadImage]
          mov edx,sizeof.TBBUTTON
          mov bl,2
          lea ecx,[tbb+edx*2]
@@:       mov [ecx+TBBUTTON.iBitmap],ebx
          mov [ecx+TBBUTTON.idCommand],ebx
          mov [ecx+TBBUTTON.fsState],TBSTATE_ENABLED
          or ebx,ebx
          jz @f
          sub ecx,edx
          dec ebx
          jmp @b
@@:       push edx;size TBBUTTON  ;size of structure TBBUTTON
          push 16                 ;width and height
          push 16                 ;of the image on each button
          push 16                 ;width and height
          push 16                 ;of each button
          push 3                  ;number of buttons
          push ecx;offset tbb     ;address of an array-type structure TBBUTTON
          push eax                ;resource ID with the picture buttons
          push ebx                ;0
          push 3                  ;number of images for buttons in the bmp-file
          push -1                 ;ID entire dashboard which is not used in the program and may be equal -1
          push WS_CHILD+WS_BORDER+WS_VISIBLE;style toolbar
          push edi                ;handle to the main window
          call [CreateToolbarEx]
          lea esi,[hBlueBrush]
          lea edi,[CreateSolidBrush]
          mov ebp,0FF0000h
          push ebp;blue=0FF0000h
          call dword[edi]
          mov [esi],eax;hBlueBrush
          shr ebp,8
          push ebp;green=0FF00h
          call dword[edi]
          mov [esi+4],eax;hGreenBrush
          mov ebp,esp
          ; +---------------------------+
          ; | entering the message loop |
          ; +---------------------------+
message_loop: invoke GetMessage,ebp,ebx,ebx,ebx
          invoke DispatchMessage,ebp
          jmp message_loop
          ; +----------------------+
          ; | the window procedure |
          ; +----------------------+
proc WndProc hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam
local paint:PAINTSTRUCT

         mov eax,[uMsg]
         mov edi,[hWnd]
         dec eax; cmp uMsg,WM_DESTROY
         dec eax
         je .wmDESTROY
         sub eax,WM_SIZE-WM_DESTROY;cmp eax,WM_SIZE
         je .wmSIZE
         sub eax,WM_PAINT-WM_SIZE;cmp eax,WM_PAINT
         je .wmPAINT
         sub eax,WM_COMMAND-WM_PAINT; cmp uMsg,WM_COMMAND
         je .wmCOMMAND
         jmp dword [DefWindowProc]
.wmPAINT: invoke BeginPaint,edi,esp
         mov ecx,[sw]
         or ecx,ecx
         jz @f
         invoke FillRect,eax,Rect,dword[hBlueBrush+ecx*4-4];hBlueBrush
@@:      invoke EndPaint,edi,esp           ;Free the context display
         jmp .wmBye
.wmSIZE:  mov eax,[lParam]
         mov word [Rect.right],ax
         shr eax,16
         mov [Rect.bottom],eax
         jmp .wmBye
.wmCOMMAND: mov eax,[wParam]
         jmp [handler+eax*4]
.0:     inc eax
         mov [sw],eax
         invoke InvalidateRect,edi,ebx,1
.wmBye: ret
.wmDESTROY: invoke ExitProcess,ebx;completion of the program
handler dd WndProc.0,WndProc.0,WndProc.wmDESTROY
wTitle    db   'Iczelion Tutorial #8-9: toolbar in FASM',0 ;name of our window
hBlueBrush      rd      2
sw              dd      0
tbb     TBBUTTON 0
        TBBUTTON 0
        TBBUTTON 0
aMybp1  db "Images\btns.bmp",0
Rect    RECT
data import

 library KERNEL32, 'KERNEL32.DLL',\
         user32,   'USER32.DLL',\
         comctl32, 'comctl32.dll',\
         gdi32,    'gdi32.dll'
 import KERNEL32,\
               ExitProcess,        'ExitProcess'
 import user32,\
                RegisterClass,      'RegisterClassA',\
                CreateWindowEx,     'CreateWindowExA',\
                DefWindowProc,      'DefWindowProcA',\
                GetMessage,         'GetMessageA',\
                DispatchMessage,    'DispatchMessageA',\
                LoadImage,          'LoadImageA',\
                BeginPaint,         'BeginPaint',\
                EndPaint,           'EndPaint',\
                InvalidateRect,     'InvalidateRect',\
                FillRect,           'FillRect'

 import gdi32,\
                CreateSolidBrush,   'CreateSolidBrush'
 import comctl32,\
                CreateToolbarEx,    'CreateToolbarEx'
end data    
toolbar and tooltips
format PE GUI
include 'win32ax.inc'
; import data in the same section
ID_1     equ    0
ID_2     equ    1
ID_3     equ    2

          xor ebx,ebx
          mov edi,wTitle
          mov esi,400000h;hInstance
          ; +------------------------------+
          ; | registering the window class |
          ; +------------------------------+
          invoke RegisterClass,esp,ebx,WndProc,ebx,\
          ; +--------------------------+
          ; | creating the main window |
          ; +--------------------------+
          push ebx esi ebx ebx
          shl esi,9
          invoke CreateWindowEx,ebx,edi,edi,WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW+WS_VISIBLE,\
          mov edi,eax             ;hWnd
          invoke LoadImage,400000h,aMybp1,ebx,ebx,ebx,LR_LOADFROMFILE
          mov edx,sizeof.TBBUTTON
          mov bl,2
          lea ecx,[tbb+edx*2]
@@:       mov [ecx+TBBUTTON.iBitmap],ebx
          mov [ecx+TBBUTTON.idCommand],ebx;ID_1 ID_2 ID_3
          mov [ecx+TBBUTTON.fsState],TBSTATE_ENABLED
          or ebx,ebx
          jz @f
          sub ecx,edx
          dec ebx
          jmp @b
@@:       invoke CreateToolbarEx,edi,WS_CHILD+WS_BORDER+WS_VISIBLE+TBSTYLE_TOOLTIPS,\
          lea esi,[hBlueBrush]
          lea edi,[CreateSolidBrush]
          mov ebp,0FF0000h
          push ebp;blue=0FF0000h
          call dword[edi]
          mov [esi],eax;hBlueBrush
          shr ebp,8
          push ebp;green=0FF00h
          call dword[edi]
          mov [esi+4],eax;hGreenBrush
          mov ebp,esp
          ; +---------------------------+
          ; | entering the message loop |
          ; +---------------------------+
message_loop: invoke GetMessage,ebp,ebx,ebx,ebx
          invoke DispatchMessage,ebp
          jmp message_loop
          ; +----------------------+
          ; | the window procedure |
          ; +----------------------+
proc WndProc hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam
local paint:PAINTSTRUCT
local lpttt:DWORD

         mov eax,[uMsg]
         mov edi,[hWnd]
         dec eax; cmp uMsg,WM_DESTROY
         dec eax
         je .wmDESTROY
         sub eax,WM_SIZE-WM_DESTROY;cmp eax,WM_SIZE
         je .wmSIZE
         sub eax,WM_PAINT-WM_SIZE;cmp eax,WM_PAINT
         je .wmPAINT
         sub eax,WM_NOTIFY-WM_PAINT;cmp eax,WM_NOTIFY=4Eh
         je .wmNOTIFY
         sub eax,WM_COMMAND-WM_NOTIFY; cmp uMsg,WM_COMMAND
         je .wmCOMMAND
         jmp dword [DefWindowProc]
.wmPAINT: invoke BeginPaint,edi,esp;&Paint
         mov ecx,[sw]
         or ecx,ecx
         jz @f
         invoke FillRect,eax,Rect,dword[hBlueBrush+ecx*4-4];hBlueBrush
@@:      invoke EndPaint,edi,esp           ;Free the context display
         jmp .wmBye
.wmNOTIFY: mov edx,[lParam]   ;if( LPNMHDR(lParam)->code ==TTN_NEEDTEXT)
          cmp [edx+NMHDR.code],TTN_NEEDTEXTA;dword ptr [edx+8],TTN_NEEDTEXTA
          jnz .wmBye
          mov [lpttt],edx         ;LPTOOLTIPTEXT lpttt = (LPTOOLTIPTEXT) lParam;
        mov eax,[edx+NMHDR.idFrom];[edx+4]       ;switch (lpttt->hdr.idFrom) {
        cmp eax,ID_3          ;case ID_1:strcpy(lpttt->szText,"blue");break;
        ja .wmBye ;case ID_2:strcpy(lpttt->szText,"green");break;
        ;case ID_3:strcpy(lpttt->szText,"exit");
        lea edx,[edx+TOOLTIPTEXT.szText]
        invoke lstrcpy,edx,dword[ps+eax*4]
        jmp .wmBye
.wmSIZE: mov eax,[lParam]
        mov word [Rect.right],ax
        shr eax,16
        mov [Rect.bottom],eax
        jmp .wmBye
.wmCOMMAND: mov eax,[wParam]
        jmp [handler+eax*4]
.0:     inc eax
        mov [sw],eax
        invoke InvalidateRect,edi,ebx,1
.wmBye: ret
.wmDESTROY: invoke ExitProcess,ebx;completion of the program
handler dd WndProc.0,WndProc.0,WndProc.wmDESTROY
wTitle    db   'Iczelion Tutorial #8-10: toolbar and tooltips in FASM',0 ;name of our window
hBlueBrush      rd      2
sw      dd      0
tbb     TBBUTTON 0
        TBBUTTON 0
        TBBUTTON 0
aMybp1  db "Images\btns.bmp",0
Rect    RECT 0
szText1 db 'Fill blue',0
szText2 db 'Fill green',0
szText3 db 'Exit',0
ps      dd szText1,szText2,szText3
data import

 library KERNEL32, 'KERNEL32.DLL',\
         user32,   'USER32.DLL',\
         comctl32, 'comctl32.dll',\
         gdi32,    'gdi32.dll'
 import KERNEL32,\
               ExitProcess,        'ExitProcess',\
               lstrcpy,            'lstrcpyA'
 import user32,\
                RegisterClass,      'RegisterClassA',\
                CreateWindowEx,     'CreateWindowExA',\
                DefWindowProc,      'DefWindowProcA',\
                GetMessage,         'GetMessageA',\
                DispatchMessage,    'DispatchMessageA',\
                LoadImage,          'LoadImageA',\
                BeginPaint,         'BeginPaint',\
                EndPaint,           'EndPaint',\
                InvalidateRect,     'InvalidateRect',\
                FillRect,           'FillRect'

 import gdi32,\
                CreateSolidBrush,   'CreateSolidBrush'
 import comctl32,\
                CreateToolbarEx,    'CreateToolbarEx'
end data    

format PE GUI
include 'win32ax.inc'
; import data in the same section
          xor ebx,ebx
          mov edi,wTitle
          mov esi,400000h
          call [InitCommonControls]
          invoke RegisterClass,esp,ebx,WndProc,ebx,\
          ; +--------------------------+
          ; | creating the main window |
          ; +--------------------------+
          push ebx esi ebx ebx
          shl esi,9
          invoke CreateWindowEx,WS_EX_LEFT,edi,edi,WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW+WS_VISIBLE,\
          mov ebp,esp
          ; +---------------------------+
          ; | entering the message loop |
          ; +---------------------------+
message_loop: invoke GetMessage,ebp,ebx,ebx,ebx
          invoke DispatchMessage,ebp
          jmp message_loop
          ; +----------------------+
          ; | the window procedure |
          ; +----------------------+
proc WndProc hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam
local paint:PAINTSTRUCT
local tbb:TBBUTTON
local Rct:RECT
local caH:DWORD
local caW:DWORD

        xor ebx,ebx
        lea esi,[SendMessage]
        mov eax,[uMsg]
        dec eax;cmp eax,WM_CREATE=1
        je wmCREATE
        dec eax;cmp eax,WM_DESTROY=2
        je wmDESTROY
        sub eax,WM_SIZE-WM_DESTROY;cmp eax,WM_SIZE=5
        je wmSIZE
        sub eax,WM_PAINT-WM_SIZE;cmp eax,WM_PAINT=0Fh
        je wmPAINT
        dec eax;cmp eax,WM_CLOSE=10h
        je wmCLOSE
        sub eax,WM_COMMAND-WM_CLOSE;cmp eax,WM_COMMAND=111h
        je wmCOMMAND
;All messages are not processed in the function WndProc, 
;are sent to the default handling
        jmp [DefWindowProc]
wmCLOSE: invoke MessageBox,[hWnd],aPleaseConfirmE,wTitle,MB_YESNO
        cmp     eax,IDNO; 7
        jnz     default
wmBye: ret
wmPAINT: invoke BeginPaint,[hWnd],esp;&Paint
        push eax [hWnd]
        call    Paint_Proc
        invoke EndPaint,[hWnd],esp        ;Free the context display
        jmp wmBye
wmCREATE: lea edi,[tbb]
        mov [edi+TBBUTTON.iBitmap],ebx
        mov [edi+TBBUTTON.idCommand],ebx
        mov [edi+TBBUTTON.fsState],TBSTATE_ENABLED
        mov [edi+TBBUTTON.fsStyle],TBSTYLE_SEP
        mov [edi+TBBUTTON.dwData],ebx
        mov [edi+TBBUTTON.iString],ebx
        push sizeof.TBBUTTON ;size of structure TBBUTTON
        push ebx             ;width and height 
        push ebx;0           ;of the image on each button
        push 10h          ;width and height of each button
        push 10h          
        push 1            ;number of buttons
        push edi          ;address of an array-type structure TBBUTTON
        push ebx;   0        ;resource ID with the picture buttons
        push ebx;   0
        push 1       ;number of images on buttons in the bmp-file
        push 300;   ID entire dashboard which is not used in the program and may be -1
        push WS_CHILD or WS_CLIPSIBLINGS or WS_VISIBLE;style toolbar
        push [hWnd] ;handle to the main window
        call [CreateToolbarEx]
        mov [hToolBar],eax

        lea ecx,[Tba]
        mov [ecx+TBADDBITMAP.nID], 1; btnsize 1=big 2=small
        push ecx 1  TB_ADDBITMAP  eax;hToolBar
        call dword [esi]

        mov [edi+TBBUTTON.iBitmap],STD_FILENEW; 6
        mov [edi+TBBUTTON.fsStyle],TBSTYLE_BUTTON; 0
        mov [edi+TBBUTTON.idCommand],50
        push edi 1 TB_ADDBUTTONS [hToolBar]
        call dword [esi]

        mov [edi+TBBUTTON.iBitmap],STD_FILEOPEN; 7
        inc [edi+TBBUTTON.idCommand]
        push edi 1 TB_ADDBUTTONS [hToolBar]
        call dword [esi]
        mov [edi+TBBUTTON.iBitmap],STD_FILESAVE; 8
        inc [edi+TBBUTTON.idCommand];52
        push edi 1 TB_ADDBUTTONS [hToolBar]
        call    dword [esi]
        mov     [edi+TBBUTTON.idCommand],ebx ;0
        mov     [edi+TBBUTTON.fsStyle],TBSTYLE_SEP; 1
        push edi 1 TB_ADDBUTTONS [hToolBar]
        call    dword [esi]

        mov     [edi+TBBUTTON.iBitmap],STD_REDOW; 0Eh
        mov     [edi+TBBUTTON.idCommand],53
        mov     [edi+TBBUTTON.fsStyle],TBSTYLE_BUTTON
        push edi 1 TB_ADDBUTTONS [hToolBar]
        call    dword [esi]
        mov     [edi+TBBUTTON.iBitmap],STD_DELETE; 0Eh
        inc [edi+TBBUTTON.idCommand];54
        push edi 1 TB_ADDBUTTONS [hToolBar]
        call    dword [esi]
        mov     [edi+TBBUTTON.iBitmap],ebx;STD_CUT; 0
        inc [edi+TBBUTTON.idCommand];55
        push edi 1 TB_ADDBUTTONS [hToolBar]
        call    dword [esi]
        mov     [edi+TBBUTTON.iBitmap],STD_COPY; 1
        inc [edi+TBBUTTON.idCommand];56
        push edi 1 TB_ADDBUTTONS [hToolBar]
        call    dword [esi]
        mov     [edi+TBBUTTON.iBitmap],STD_PASTE; 2
        inc [edi+TBBUTTON.idCommand];57
        push edi 1 TB_ADDBUTTONS [hToolBar]
        call    dword [esi]
        mov     [edi+TBBUTTON.iBitmap],STD_UNDO; 3
        inc [edi+TBBUTTON.idCommand];58
        push edi 1 TB_ADDBUTTONS [hToolBar]
        call    dword [esi]
        mov     [edi+TBBUTTON.iBitmap],ebx; 0
        mov     [edi+TBBUTTON.idCommand],ebx; 0
        mov     [edi+TBBUTTON.fsStyle],TBSTYLE_SEP; 1
        push edi 1 TB_ADDBUTTONS [hToolBar]
        call    dword [esi]

        mov     [edi+TBBUTTON.iBitmap],STD_FIND; 0Ch
        mov     [edi+TBBUTTON.idCommand],59
        mov     [edi+TBBUTTON.fsStyle],TBSTYLE_BUTTON; 0
        push edi 1 TB_ADDBUTTONS [hToolBar]
        call    dword [esi]
        mov     [edi+TBBUTTON.iBitmap],STD_REPLACE; 0Dh
        inc [edi+TBBUTTON.idCommand];60
        push edi 1 TB_ADDBUTTONS [hToolBar]
        call    dword [esi]

        mov     [edi+TBBUTTON.iBitmap],ebx; 0
        mov     [edi+TBBUTTON.idCommand],ebx; 0
        mov     [edi+TBBUTTON.fsStyle],TBSTYLE_SEP; 1
        push edi 1 TB_ADDBUTTONS [hToolBar]
        call    dword [esi]

        mov     [edi+TBBUTTON.iBitmap],STD_PRINT; 0Eh
        mov     [edi+TBBUTTON.idCommand],61
        mov     [edi+TBBUTTON.fsStyle],TBSTYLE_BUTTON
        push edi 1 TB_ADDBUTTONS [hToolBar]
        call    dword [esi]

        mov     [edi+TBBUTTON.iBitmap],STD_PRINTPRE; 0Eh
        inc [edi+TBBUTTON.idCommand];62
        push edi 1 TB_ADDBUTTONS [hToolBar]
        call    dword [esi]

        mov     [edi+TBBUTTON.iBitmap],STD_PROPERTIES; 0Eh
        inc [edi+TBBUTTON.idCommand];63
        push edi 1 TB_ADDBUTTONS [hToolBar]
        call    dword [esi]

        mov     [edi+TBBUTTON.iBitmap],STD_HELP; 0Eh
        inc [edi+TBBUTTON.idCommand];64
        push edi 1 TB_ADDBUTTONS [hToolBar]
        call    dword [esi]

; Create the status bar
        invoke CreateStatusWindow,WS_CHILD or WS_VISIBLE or SBS_SIZEGRIP,ebx,[hWnd],200
        mov     [hStatus], eax
        jmp default
wmSIZE: push ebx ebx TB_AUTOSIZE [hToolBar]
        call dword  [esi]
        push [caW]
        pop [lParam]
        push [caH]
        pop dword[lParam+2]
        lea edi,[Rct]
        invoke GetWindowRect,[hStatus],edi
        mov eax,[edi+RECT.bottom]
        sub eax,[edi+RECT.top]
        sub [caH],eax
        invoke MoveWindow,[hStatus],ebx,[caH],[caW],[caH],TRUE
        jmp     default 
wmCOMMAND: mov edi,[wParam]
        sub edi,50
        cmp edi,14
        ja @f
        push [handler+edi*4] ebx SB_SETTEXT [hStatus]       ; hWnd
        call dword  [esi];  SendMessageA
        invoke MessageBox,[hWnd],[handler+edi*4],aYouHaveSelecte,ebx
        jmp default
@@:     cmp edi,15
        jnz @f
        push ebx SC_CLOSE WM_SYSCOMMAND [hWnd]
        call dword  [esi];  SendMessageA
        jmp default
@@:     invoke MessageBox,[hWnd],aAssemblerPureS,wTitle,ebx
        jmp default
wmDESTROY: invoke ExitProcess,ebx;completion of the program
hWin equ esp+sizeof.RECT+14h;ebp+8
hDC  equ esp+sizeof.RECT+18h;ebp+0Ch
caW  equ esp+sizeof.RECT+8;ebp-4
caH  equ caW-4
tbH  equ caH-4
sbH  equ tbH-4
        sub esp,sizeof.RECT+10h;place in the RECT structure and variables caW, caH, tbH, sbH
        mov edi,esp;&Rct
        lea esi,[GetWindowRect]
        push edi             ; lpRect
        push dword[hWin]      ; hWnd
        call [GetClientRect]
        push [edi+RECT.right]
        pop dword[caW]
        push [edi+RECT.bottom]
        pop dword[caH]
        push edi             ; lpRect
        push [hToolBar]     ; hWnd
        call dword[esi];[GetWindowRect]
        mov eax,[edi+RECT.bottom]
        sub eax,[edi+RECT.top]
        mov [tbH], eax
        push edi             ; lpRect
        push [hStatus]      ; hWnd
        call dword[esi];[GetWindowRect]
        mov eax,[edi+RECT.bottom]
        sub eax,[edi+RECT.top]
        mov [sbH], eax
        sub [caH], eax
        mov [edi+RECT.left],ebx;0
        push dword[tbH]
        pop [edi+RECT.top]
        push dword[caW]
        pop [edi+RECT.right]
        push dword[caH]
        pop [edi+RECT.bottom]
        push BF_RECT;   0Fh             ; grfFlags
        push EDGE_SUNKEN;   0Ah             ; edge
        push edi             ; qrc
        push dword[hDC]       ; hdc
        call [DrawEdge]
        add esp,sizeof.RECT+10h;free the buffer
        retn 8
wTitle db 'Iczelion Tutorial #8-11:toolbar in FASM',0
 aYouHaveSelecte db 'You have selected',0
 aNewFile        db 'New File',0         
 aOpenFile       db 'Open File',0       
 aSaveFile       db 'Save File',0
 aRedow          db 'Redow',0
 aDelete         db 'Delete',0
 aCut            db 'Cut',0
 aCopy           db 'Copy',0            
 aPaste          db 'Paste',0            
 aUndo           db 'Undo',0             
 aSearch         db 'Search',0           
 aReplace        db 'Replace',0
 aPrint          db 'Print',0
 aPreview        db 'Previw',0
 aProperties     db 'Properties',0
 aHelp           db 'Help',0
 aAssemblerPureS db 'Assembler, Pure & Simple',0
 aPleaseConfirmE db 'Please Confirm Exit',0
        hStatus       dd 0
        hToolBar      dd 0
handler dd aNewFile,aOpenFile,aSaveFile,aRedow,aDelete,aCut,aCopy
        dd aPaste,aUndo,aSearch,aReplace,aPrint,aPreview,aProperties,aHelp
data import

 library KERNEL32, 'KERNEL32.DLL',\
         user32,   'USER32.DLL',\
         comctl32, 'comctl32.dll'
 import KERNEL32,\
               ExitProcess,        'ExitProcess'
 import user32,\
                RegisterClass,      'RegisterClassA',\
                CreateWindowEx,     'CreateWindowExA',\
                DispatchMessage,    'DispatchMessageA',\
                DefWindowProc,      'DefWindowProcA',\
                GetMessage,         'GetMessageA',\
                SendMessage,        'SendMessageA',\
                BeginPaint,         'BeginPaint',\
                EndPaint,           'EndPaint',\
                GetWindowRect,      'GetWindowRect',\
                MoveWindow,         'MoveWindow',\
                GetClientRect,      'GetClientRect',\
                DrawEdge,           'DrawEdge',\
                MessageBox,         'MessageBoxA'
 import comctl32,\
                InitCommonControls, 'InitCommonControls',\
                CreateToolbarEx,    'CreateToolbarEx',\
                CreateStatusWindow, 'CreateStatusWindowA'
end data
align 4
data resource
  directory RT_MENU,menus

  IDM_MENU   = 600
  ID_EXIT    = 65
  ID_ABOUT   = 66

  resource menus,\

  menu main_menu
       menuitem '&File',0,MFR_POPUP
                menuitem '&Exit',ID_EXIT,MFR_END

       menuitem '&Help',0,MFR_POPUP + MFR_END
                menuitem '&About',ID_ABOUT,MFR_END
end data    

format PE GUI
include 'win32ax.inc'
; import data in the same section
          xor ebx,ebx
          mov edi,wTitle
          mov esi,400000h
          invoke InitCommonControls
          invoke RegisterClassEx,esp,sizeof.WNDCLASSEX,ebx,WndProc,\
          ; +--------------------------+
          ; | creating the main window |
          ; +--------------------------+
          push ebx esi ebx ebx
          shl esi,9
          invoke CreateWindowEx,WS_EX_LEFT,edi,edi,WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW+WS_VISIBLE,\
          mov ebp,esp
          ; +---------------------------+
          ; | entering the message loop |
          ; +---------------------------+
message_loop: invoke GetMessage,ebp,ebx,ebx,ebx
          invoke DispatchMessage,ebp
          jmp message_loop
          ; +----------------------+
          ; | the window procedure |
          ; +----------------------+
proc WndProc hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam
local paint:PAINTSTRUCT
local pd:PRINTDLG
local buffer[256]:BYTE
local tbb:TBBUTTON
local Rct:RECT
local caH:DWORD
local caW:DWORD

        lea esi,[SendMessage]
        mov eax,[uMsg]
        dec eax;cmp eax,WM_CREATE=1
        je  wmCREATE
        dec eax;cmp eax,WM_DESTROY=2
        je wmDESTROY
        sub eax,WM_SIZE-WM_DESTROY;cmp eax,WM_SIZE=5
        je wmSIZE
        sub eax,WM_PAINT-WM_SIZE;cmp eax,WM_PAINT=0Fh
        je wmPAINT
        dec eax;cmp eax,WM_CLOSE=10h
        je  wmCLOSE
        sub eax,WM_COMMAND-WM_CLOSE;cmp eax,WM_COMMAND=111h
        je wmCOMMAND
        jmp [DefWindowProc]
wmCLOSE: invoke MessageBox,[hWnd],aPleaseConfirmE,wTitle,MB_YESNO
        cmp     eax,IDNO; 7
        jnz      default
wmBye: ret
wmPAINT: invoke BeginPaint,[hWnd],esp
        push eax [hWnd]
        call Paint_Proc
        invoke EndPaint,[hWnd],esp
        jmp wmBye
wmCREATE: lea edi,[tbb]
        mov [edi+TBBUTTON.iBitmap],ebx
        mov [edi+TBBUTTON.idCommand],ebx
        mov [edi+TBBUTTON.fsState],TBSTATE_ENABLED
        mov [edi+TBBUTTON.fsStyle],TBSTYLE_SEP
        mov [edi+TBBUTTON.dwData],ebx
        mov [edi+TBBUTTON.iString],ebx
        push sizeof.TBBUTTON 
        push ebx              
        push ebx;0           
        push 10h           
        push 10h          
        push 1            
        push edi          
        push ebx;   0        
        push ebx;   0
        push 1       
        push 300
        push [hWnd] 
        call [CreateToolbarEx]
        mov [hToolBar],eax

        lea ecx,[Tba]
        mov [ecx+TBADDBITMAP.nID], 1; btnsize 1=big 2=small
        push ecx 1 TB_ADDBITMAP eax;hToolBar
        call dword [esi]

        mov [edi+TBBUTTON.iBitmap],STD_FILENEW ; 6
        mov [edi+TBBUTTON.fsStyle],bl;TBSTYLE_BUTTON=0
        mov [edi+TBBUTTON.idCommand],50
        push edi 1 TB_ADDBUTTONS [hToolBar]
        call dword [esi]

        mov [edi+TBBUTTON.iBitmap],STD_FILEOPEN; 7
        inc [edi+TBBUTTON.idCommand];51
        push edi 1 TB_ADDBUTTONS [hToolBar]
        call dword [esi]
        mov [edi+TBBUTTON.iBitmap],STD_FILESAVE; 8
        inc [edi+TBBUTTON.idCommand];52
        push edi 1 TB_ADDBUTTONS [hToolBar]
        call    dword [esi]
        mov     [edi+TBBUTTON.idCommand],ebx ;0
        mov     [edi+TBBUTTON.fsStyle],TBSTYLE_SEP; 1
        push edi 1 TB_ADDBUTTONS [hToolBar]
        call    dword [esi]
        mov     [edi+TBBUTTON.iBitmap],ebx;STD_CUT; 0
        mov [edi+TBBUTTON.idCommand],53
        mov [edi+TBBUTTON.fsStyle],bl;TBSTYLE_BUTTON=0
        push edi 1 TB_ADDBUTTONS [hToolBar]
        call    dword [esi]
        mov     [edi+TBBUTTON.iBitmap],STD_COPY; 1
        inc [edi+TBBUTTON.idCommand];54
        push edi 1 TB_ADDBUTTONS [hToolBar]
        call    dword [esi]
        mov     [edi+TBBUTTON.iBitmap],STD_PASTE; 2
        inc [edi+TBBUTTON.idCommand];55
        push edi 1 TB_ADDBUTTONS [hToolBar]
        call    dword [esi]
        mov     [edi+TBBUTTON.iBitmap],STD_UNDO; 3
        inc [edi+TBBUTTON.idCommand];56
        push edi 1 TB_ADDBUTTONS [hToolBar]
        call    dword [esi]
        mov     [edi+TBBUTTON.iBitmap],ebx; 0
        mov     [edi+TBBUTTON.idCommand],ebx; 0
        mov     [edi+TBBUTTON.fsStyle],TBSTYLE_SEP; 1
        push edi 1 TB_ADDBUTTONS [hToolBar]
        call    dword [esi]

        mov     [edi+TBBUTTON.iBitmap],STD_FIND; 0Ch
        mov     [edi+TBBUTTON.idCommand],57
        mov     [edi+TBBUTTON.fsStyle],bl;TBSTYLE_BUTTON; 0
        push edi 1 TB_ADDBUTTONS [hToolBar]
        call    dword [esi]
        mov     [edi+TBBUTTON.iBitmap],STD_PRINTPRE; 0Dh
        inc [edi+TBBUTTON.idCommand];58
        push edi 1 TB_ADDBUTTONS [hToolBar]
        call    dword [esi]

        mov     [edi+TBBUTTON.iBitmap],ebx; 0
        mov     [edi+TBBUTTON.idCommand],ebx; 0
        mov     [edi+TBBUTTON.fsStyle],TBSTYLE_SEP; 1
        push edi 1 TB_ADDBUTTONS [hToolBar]
        call    dword [esi]

        mov     [edi+TBBUTTON.iBitmap],STD_PRINT; 0Eh
        mov     [edi+TBBUTTON.idCommand],59
        mov     [edi+TBBUTTON.fsStyle],bl;TBSTYLE_BUTTON=0
        push edi 1 TB_ADDBUTTONS [hToolBar]
        call    dword [esi]

; Create the status bar
        invoke CreateStatusWindow,WS_CHILD or WS_VISIBLE or SBS_SIZEGRIP,ebx,[hWnd],200
        mov     [hStatus], eax
        jmp default
wmDESTROY: invoke ExitProcess,ebx;completion of the program
wmSIZE: push ebx ebx TB_AUTOSIZE [hToolBar]
        call dword  [esi]
        push dword[caW]
        pop dword[lParam+0]
        push dword[caH]
        pop dword[lParam+2]
        lea edi,[Rct]
        push edi
        push [hStatus]
        call [GetWindowRect]
        mov eax,[edi+RECT.bottom]
        sub eax,[edi+RECT.top]
        sub [caH],eax
        invoke MoveWindow,[hStatus],ebx,[caH],[caW],[caH],TRUE
        jmp     default 
wmCOMMAND: mov edi,[wParam]
        sub edi,50
        push [handlers+edi*4] ebx SB_SETTEXT [hStatus]      ; hWnd
        call dword [esi];  SendMessageA
        jmp [handler+edi*4]
NewFile: jmp default
SaveFile: lea edi,[ofn]
        mov ecx,(sizeof.OPENFILENAME)/4
        xor eax,eax
        rep stosd
        lea edi,[ofn]
        mov [ofn+OPENFILENAME.lStructSize],sizeof.OPENFILENAME
        push [hWnd]
        pop [edi+OPENFILENAME.hwndOwner]
        mov [edi+OPENFILENAME.hInstance],400000h
        mov [edi+OPENFILENAME.lpstrFilter],ASMFilterString
        mov [edi+OPENFILENAME.lpstrFile],FileName
        mov byte [FileName],0
        mov [edi+OPENFILENAME.nMaxFile],100h;sizeof.FileName
        push edi
        cmp dword[wParam],52
        jnz @f
        invoke GetSaveFileName
        jmp default
@@:     invoke GetOpenFileName
Search: jmp default
Preview: lea eax,[psd]
        push 750 1000 750 1000 ebx eax [hWnd]
        call PageSetupDialog
        jmp default
Print:  lea eax,[pd]
        push PD_SHOWHELP eax [hWnd]      ; hWnd
        call PrintDialog
        jmp default
About:  invoke ShellAbout,[hWnd],wTitle,aAssemblerPureS,10003h
        jmp default
hWin equ esp+sizeof.RECT+14h;ebp+8
hDC  equ esp+sizeof.RECT+18h;ebp+0Ch
caW  equ esp+sizeof.RECT+8;ebp-4
caH  equ caW-4
tbH  equ caH-4
sbH  equ tbH-4
        sub esp,sizeof.RECT+10h;place in the RECT structure and variables caW, caH, tbH, sbH
        mov edi,esp;&Rct
        lea esi,[GetWindowRect]
        invoke GetClientRect,dword[hWin],edi
        push [edi+RECT.right]
        pop dword[caW]
        push [edi+RECT.bottom]
        pop dword[caH]
        push edi [hToolBar]     ; hWnd
        call dword[esi];[GetWindowRect]
        mov eax,[edi+RECT.bottom]
        sub eax,[edi+RECT.top]
        mov dword[tbH], eax
        push edi [hStatus]          ; hWnd
        call dword[esi];[GetWindowRect]
        mov eax,[edi+RECT.bottom]
        sub eax,[edi+RECT.top]
        mov [sbH], eax
        sub [caH], eax
        mov [edi+RECT.left],ebx;0
        push dword[tbH]
        pop [edi+RECT.top]
        push dword[caW]
        pop [edi+RECT.right]
        push dword[caH]
        pop [edi+RECT.bottom]
        invoke DrawEdge,dword[hDC],edi,EDGE_SUNKEN,BF_RECT
        add esp,sizeof.RECT+10h;delete buffer
        retn 8
hWin equ esp+sizeof.PRINTDLG+6
lppd equ esp+sizeof.PRINTDLG+0Ah
flags equ esp+sizeof.PRINTDLG+0Eh
pd    equ esp+2
  ; ------------------------------------------------------------------
  ; Parameters
  ; 1. hWin  = parent handle
  ; 2. lppd  = address of PRINTDLG to receive info
  ; 3. flags = additional styes from the PRINTDLG reference material
  ; EXAMPLE: invoke PrintDialog,hWin,ADDR pd,PD_SHOWHELP
  ; ------------------------------------------------------------------
    sub esp,sizeof.PRINTDLG+2;place under PRINTDLG structure and pd

    mov [pd+PRINTDLG.lStructSize],sizeof.PRINTDLG
    push dword[hWin]
    pop [pd+PRINTDLG.hwndOwner]
    mov [pd+PRINTDLG.hDevMode], ebx
    mov [pd+PRINTDLG.hDevNames],ebx
    mov [pd+PRINTDLG.hDC],ebx
    mov eax, [flags]
    or  eax, PD_PAGENUMS    ; "or" default value with extra flags
    mov [pd+PRINTDLG.Flags], eax
    mov [pd+PRINTDLG.nFromPage],1
    mov [pd+PRINTDLG.nToPage],1
    mov [pd+PRINTDLG.nMinPage],bx;0
    mov [pd+PRINTDLG.nMaxPage],65535
    mov [pd+PRINTDLG.nCopies],1
    mov [pd+PRINTDLG.hInstance],ebx;0
    mov [pd+PRINTDLG.lCustData],ebx;0
    mov [pd+PRINTDLG.lpfnPrintHook],ebx;0
    mov [pd+PRINTDLG.lpfnSetupHook],ebx;0
    mov [pd+PRINTDLG.lpPrintTemplateName],ebx;0
    mov [pd+PRINTDLG.lpSetupTemplateName],ebx;0
    mov [pd+PRINTDLG.hPrintTemplate],ebx;0
    mov [pd+PRINTDLG.hSetupTemplate],ebx;0
    lea eax,[pd+PRINTDLG.lStructSize]
    push eax
    call [PrintDlg]

    mov ecx, sizeof.PRINTDLG
    lea esi, [pd]
    mov edi, [lppd];
    rep movsb

    add esp,sizeof.PRINTDLG+2;delete buffer
    retn 0Ch
; endp PrintDialog
hWin    equ esp+sizeof.PAGESETUPDLG+4;ebp+8
lppsd   equ esp+sizeof.PAGESETUPDLG+8;ebp+0Ch
style   equ esp+sizeof.PAGESETUPDLG+0Ch;ebp+10h
lMargin equ esp+sizeof.PAGESETUPDLG+10h;ebp+14h
tMargin equ esp+sizeof.PAGESETUPDLG+14h;ebp+18h
rMargin equ esp+sizeof.PAGESETUPDLG+18h;ebp+1Ch
bMargin equ esp+sizeof.PAGESETUPDLG+1Ch;ebp+20h

    ; Parameters.
    ; ~~~~~~~~~~
    ; 1. hWin    = Parent window handle.
    ; 2. lppsd   = address of PAGESETUPDLG structure for return parameters
    ; 3. style   = Default is 0, else styles from PAGESETUPDLG reference.
    ; 4. lMargin = 0 defaults to 500, inch = 1000 
    ; 4. tMargin = 0 defaults to 500, inch = 1000 
    ; 4. rMargin = 0 defaults to 500, inch = 1000 
    ; 4. bMargin = 0 defaults to 500, inch = 1000 

    ; EXAMPLE : invoke PageSetupDialog,hWin,ADDR psd,0,1000,750,1000,750
;psd equ ebp-sizeof.PAGESETUPDLG
    sub esp,sizeof.PAGESETUPDLG
    lea esi,[style]
    lodsd;mov eax,[style]
    test eax,eax
    jnz @f
    or dword[style], PSD_DEFAULTMINMARGINS or PSD_MARGINS or \
               PSD_INTHOUSANDTHSOFINCHES                 ; default styles
@@: lodsd;mov eax,[lMargin]
     test eax,eax
     jnz @f
     mov dword[lMargin],500
@@: lodsd;mov eax, [tMargin]
     test eax,eax
     jnz @f
     mov dword[tMargin],500
@@: lodsd;mov eax, [rMargin]
     test eax,eax
     jnz @f
     mov dword[rMargin],500
@@: lodsd;mov eax, [bMargin]
     test eax,eax
     jnz @f
     mov dword[bMargin],500
@@: mov esi,esp;lea esi,[psd]

     mov [esi+PAGESETUPDLG.lStructSize],sizeof.PAGESETUPDLG
     push dword[hWin]
     pop [esi+PAGESETUPDLG.hwndOwner]
     mov [esi+PAGESETUPDLG.hDevMode],ebx
     mov [esi+PAGESETUPDLG.hDevNames],ebx
     mov eax, [style]
     mov [esi+PAGESETUPDLG.Flags],eax
     mov [esi+PAGESETUPDLG.ptPaperSize.x],ebx
     mov [esi+PAGESETUPDLG.ptPaperSize.y],ebx
     mov [esi+PAGESETUPDLG.rtMinMargin.left],ebx
     mov [esi+PAGESETUPDLG.rtMinMargin.top],ebx
     mov [esi+PAGESETUPDLG.rtMinMargin.right],ebx
     mov [esi+PAGESETUPDLG.rtMinMargin.bottom],ebx

     push dword[lMargin]
     pop [esi+PAGESETUPDLG.rtMargin.left]

     push dword[tMargin]
     pop [esi+PAGESETUPDLG.rtMargin.top]

     push dword[rMargin]
     pop [esi+PAGESETUPDLG.rtMargin.right]

     push dword[bMargin]
     pop [esi+PAGESETUPDLG.rtMargin.bottom]

     mov [esi+PAGESETUPDLG.hInstance],ebx
     mov [esi+PAGESETUPDLG.lCustData],ebx
     mov [esi+PAGESETUPDLG.lpfnPageSetupHook],ebx
     mov [esi+PAGESETUPDLG.lpfnPagePaintHook],ebx
     mov [esi+PAGESETUPDLG.lpPageSetupTemplateName],ebx
     mov [esi+PAGESETUPDLG.hPageSetupTemplate],ebx
     push esi
     call [PageSetupDlg]
     mov ecx,sizeof.PAGESETUPDLG
     mov edi,[lppsd]
     rep movsb
     add esp,sizeof.PAGESETUPDLG;delete buffer
     retn 1Ch
wTitle db 'Iczelion Tutorial #8-12: toolbar in FASM',0
 aYouHaveSelecte db 'You have selected',0
 aNewFile        db 'New File',0         
 aOpenFile       db 'Open File',0       
 aSaveFile       db 'Save File',0
 aCut            db 'Cut',0
 aCopy           db 'Copy',0            
 aPaste          db 'Paste',0            
 aUndo           db 'Undo',0             
 aSearch         db 'Search',0
 aProperties     db 'Properties',0
 aPrint          db 'Print',0
 aAbout          db ' ?@>3@0<<5',0
aAssemblerPureS db 'Assembler, Pure & Simple',0
aPleaseConfirmE db 'Please Confirm Exit',0
        hStatus       dd 0
        hToolBar      dd 0
handlers dd aNewFile,aOpenFile,aSaveFile,aCut,aCopy,aPaste,aUndo,aSearch,aProperties,aPrint,0,aAbout
handler  dd NewFile, OpenFile, SaveFile, Cut, Copy, Paste, Undo, Search, Preview, Print, wmDESTROY, About
ASMFilterString         db "ASM Source code (*.asm)",0,"*.asm",0
                        db "All Files (*.*)",0,"*.*",0,0
FileName rb 256 
data import

 library KERNEL32, 'KERNEL32.DLL',\
         user32,   'USER32.DLL',\
         comctl32, 'comctl32.dll',\
         shell32,  'shell32.dll',\
         ole32,    'ole32.dll',\
         comdlg32, 'comdlg32.dll'
 import KERNEL32,\
               ExitProcess,        'ExitProcess'
 import user32,\
                RegisterClassEx,    'RegisterClassExA',\
                CreateWindowEx,     'CreateWindowExA',\
                DispatchMessage,    'DispatchMessageA',\
                DefWindowProc,      'DefWindowProcA',\
                BeginPaint,         'BeginPaint',\
                EndPaint,           'EndPaint',\
                GetMessage,         'GetMessageA',\
                SendMessage,        'SendMessageA',\
                GetWindowRect,      'GetWindowRect',\
                MoveWindow,         'MoveWindow',\
                GetClientRect,      'GetClientRect',\
                DrawEdge,           'DrawEdge',\
                ShowWindow,         'ShowWindow',\
                UpdateWindow,       'UpdateWindow',\
                MessageBox,         'MessageBoxA'
 import comdlg32,\
                GetSaveFileName,    'GetSaveFileNameA',\
                GetOpenFileName,    'GetOpenFileNameA',\
                PrintDlg,           'PrintDlgA',\
                PageSetupDlg,       'PageSetupDlgA',\
                ChooseColor,        'ChooseColorA',\
                ChooseFont,         'ChooseFontA'
 import comctl32,\
                InitCommonControls, 'InitCommonControls',\
                CreateToolbarEx,    'CreateToolbarEx',\
                CreateStatusWindow, 'CreateStatusWindowA'
 import shell32,\
                ShellAbout,        'ShellAboutA',\
                SHBrowseForFolder,  'SHBrowseForFolderA',\
                SHGetPathFromDList, 'SHGetPathFromDListA'
 import ole32,\
                CoTaskMemFree,      'CoTaskMemFree'
end data
align 4
data resource
  directory RT_MENU,menus

  IDM_MENU   = 600
  ID_EXIT    = 60
  ID_ABOUT   = 61

  resource menus,\

  menu main_menu
       menuitem '&File',0,MFR_POPUP
                menuitem '&Exit',ID_EXIT,MFR_END

       menuitem '&Help',0,MFR_POPUP + MFR_END
                menuitem '&About',ID_ABOUT,MFR_END
end data    

Filename: lesson8.zip
Filesize: 37.71 KB
Downloaded: 325 Time(s)

Post 13 Feb 2015, 08:44
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