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> High Level Languages > 17 byte demo! in pascal Goto page 1, 2 Next |
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arcangel 30 Jan 2014, 19:45
I found this little demo
http://board.flatassembler.net/topic.php?t=9147 Code: use16 org 0x100 mov ax,0x13 int 0x10 push word 0xA000 pop es paint: adc ax, cx stosb loop paint inc ax jmp paint And I've added to my favorite language, Pascal Code: uses dos,crt; var regs:registers; var pantalla: array [1..64000] of byte absolute $A000:0000; label paint; procedure setVideo; begin asm; mov ax,$13 int $10 end; end; begin setVideo; with regs do begin ah:=$0a0; es:=ax; paint: repeat ax := ax + cx; pantalla[di]:=al; inc(di); dec(cx); until cx<>0; inc(ax); if not keypressed then goto paint; end; end. But not implement the instruction well adc ax, cx does anyone could help me? |
30 Jan 2014, 19:45 |
sid123 31 Jan 2014, 00:11
ADC is the same as ADD but adds an extra 1 if the carry flag is set.
31 Jan 2014, 00:11 |
typedef 31 Jan 2014, 03:35
revolution wrote: Also, this looks wrong to me: <> is the same as != |
31 Jan 2014, 03:35 |
revolution 31 Jan 2014, 03:39
typedef wrote:
31 Jan 2014, 03:39 |
arcangel 31 Jan 2014, 10:24
With the explanations that you give to me. The program shows that way and works.
Code: uses dos,crt; var regs:registers; var pantalla: array [1..64000] of byte absolute $A000:0000; var newcarryflag, oldcarryflag : integer; label paint; procedure setVideo; begin asm; mov ax,$13 int $10 end; end; var i : integer; begin oldcarryflag := 0; setVideo; with regs do begin ah:=$0a0; es:=ax; paint: repeat if ((ax+cx) < ax) then newcarryflag:=1 else newcarryflag:=0; oldcarryflag := newcarryflag; ax := ax + cx + oldcarryflag; pantalla[di]:=al; inc(di); dec(cx); until cx=0; inc(ax); if not keypressed then goto paint; end; end. thank you very much |
31 Jan 2014, 10:24 |
arcangel 31 Jan 2014, 10:39
Changing the palette it shows a beautiful effect of water drops
Code: uses dos,crt; var regs:registers; var pantalla: array [1..64000] of byte absolute $A000:0000; var newcarryflag, oldcarryflag, i : integer; label paint; procedure setVideo; begin asm; mov ax,$13 int $10 end; end; procedure setrgbpalette(i,r,g,b : byte); begin asm; mov dx,3c8h; mov al,i; out dx,al; inc dx; mov al,r; out dx,ax; mov al,g; out dx,al; mov al,b; out dx,al; end; end; begin oldcarryflag := 0; setVideo; i:=0; repeat setrgbpalette(i,0,0,lo(i) shr 2); inc(i); until i=0; with regs do begin ah:=$0a0; es:=ax; paint: repeat if ((ax+cx) < ax) then newcarryflag:=1 else newcarryflag:=0; oldcarryflag := newcarryflag; ax := ax + cx + oldcarryflag; pantalla[di]:=al; inc(di); dec(cx); until cx=0; inc(ax); if not keypressed then goto paint; end; end. Thank you again |
31 Jan 2014, 10:39 |
revolution 31 Jan 2014, 10:50
arcangel: When you move the "oldcarryflag := newcarryflag;" line above the addition line then you are nullifying the point of having separate old and new carry flags, and also fail to properly emulate the adc instruction from the original source.
I never realised just how difficult it was in C to deal with overflows and carries until I read this page: http://www.fefe.de/intof.html [troll bait]Also note how the document describes this working with AMD CPUs. I thought the idea of HLLs was to be portable and not have to consider what the underlying architecture was? I guess I was mistaken and now see that HLLs are just a platform dependent as assembly.[/troll bait] |
31 Jan 2014, 10:50 |
revolution 31 Jan 2014, 10:57
Hehe, I just realised the above is also incorrect. Perhaps this will be a more accurate emulation of adc:
Code: if (cx=0 AND oldcarryflag=0) then newcarryflag:=0 else if ((ax+cx+oldcarryflag) <= ax) then newcarryflag:=1 else newcarryflag:=0; ax := ax + cx + oldcarryflag; oldcarryflag := newcarryflag; |
31 Jan 2014, 10:57 |
arcangel 31 Jan 2014, 21:13
Both codes are working the same. Adding the addition at the end.
Code: if (ax+cx) < ax then newcarryflag=1 else newcarryflag=0 oldcarryflag = newcarryflag; ax := ax + cx + oldcarryflag; Code: if (cx=0 AND oldcarryflag=0) then newcarryflag:=0 else if ((ax+cx+oldcarryflag) <= ax) then newcarryflag:=1 else newcarryflag:=0; oldcarryflag := newcarryflag; ax := ax + cx + oldcarryflag; This code is pure Pascal and it works Code: uses crt; var pantalla: array [1..64000] of byte absolute $A000:0000; var newcarryflag, oldcarryflag, loop, counter, indice : integer; procedure setVideo; begin asm; mov ax,$13 int $10 end; end; begin oldcarryflag := 0; loop := 0; counter := 0; indice := 0; setVideo; repeat repeat if ((counter+loop) < counter) then newcarryflag := 1 else newcarryflag := 0; oldcarryflag := newcarryflag; counter := counter + loop + oldcarryflag; pantalla[indice] := counter; inc(indice); dec(loop); until loop=0; inc(counter); until keypressed; end. Thank you very much |
31 Jan 2014, 21:13 |
arcangel 31 Jan 2014, 21:37
This code is intended for Pachi
Code: program demo; var auxiliary, carryflag, counter, color, indice : integer; label loop0,loop1,exit; procedure setVideo13; begin asm; mov ax,$13 int $10 end; end; procedure putPixel(indice:integer;color:byte); begin asm; push ax mov ax, $A000 mov es, ax mov di, indice mov al, color mov es:[di], al pop ax end; end; begin carryflag := 0; counter := 0; color := 0; indice := 0; setVideo13; loop0: loop1: auxiliary := 0; inc(auxiliary,color); inc(auxiliary,counter); carryflag := 0; if auxiliary < color then inc(carryflag,1); inc(color, counter); inc(color, carryflag); putPixel(indice,color); inc(indice,1); dec(counter,1); if counter <> 0 then goto loop1; inc(color,1); goto loop0; exit: end. Pachi: https://sites.google.com/site/bluedragonos1/ |
31 Jan 2014, 21:37 |
arcangel 01 Feb 2014, 15:30
Code: #fasm# org 100h mov ax, 0 ; carryflag := 0; mov bx, 0 ; counter := 0; mov cx, 0 ; color := 0; mov dx, 0 ; indice := 0; ; setVideo13; mov ax,$13 int $10 ; fin setVideo13; loop0: loop1: mov si, 0 ; auxiliary := 0; add si, cx ; inc(auxiliary,color); add si, bx ; inc(auxiliary,counter); mov ax, 0 ; carryflag := 0; cmp si, cx ja jmpIF ; if auxiliary < color then inc(carryflag,1); add ax, 1 jmpIF: add cx, bx ; inc(color, counter); add cx, ax ; inc(color, carryflag); ; putPixel(indice,color); push ax mov ax, $A000 mov es, ax mov di, dx ; indice mov ax, cx ; color mov [di], al pop ax ; fin putPixel add dx, 1 ; inc(indice,1); sub bx, 1 ; dec(counter,1); cmp bx, 0 ; if counter <> 0 then goto loop1; jne loop1 add cx, 1 ; inc(color,1); jmp loop0 ; goto loop0; exit: ret This code does not work, but do not know why. Does anyone know? |
01 Feb 2014, 15:30 |
arcangel 01 Feb 2014, 18:00
This code works
Code: label jmpIF, loop0, loop1, exit; begin asm; mov ax, 0 { carryflag := 0 } mov bx, 0 { counter := 0 } mov cx, 0 { color := 0 } mov dx, 0 { indice := 0 } {setVideo13 } mov ax,$13 int $10 {fin setVideo13 } loop0: loop1: mov si, 0 { auxiliary := 0 } add si, cx { inc(auxiliary,color) } add si, bx { inc(auxiliary,counter) } mov ax, 0 { carryflag := 0 } cmp si, cx ja jmpIF { if auxiliary < color then inc(carryflag,1) } add ax, 1 jmpIF: add cx, bx { inc(color, counter) } add cx, ax { inc(color, carryflag) } { putPixel(indice,color) } push ax mov ax, $A000 mov es, ax mov di, dx { indice } mov ax, cx { color } mov es:[di], al pop ax { fin putPixel } add dx, 1 { inc(indice,1) } sub bx, 1 { dec(counter,1) } cmp bx, 0 { if counter <> 0 then goto loop1 } jne loop1 add cx, 1 { inc(color,1) } jmp loop0 { goto loop0 } exit: end; end. The difference is: PASCAL Code: mov ax, cx { color } mov es:[di], al FASM Code: mov ax, cx ; color mov [di], al I'm doing something wrong, but What? |
01 Feb 2014, 18:00 |
LocoDelAssembly 02 Feb 2014, 00:24
"mov [es:di], al"?
02 Feb 2014, 00:24 |
LocoDelAssembly 02 Feb 2014, 04:48
BTW, could you write and run a test to confirm that your ADC code is actually equivalent? Here I have more complicated alternatives:
Code: procedure adc(var dest: word; const src: word; const cin: boolean; var cout: boolean); var temp: word; bit15_16: word; begin temp := (dest and $7FFF) + (src and $7FFF) + Ord(cin); bit15_16 := (dest shr 15) + (src shr 15) + (temp shr 15); dest := temp + (bit15_16 shl 15); cout := bit15_16 > 1; end; { Or just cheat } procedure simple_adc(var dest: word; const src: word; const cin: boolean; var cout: boolean); var temp: Longint; begin temp := Longint(dest) + Longint(src) + Ord(cin); dest := word(temp); { You may use word(temp and $FFFF) if you think this sentence could produce different result} cout := temp > $FFFF; end; |
02 Feb 2014, 04:48 |
arcangel 02 Feb 2014, 09:36
Quote: "mov [es:di], al"? ok It would be a pleasure to see your code snippets But the mode may be rewritten function adc(ax,cx:integer):integer; function adc_simple(ax,cx:integer):integer; thanks |
02 Feb 2014, 09:36 |
arcangel 02 Feb 2014, 09:48
Very interesting:
PASCAL PascalMania http://www.oocities.org/ar/nrs_arg/pascalmania/sources.htm FUNDAMENTOS http://www.oocities.org/siliconvalley/code/2632/d_funda.htm#pixel JUEGOS http://www.oocities.org/siliconvalley/code/2632/ JUEGOS http://www.pacop.net/curso-de-programacion-de-videojuegos-cpv.html SVGA MB!! MB!! https://github.com/romiras/turbo-pascal-archive/tree/master/Graphics/SVGA SVGA ftp://ftp.lanet.lv/pub/programming/mirror-x2ftp/libs/ svgabg55.zip ASM Macedonia http://macedoniamagazine.frodrig.com/aulak.htm Ensamblador 8086 Modo 13h Memoria para Gráficos http://tipsparaisc.blogspot.com.es/2012/04/ensamblador-8086-modo-13h-memoria-para.html MODO DE VIDEO 13H http://www.investigacion.frc.utn.edu.ar/labsis/Publicaciones/InvesDes/3deng/Intro/13h.htm |
02 Feb 2014, 09:48 |
LocoDelAssembly 02 Feb 2014, 20:11
Code: function adc(ax,cx: integer; var cf: boolean): integer; var temp: integer; bit15_16: integer; begin temp := (ax and $7FFF) + (cx and $7FFF) + Ord(cf); bit15_16 := (ax shr 15) + (cx shr 15) + (temp shr 15); cf := bit15_16 < -1; { I'm assuming that shr behaves like x86's sar on integer type } adc := temp xor (bit15_16 shl 15); end; |
02 Feb 2014, 20:11 |
arcangel 02 Feb 2014, 21:07
Code: uses dos,crt; var regs:registers; var pantalla: array [1..64000] of byte absolute $A000:0000; label paint; procedure setVideo; begin asm; mov ax,$13 int $10 end; end; function adc(ax,cx: integer; var cf: boolean): integer; var temp: integer; bit15_16: integer; begin temp := (ax and $7FFF) + (cx and $7FFF) + Ord(cf); bit15_16 := (ax shr 15) + (cx shr 15) + (temp shr 15); cf := bit15_16 < -1; { I'm assuming that shr behaves like x86's sar on integer type } adc := temp xor (bit15_16 shl 15); end; var i : integer; carryflag : boolean; begin setVideo; with regs do begin ah:=$0a0; es:=ax; paint: repeat adc(ax,cx,carryflag); ax := ax + cx; if carryflag then ax := ax +1; pantalla[di]:=al; inc(di); dec(cx); until cx=0; inc(ax); if not keypressed then goto paint; end; end. not working |
02 Feb 2014, 21:07 |
LocoDelAssembly 03 Feb 2014, 00:37
Not sure if it works as I cannot run anything here, but I'd implement the original asm code in the following way (making use of the Registers record just to keep the style):
Code: uses dos,crt; var regs: registers; var pantalla: array [1..64000] of byte absolute $A000:0000; procedure setVideo; begin regs.ax := $13; Intr($10, regs); { The original demo is affected by the returned value in AX and maybe CF, that is why I replaced the asm code } end; procedure adc; var { Registers' members are defined as Word for 16-bit registers, so I'll use the same type here } temp: Word; bit15_16: Word; begin with regs do begin temp := (ax and $7FFF) + (cx and $7FFF) + (flags and 1); bit15_16 := (ax shr 15) + (cx shr 15) + (temp shr 15); ax := temp xor (bit15_16 shl 15); flags := (flags and $FFFE) or Ord(bit15_16 > 1); end end; begin with regs do begin { Make sure these regs are zero like a COM executable at entry point } cx := 0; di := 0; setVideo; { Not actually being used for anything, in fasm replace with push $A000 / pop es } es := $A000; repeat repeat adc; pantalla[di] := al; { This is not using es at all, but in fasm version you would use it } inc(di); dec(cx); until cx = 0; inc(ax); until keypressed; end; end. |
03 Feb 2014, 00:37 |
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