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Joined: 18 Sep 2005
Posts: 106
wht36 12 Oct 2011, 15:56
2^15 = 32768 and the sum of its digits is 3 + 2 + 7 + 6 + 8 = 26.

What is the sum of the digits of the number 2^100000?

The program below, using bitRAKE's algorithm (http://projecteuler.net/thread=16), returns 0. (Correct answer is at: http://oeis.org/A101429 )

What did I do wrong?

format pe console
include 'win32ax.inc'
section '.idata' import data readable writeable
library msvcrt, 'msvcrt.dll', kernel32, 'kernel32.dll'
import msvcrt, printf, 'printf'
import kernel32, ExitProcess,'ExitProcess'     

section '.code' code readable executable
entry $
POWER = 100000

      ; set up number in binary
   mov edi,number
      mov ebp, edi
        sub eax,eax
 mov ecx,(POWER+31)/32
       rep stosd
   mov eax, POWER
      bts [ebp], eax

  ; convert to decimal to sum digits
  mov edi, (POWER+31)/32 - 1
  mov ecx, 10
 xor ebx, ebx ; sum

_0:       mov esi, edi ; dwords to convert
    xor edx, edx
@@: mov eax, [ebp+esi*4]
        div ecx
     mov [ebp+esi*4], eax
        dec esi
     jns @B

  add ebx, edx

    cmp DWORD [ebp+edi*4], 0
    jne _0
      dec edi
     jns _0

  mov eax,ebx
 sub edx,edx

   cinvoke printf, "%d", eax
   invoke ExitProcess, 0

sum: rd 1
number: rd (POWER+31)/32    
Post 12 Oct 2011, 15:56
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Joined: 15 Sep 2006
Posts: 181
Goplat 12 Oct 2011, 17:57
mov ecx,(POWER+31)/32
rep stosd
mov eax, POWER
bts [ebp], eax

; convert to decimal to sum digits
mov edi, (POWER+31)/32 - 1

number: rd (POWER+31)/32

Off-by-one bugs. Remember, you need POWER+1 bits to represent 2^POWER. So ecx, and the size of number, should be POWER/32+1 dwords, and edi should be just POWER/32.
Post 12 Oct 2011, 17:57
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Joined: 18 Sep 2005
Posts: 106
wht36 13 Oct 2011, 05:11
Brilliant! It works! Thank you so very much!!

Here's a 16bit version for DOS people.
;2^15 = 32768 and the sum of its digits is 3 + 2 + 7 + 6 + 8 = 26.
;What is the sum of the digits of the number 2^10000?

org 100h

POWER = 10000

   ; set up number in binary
   mov di, Number
      mov bp, di              ;we need POWER+1 bits to represent 2^POWER
  mov cx, POWER/16        ;CX = number of words required -1
   sub ax,ax
   rep stosw
   mov word [di], 1 shl (POWER mod 16)
 sub di,bp               ;DI -> relative offset of highest word

       ; convert to decimal to sum digits
  mov cx, 10              ; base
      xor bx, bx              ; sum

_0:    mov si, di              ; SI = DI = highest word
    xor dx, dx
@@:   mov ax, [bp+si]
     div cx
      mov [bp+si], ax         ; store quotient
    dec si
      dec si                  ; next word
 jns @B

  add bx, dx

      cmp word [bp+di], 0     ; continue division until highest word is zero
      jne _0
      dec di
      dec di                  ; one word less
     jns _0

  mov ax,bx
putd:  mov cx,10
.div:  sub dx,dx       ; clear DX
  div cx          ; divide AX by BX
   or ax,ax
    jz .asc         ; if quotient is zero goto undo
     push dx         ; store remainder
   call .div       ; divide again
      pop dx          ; restore remainder
.asc:        add dl,'0'    ; and convert it to ASCII characters
putc:       mov ah,2
    int 21h
exit:    ret

Post 13 Oct 2011, 05:11
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