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Index > DOS > 16 Bit DOS INT's in windows vista.

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Joined: 08 Jul 2010
Posts: 17
Walkerboh 08 Jul 2010, 20:57
I'm learning assembly from the ground up(16 bit) on Vista, and I'm working on creating/opening/reading/writing files with DOS Interrupts. File creation,writing and opening is not working for me. Reading works fine!

Does the 16 bit FASM code, just not work right with vista? I am running my code from an administrator account.

Here are some code snippets in case I'm just writing my program incorrectly.

OPEN FILE SNIPPET-This code when run, puts 1 in CF
MOV ah,0x3D
MOV al,2
MOV dx,FilePath
INT 21h
JC OpenErrorh
MOV [Handle],ax

WRITE FILE SNIPPET-This code returns no error in CF none the less it doesn't work
MOV ah,0x40
MOV bx,[Handle]
MOV cx,[ActualFileSize]
MOV dx,FileData
INT 21h
JC WriteErrorH
Post 08 Jul 2010, 20:57
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Goplat 08 Jul 2010, 21:49
DOS call 3D is only for opening an existing file, it won't create new files.
Post 08 Jul 2010, 21:49
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Walkerboh 08 Jul 2010, 23:16
I'm not trying to create a file with DOS function 3D, for brevity's sake I just included code snippets of how I was attempting to open and write to a file.

Here is the actual program. It compiles and at runtime it APPEARS to do what I want it to do(1. Accept string from user 2. Write string to a file 3. Read file 4.Display data read from file to screen). For some reason though it accepts and prints TWO strings, and when I go to C:\ to look for C:\data1.txt in explorer..it isn't there. Is the program perhaps writing to a file invisible to windows explorer?

ORG 100h

MaxFileSize = 256

   XOR bx,bx                  ;place 0 in bx STD_INPUT_HANDLE
   MOV ah,0x3F               ;READ Function
   MOV dx,FileData            ;buffer for input
   MOV cx,MaxFileSize              ;Max # of bytes to accept
   INT 21h                 ;Call DOS dispatcher
   JC ReadErrorH                ;IF CF=1 jump to ReadErrorH
   TEST ax,ax                    ;ax=0 if EOF
   JZ EndProgram                ;IF EOF EndProgram
   MOV [ActualFileSize],ax        ;Place # of bytes read into dw ActualFileSize

   MOV ah,0x3C                  ;Create File Function Code
   MOV dx,FilePath                ;Place offset of FilePath into dx
   JC CreateErrorH         ;IF cf=1 jmp to CreateErrorH
   MOV [Handle],ax              ;Place handle into DW variable Handle

   MOV ah,0x3D                      ;Open Function Code
   MOV al,2h                     ;Read/Write Access mode
   MOV dx,FilePath           ;Move FilePath address to dx
   INT 21h                      ;Call DOS dispatcher
;   JC OpenErrorH               ;IF cf=1 jmp to OpenErrorH
   MOV [Handle],ax
   MOV ah,0x40                      ;Write Function Code
   MOV bx,[Handle]              ;Place file handle in bx
   MOV cx,[ActualFileSize]  ;# of bytes to write
   MOV dx,FileData              ;Place address of buffer into dx
   INT 21h                  ;Call DOS Dispatcher
   JC WriteErrorH               ;If cf=1 jmp WriteErrorH
;   MOV ah,0x3E                  ;Close Function Code
;   MOV bx,[Handle]             ;Place file handle into bx
;   JC CloseErrorH                ;If cf=1 jmp CLoseErrorH 

;   MOV ah,0x3D
;   MOV al,2
;   MOV dx,FilePath
;   INT 21h
;   JC OpenErrorH2
;   MOV [Handle],ax

   MOV ah,0x3F
   MOV bx,[Handle]
   MOV cx,MaxFileSize
   MOV dx,FileData2
   INT 21h
   JC ReadErrorH
   MOV [ActualFileSize],ax

   MOV di,[ActualFileSize]   ;Place # of bytes to read into di
   ADD di,FileData2                ;di = Actual File Size + File Data
   MOV al,'$'                   ;place $ at end of the string

   MOV ah,09h
   MOV dx,FileData2
   INT 21h

   MOV ah,4ch
   INT 21h

   MOV ah,09h
   MOV dx,WriteErrorS
   INT 21h
   JMP EndProgram

   MOV ah,09h
   MOV dx,ReadErrorS
   INT 21h
   JMP EndProgram

   MOV ah,09h
   MOV dx,OpenErrorS
   INT 21h
   JMP EndProgram

   MOV ah,09h
   MOV dx,CloseErrorS
   INT 21h
   JMP EndProgram

   MOV ah,09h
   MOV dx,OpenErrorS2
   INT 21h
   JMP EndProgram

   MOV ah,09h
   MOV dx,ReadErrorS2
   INT 21h
   JMP EndProgram

   MOV ah,09h
   MOV dx,CreateErrorS
   INT 21h
   JMP EndProgram

FilePath db 'C:\data1.txt',0
Handle dw ?
ActualFileSize dw ?
FileData db MaxFileSize+1 dup (?)
FileData2 db MaxFileSize+1 dup (?)
WriteErrorS db 'Error writing to file!','$'
ReadErrorS db 'Error reading file!','$'
ReadErrorS2 db 'Error reading file2!','$'
OpenErrorS db 'Error opening file!','$'
OpenErrorS2 db 'Error opening file2!','$'
CloseErrorS db 'Error closing file!','$'
CreateErrorS db 'Error creating file!','$'
Post 08 Jul 2010, 23:16
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sinsi 09 Jul 2010, 00:53
   MOV ah,0x3C                  ;Create File Function Code 
   MOV dx,FilePath              ;Place offset of FilePath into dx 
   JC CreateErrorH              ;IF cf=1 jmp to CreateErrorH 
   MOV [Handle],ax              ;Place handle into DW variable Handle 

Missing an INT 21h isn't it?
Post 09 Jul 2010, 00:53
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Walkerboh 09 Jul 2010, 01:00
Aye, however, even with the INT 21h it doesn't create the file data1.txt in C:\
Post 09 Jul 2010, 01:00
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Joined: 08 Jul 2010
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Walkerboh 09 Jul 2010, 01:24
Well I found the problem with the create file code, I didn't realize you HAD to specify a file attribute >< As soon as I XOR cx,cx the file was created. Thx all

MOV ah,3ch
MOV dx,FilePath
XOR cx,cx
INT 21h
JC CreateErrorH

Post 09 Jul 2010, 01:24
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