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Index > Windows > Customizing the "proc"

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Tomasz Grysztar

Joined: 16 Jun 2003
Posts: 8357
Location: Kraków, Poland
Tomasz Grysztar 03 Aug 2009, 10:17
NOTE: all the following examples apply to the latest Win32/Win64 includes package, they won't work with earlier versions of the macros. If you want to try them, please make sure you have downloaded FASMW package not earlier, than 03 Aug 2009.

With the latest update of Win32/Win64 headers I decided to allow a little more powerful customizations of "proc" to be made with prologue/epilogue definitions. The prologue macro now defines the "parmbase@proc" and "localbase@proc" symbolic variables, which define how the procedure parameters and local should be addressed. Also the new "close@proc" setting has been added, which defines a macro that is invoked from "endp" (because the epilogue macro is called from "ret", and you may sometimes need to do some additional cleanup on the end of procedure code).

This is how the default procedure settings for 32-bit look like:
macro prologuedef procname,flag,parmbytes,localbytes,reglist
 { local loc
   loc = (localbytes+3) and (not 3)
   parmbase@proc equ ebp+8
   localbase@proc equ ebp-loc
   if parmbytes | localbytes
    push ebp
    mov ebp,esp
    if localbytes
     sub esp,loc
    end if
   end if
   irps reg, reglist \{ push reg \} }

macro epiloguedef procname,flag,parmbytes,localbytes,reglist
 { irps reg, reglist \{ reverse pop reg \}
   if parmbytes | localbytes
   end if
   if flag and 10000b
    retn parmbytes
   end if }

prologue@proc equ prologuedef
epilogue@proc equ epiloguedef
close@proc equ    
And the one for 64-bit:
macro prologuedef procname,flag,parmbytes,localbytes,reglist
 { local loc,fill,counter
   loc = (localbytes+15) and (not 15)
   parmbase@proc equ rbp+16
   localbase@proc equ rbp-loc
   if parmbytes | localbytes
    push rbp
    mov rbp,rsp
    if loc+fill
     sub rsp,loc+fill
    end if
   end if
   counter = 0
   irps reg, reglist \{ push reg
                        counter = counter+1 \}
   fill = 8*(counter and 1) }

macro epiloguedef procname,flag,parmbytes,localbytes,reglist
 { irps reg, reglist \{ reverse pop reg \}
   if parmbytes | localbytes
   end if
   retn }

prologue@proc equ prologuedef
epilogue@proc equ epiloguedef
close@proc equ    
The prologue and epilogue macro now also handle all the alignments - the "proc" macro no longer aligns the size of local variables area, to allow better customization of this as well.

As before, you can make simple customizations, like replacing the initial sequence of instructions with "enter" instructions, or so. However, being able to define any custom values for parmbase and localbase, you can do much more. Few examples of interesting customizations follow here.
To use the customized macros for any given procedure, just set up the "prologue@proc", "epilogue@proc" and "close@proc" symbolic variables with appropriate macro names before the procedure definition. You can then restore them with "restore prologue@proc,epilogue@proc,close@proc" command.

First example is the static-RSP procedure frame for 64-bit case. These macros define the common frame for all the procedure calls inside the "proc" (the same as "frame" macro) and therefore assume that RSP is not changed during the procedure life. This allows to access the parameters and locals with RSP-based addresses. The instructions are longer that with RBP-based addressing, however you get the simpler code and RBP register free for any custom usage. Choose whatever is more suitable for your needs. Wink
macro static_rsp_prologue procname,flag,parmbytes,localbytes,reglist
 { local counter,loc,regs,frame,current
   loc = (localbytes+7) and (not 7)
   counter = 0
   irps reg, reglist \{ counter = counter+1 \}
   regs = 8*( counter + (counter+loc shr 3+1) and 1 )
   totalbytes@proc equ frame+loc+regs
   sub rsp,totalbytes@proc
   localbase@proc equ rsp+frame
   regsbase@proc equ rsp+frame+loc
   parmbase@proc equ rsp+frame+loc+regs+8
   current = 0
   current@frame equ current
   size@frame equ frame
   counter = 0
   irps reg, reglist \{ mov [regsbase@proc+8*counter],reg
                        counter = counter+1 \} }

macro static_rsp_epilogue procname,flag,parmbytes,localbytes,reglist
 { local counter
   counter = 0
   irps reg, reglist \{ mov reg,[regsbase@proc+8*counter]
                        counter = counter+1 \}
   add rsp,totalbytes@proc
   retn }

macro static_rsp_close procname,flag,parmbytes,localbytes,reglist
 { size@frame = current@frame
   restore size@frame,current@frame }

prologue@proc equ static_rsp_prologue
epilogue@proc equ static_rsp_epilogue
close@proc equ static_rsp_close    

The second example is much more "exotic" - these are the prologue/epilogue macros designed for the WindowProc case, which define local variables shared between procedure instances for the same window. On window creation it allocates the area for locals with VirtualAlloc and stores the pointer to this area in window's GWL_USERDATA field. Then each time this proc is called, the pointer is retrieved back and stored in EBX register, which is used as base for addressing the local variables.
macro window_prologue procname,flag,parmbytes,localbytes,reglist
 { enter 0,0
   if defined parmbytes & parmbytes <> 4*4
   display 'Error: window procedure ',`procname,' has to take exactly four parameters.',13,10
   end if
   parmbase@proc equ ebp+8
   irps reg, reglist \{ push reg \}
   if ~ ebx in <reglist>
   push ebx
   end if
   local ..retrieve,..free,..ok
   cmp dword [parmbase@proc+4],WM_CREATE
   jne ..retrieve
   invoke VirtualAlloc,NULL,localbytes,MEM_COMMIT,PAGE_READWRITE
   mov ebx,eax
   invoke SetWindowLong,dword [parmbase@proc],GWL_USERDATA,ebx
   jmp ..ok
   invoke GetWindowLong,dword [parmbase@proc],GWL_USERDATA
   mov ebx,eax
   localbase@proc equ ebx
   cmp dword [parmbase@proc+4],WM_DESTROY
   jne ..ok
   invoke VirtualFree,ebx,0,MEM_RELEASE
   ..ok: }

macro window_epilogue procname,flag,parmbytes,localbytes,reglist
 { if ~ ebx in <reglist>
   pop ebx
   end if
   irps reg, reglist \{ reverse pop reg \}
   retn parmbytes }

prologue@proc equ window_prologue
epilogue@proc equ window_epilogue
close@proc equ    

The complete example program demonstrating such "window locals" follows. When you left click inside the window, the rect defining the text boundary is updated - and on subsequent paint message this rect (stored in window's local area) is used to redraw the text. When you right click the window, the new instance of same window class is created - you can check out, that rects for all the windows are independent.
format PE GUI 4.0
entry start

include 'win32wx.inc'

section '.text' code readable executable


        invoke  GetModuleHandle,0
        mov     [wc.hInstance],eax
        invoke  LoadIcon,0,IDI_APPLICATION
        mov     [wc.hIcon],eax
        invoke  LoadCursor,0,IDC_ARROW
        mov     [wc.hCursor],eax
        invoke  RegisterClass,wc
        test    eax,eax
        jz      error

        invoke  CreateWindowEx,0,_class,_title,WS_VISIBLE+WS_DLGFRAME+WS_SYSMENU,128,128,256,192,NULL,NULL,[wc.hInstance],NULL

        invoke  GetMessage,msg,NULL,0,0
        cmp     eax,1
        jb      end_loop
        jne     msg_loop
        invoke  TranslateMessage,msg
        invoke  DispatchMessage,msg
        jmp     msg_loop

        invoke  MessageBox,NULL,_error,NULL,MB_ICONERROR+MB_OK

        invoke  ExitProcess,[msg.wParam]

macro window_prologue procname,flag,parmbytes,localbytes,reglist
 { enter 0,0
   if defined parmbytes & parmbytes <> 4*4
   display 'Error: window procedure ',`procname,' must have exactly four parameters.',13,10
   end if
   parmbase@proc equ ebp+8
   irps reg, reglist \{ push reg \}
   if ~ ebx in <reglist>
   push ebx
   end if
   local ..retrieve,..free,..ok
   cmp dword [parmbase@proc+4],WM_CREATE
   jne ..retrieve
   invoke VirtualAlloc,NULL,localbytes,MEM_COMMIT,PAGE_READWRITE
   mov ebx,eax
   invoke SetWindowLong,dword [parmbase@proc],GWL_USERDATA,ebx
   jmp ..ok
   invoke GetWindowLong,dword [parmbase@proc],GWL_USERDATA
   mov ebx,eax
   localbase@proc equ ebx
   cmp dword [parmbase@proc+4],WM_DESTROY
   jne ..ok
   invoke VirtualFree,ebx,0,MEM_RELEASE
   ..ok: }

macro window_epilogue procname,flag,parmbytes,localbytes,reglist
 { if ~ ebx in <reglist>
   pop ebx
   end if
   irps reg, reglist \{ reverse pop reg \}
   retn parmbytes }

prologue@proc equ window_prologue
epilogue@proc equ window_epilogue
close@proc equ

proc WindowProc uses esi, hwnd,wmsg,wparam,lparam
   rc RECT
   pt POINT
        cmp     [wmsg],WM_CREATE
        je      .wmcreate
        cmp     [wmsg],WM_PAINT
        je      .wmpaint
        cmp     [wmsg],WM_LBUTTONDOWN
        je      .wmlbuttondown
        cmp     [wmsg],WM_RBUTTONDOWN
        je      .wmrbuttondown
        cmp     [wmsg],WM_DESTROY
        je      .wmdestroy
        invoke  DefWindowProc,[hwnd],[wmsg],[wparam],[lparam]
        jmp     .finish
        invoke  GetClientRect,[hwnd],addr rc
        invoke  BeginPaint,[hwnd],addr ps
        invoke  GetDC,[hwnd]
        mov     esi,eax
        invoke  DrawText,esi,'Test',4,addr rc,DT_LEFT
        invoke  ReleaseDC,[hwnd],esi
        invoke  EndPaint,[hwnd],addr ps
        jmp     .finish
        movsx   eax,word [lparam]
        mov     [rc.left],eax
        movsx   eax,word [lparam+2]
        mov     [rc.top],eax
        invoke  InvalidateRect,[hwnd],NULL,TRUE
        jmp     .finish
        invoke  GetCursorPos,addr pt
        invoke  CreateWindowEx,0,_class,_title,WS_VISIBLE+WS_DLGFRAME+WS_SYSMENU,[pt.x],[pt.y],256,192,NULL,NULL,[wc.hInstance],NULL
        jmp     .finish
        invoke  PostQuitMessage,0
        xor     eax,eax

section '.data' data readable writeable

  _class TCHAR 'FASMWIN32',0
  _title TCHAR 'Window local variables demonstration',0
  _error TCHAR 'Startup failed.',0


  msg MSG

section '.idata' import data readable writeable

  library kernel32,'KERNEL32.DLL',\

  include 'api\kernel32.inc'
  include 'api\user32.inc'    
Post 03 Aug 2009, 10:17
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Tomasz Grysztar

Joined: 16 Jun 2003
Posts: 8357
Location: Kraków, Poland
Tomasz Grysztar 03 Aug 2009, 11:14
As a demonstration of what code the static-RSP macros generate, here's the modified procedure from OpenGL example, which was assembled with the static-RSP prologue/epilogue settings, and disassembled with BIEW (the disassembly comes below):
proc WindowProc uses rbx rsi rdi, hwnd,wmsg,wparam,lparam
  rc RECT
        mov     [hwnd],rcx
        cmp     edx,WM_CREATE
        je      .wmcreate
        cmp     edx,WM_SIZE
        je      .wmsize
        cmp     edx,WM_PAINT
        je      .wmpaint
        cmp     edx,WM_KEYDOWN
        je      .wmkeydown
        cmp     edx,WM_DESTROY
        je      .wmdestroy
        invoke  DefWindowProc,rcx,rdx,r8,r9
        jmp     .finish
        invoke  GetDC,rcx
        mov     [hdc],rax
        lea     rdi,[pfd]
        mov     rcx,sizeof.PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR shr 3
        xor     eax,eax
        rep     stosq
        mov     [pfd.nSize],sizeof.PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR
        mov     [pfd.nVersion],1
        mov     [pfd.iLayerType],PFD_MAIN_PLANE
        mov     [pfd.iPixelType],PFD_TYPE_RGBA
        mov     [pfd.cColorBits],16
        mov     [pfd.cDepthBits],16
        mov     [pfd.cAccumBits],0
        mov     [pfd.cStencilBits],0
        invoke  ChoosePixelFormat,[hdc],addr pfd
        invoke  SetPixelFormat,[hdc],eax,addr pfd
        invoke  wglCreateContext,[hdc]
        mov     [hrc],rax
        invoke  wglMakeCurrent,[hdc],[hrc]
        invoke  GetClientRect,[hwnd],addr rc
        invoke  glViewport,0,0,[rc.right],[rc.bottom]
        invoke  GetTickCount
        mov     [clock],eax
        xor     eax,eax
        jmp     .finish
        invoke  GetClientRect,[hwnd],addr rc
        invoke  glViewport,0,0,[rc.right],[rc.bottom]
        xor     eax,eax
        jmp     .finish
        invoke  GetTickCount
        sub     eax,[clock]
        cmp     eax,10
        jb      .animation_ok
        add     [clock],eax
        invoke  glRotatef,float [theta],float dword 0.0,float dword 0.0,float dword 1.0
        invoke  glClear,GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT
        invoke  glBegin,GL_QUADS
        invoke  glColor3f,float dword 1.0,float dword 0.1,float dword 0.1
        invoke  glVertex3d,float -0.6,float -0.6,float 0.0
        invoke  glColor3f,float dword 0.1,float dword 0.1,float dword 0.1
        invoke  glVertex3d,float 0.6,float -0.6,float 0.0
        invoke  glColor3f,float dword 0.1,float dword 0.1,float dword 1.0
        invoke  glVertex3d,float 0.6,float 0.6,float 0.0
        invoke  glColor3f,float dword 1.0,float dword 0.1,float dword 1.0
        invoke  glVertex3d,float -0.6,float 0.6,float 0.0
        invoke  glEnd
        invoke  SwapBuffers,[hdc]
        xor     eax,eax
        jmp     .finish
        cmp     r8d,VK_ESCAPE
        jne     .defwndproc
        invoke  wglMakeCurrent,0,0
        invoke  wglDeleteContext,[hrc]
        invoke  ReleaseDC,[hwnd],[hdc]
        invoke  PostQuitMessage,0
        xor     eax,eax

00000362:a4883EC78                       sub (q)   rsp,+78
00000366:a48895C2458                     mov       [rsp+58],rbx
0000036B:a4889742460                     mov       [rsp+60],rsi
00000370:a48897C2468                     mov       [rsp+68],rdi
00000375:a48898C2480000000               mov       [rsp+00000080],rcx
0000037D:a83FA01                         cmp (d)   edx,+01
00000380:a7432                           je        file:000003B4
00000382:a83FA05                         cmp (d)   edx,+05
00000385:a0F840D010000                   je        file:00000498
0000038B:a83FA0F                         cmp (d)   edx,+0F
0000038E:a0F843C010000                   je        file:000004D0
00000394:a81FA00010000                   cmp       edx,00000100
0000039A:a0F84E5020000                   je        file:00000685
000003A0:a83FA02                         cmp (d)   edx,+02
000003A3:a0F84E6020000                   je        file:0000068F
000003A9:aFF15D11F0000                   call (q)  [rip+00001FD1]
000003AF:aE920030000                     jmpn      file:000006D4
000003B4:aFF15FE1F0000                   call (q)  [rip+00001FFE]
000003BA:a488905A70E0000                 mov       [rip+00000EA7],rax
000003C1:a488D7C2430                     lea       rdi,[rsp+30]
000003C6:a48C7C105000000                 mov       rcx,00000005
000003CD:a31C0                           xor       eax,eax
000003CF:aF348AB                         rep;      stosq
000003D2:a66C74424302800                 mov       [rsp+30],0028
000003D9:a66C74424320100                 mov       [rsp+32],0001
000003E0:aC744243425000000               mov       [rsp+34],00000025
000003E8:aC644244A00                     mov       [rsp+4A],00
000003ED:aC644243800                     mov       [rsp+38],00
000003F2:aC644243910                     mov       [rsp+39],10
000003F7:aC644244710                     mov       [rsp+47],10
000003FC:aC644244200                     mov       [rsp+42],00
00000401:aC644244800                     mov       [rsp+48],00
00000406:a488B0D5B0E0000                 mov       rcx,[rip+00000E5B]
0000040D:a488D542430                     lea       rdx,[rsp+30]
00000412:aFF159C200000                   call (q)  [rip+0000209C]
00000418:a488B0D490E0000                 mov       rcx,[rip+00000E49]
0000041F:a89C2                           mov       edx,eax
00000421:a4C8D442430                     lea       r8,[rsp+30]
00000426:aFF1590200000                   call (q)  [rip+00002090]
0000042C:a488B0D350E0000                 mov       rcx,[rip+00000E35]
00000433:aFF155F210000                   call (q)  [rip+0000215F]
00000439:a488905300E0000                 mov       [rip+00000E30],rax
00000440:a488B0D210E0000                 mov       rcx,[rip+00000E21]
00000447:a488B15220E0000                 mov       rdx,[rip+00000E22]
0000044E:aFF1554210000                   call (q)  [rip+00002154]
00000454:a488B8C2480000000               mov       rcx,[rsp+00000080]
0000045C:a488D542420                     lea       rdx,[rsp+20]
00000461:aFF15491F0000                   call (q)  [rip+00001F49]
00000467:a48C7C100000000                 mov       rcx,00000000
0000046E:a48C7C200000000                 mov       rdx,00000000
00000475:a448B442428                     mov       r8d,[rsp+28]
0000047A:a448B4C242C                     mov       r9d,[rsp+2C]
0000047F:aFF150B210000                   call (q)  [rip+0000210B]
00000485:aFF15331E0000                   call (q)  [rip+00001E33]
0000048B:a8905130E0000                   mov       [rip+00000E13],eax
00000491:a31C0                           xor       eax,eax
00000493:aE93C020000                     jmpn      file:000006D4
00000498:a488B8C2480000000               mov       rcx,[rsp+00000080]
000004A0:a488D542420                     lea       rdx,[rsp+20]
000004A5:aFF15051F0000                   call (q)  [rip+00001F05]
000004AB:a48C7C100000000                 mov       rcx,00000000
000004B2:a48C7C200000000                 mov       rdx,00000000
000004B9:a448B442428                     mov       r8d,[rsp+28]
000004BE:a448B4C242C                     mov       r9d,[rsp+2C]
000004C3:aFF15C7200000                   call (q)  [rip+000020C7]
000004C9:a31C0                           xor       eax,eax
000004CB:aE904020000                     jmpn      file:000006D4
000004D0:aFF15E81D0000                   call (q)  [rip+00001DE8]
000004D6:a2B05C80D0000                   sub       eax,[rip+00000DC8]
000004DC:a83F80A                         cmp (d)   eax,+0A
000004DF:a722F                           jc        file:00000510
000004E1:a0105BD0D0000                   add       [rip+00000DBD],eax
000004E7:a660F6E052D0D0000               movd      xmm0,[rip+00000D2D]
000004EF:aB800000000                     mov       eax,00000000
000004F4:a660F6EC8                       movd      xmm1,eax
000004F8:aB800000000                     mov       eax,00000000
000004FD:a660F6ED0                       movd      xmm2,eax
00000501:aB80000803F                     mov       eax,3F800000
00000506:a660F6ED8                       movd      xmm3,eax
0000050A:aFF1570200000                   call (q)  [rip+00002070]
00000510:a48C7C100400000                 mov       rcx,00004000
00000517:aFF154B200000                   call (q)  [rip+0000204B]
0000051D:a48C7C107000000                 mov       rcx,00000007
00000524:aFF1536200000                   call (q)  [rip+00002036]
0000052A:aB80000803F                     mov       eax,3F800000
0000052F:a660F6EC0                       movd      xmm0,eax
00000533:aB8CDCCCC3D                     mov       eax,3DCCCCCD
00000538:a660F6EC8                       movd      xmm1,eax
0000053C:aB8CDCCCC3D                     mov       eax,3DCCCCCD
00000541:a660F6ED0                       movd      xmm2,eax
00000545:aFF1525200000                   call (q)  [rip+00002025]
0000054B:a48B8333333333333E3BF           mov       rax,BFE3333333333333
00000555:a66480F6EC0                     movd      xmm0,rax
0000055A:a48B8333333333333E3BF           mov       rax,BFE3333333333333
00000564:a66480F6EC8                     movd      xmm1,rax
00000569:a48C7C000000000                 mov       rax,00000000
00000570:a66480F6ED0                     movd      xmm2,rax
00000575:aFF150D200000                   call (q)  [rip+0000200D]
0000057B:aB8CDCCCC3D                     mov       eax,3DCCCCCD
00000580:a660F6EC0                       movd      xmm0,eax
00000584:aB8CDCCCC3D                     mov       eax,3DCCCCCD
00000589:a660F6EC8                       movd      xmm1,eax
0000058D:aB8CDCCCC3D                     mov       eax,3DCCCCCD
00000592:a660F6ED0                       movd      xmm2,eax
00000596:aFF15D41F0000                   call (q)  [rip+00001FD4]
0000059C:a48B8333333333333E33F           mov       rax,3FE3333333333333
000005A6:a66480F6EC0                     movd      xmm0,rax
000005AB:a48B8333333333333E3BF           mov       rax,BFE3333333333333
000005B5:a66480F6EC8                     movd      xmm1,rax
000005BA:a48C7C000000000                 mov       rax,00000000
000005C1:a66480F6ED0                     movd      xmm2,rax
000005C6:aFF15BC1F0000                   call (q)  [rip+00001FBC]
000005CC:aB8CDCCCC3D                     mov       eax,3DCCCCCD
000005D1:a660F6EC0                       movd      xmm0,eax
000005D5:aB8CDCCCC3D                     mov       eax,3DCCCCCD
000005DA:a660F6EC8                       movd      xmm1,eax
000005DE:aB80000803F                     mov       eax,3F800000
000005E3:a660F6ED0                       movd      xmm2,eax
000005E7:aFF15831F0000                   call (q)  [rip+00001F83]
000005ED:a48B8333333333333E33F           mov       rax,3FE3333333333333
000005F7:a66480F6EC0                     movd      xmm0,rax
000005FC:a48B8333333333333E33F           mov       rax,3FE3333333333333
00000606:a66480F6EC8                     movd      xmm1,rax
0000060B:a48C7C000000000                 mov       rax,00000000
00000612:a66480F6ED0                     movd      xmm2,rax
00000617:aFF156B1F0000                   call (q)  [rip+00001F6B]
0000061D:aB80000803F                     mov       eax,3F800000
00000622:a660F6EC0                       movd      xmm0,eax
00000626:aB8CDCCCC3D                     mov       eax,3DCCCCCD
0000062B:a660F6EC8                       movd      xmm1,eax
0000062F:aB80000803F                     mov       eax,3F800000
00000634:a660F6ED0                       movd      xmm2,eax
00000638:aFF15321F0000                   call (q)  [rip+00001F32]
0000063E:a48B8333333333333E3BF           mov       rax,BFE3333333333333
00000648:a66480F6EC0                     movd      xmm0,rax
0000064D:a48B8333333333333E33F           mov       rax,3FE3333333333333
00000657:a66480F6EC8                     movd      xmm1,rax
0000065C:a48C7C000000000                 mov       rax,00000000
00000663:a66480F6ED0                     movd      xmm2,rax
00000668:aFF151A1F0000                   call (q)  [rip+00001F1A]
0000066E:aFF15041F0000                   call (q)  [rip+00001F04]
00000674:a488B0DED0B0000                 mov       rcx,[rip+00000BED]
0000067B:aFF15431E0000                   call (q)  [rip+00001E43]
00000681:a31C0                           xor       eax,eax
00000683:aEB4F                           jmps      file:000006D4
00000685:a4183F81B                       cmp (d)   r8d,+1B
00000689:a0F851AFDFFFF                   jne       file:000003A9
0000068F:a48C7C100000000                 mov       rcx,00000000
00000696:a48C7C200000000                 mov       rdx,00000000
0000069D:aFF15051F0000                   call (q)  [rip+00001F05]
000006A3:a488B0DC60B0000                 mov       rcx,[rip+00000BC6]
000006AA:aFF15F01E0000                   call (q)  [rip+00001EF0]
000006B0:a488B8C2480000000               mov       rcx,[rsp+00000080]
000006B8:a488B15A90B0000                 mov       rdx,[rip+00000BA9]
000006BF:aFF15FB1C0000                   call (q)  [rip+00001CFB]
000006C5:a48C7C100000000                 mov       rcx,00000000
000006CC:aFF15F61C0000                   call (q)  [rip+00001CF6]
000006D2:a31C0                           xor       eax,eax
000006D4:a488B5C2458                     mov       rbx,[rsp+58]
000006D9:a488B742460                     mov       rsi,[rsp+60]
000006DE:a488B7C2468                     mov       rdi,[rsp+68]
000006E3:a4883C478                       add (q)   rsp,+78
000006E7:aC3                             retn    

I think that this "proc" variant should come as an easy to use setting in the standard Win64 headers, however I haven't yet come with an idea how choosing this as an option should look like. I'm open to any suggestions in this area.
Post 03 Aug 2009, 11:14
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madmatt 03 Aug 2009, 12:19
Not a macro question, but, looking at the dissassembly, are you passing parameters to opengl using xmm registers. I didn't know you could do that. Is this just for 64bit coding?
Post 03 Aug 2009, 12:19
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Tomasz Grysztar

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Tomasz Grysztar 03 Aug 2009, 12:40
madmatt wrote:
Not a macro question, but, looking at the dissassembly, are you passing parameters to opengl using xmm registers. I didn't know you could do that. Is this just for 64bit coding?

Please check out this: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/zthk2dkh.aspx
Post 03 Aug 2009, 12:40
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ramguru 03 Aug 2009, 13:28
nice addition,
now I'm curious would it be possible for static_rsp_* to check if declared proc has any registers to save \ local variables & sub-calls ... & if it has none, instead of:
proc X
    sub rsp, 8
    ; code
    add rsp, 8

leave just
proc X
    ; code
Post 03 Aug 2009, 13:28
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Tomasz Grysztar

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Tomasz Grysztar 03 Aug 2009, 13:35
Do you need a "proc" macro in such case at all?
Anyway, this modification to "static_rsp_prologue" should be enough:
macro static_rsp_prologue procname,flag,parmbytes,localbytes,reglist
 { local counter,loc,regs,frame,current
   loc = (localbytes+7) and (not 7)
   counter = 0
   irps reg, reglist \{ counter = counter+1 \}
   if loc | frame | counter
   regs = 8*( counter + (counter+loc shr 3+1) and 1 )
   regs = 0
   end if
   totalbytes@proc equ frame+loc+regs
   if totalbytes@proc
    sub rsp,totalbytes@proc
   end if
   localbase@proc equ rsp+frame
   regsbase@proc equ rsp+frame+loc
   parmbase@proc equ rsp+frame+loc+regs+8
   current = 0
   current@frame equ current
   size@frame equ frame
   counter = 0
   irps reg, reglist \{ mov [regsbase@proc+8*counter],reg
                        counter = counter+1 \} }    
Post 03 Aug 2009, 13:35
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ramguru 03 Aug 2009, 13:43
Tomasz Grysztar wrote:
Do you need a "proc" macro in such case at all?
Anyway, this modification to "static_rsp_prologue" should be enough:

Well it's a matter of formality :} for better visual orientation ..
Thank you Very Happy
wow & app's size decreased by 0.5Kb
Post 03 Aug 2009, 13:43
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Tomasz Grysztar

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Tomasz Grysztar 03 Aug 2009, 13:55
ramguru wrote:
wow & app's size decreased by 0.5Kb

Well, if you wanted size optimization, you could change the macro to use PUSH/POP for registers instead of MOV. Something like this, I think:
macro static_rsp_prologue procname,flag,parmbytes,localbytes,reglist
 { local counter,loc,frame,current
   counter = 0
   irps reg, reglist \{ push reg
                        counter = counter+1 \}
   loc = (localbytes+7) and (not 7)
   if frame & (counter+loc shr 3+1) and 1
    loc = loc + 8
   end if
   framebytes@proc equ frame+loc
   if framebytes@proc
    sub rsp,framebytes@proc
   end if
   localbase@proc equ rsp+frame
   regsbase@proc equ rsp+frame+loc
   parmbase@proc equ rsp+frame+loc+counter*8+8
   current = 0
   current@frame equ current
   size@frame equ frame }

macro static_rsp_epilogue procname,flag,parmbytes,localbytes,reglist
 { if framebytes@proc
    add rsp,framebytes@proc
   end if
   irps reg, reglist \{ reverse pop reg \}
   retn }

macro static_rsp_close procname,flag,parmbytes,localbytes,reglist
 { size@frame = current@frame
   restore size@frame,current@frame }

prologue@proc equ static_rsp_prologue
epilogue@proc equ static_rsp_epilogue
close@proc equ static_rsp_close    

I'm still not sure which variant I like more. Smile
Post 03 Aug 2009, 13:55
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ramguru 03 Aug 2009, 14:06
yeah I prefer 'push/pop method' more, it will help to distinguish code parts in disassembly Smile
Post 03 Aug 2009, 14:06
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madmatt 03 Aug 2009, 21:07
Tomasz Grysztar wrote:
madmatt wrote:
Not a macro question, but, looking at the dissassembly, are you passing parameters to opengl using xmm registers. I didn't know you could do that. Is this just for 64bit coding?

Please check out this: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/zthk2dkh.aspx

Ahhhh, I see, This isn't just for opengl. Thanks.

Gimme a sledge hammer! I'LL FIX IT!
Post 03 Aug 2009, 21:07
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Tomasz Grysztar

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Tomasz Grysztar 05 Aug 2009, 12:27
I have included the "static RSP" macros in the official headers set. To enable them for you programs, you have to use such three lines:
prologue@proc equ static_rsp_prologue 
epilogue@proc equ static_rsp_epilogue 
close@proc equ static_rsp_close    

If someone comes up with a nice name for a setting that would do it in shorter name, I may add some shortcut macro as well.
Post 05 Aug 2009, 12:27
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r22 05 Aug 2009, 21:00
I vote 3 proc macros

proc = normal behavior
procrsp = RSP
procx = custom using the prologue@proc etc
procopt = speed optimized experimental
Post 05 Aug 2009, 21:00
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Tomasz Grysztar

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Tomasz Grysztar 05 Aug 2009, 21:54
I prefer to stay with more standard way, that is one "proc", but with custom prologue settings. Just a simpler way to set up them might come in handy, but it's not a big deal anyway.
Post 05 Aug 2009, 21:54
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r22 06 Aug 2009, 00:39
I was thinking procrsp could simply be an alias for ...
prologue@proc equ static_rsp_prologue
epilogue@proc equ static_rsp_epilogue
close@proc equ static_rsp_close
For the custom pro/epi-logues the semi-verbose setup probably isn't an issue, but I think for the statically defined customizations (the ones you distribute) you should have a quick alias for ease of use.

As for naming convention for uniquely FASM stuff like static_rsp_prologue, as long as it's consistant whatever you choose would be fine. STC_RSP_EPI, FASM_RSP_EPI, _PROC_RSP_E
Post 06 Aug 2009, 00:39
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