flat assembler
Message board for the users of flat assembler.
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rhyno_dagreat 06 Nov 2007, 04:25
Oh, and I forgot to mention that when I tried the bit of commented code in os1.asm (mistakenly typed up above as "os1.bin") to try to load the smiley after hitting the enter key utilizing interrupt 21h, it gave me a general protection fault error.
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dosin 06 Nov 2007, 08:13
Just a sugestion: I would add a cli/sti into your irq1,ect to stop ints until the ints are done also I would add a jmp $+2 into your reroute_pic....
iqr1: cli pusha ;//code popa sti iret Reroute_PIC: ;send ICW1(Interrupt Control Word1) mov al, 11h ;out PIC1, ICW1 out 20h, al ;out PIC2 ICW1 out 0A0h, al jmp $+2 ;;example I tryed to compile your code to test: I get an error: out of stack space ???? also: from prev posts- I have read its not a good idea to use org multible times... |
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rhyno_dagreat 07 Nov 2007, 03:54
This is strange... I looked at some of my old code and noticed I was missing a snippit from it, which I tried to copy over. It still doesn't work, and when I tried to call int 21h in my os1.asm text file, it gives a general protection fault error. However, whenever I try to call int 21h from the command line function, it calls the timer interrupt!
![]() Something doesn't seem quite right with that... Anyhoo, here's the most recent code: os1.asm Code: org 7C00h BootStart: xor ax, ax mov ds, ax mov ss, ax mov sp, 9C00h ; Set up VESA text mode 10Ch (132x60) mov ax, 4F02h mov bx, 10Ch int 10h mov ax, 0060h mov es, ax xor bx, bx mov ah, 02h mov al, 0Ah mov cl, 02h mov ch, 00h mov dh, 00h int 13h jmp 0000h:0600h times 510-($-$$) db 0 dw 0AA55h org 0600h Begin: ;push cs ;push cs ;pop ds ;pop ss mov ax, 0 mov ds, ax mov ss, ax ; Used for testing. ;pop cs ;pop ax ;mov bx, 0B800h ;mov es, bx ;xor bx, bx ;sub al, '0' ;mov [es:bx], al jmp Start ; Data Goes Here WelcomeStr db "Welcome to TR2-DOS!",0 gdt: db 00h, 00h, 00h, 00h, 00h, 00h, 00h, 00h ; NULL SEGMENT db 0FFh, 0FFh, 00h, 00h, 00h, 10011010b, 11001111b, 00h ; CODE SEGMENT db 0FFh, 0FFh, 00h, 00h, 00h, 10010010b, 11001111b, 00h ; DATA SEGMENT gdt_end: ;Global Descriptor Table Descriptor is set up as follows: ; ------------------------- ;| DESCRIPTION | SIZE | ;|------------------------ | ;| SIZE | WORD | ;| TABLE | DWORD | ; ------------------------- gdt_desc: dw gdt_end - gdt - 1 dd gdt ; Data Ends Here Start: ; Clear interrupts for move to 32-bit mode cli ;Load Global Descriptor Table (GDT) Register lgdt [gdt_desc] ;Set up control register to get into Protected Mode mov eax, cr0 or al, 1 mov cr0, eax ;Do far jump to first (filled in) selector - the code selector. jmp 8h:Start32 ; Welcome to the world of 32-Bit mode! =-D use32 Start32: ; Start off by setting the data segment to the data selector. xor bx, bx mov bx, 10h mov ds, bx mov ss, bx mov esp, 90000h ; Move video memory into EBX mov eax, 0B8000h ; Load a smiley into video memory! mov bx, 0201h mov word [ds:eax], bx ; Print Welcome Message mov si, WelcomeStr call PrintF ; Reroute PICS so that an exception doesn't occur every time an interrupt is called! call Reroute_PICs ; Load Interrupt Descriptor Table lidt [idtp] ; Enable Interrupts! =D push ax mov al, 0 out 0A1h, al out 21h, al sti pop ax int 21h ;cmp al, 1Ch ;je Smiley ;call CmdPrintFunc Hang: jmp Hang Smiley: mov eax, 0B8000h mov bx, 0201h mov word [ds:eax], bx ret include "interrupts.inc" ;times 1474560-512-($-$$) db 0 interrupts.inc Code: ;INTERRUPTS!!! YAY PrintF: push ebx push eax mov ebx, 0B8000h PutCh: lodsb cmp al, 0 je Done mov ah, [TxtClr] mov word [ds:ebx], ax add bx, 2 jmp PutCh Done: pop eax pop ebx ret ;Side data for PrintF TxtClr db 2 Done2: ret ClrScrn: mov ax, 10h mov ds, ax mov ebx, 0B8000h mov ax, 0 clrloop: cmp ax, 2000 je Done2 mov byte [ds:ebx], ' ' inc ebx mov byte [ds:ebx], 1Bh inc ebx inc ax jmp clrloop CmdPrintFunc: mov ax, 10h mov es, ax mov edi, 0B8000h xor eax, eax cmdloop: int 21h cmp al, 1Ch je Done2 mov esi, eax mov cl, [esi+KeyBoard] mov byte [es:edi],cl inc edi mov byte [es:edi], 02h inc edi jmp cmdloop Reroute_PICs: ;send ICW1(Interrupt Control Word1) mov al, 11h ;out PIC1, ICW1 out 20h, al ;out PIC2 ICW1 out 0A0h, al ;send ICW2 mov al, 20h ;out PIC1 + 1, IRQ0 start point out 21h, al mov al, 28h ;out PIC2 + 1, IRQ8 start point out 0A1h, al ;send ICW3 ;IRQ2 to Connection to Slave PIC mov al, 04h out 21h, al mov al, 02h out 0A1h, al ;send ICW4 mov al, 01h out 21h, al out 0A1h, al ;disable IRQs mov al, 0FFh out 0A1h, al out 021h, al ret isr0: pusha push gs push fs push ds push es mov si, Err00 call PrintF cli hlt pop es pop ds pop fs pop gs popa iret isr1: pusha push gs push fs push ds push es mov si, Err01 call PrintF cli hlt pop es pop ds pop fs pop gs popa iret isr2: pusha push gs push fs push ds push es mov si, Err02 call PrintF cli hlt pop es pop ds pop fs pop gs popa iret isr3: pusha push gs push fs push ds push es mov si, Err03 call PrintF cli hlt pop es pop ds pop fs pop gs popa iret isr4: pusha push gs push fs push ds push es mov si, Err04 call PrintF cli hlt pop es pop ds pop fs pop gs popa iret isr5: pusha push gs push fs push ds push es mov si, Err05 call PrintF cli hlt pop es pop ds pop fs pop gs popa iret isr6: pusha push gs push fs push ds push es mov si, Err06 call PrintF cli hlt pop es pop ds pop fs pop gs popa iret isr7: pusha push gs push fs push ds push es mov si, Err07 call PrintF cli hlt pop es pop ds pop fs pop gs popa iret isr8: pusha push gs push fs push ds push es mov si, Err08 call PrintF cli hlt pop es pop ds pop fs pop gs popa iret isr9: pusha push gs push fs push ds push es mov si, Err09 call PrintF cli hlt pop es pop ds pop fs pop gs popa iret isr10: pusha push gs push fs push ds push es mov si, Err10 call PrintF cli hlt pop es pop ds pop fs pop gs popa iret isr11: pusha push gs push fs push ds push es mov si, Err11 call PrintF cli hlt pop es pop ds pop fs pop gs popa iret isr12: pusha push gs push fs push ds push es mov si, Err12 call PrintF cli hlt pop es pop ds pop fs pop gs popa iret isr13: pusha push gs push fs push ds push es mov si, Err13 call PrintF cli hlt pop es pop ds pop fs pop gs popa iret isr14: pusha push gs push fs push ds push es mov si, Err14 call PrintF cli hlt pop es pop ds pop fs pop gs popa iret isr15: pusha push gs push fs push ds push es mov si, Err15 call PrintF cli hlt pop es pop ds pop fs pop gs popa iret isr16: pusha push gs push fs push ds push es mov si, Err16 call PrintF cli hlt pop es pop ds pop fs pop gs popa iret isr17: pusha push gs push fs push ds push es mov si, Err17 call PrintF cli hlt pop es pop ds pop fs pop gs popa iret isr18: pusha push gs push fs push ds push es mov si, Err18 call PrintF cli hlt pop es pop ds pop fs pop gs popa iret isr19: pusha push gs push fs push ds push es mov si, ErrRes call PrintF cli hlt pop es pop ds pop fs pop gs popa iret isr20: pusha push gs push fs push ds push es mov si, ErrRes call PrintF cli hlt pop es pop ds pop fs pop gs popa iret isr21: pusha push gs push fs push ds push es mov si, ErrRes call PrintF cli hlt pop es pop ds pop fs pop gs popa iret isr22: pusha push gs push fs push ds push es mov si, ErrRes call PrintF cli hlt pop es pop ds pop fs pop gs popa iret isr23: pusha push gs push fs push ds push es mov si, ErrRes call PrintF cli hlt pop es pop ds pop fs pop gs popa iret isr24: pusha push gs push fs push ds push es mov si, ErrRes call PrintF cli hlt pop es pop ds pop fs pop gs popa iret isr25: pusha push gs push fs push ds push es mov si, ErrRes call PrintF cli hlt pop es pop ds pop fs pop gs popa iret isr26: pusha push gs push fs push ds push es mov si, ErrRes call PrintF cli hlt pop es pop ds pop fs pop gs popa iret isr27: pusha push gs push fs push ds push es mov si, ErrRes call PrintF cli hlt pop es pop ds pop fs pop gs popa iret isr28: pusha push gs push fs push ds push es mov si, ErrRes call PrintF cli hlt pop es pop ds pop fs pop gs popa iret isr29: pusha push gs push fs push ds push es mov si, ErrRes call PrintF cli hlt pop es pop ds pop fs pop gs popa iret isr30: pusha push gs push fs push ds push es mov si, ErrRes call PrintF cli hlt pop es pop ds pop fs pop gs popa iret isr31: pusha push gs push fs push ds push es mov si, ErrRes call PrintF cli hlt pop es pop ds pop fs pop gs popa iret irq0: mov si, TimerEnabled call PrintF mov al, 20h out 20h, al iret irq1: pushad push es push ds in al, 60h mov byte [ScanCode], al mov al, 20h out 20h, al pop ds pop es popad mov al, byte [ScanCode] iret idt_start: ;Interrupt Example ; dw start_address ; dw code_selector where ISR is being held ; dw type_settings for ISRs ; dw start_address2(bits 31-16) ; start_address2 should be 0 because the ; start address should be no more than 1 ; word value. ;FOR HISTORIC REFERENCE PURPOSES ONLY ;Original ISRS looked like the following ; ;dw 0h000 ;dw 0h8 ;dw 8E00h ;dw 0h8 ; ;END OF HISTORIC REFERENCE ;SERVICE REQUEST INTS ;int0 dw isr0 dw 08h dw 8E00h dw 0h ;int1 dw isr1 dw 08h dw 8E00h dw 0h ;int2 dw isr2 dw 08h dw 0E00h dw 0h ;int3 dw isr3 dw 08h dw 8E00h dw 0h ;int4 dw isr4 dw 08h dw 8E00h dw 0h ;int5 dw isr5 dw 08h dw 8E00h dw 0h ;int6 dw isr6 dw 08h dw 8E00h dw 0h ;int7 dw isr7 dw 08h dw 8E00h dw 0h ;int8 dw isr8 dw 08h dw 8E00h dw 0h ;int9 dw isr9 dw 08h dw 8E00h dw 0h ;int10 dw isr10 dw 08h dw 8E00h dw 0h ;int11 dw isr11 dw 08h dw 8E00h dw 0h ;int12 dw isr12 dw 08h dw 8E00h dw 0h ;int13 dw isr13 dw 08h dw 8E00h dw 0h ;int14 dw isr14 dw 08h dw 8E00h dw 0h ;int15 dw isr15 dw 08h dw 0E00h dw 0h ;int16 dw isr16 dw 08h dw 0E00h dw 0h ;int17 dw isr17 dw 08h dw 0E00h dw 0h ;int18 dw isr18 dw 08h dw 0E00h dw 0h ;int19 dw isr19 dw 08h dw 0E00h dw 0h ;int20 dw isr20 dw 08h dw 0E00h dw 0h ;int21 dw isr21 dw 08h dw 0E00h dw 0h ;int22 dw isr22 dw 08h dw 0E00h dw 0h ;int23 dw isr23 dw 08h dw 0E00h dw 0h ;int24 dw isr24 dw 08h dw 0E00h dw 0h ;int25 dw isr25 dw 08h dw 0E00h dw 0h ;int26 dw isr26 dw 08h dw 0E00h dw 0h ;int27 dw isr27 dw 08h dw 0E00h dw 0h ;int28 dw isr28 dw 08h dw 0E00h dw 0h ;int29 dw isr29 dw 08h dw 0E00h dw 0h ;int30 dw isr30 dw 08h dw 0E00h dw 0h ;int31 dw isr31 dw 08h dw 0E00h dw 0h ;HARDWARE INTERRUPT REQUESTS ;int32 dw irq0 dw 08h dw 8E00h dw 0h ;int33 dw irq1 dw 08h dw 8E00h dw 0h idt_end: idtp: dw idt_end - idt_start - 1 dd idt_start TimerEnabled db "Timer Interrupt Enabled!", 0 Err00 db "Error 00 - Division By Zero",0 Err01 db "Error 01 - Debug",0 Err02 db "Error 02 - Non Maskable Interrupt",0 Err03 db "Error 03 - Breakpoint Exception",0 Err04 db "Error 04 - Into Detected Overflow",0 Err05 db "Error 05 - Out of Bounds",0 Err06 db "Error 06 - Invalid Opcode",0 Err07 db "Error 07 - No Coprocessor",0 Err08 db "Error 08 - Double Fault",0 Err09 db "Error 09 - Coprocessor Segment Overrun",0 Err10 db "Error 10 - Bad TSS",0 Err11 db "Error 11 - Segment Not Present",0 Err12 db "Error 12 - Stack Fault",0 Err13 db "Error 13 - General Protection Fault",0 Err14 db "Error 14 - Page Fault",0 Err15 db "Error 15 - Unknown Interrupt",0 Err16 db "Error 16 - Coprocessor Fault",0 Err17 db "Error 17 - Alignment Check",0 Err18 db "Error 18 - Machine Check",0 ErrRes db "Error - Reserved",0 KeyBoard db 0, 0, "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "0", "-", "=", 0, 0, "Q", "W", "E", "R", "T", "Y", "U", "I", "O", "P", "[", "]", 0, 0, "A", "S", "D", "F", "G", "H", "J", "K", "L", ";", "'", "`", 0, "\", "Z", "X", "C", "V", "B", "N", "M", ",", ".", "/", 0, "*", 0 ScanCode db 0 BTW, it makes no sense to me why I'd want to disable IRQs after I reroute the PICs. Also... I looked into a ports file called ports.txt to see about the ports, and I don't know why I'm sending 0 to ports 21h and A1h, unless it's OCW2. Any help would be greatly appreciated. And I've enclosed the ports list file with this message for anyone who needs it as reference.
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rhyno_dagreat 07 Nov 2007, 04:13
Even more odd is that I can call int 32 (int 20h) from os1.asm just fine (loads up the timer), however int 21 gives a general protection fault error, but when I try to call int 21h from the CmdPrintFunc label, it acts like it's calling the timer, and int 22h gives the general protection fault error.
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sinsi 07 Nov 2007, 05:59
When you are in protected mode, the first 32 interrupts are exceptions etc.
The next interrupts (20h-27h, 28h-2fh) are usually programmed to be the IRQs. When you try to issue INT 21h, you are actually issuing IRQ1 - the keyboard. Code: ; Enable Interrupts! =D push ax mov al, 0 out 0A1h, al out 21h, al sti pop ax That code enables IRQ0-IRQ7 via port 21h and IRQ8-IRQ15 via port A1h. That means that any IRQ (timer,keyboard,mouse,hdd etc.) can trigger an INT, but you have no code for it --> GPF. The usual way to init the PIC is to set it up and then mask off all IRQs: Code: ; DISABLE Interrupts! =D mov al, 0ffh out 21h, al out 0A1h, al Then you allow certain IRQs that you have code for. The way you've set it up means that any IRQ above 1 (keyboard) can't be handled, since the IDT isn't long enough. |
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rhyno_dagreat 07 Nov 2007, 06:37
Thanks sinsi, that helps clarify quite a few things. So it gives me a General Protection Fault because it's looking for an interrupt that isn't there! However, I still find it odd that it isn't recognizing int 21h directly, when I have it programmed already.
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sinsi 07 Nov 2007, 07:40
What are you calling INT 21h for anyway? Like I said, it's set up to be the keyboard IRQ, so you shouldn't be calling it.
You aren't trying to call DOS's INT 21h are you? DOS don't exist... |
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Hayden 07 Nov 2007, 09:16
I noticed that the many USR routines are the same, except that they print different message. A better way would be to create one generic ISR routine and then load the message pointer into si useing a table lookup. ie: have a look at the PIC then load the pointer for the approppaite message
_________________ New User.. Hayden McKay. |
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rhyno_dagreat 07 Nov 2007, 18:59
sinsi wrote: What are you calling INT 21h for anyway? Like I said, it's set up to be the keyboard IRQ, so you shouldn't be calling it. I'm calling it so that I can use it for input, unless it's a hardware int in which case I don't need to call it to use it? Or do I still need to put in an int command for it to work? |
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ManOfSteel 08 Nov 2007, 10:20
The first 32 ISRs are for the various exceptions.
You reprogram the PIC (as you did) to have your 16 IRQ handlers (PIT, keyboard, FDC, LPT, etc) right after those 32 ISRs. You should NEVER call an IRQ handler directly. Once you enable an IRQ line, it will be fired AUTOMATICALLY once data is sent (eg: when a key is pressed -- for the keyboard). The keyboard IRQ handler should handle the keyboard ports and store the scan code in some buffer. You should have another "user" interrupt (int 48 and above) that will simply read that buffer and get the scan code (or convert it to ASCII or whatever) to the user. |
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rhyno_dagreat 09 Nov 2007, 00:50
ManOfSteel wrote: The first 32 ISRs are for the various exceptions. So you're saying I don't need to call int 21h every time I want to get input, as it's automatically done by the hardware, however I can write another IRQ which can read from a buffer where the automatic hardware interrupt stores the data? |
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rhyno_dagreat 09 Nov 2007, 01:00
I just realized that if I call no interrupts or anything, it automatically comes up with the "Timer enabled!" message. And if I just hit a key, it gives me a GPF... but that IRQ is coded, so I don't know what it's whining about.
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rhyno_dagreat 09 Nov 2007, 01:15
sinsi wrote: When you are in protected mode, the first 32 interrupts are exceptions etc. Ah! So I don't need to disable all the interrupts, and then re-enable them all like I have been doing, I can just turn on the one's I want (the first two), right? And what I'm sending is actually the Output Control Word 1 (OCW1), am I correct? |
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rhyno_dagreat 09 Nov 2007, 01:27
I think I have it figured out a bit better now, and when I go into my IRQ1 routine, if I comment out pushing es and ds onto the stack then popping it back off, it will display a message correctly. My stack size can't be that small though that it would run out that quickly.
Here's the new code if anyone could explain why just putting those two segments onto the stack would cause a GPF: os1.asm Code: org 7C00h BootStart: xor ax, ax mov ds, ax mov ss, ax mov sp, 9C00h ; Set up VESA text mode 10Ch (132x60) mov ax, 4F02h mov bx, 10Ch int 10h mov ax, 0060h mov es, ax xor bx, bx mov ah, 02h mov al, 0Ah mov cl, 02h mov ch, 00h mov dh, 00h int 13h jmp 0000h:0600h times 510-($-$$) db 0 dw 0AA55h org 0600h Begin: ;push cs ;push cs ;pop ds ;pop ss mov ax, 0 mov ds, ax mov ss, ax ; Used for testing. ;pop cs ;pop ax ;mov bx, 0B800h ;mov es, bx ;xor bx, bx ;sub al, '0' ;mov [es:bx], al jmp Start ; Data Goes Here WelcomeStr db "Welcome to TR2-DOS!",0 gdt: db 00h, 00h, 00h, 00h, 00h, 00h, 00h, 00h ; NULL SEGMENT db 0FFh, 0FFh, 00h, 00h, 00h, 10011010b, 11001111b, 00h ; CODE SEGMENT db 0FFh, 0FFh, 00h, 00h, 00h, 10010010b, 11001111b, 00h ; DATA SEGMENT gdt_end: ;Global Descriptor Table Descriptor is set up as follows: ; ------------------------- ;| DESCRIPTION | SIZE | ;|------------------------ | ;| SIZE | WORD | ;| TABLE | DWORD | ; ------------------------- gdt_desc: dw gdt_end - gdt - 1 dd gdt ; Data Ends Here Start: ; Clear interrupts for move to 32-bit mode cli ;Load Global Descriptor Table (GDT) Register lgdt [gdt_desc] ;Set up control register to get into Protected Mode mov eax, cr0 or al, 1 mov cr0, eax ;Do far jump to first (filled in) selector - the code selector. jmp 8h:Start32 ; Welcome to the world of 32-Bit mode! =-D use32 Start32: ; Start off by setting the data segment to the data selector. xor bx, bx mov bx, 10h mov ds, bx mov ss, bx mov esp, 90000h ; Move video memory into EBX mov eax, 0B8000h ; Print Welcome Message mov si, WelcomeStr call PrintF ; Reroute PICS so that an exception doesn't occur every time an interrupt is called! call Reroute_PICs ; Load Interrupt Descriptor Table lidt [idtp] ; Enable Interrupts! =D push ax mov al, 1b ;Enable all except for IRQ0 - The timer. out 0A1h, al out 21h, al sti pop ax ;call CmdPrintFunc Hang: jmp Hang include "interrupts.inc" ;times 1474560-512-($-$$) db 0 interrupts.inc Code: ;INTERRUPTS!!! YAY PrintF: push ebx push eax mov ebx, 0B8000h PutCh: lodsb cmp al, 0 je Done mov ah, [TxtClr] mov word [ds:ebx], ax add bx, 2 jmp PutCh Done: pop eax pop ebx ret ;Side data for PrintF TxtClr db 2 Done2: ret ClrScrn: mov ax, 10h mov ds, ax mov ebx, 0B8000h mov ax, 0 clrloop: cmp ax, 2000 je Done2 mov byte [ds:ebx], ' ' inc ebx mov byte [ds:ebx], 1Bh inc ebx inc ax jmp clrloop CmdPrintFunc: mov ax, 10h mov es, ax mov edi, 0B8000h xor eax, eax cmdloop: int 21h cmp al, 1Ch je Done2 mov esi, eax mov cl, [esi+KeyBoard] mov byte [es:edi],cl inc edi mov byte [es:edi], 02h inc edi jmp cmdloop Reroute_PICs: ;send ICW1(Interrupt Control Word1) mov al, 11h ;out PIC1, ICW1 out 20h, al ;out PIC2 ICW1 out 0A0h, al ;send ICW2 mov al, 20h ;out PIC1 + 1, IRQ0 start point out 21h, al mov al, 28h ;out PIC2 + 1, IRQ8 start point out 0A1h, al ;send ICW3 ;IRQ2 to Connection to Slave PIC mov al, 04h out 21h, al mov al, 02h out 0A1h, al ;send ICW4 mov al, 01h out 21h, al out 0A1h, al ;disable IRQs mov al, 0FFh out 0A1h, al out 021h, al ret isr0: pusha push gs push fs push ds push es mov si, Err00 call PrintF cli hlt pop es pop ds pop fs pop gs popa iret isr1: pusha push gs push fs push ds push es mov si, Err01 call PrintF cli hlt pop es pop ds pop fs pop gs popa iret isr2: pusha push gs push fs push ds push es mov si, Err02 call PrintF cli hlt pop es pop ds pop fs pop gs popa iret isr3: pusha push gs push fs push ds push es mov si, Err03 call PrintF cli hlt pop es pop ds pop fs pop gs popa iret isr4: pusha push gs push fs push ds push es mov si, Err04 call PrintF cli hlt pop es pop ds pop fs pop gs popa iret isr5: pusha push gs push fs push ds push es mov si, Err05 call PrintF cli hlt pop es pop ds pop fs pop gs popa iret isr6: pusha push gs push fs push ds push es mov si, Err06 call PrintF cli hlt pop es pop ds pop fs pop gs popa iret isr7: pusha push gs push fs push ds push es mov si, Err07 call PrintF cli hlt pop es pop ds pop fs pop gs popa iret isr8: pusha push gs push fs push ds push es mov si, Err08 call PrintF cli hlt pop es pop ds pop fs pop gs popa iret isr9: pusha push gs push fs push ds push es mov si, Err09 call PrintF cli hlt pop es pop ds pop fs pop gs popa iret isr10: pusha push gs push fs push ds push es mov si, Err10 call PrintF cli hlt pop es pop ds pop fs pop gs popa iret isr11: pusha push gs push fs push ds push es mov si, Err11 call PrintF cli hlt pop es pop ds pop fs pop gs popa iret isr12: pusha push gs push fs push ds push es mov si, Err12 call PrintF cli hlt pop es pop ds pop fs pop gs popa iret isr13: pusha push gs push fs push ds push es mov si, Err13 call PrintF cli hlt pop es pop ds pop fs pop gs popa iret isr14: pusha push gs push fs push ds push es mov si, Err14 call PrintF cli hlt pop es pop ds pop fs pop gs popa iret isr15: pusha push gs push fs push ds push es mov si, Err15 call PrintF cli hlt pop es pop ds pop fs pop gs popa iret isr16: pusha push gs push fs push ds push es mov si, Err16 call PrintF cli hlt pop es pop ds pop fs pop gs popa iret isr17: pusha push gs push fs push ds push es mov si, Err17 call PrintF cli hlt pop es pop ds pop fs pop gs popa iret isr18: pusha push gs push fs push ds push es mov si, Err18 call PrintF cli hlt pop es pop ds pop fs pop gs popa iret isr19: pusha push gs push fs push ds push es mov si, ErrRes call PrintF cli hlt pop es pop ds pop fs pop gs popa iret isr20: pusha push gs push fs push ds push es mov si, ErrRes call PrintF cli hlt pop es pop ds pop fs pop gs popa iret isr21: pusha push gs push fs push ds push es mov si, ErrRes call PrintF cli hlt pop es pop ds pop fs pop gs popa iret isr22: pusha push gs push fs push ds push es mov si, ErrRes call PrintF cli hlt pop es pop ds pop fs pop gs popa iret isr23: pusha push gs push fs push ds push es mov si, ErrRes call PrintF cli hlt pop es pop ds pop fs pop gs popa iret isr24: pusha push gs push fs push ds push es mov si, ErrRes call PrintF cli hlt pop es pop ds pop fs pop gs popa iret isr25: pusha push gs push fs push ds push es mov si, ErrRes call PrintF cli hlt pop es pop ds pop fs pop gs popa iret isr26: pusha push gs push fs push ds push es mov si, ErrRes call PrintF cli hlt pop es pop ds pop fs pop gs popa iret isr27: pusha push gs push fs push ds push es mov si, ErrRes call PrintF cli hlt pop es pop ds pop fs pop gs popa iret isr28: pusha push gs push fs push ds push es mov si, ErrRes call PrintF cli hlt pop es pop ds pop fs pop gs popa iret isr29: pusha push gs push fs push ds push es mov si, ErrRes call PrintF cli hlt pop es pop ds pop fs pop gs popa iret isr30: pusha push gs push fs push ds push es mov si, ErrRes call PrintF cli hlt pop es pop ds pop fs pop gs popa iret isr31: pusha push gs push fs push ds push es mov si, ErrRes call PrintF cli hlt pop es pop ds pop fs pop gs popa iret irq0: cli mov si, TimerEnabled call PrintF mov al, 20h out 20h, al sti iret irq1: cli push eax ;push es ;push ds in al, 60h mov byte [ScanCode], al mov si, KeyPressed call PrintF mov al, 20h out 20h, al ;pop ds ;pop es pop eax sti iret idt_start: ;Interrupt Example ; dw start_address ; dw code_selector where ISR is being held ; dw type_settings for ISRs ; dw start_address2(bits 31-16) ; start_address2 should be 0 because the ; start address should be no more than 1 ; word value. ;FOR HISTORIC REFERENCE PURPOSES ONLY ;Original ISRS looked like the following ; ;dw 0h000 ;dw 0h8 ;dw 8E00h ;dw 0h8 ; ;END OF HISTORIC REFERENCE ;SERVICE REQUEST INTS ;int0 dw isr0 dw 08h dw 8E00h dw 0h ;int1 dw isr1 dw 08h dw 8E00h dw 0h ;int2 dw isr2 dw 08h dw 0E00h dw 0h ;int3 dw isr3 dw 08h dw 8E00h dw 0h ;int4 dw isr4 dw 08h dw 8E00h dw 0h ;int5 dw isr5 dw 08h dw 8E00h dw 0h ;int6 dw isr6 dw 08h dw 8E00h dw 0h ;int7 dw isr7 dw 08h dw 8E00h dw 0h ;int8 dw isr8 dw 08h dw 8E00h dw 0h ;int9 dw isr9 dw 08h dw 8E00h dw 0h ;int10 dw isr10 dw 08h dw 8E00h dw 0h ;int11 dw isr11 dw 08h dw 8E00h dw 0h ;int12 dw isr12 dw 08h dw 8E00h dw 0h ;int13 dw isr13 dw 08h dw 8E00h dw 0h ;int14 dw isr14 dw 08h dw 8E00h dw 0h ;int15 dw isr15 dw 08h dw 0E00h dw 0h ;int16 dw isr16 dw 08h dw 0E00h dw 0h ;int17 dw isr17 dw 08h dw 0E00h dw 0h ;int18 dw isr18 dw 08h dw 0E00h dw 0h ;int19 dw isr19 dw 08h dw 0E00h dw 0h ;int20 dw isr20 dw 08h dw 0E00h dw 0h ;int21 dw isr21 dw 08h dw 0E00h dw 0h ;int22 dw isr22 dw 08h dw 0E00h dw 0h ;int23 dw isr23 dw 08h dw 0E00h dw 0h ;int24 dw isr24 dw 08h dw 0E00h dw 0h ;int25 dw isr25 dw 08h dw 0E00h dw 0h ;int26 dw isr26 dw 08h dw 0E00h dw 0h ;int27 dw isr27 dw 08h dw 0E00h dw 0h ;int28 dw isr28 dw 08h dw 0E00h dw 0h ;int29 dw isr29 dw 08h dw 0E00h dw 0h ;int30 dw isr30 dw 08h dw 0E00h dw 0h ;int31 dw isr31 dw 08h dw 0E00h dw 0h ;HARDWARE INTERRUPT REQUESTS ;int32 dw irq0 dw 08h dw 8E00h dw 0h ;int33 dw irq1 dw 08h dw 8E00h dw 0h idt_end: idtp: dw idt_end - idt_start - 1 dd idt_start TimerEnabled db "Timer Interrupt Enabled!", 0 KeyPressed db "Keyboard Key pressed!", 0 Err00 db "Error 00 - Division By Zero",0 Err01 db "Error 01 - Debug",0 Err02 db "Error 02 - Non Maskable Interrupt",0 Err03 db "Error 03 - Breakpoint Exception",0 Err04 db "Error 04 - Into Detected Overflow",0 Err05 db "Error 05 - Out of Bounds",0 Err06 db "Error 06 - Invalid Opcode",0 Err07 db "Error 07 - No Coprocessor",0 Err08 db "Error 08 - Double Fault",0 Err09 db "Error 09 - Coprocessor Segment Overrun",0 Err10 db "Error 10 - Bad TSS",0 Err11 db "Error 11 - Segment Not Present",0 Err12 db "Error 12 - Stack Fault",0 Err13 db "Error 13 - General Protection Fault",0 Err14 db "Error 14 - Page Fault",0 Err15 db "Error 15 - Unknown Interrupt",0 Err16 db "Error 16 - Coprocessor Fault",0 Err17 db "Error 17 - Alignment Check",0 Err18 db "Error 18 - Machine Check",0 ErrRes db "Error - Reserved",0 KeyBoard db 0, 0, "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "0", "-", "=", 0, 0, "Q", "W", "E", "R", "T", "Y", "U", "I", "O", "P", "[", "]", 0, 0, "A", "S", "D", "F", "G", "H", "J", "K", "L", ";", "'", "`", 0, "\", "Z", "X", "C", "V", "B", "N", "M", ",", ".", "/", 0, "*", 0 ScanCode db 0 |
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sinsi 09 Nov 2007, 07:09
In your ISR routines for IRQ0 and IRQ1 you need to save ALL registers that you use - both those routines use SI which could cause a problem.
Don't forget that an IRQ can be triggered in the middle of any code (yours, the BIOS etc.) and changing a register can have dire consequences when the IRQ returns to the code it interrupted. Edit: Don't forget that you are in 32-bit mode, so use ESI as well... |
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rhyno_dagreat 14 Nov 2007, 21:14
I got everything working! =D The reason why it wouldn't work whenever I'd put the segment registers on the stack and take them off was because the extra segment wasn't initiated, so I'd be putting a value onto the stack that didn't exist and when I'd take it off I'd get a GPF.
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edfed 15 Nov 2007, 00:49
it's funny, all bugs in asm coding are always stupid! don't you find it's true?
the best is when the stack overwrite some code! or simply a bad addressing, [xxx] instead of xxx & vice versa Rhyno degreat, you have a idt that works, fine! me i am still seeking how to implement this. and i'm fear of all the code i shall write for INT to be supported and irq too! the most difficult is to start! and achieve step by step all the project! |
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rhyno_dagreat 15 Nov 2007, 01:37
edfed wrote: it's funny, all bugs in asm coding are always stupid! don't you find it's true? I need to put in comments for my code, which I shall do ASAP (my teacher needs them so that he knows what's going on), and I will do my best to explain how the interrupt code works. Until then, edfed, my suggestion to you is to take a glimpse at the following links: http://www.osdever.net/tutorials/pic.php NOTE: for the PIC remapping, I would suggest taking a look at that ports.txt, finding ports 20h, 21h, A0h, and A1h in it, and then reading the info it has about them. I found that exceptionally helpful. http://www.osdever.net/tutorials/interrupts.1.php http://www.osdever.net/tutorials/interrupts.2.php http://www.osdever.net/tutorials/interrupts.3.php These were how I originally formed my IDT and IRQs, and you will notice that my style follows that of how this is set up on those sites. However, you will notice a major difference, which is the first WORD of each IDT entry being an address (label) to a certain area in memory, whereas they foolishly put "dw 0x0000" as the first WORD. Also, the IDT is loaded into the IDT Register just like the GDT is. idtp: dw idt_end - idt_start - 1 dd idt_start And then: lidt [idtp] I hope this helps some. My best advice would be to look at the interrupts.inc file I have posted, it might be a good starting place. |
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edfed 15 Nov 2007, 20:50
thank you
is it a good idea to compile a separate idt & interrupt bin file? loading that at boot time? and then configure PIC & sti |
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