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Index > DOS > How hard is doing command line arguments?

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Joined: 26 Sep 2006
Posts: 92
2 15 Oct 2006, 21:32
I wanted to see how you would write a special COM that would accept
command line arguments.

So,an example would be a COM named hello.com .

You would type

hello dude

and the program would say


I remember doing just that with argc and argv in C. Is it very hard in ASM?

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Post 15 Oct 2006, 21:32
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Tomasz Grysztar

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Tomasz Grysztar 15 Oct 2006, 21:38
org 100h

label arguments_length byte at 80h
label arguments_data byte at 81h

        mov     ah,9    ; display string to stdout
        mov     dx,_msg
        int     21h
        mov     ah,40h  ; write file
        mov     bx,1    ; 1 - handle of stdout
        mov     dx,arguments_data
        mov     cl,[arguments_length]
        xor     ch,ch   ; number of bytes to write in CX
        int     21h     ; writing to stdout displays the bytes
        int     20h     ; exit program

_msg db 'WAZZUP',24h    
Post 15 Oct 2006, 21:38
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vid 15 Oct 2006, 22:09
means, you don't have argc and argv, you just have simple string at CS:81h, whose length is stored in byte at CS:80h
Post 15 Oct 2006, 22:09
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Tomasz Grysztar

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Tomasz Grysztar 15 Oct 2006, 23:26
It's better to say PSP:80h - in case of MZ EXE it's also this way, though PSP is not necessarily CS.
Post 15 Oct 2006, 23:26
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Verbosity in development

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vid 15 Oct 2006, 23:38
well.. it is more general, but less understandable. depends on which of these two you (or reader) prefers
Post 15 Oct 2006, 23:38
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Joined: 26 Sep 2006
Posts: 92
2 16 Oct 2006, 05:43
Thanks! That helped me do this!

org 256
mov ah,9
cmp byte[128],0
je p1
jmp p2
mov dx,n
int 33
jmp p3
mov dx,y
int 33
mov ah,64
mov bx,1
mov cl,[128] ;offset that says how many bytes the argument is
xor ch,ch ;set ch to 0 so it won't interfere with the value of cx
mov dx,129 ;space followed by arguments
int 33
mov ah,9
mov dx,a
int 33
int 32
n db 'What is your name? You must tell me from the command line!',36
y db 'Hello',36
a db ', you are awesome!!!',36
Post 16 Oct 2006, 05:43
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rhyno_dagreat 17 Oct 2006, 03:19
Is it the same with Windows apps as well, making a call from CS:81h for the command line, that is?
Post 17 Oct 2006, 03:19
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Goplat 17 Oct 2006, 14:57
in Windows you use the GetCommandLine function to get a pointer to the command line. It has the program name in it as well as the arguments, though.
Post 17 Oct 2006, 14:57
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Picnic 23 Sep 2007, 14:37
Hello all,
I want to take only one parameter, remove head-tail spaces, and store on a buffer as a null terminated string. Length on cl.
I wrote few lines below, (running xp console), am i ok?
    org 100h

    mov si,82h
    mov di,par
    xor ch,ch
    mov cl,[si-2]
    jcxz exit
    cmp al,20h
    jz @b 
    xor cl,cl  
    dec si
    cmp al,0dh
    jz @f
    cmp al,20h
    jz @f
    inc cl
    jmp @b
    mov byte [di],0
    int 20h
    par db 128 dup ?

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Post 23 Sep 2007, 14:37
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rugxulo 07 Oct 2007, 02:58
You could use WDOSX as a DOS extender. If you use NASM's RDOFF (maybe other? formats), it sets up argc, **argv for you.
Post 07 Oct 2007, 02:58
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