flat assembler
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DOS386 28 Jan 2007, 20:42
http://board.flatassembler.net/topic.php?t=6585 This ^^^ is NOT what I am searching for ... ![]() Is there a good way to detect keypresses without BIOS ? Found out that after CLI the thing no longer reacts to CTL-ALT-DEL ... but reboots as soon as STI occurs ![]() How to detect keypresses after CLI ? And is there a good way to deactivate the collecting/buffering of keypresses ? I am interested only in a keypress at the moment of detection, not all the garbage that might have been typed before ... _________________ Bug Nr.: 12345 Title: Hello World program compiles to 100 KB !!! Status: Closed: NOT a Bug |
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Dex4u 28 Jan 2007, 22:53
If your making a game and need multi keypress, let me know as i have code for that.
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Japheth 29 Jan 2007, 16:23
PS/2 mouse data will also be send thru port 60h, something which is often forgotten when polling ports 60h/64h. Bit 5 of port 64h should tell if data at 60h is from the mouse.
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DOS386 31 Jan 2007, 20:07
Note : post edited , example updated , old confusing junk kicked
Code: ;Code: ; cli ;clear_input_buffer: ; in al,64h ; test al,1 ; jz wait_for_key ; in al,60h ; jmp clear_input_buffer ;wait_for_key: ; in al,64h ; test al,1 ; jz wait_for_key ; in al,60h ; cmp al,1 ; scan code of Esc ; jne wait_for_key; ; ; PS/2 mouse data will also be send thru port 60h, ; something which is often forgotten when polling ports 60h/64h. ; Bit 5 of port 64h should tell if data at 60h is from the mouse. ; ; F3h double set typematic rate/delay ; format of the second byte: ; bit7=0 : reserved ; bit6-5 : typemativ delay ; 00b=250ms 10b= 750ms ; 01b=500ms 11b=1000ms ; bit4-0 : typematic rate (see #P0391) ; F4h sngl enable keyboard ; F5h sngl disable keyboard. set default parameters (no keyboard scanning) ; F6h sngl set default parameters ; F7h sngl [MCA] set all keys to typematic (scancode set 3) ; F8h sngl [MCA] set all keys to make/release ; F9h sngl [MCA] set all keys to make only ; FAh sngl [MCA] set all keys to typematic/make/release ; FBh sngl [MCA] set al keys to typematic ; FCh double [MCA] set specific key to make/release ; FDh double [MCA] set specific key to make only ; FEh sngl resend last scancode ; FFh sngl perform internal power-on reset function ; Note: each command is acknowledged by FAh (ACK), if not mentioned otherwise. ; ; 00000b=30.0 10000b=7.5 ; 00001b=26.7 10001b=6.7 ; 01110b= 8.5 11110b=2.1 ; 01111b= 8.0 11111b=2.0 ; ; http://www.computer-engineering.org/ps2keyboard/ ; format binary as "COM" use16 org $0100 push $B800 pop ds ; !!! cli @@: in al,$64 test al,2 jnz @b nop mov al,$F3 out $60,al nop @@: in al,$64 test al,2 jnz @b nop mov al,$7F out $60,al nop mov ch,10 ; After 10 <ESC>'s abort mov bx,0 mov al,0 @@: mov [bx],al inc bx inc bx cmp bx,4000 jne @b ; Clear screen mov bx,0 xloop: in al,$64 test al,1 jz xloop ; Is there something ???? NO -> looping and al,$20 ; Isolate bit 5 (mouse) shr al,5 add al,$30 mov dl,al ; Save bit in dl in al,$60 ; Pick key or mouse code mov dh,al ; Save code in dh mov ah,al and al,$0F ; Low nibble shr ah,4 ; High nibble add ax,$3030 cmp al,$3A jb @f add al,7 @@: cmp ah,$3A jb @f add ah,7 @@: mov [bx],dl ; Output mouse bit mov [bx+2],ah ; Output keycode mov [bx+4],al ; Output keycode add bx,8 cmp bx,4000 ; 2*2000, 25*80=2000 jnz @f mov bx,0 @@: cmp dh,1 ; <ESC> aborts, but at 10th attempt !!! jne xloop ; Not <ESC> dec ch jnz xloop ; Not yet 10 <ESC>'s sti mov ax,$0003 int $10 ; Set 25 lines mode and clear screen mov ax,$4C00 int $21 ;END. Last edited by DOS386 on 18 Dec 2007, 02:15; edited 2 times in total |
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Japheth 01 Feb 2007, 11:50
> But doesn't. Seems to work on some PC's only. For me the bit is
> always 1 and this is bad. I haven't analyzed your code, but what is suspicious: or al,$20 ; Isolate bit 5 (mouse) with "or" you will not "isolate" a bit, this is done with and al, $20 |
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DOS386 01 Feb 2007, 19:47
Quote: but what is suspicious: Well, it's more than suspicious: it IS the bug. ![]() Quote: will not "isolate" a bit, this is done with I know ... I must have had a blackout when coding the thing ![]() And the port docs gave me "right": Code: Bitfields for keyboard controller read status (MCA): Bit(s) Description (Table P0399) 7 parity error on transmission from keyboard 6 general timeout 5 mouse output buffer full This is ^^^ good ![]() Code: Bitfields for keyboard controller read status (ISA, EISA): Bit(s) Description (Table P0398) 7 parity error on transmission from keyboard 6 receive timeout 5 transmit timeout But ^^^ this is bad ![]() ![]() Now it works on the one PC I tested so far ![]() Any comments on the remaining issues ? Is the keypress buffering (+mouse buffering and messing it into same buffer ![]() What are the limitations of this method ? Down to pre-PS/2 80386 PC's ? USB keyboards ? _________________ Bug Nr.: 12345 Title: Hello World program compiles to 100 KB !!! Status: Closed: NOT a Bug |
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Japheth 01 Feb 2007, 20:38
> Is the keypress buffering (+mouse buffering and messing it into same
> buffer Sad ) hard-wired in the hardware, with no possibility to deactivate ? both keyboard and ps/2 mouse can be deactivated (RBIL, ports.A). But why polling the keyboard anyway? Disabling interrupts while waiting for a keystroke will almost certainly loose timer interrupts, which is rather bad. The two devices use different IRQs (kbd IRQ 1, mouse IRQ 12), so if you want to poll the keyboard only, you can selectively disable IRQ 1 (PIC port 21h, bit 1). I'm not sure, however, if this works reliably, should be tried out first. |
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MCD 01 Feb 2007, 20:42
if you have USB mouse/keyboard, things get much more complecated. I'm not so into USB programming, but how much USB databases/lists does one need to access simple mouse/keyboard?
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DOS386 01 Feb 2007, 21:52
Quote: both keyboard and ps/2 mouse can be deactivated (RBIL, ports.A). OK, it is sort of documented ... but not really obvious how to use, and maybe even dangerous: Code: Note: Attention: Never write anything other than 99h to this port (better: never write anything to this port, only during BIOS init), as other values may connect multiple output drivers and will cause hardware damage in PC/XTs! By setting command word to 99h, PPI will be set in input/output modes as it is necessary to support the commonly known IO-ports 60, 61, 62 as desired. But now seems I have not really the need to deactivate the buffering or the kbd or mouse completely ![]() Remains the USB issue: I had a look at source of DKRNL32.DLL and did not understand really much but it seems that DKRNL32 picks keypresses from port $60 in IRQ1 - does this mean that DKRNL32 does NOT work with USB kbd's either ? ![]() ![]() ![]() BIOS will (mostly) copy keypresses from USB somewhere - to INT $16 maybe, rather than into port $60 ? Quote: But why polling the keyboard anyway? Disabling interrupts while waiting for a keystroke Tomasz's example was waiting, my issue is not waiting, but possibility to abort a running process: exit if <ESC>, otherwise continue. Quote: will almost certainly loose timer interrupts, which is rather bad. What is the damage ? Anyway, timers was an issue I wanted to ask next: can I use the timers (OK, they hang on ports $40...$5F as "documented" in the same text ![]() of cca 50us - start the timer, execute some code (should take <50us), and then wait for "completing" the 50us ? OK, I retested the "loose timer" problem: the CLOCK is FROZEN while CLI and it remains delayed ![]() clock runs also, although no interrupts occur either ![]() ![]() to prevent this problem, except not to use CLI ? _________________ Bug Nr.: 12345 Title: Hello World program compiles to 100 KB !!! Status: Closed: NOT a Bug |
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Japheth 02 Feb 2007, 08:10
> if the PC is off, the clock runs also, although no interrupts occur either
yes, the RTC runs always. But the RTC and the PIT are 2 different devices, and DOS synchronizes with the RTC "not very often". Simplest way to detect a keypress (not one of the status keys, however) without calling the BIOS is to check variables [41Ah] and [41Ch]. If they are equal, the keyboard buffer is "empty". |
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