flat assembler
Message board for the users of flat assembler.
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Niels 16 Oct 2006, 17:32
Hello grunge,
Code: ORG 100h ; Mov AX,12h ; My old video mode ; Int 10h Mov AH,4Fh ; vesa mode (256 colors) Mov AL,02h Mov BX,0101h ;640 x 480 Int 10h Mov [x],0 Mov [y],0 Mov [color],0 ; My old background and box function, ; not run in vesa mode, but run in "AX,12h (16 colors)" ; Mov AH,7h ; Roll ; Mov AL,0 ; Mov BH,1 ; Blue ; Mov CL,0 ; X ; Mov CH,0 ; Y ; Mov DL,79 ; Mov DH,34 ; Int 10h ; Mov BX,0 Mov SI,texto ; this is the call of my string Call WriteText ; not run in vesa mode, but run in "AX,12h (16 colors)" Loop1: Inc [x] Inc [color] Call Pixel Cmp [color],255 Jne Loop1 Jmp Sair Pixel: Push ES Mov AX,0A000h Mov ES,AX Mov AX,320 Mul [y] Add AX,[x] Mov BX,AX Mov DL,[color] Mov [ES:BX],DL Pop ES Retn ; my old write text function WriteText: Mov AH,2 ; set position of cursor Mov DL,100 ; 100/100 (position x/y) Mov DH,100 Int 10h LoopWrite: LodSB Cmp AL,0 Je Back Mov AH,0Eh ; Write Text Mov BL,15 ; White color Int 10h Jmp LoopWrite Back: Retn Sair: ; exit Mov AX,1 Int 16h Mov AX,3h Int 10h Mov AX,4C00h Int 21h x dw 0 y dw 0 color db 0 texto DB 13,10,'MEU TEXTO/MY TEXT Smile!',0 |
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Niels 16 Oct 2006, 19:28
Hello grunge,
I seldom use this type of interrupts. Code: ORG 100h ; Mov AX,12h ; My old video mode ; Int 10h Mov AH,4Fh ; vesa mode (256 colors) Mov AL,02h Mov BX,0101h ;640 x 480 Int 10h Mov [x],0 Mov [y],0 Mov [color],0 ; My old background and box function, ; not run in vesa mode, but run in "AX,12h (16 colors)" Mov AH,7h ; Roll Mov AL,0 Mov BH,1 ; Blue Mov CL,0 ; X Mov CH,1 ; Y Mov DL,79 Mov DH,34 Int 10h Mov BX,0 Mov SI,texto ; this is the call of my string Call WriteText ; not run in vesa mode, but run in "AX,12h (16 colors)" Loop1: Inc [x] Inc [color] Call Pixel Cmp [color],255 Jne Loop1 Jmp Sair Pixel: Push ES Mov AX,0A000h Mov ES,AX Mov AX,320 Mul [y] Add AX,[x] Mov BX,AX Mov DL,[color] Mov [ES:BX],DL Pop ES Retn ; my old write text function WriteText: Mov AH,2 ; set position of cursor Mov DL,100 ; 100/100 (position x/y) Mov DH,100 Int 10h LoopWrite: LodSB Cmp AL,0 Je Back Mov AH,0Eh ; Write Text Mov BL,15 ; White color Int 10h Jmp LoopWrite Back: Retn Sair: ; exit Mov AX,1 Int 16h Mov AX,3h Int 10h Mov AX,4C00h Int 21h x dw 0 y dw 0 color db 0 texto DB 13,10,'MEU TEXTO/MY TEXT Smile!',0 |
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grunge 16 Oct 2006, 21:55
Hello Niels
thanks for your help... I trying the Internet.... but not found one solution... |
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Dex4u 17 Oct 2006, 01:53
Here is some code i did when i first started, it uses vesa1 and fonts
Code: ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;; fasm example.By Craig Bamford (Dex) 2002. ;;;; 640*480 8bpp (256 colors) vesa1 ;;;; C:\fasm vesa1.asm vesa1.com ;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ORG 100hStart: mov ax,4f02h mov bx,101h int 10h mov dx,0xa000 mov es,dx call windowStartAgain: xor dx,dxMainLoop: push dx call window xor bx,bx mov al,0x00 call static call PutTextB call PutTextS pop dx cmp dx,4 je StartAgain inc dx mov ah,00h int 16h jz MainLoop mov ax,0003h int 10h retwindow: mov ax,4f05h mov bx,0 int 10h xor bx,bx retstatic: stosb inc bx cmp bx,0x00000 jne static retPutTopBackGround: xor di,di mov cx,0x1900 mov al,0x81 rep stosb ret PutBottomBackGround: mov di,58240 mov cx,0x17c0 mov al,0x81 rep stosb retDrawImage: mov di,bx mov dl,[Row] cldGetData: lodsw mov bx,ax mov cl,16CheckBit: test bx,0x8000 jz ZeroBit mov al,dh stosb jmp Skip ZeroBit: inc diSkip: shl bx,1 loop CheckBit add di,624 dec dl jnz GetData retPutTextB: mov byte [Row],16 xor di,di mov di,716 mov bx,di mov SI,TextS mov dh,0x0a call DrawImage xor di,di mov di,733 mov bx,di mov SI,TextP mov dh,0x0a call DrawImage xor di,di mov di,750 mov bx,di mov SI,TextA mov dh,0x0a call DrawImage xor di,di mov di,767 mov bx,di mov SI,TextC mov dh,0x0a call DrawImage xor di,di mov di,784 mov bx,di mov SI,TextE mov dh,0x0a call DrawImage xor di,di mov di,813 mov bx,di mov SI,TextP mov dh,0x0a call DrawImage xor di,di mov di,830 mov bx,di mov SI,TextO mov dh,0x0a call DrawImage xor di,di mov di,847 mov bx,di mov SI,TextN mov dh,0x0a call DrawImage xor di,di mov di,864 mov bx,di mov SI,TextG mov dh,0x0a call DrawImage ret PutTextS: mov byte [Row],7 mov di,60234 mov bx,di mov si,LetterB mov dh,0ah call DrawImage mov di,60241 mov bx,di mov si,LetterY mov dh,0ah call DrawImage mov di,60255 mov bx,di mov si,LetterC mov dh,0ah call DrawImage mov di,60262 mov bx,di mov si,LetterR mov dh,0ah call DrawImage mov di,60269 mov bx,di mov si,LetterA mov dh,0ah call DrawImage mov di,60276 mov bx,di mov si,LetterI mov dh,0ah call DrawImage mov di,60284 mov bx,di mov si,LetterG mov dh,0ah call DrawImage mov di,60298 mov bx,di mov si,LetterB mov dh,0ah call DrawImage mov di,60305 mov bx,di mov si,LetterA mov dh,0ah call DrawImage mov di,60312 mov bx,di mov si,LetterM mov dh,0ah call DrawImage mov di,60319 mov bx,di mov si,LetterF mov dh,0ah call DrawImage mov di,60326 mov bx,di mov si,LetterO mov dh,0ah call DrawImage mov di,60333 mov bx,di mov si,LetterR mov dh,0ah call DrawImage mov di,60340 mov bx,di mov si,LetterD mov dh,0ah call DrawImage mov di,60354 mov bx,di mov si,Two mov dh,0ah call DrawImage mov di,60361 mov bx,di mov si,Zero mov dh,0ah call DrawImage mov di,60368 mov bx,di mov si,Zero mov dh,0ah call DrawImage mov di,60375 mov bx,di mov si,Three mov dh,0ah call DrawImage mov di,60385 mov bx,di mov si,CopyrightSymbol mov dh,0ah call DrawImage retRow DB 0TextA DW 0FFFFh,08001h,08001h,08001h,087E1h,08421h,08421h,087E1h DW 08001h,08001h,087E1h,08421h,08421h,08421h,08421h,0FC3FhTextC DW 0FFFEh,08002h,08002h,087E2h,0843Eh,08400h,08400h,08400h DW 08400h,08400h,0843Eh,08422h,087E2h,08002h,08002h,0FFFEhTextE DW 0FFFFh,08001h,08001h,087FFh,08400h,08400h,087FEh,08002h DW 08002h,087FEh,08400h,08400h,087FFh,08001h,08001h,0FFFFhTextS DW 0FFFFh,08001h,08001h,087E1h,0843Fh,08400h,087FFh,08001h DW 08001h,0FFE1h,00021h,0FC21h,087E1h,08001h,08001h,0FFFFhTextM1 DW 0FFFFh,08000h,08000h,08000h,09FE7h,09024h,09024h,09024h DW 09024h,09024h,09024h,09024h,09024h,09024h,09024h,0F03ChTextM2 DW 0FF00h,00100h,00100h,00100h,0F900h,00900h,00900h,00900h DW 00900h,00900h,00900h,00900h,00900h,00900h,00900h,00F00hTextP DW 0FFFFh,08001h,08001h,087F9h,08409h,08409h,08409h,087F9h DW 08001h,08001h,087FFh,08400h,08400h,08400h,08400h,0FC00h TextO DW 0FFFFh,08001h,08001h,087E1h,08421h,08421h,08421h,08421h DW 08421h,08421h,08421h,08421h,087E1h,08001h,08001h,0FFFFh TextN DW 0FFFFh,08001h,08001h,087E1h,08421h,08421h,08421h,08421h DW 08421h,08421h,08421h,08421h,08421h,08421h,08421h,0FC3FhTextG DW 0FFFEh,08002h,08002h,087E2h,0843Eh,08400h,08400h,08400h DW 0847Fh,08441h,08463h,08422h,087E2h,08002h,08002h,0FFFEhTwo DW 3800h,4400h,0400h,1800h,2000h,4000h,7c00hZero DW 3800h,4400h,4c00h,5400h,6400h,4400h,3800hThree DW 3800h,4400h,0400h,1800h,0400h,4400h,3800hLetterA DW 3800h,4400h,4400h,7c00h,4400h,4400h,4400hLetterB DW 7800h,4400h,4400h,7800h,4400h,4400h,7800hLetterC DW 3800h,4400h,4000h,4000h,4000h,4400h,3800hLetterD DW 7800h,4400h,4400h,4400h,4400h,4400h,7800hLetterE DW 7c00h,4000h,4000h,7800h,4000h,4000h,7c00hLetterF DW 7c00h,4000h,4000h,7800h,4000h,4000h,4000hLetterG DW 3800h,4400h,4000h,5c00h,4400h,4400h,3800hLetterH DW 4400h,4400h,4400h,7c00h,4400h,4400h,4400hLetterI DW 7c00h,1000h,1000h,1000h,1000h,1000h,7c00hLetterJ DW 0400h,0400h,0400h,0400h,0400h,4400h,3800hLetterK DW 4400h,4800h,5000h,6000h,5000h,4800h,4400hLetterL DW 4000h,4000h,4000h,4000h,4000h,4000h,7c00hLetterM DW 4400h,6c00h,5400h,4400h,4400h,4400h,4400hLetterN DW 4400h,6400h,5400h,4c00h,4400h,4400h,4400hLetterO DW 3800h,4400h,4400h,4400h,4400h,4400h,3800hLetterP DW 7800h,4400h,4400h,7800h,4000h,4000h,4000hLetterQ DW 3800h,4400h,4400h,4400h,4400h,4c00h,3c00hLetterR DW 7800h,4400h,4400h,7800h,4400h,4400h,4400hLetterS DW 3800h,4400h,4000h,3800h,0400h,4400h,3800hLetterT DW 7c00h,1000h,1000h,1000h,1000h,1000h,1000hLetterU DW 4400h,4400h,4400h,4400h,4400h,4400h,3800hLetterV DW 4400h,4400h,4400h,4400h,4400h,2800h,1000hLetterW DW 4400h,4400h,4400h,4400h,5400h,6c00h,4400hLetterX DW 4400h,4400h,2800h,1000h,2800h,4400h,4400hLetterY DW 4400h,4400h,2800h,1000h,1000h,1000h,1000hLetterZ DW 7c00h,0400h,0800h,1000h,2000h,4000h,7c00hCopyrightSymbol DW 1e00h,2100h,4c80h,4880h,4c80h,2100h,1e00h |
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Niels 17 Oct 2006, 15:41
grunge wrote:
Quote: I trying the Internet.... but not found one solution... Isn't this the internet or did you not found any solution? ![]() Niels. |
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grunge 17 Oct 2006, 16:05
Hello All
Dex4u, thanks for your help... this solution is very good for my project... I go working in the "background" and "box"... Niels, thanks... it is the Internet... ![]() "Iternet... one parallel world..." ![]() |
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grunge 18 Oct 2006, 02:20
I have found one limitation
When I use one resolution 640x480(or other), the position of image is limited in 100 px(Y position), is one limitation? Ex: PosY = 100 PosX = 100 PosY * 640 + PosY correct? = 64100 Code: mov byte [Row],7 mov di,64100 mov bx,di mov si,LetterR mov dh,0ah call DrawImage Thanks... |
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Dex4u 18 Oct 2006, 03:23
As your in realmode you limted to 64k, so this mode uses 1 boxs 64k in size, you need to swich boxs eg:
********box0**** 64k ********box1**** 64k ********box2**** 64k ********box3**** 64k ********box4**** 64k **************** Here this may help Code: ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;; fasm example.By Craig Bamford (Dex) 2002. ;;;; 640*480 8bpp (256 colors) vesa1 ;;;; C:\fasm vesa1.asm vesa1.com ;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;ORG 100hStart: mov ax,4f02h mov bx,101h int 10h mov dx,0xa000 mov es,dx call windowStartAgain: xor dx,dx mov [color],0 MainLoop: push dx call window xor bx,bx inc [color] mov al,[color] call static pop dx cmp dx,4 je StartAgain inc dx ;<** here is box number mov ah,01h int 16h jz MainLoop mov ah,00h int 16h mov ax,0003h int 10h retwindow: mov ax,4f05h mov bx,0 int 10h xor bx,bx retstatic: stosb inc bx cmp bx,0x00000 jne static retcolor db 0Row db 0 PS: I for got that old code loop once, as it only used on box, the above will do all windows (boxs). Last edited by Dex4u on 19 Oct 2006, 21:58; edited 1 time in total |
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grunge 19 Oct 2006, 21:50
Hello Dex4u
I use your suggestion, I replace the register DI(position) for register EDI(for big numbers) and work in 64k blocks. Thanks... |
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Dex4u 19 Oct 2006, 22:03
Your welcome, if you goto Pmode and have vesa2, you can use LFB much easier and quicker, i havewritten a demo for this, if you want a look let me know.
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grunge 19 Oct 2006, 23:22
Hi Dex4u
I interest in your demo, I will have one hard work in my OS... but it is necessary... ![]() Thanks... |
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Dex4u 20 Oct 2006, 18:00
You can get it here, but you need vesa2
Note: first i was call "ASHLEY4" when i made this, also this demo shows going to and from pmode to change from vesa mode to text mode every 10 seconds. Last edited by Dex4u on 15 Mar 2011, 17:30; edited 1 time in total |
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grunge 21 Oct 2006, 00:47
Dex4u, thanks for all help...
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