Before i try this does anybody know if this format will work as this is a structure i have never even
seen before, it is a special type of (eBPF ELF File).... I normally just use format Elf64 executable
but there is a elf dynamic linking from scratch that i can maybe alter to maybe work, just it states its type REL, to get eBPF working i think i need this unknown format ..(EM_BPF ).. - just dont know if
its even possible.
(im just concerned as i know FASM sometimes doesnt generate sections,, need sections definatly)
Any quick responses if anybody knows more on formats,
(LINK)..... (im going to try build this structure as below).
(below few quick specs but main link above).... cheers
e_ident[EI_CLASS] must be set to ELFCLASS64 (2).
e_type must be set to ET_REL (1) .
e_machine must be set to EM_BPF (247).
Classic Map Definitions
The format of a map definition is as follows, where fields are in the byte order indicated in e_ident[EI_DATA] in the ELF header:
typedef struct {
Elf64_Word type;
Elf64_Word key_size;
Elf64_Word value_size;
Elf64_Word max_entries;
Elf64_Word inner_map_idx;
unsigned char platform_specific_data[];
} Elf64_BpfMapDefinition;
BTF Map Definitions
BTF eBPF map definitions are stored in a DATA section named ".maps". The number of map definitions in a section can be determined by counting the number of symbols in the
".symtab" section that point into the ".maps" section.
_________________ d.bonas
Last edited by duanebonas6822 on 28 Jan 2025, 19:23; edited 1 time in total