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Joined: 20 Feb 2006
Posts: 4354
Location: Now
edfed 19 Nov 2024, 11:57
a test to get a model convenient for structrured data render and edition at runtime/debug/binary analysis and so on.

macro _type length,name {
        dd length
        db name,0

macro _field type,name {
        dd type
        db name,0

_int equ 0x0
_float equ 0x1000
_strz equ 0x2000        ;null ending string
_strs equ 0x4000        ;sized string
_ptr equ 0x8000         ;pointers
_fooltype equ 0xF0000000;fool model type

_null:  _type 0,'null'
_bit:   _type 1,'bit'
_nibble:_type 4,'nibble'
_byte:  _type 8,'byte'
_word:  _type 16,'word'
_dword: _type 32,'dword'
_qword: _type 64,'qword'
_tword: _type 80,'tword'
_dqword:_type 128,'dqword'
_f16:   _type _float+16,'f16'
_f32:   _type _float+32,'f32'
_f64:   _type _float+64,'f64'
_f80:   _type _float+80,'f80'

_ptr1:    _type _ptr+1,'ptr1'
_ptr4:    _type _ptr+4,'ptr4'
_ptr8:    _type _ptr+8,'ptr8'
_ptr16:   _type _ptr+16,'ptr16'
_ptr32:   _type _ptr+32,'ptr32'
_ptr64:   _type _ptr+64,'ptr64'
_ptr128:  _type _ptr+128,'ptr128'
_ptrf16:  _type _ptr+_float+16,'ptrf16'
_ptrf32:  _type _ptr+_float+32,'ptrf32'
_ptrf64:  _type _ptr+_float+64,'ptrf64'
_ptrf80:  _type _ptr+_float+80,'ptrf80'

_string:_type _strz+8,'string'
_bits:  _type _strs+1,'bitfield'
_ustr:  _type _strz+16,'ustring'
_list:  _type _strs+32,'list'

_0 equ _null
_1 equ _bit
_4 equ _nibble
_8 equ _byte
_16 equ _word
_32 equ _dword
_64 equ _qword
_128 equ _dqword

macro _model name,[field] {
 local .a,.n
       db name,0
       dd field
       dd $-.a
       dd .n

_f:     _field _ptr32,'func'
_x:     _field _dword,'x'
_y:     _field _dword,'y'
_xl:    _field _dword,'xl'
_yl:    _field _dword,'yl'
_color8:_field _byte,'color8'
_color16:_field _word,'color16'
_color32:_field _dword,'color32'
_size:  _field _dword,'size'
_data:  _field _dword,'data'
_txtptr: _field _ptr8,'txtptr'
_bmptr: _field _ptr8,'bmptr'
_bmptr32: _field _ptr32,'bmptr32'

_2d equ _x,_y,_xl,_yl
_graphix equ _2d,_color32

_model 'node',_f,_list
_model 'gnode',_f,_2d,_list
_model 'box',_f,_graphix
_model 'frame',_f,_graphix
_model 'circle',_f,_graphix
_model 'border',_f,_graphix
_model 'folder',_f,_txtptr,_list
_model 'bmptr32',_f,_graphix,_ptr32

not mature at all, but may be used also for any structure (not only fool), stack frames, etc...
Post 19 Nov 2024, 11:57
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Joined: 20 Feb 2006
Posts: 4354
Location: Now
edfed 09 Dec 2024, 13:15
CRLF equ 13,10

return equ

virtual as 'log'
end virtual

macro log str& {
  virtual LOG
   db str
  end virtual

macro log.bit b{

macro log.nibble n{
d='0'+n and 0fh
if d>'9'
end if
log d

macro log.byte b{
log.nibble ((b shr 4) and 0fh)
log.nibble (b and 0fh)

macro log.word w{
log.byte ((w shr 8) and 0ffh)
log.byte (w and 0ffh)

macro log.dword d{
log.word ((d shr 16) and 0ffffh)
log.word (d and 0ffffh)

macro _type length,name {
        log.dword $
        log ':'
        dd length
        db name,0
        log name,' '
        log.dword length
        log CRLF

macro _field type,name {
        log.dword $
        log ':'
        dd type
        db name,0
        log name,' '
        log.dword type
        log CRLF

macro _model name,[field] {
        log.dword $
        log ':'
 local .a,.n,.s
        db name,0
        log name,' '
        dd field
.s = $-.a
        dd .s
        dd .n
repeat (.s)/4
load a dword from .a+(%-1)*4
        log.dword a
        log ' '
end repeat

        log.dword .s

        log CRLF

_int    equ 0x0
_float  equ 0x1000
_strz   equ 0x2000        ;null ending string
_strs   equ 0x4000        ;sized string
_ptr equ 0x8000         ;pointers
_fooltype equ 0xF0000000;fool model type

_null:  _type 0,'null'
_bit:   _type 1,'bit'
_nibble:_type 4,'nibble'
_byte:  _type 8,'byte'
_word:  _type 16,'word'
_dword: _type 32,'dword'
_qword: _type 64,'qword'
_tword: _type 80,'tword'
_dqword:_type 128,'dqword'

_f16:   _type _float+16,'f16'
_f32:   _type _float+32,'f32'
_f64:   _type _float+64,'f64'
_f80:   _type _float+80,'f80'

_ptr1:    _type _ptr+1,'ptr1'
_ptr4:    _type _ptr+4,'ptr4'
_ptr8:    _type _ptr+8,'ptr8'
_ptr16:   _type _ptr+16,'ptr16'
_ptr32:   _type _ptr+32,'ptr32'
_ptr64:   _type _ptr+64,'ptr64'
_ptr128:  _type _ptr+128,'ptr128'
_ptrf16:  _type _ptr+_float+16,'ptrf16'
_ptrf32:  _type _ptr+_float+32,'ptrf32'
_ptrf64:  _type _ptr+_float+64,'ptrf64'
_ptrf80:  _type _ptr+_float+80,'ptrf80'

_string:_type _strz+8,'string'
_bits:  _type _strs+1,'bitfield'
_ustr:  _type _strz+16,'ustring'
_list:  _type _strs+32,'list'

_0 equ _null
_1 equ _bit
_4 equ _nibble
_8 equ _byte
_16 equ _word
_32 equ _dword
_64 equ _qword
_128 equ _dqword

_f:     _field _ptr32,'func'
_x:     _field _dword,'x'
_y:     _field _dword,'y'
_xl:    _field _dword,'xl'
_yl:    _field _dword,'yl'
_color8:_field _byte,'color8'
_color16:_field _word,'color16'
_color24:_field _dword,'color24'
_color32:_field _dword,'color32'
_size:  _field _dword,'size'
_data:  _field _dword,'data'
_txtptr: _field _ptr8,'txtptr'
_bmptr: _field _ptr8,'bmptr'
_bmptr32: _field _ptr32,'bmptr32'

_2d equ _x,_y,_xl,_yl
_list32 equ _size,_data
_graphix equ _2d,_color32

_node:    _model 'node',_f,_list32
_gnode:   _model 'gnode',_f,_2d,_list32
_box:     _model 'box',_f,_2d,_color32
_frame:   _model 'frame',_f,_2d,_color32
_circle:  _model 'circle',_f,_2d,_color32
_border:  _model 'border',_f,_2d,_color32
_older:   _model 'folder',_f,_txtptr,_list32
_bmptr_32:_model 'bmptr32',_f,_graphix,_bmptr32





much better, it generates this log:

00000000:null 00000000
00000009:bit 00000001
00000011:nibble 00000004
0000001C:byte 00000008
00000025:word 00000010
0000002E:dword 00000020
00000038:qword 00000040
00000042:tword 00000050
0000004C:dqword 00000080
00000057:f16 10001010
0000005F:f32 10001020
00000067:f64 10001040
0000006F:f80 10001050
00000077:ptr1 80008001
00000080:ptr4 80008004
00000089:ptr8 80008008
00000092:ptr16 80008010
0000009C:ptr32 80008020
000000A6:ptr64 80008040
000000B0:ptr128 80008080
000000BB:ptrf16 90009010
000000C6:ptrf32 90009020
000000D1:ptrf64 90009040
000000DC:ptrf80 90009050
000000E7:string 20002008
000000F2:bitfield 40004001
000000FF:ustring 20002010
0000010B:list 40004020
00000114:func 0000009C
0000011D:x 0000002E
00000123:y 0000002E
00000129:xl 0000002E
00000130:yl 0000002E
00000137:color8 0000001C
00000142:color16 00000025
0000014E:color24 0000002E
0000015A:color32 0000002E
00000166:size 0000002E
0000016F:data 0000002E
00000178:txtptr 00000089
00000183:bmptr 00000089
0000018D:bmptr32 0000009C
00000199:node 00000114 00000166 0000016F 0000000C
000001B2:gnode 00000114 0000011D 00000123 00000129 00000130 00000166 0000016F 0000001C
000001DC:box 00000114 0000011D 00000123 00000129 00000130 0000015A 00000018
00000200:frame 00000114 0000011D 00000123 00000129 00000130 0000015A 00000018
00000226:circle 00000114 0000011D 00000123 00000129 00000130 0000015A 00000018
0000024D:border 00000114 0000011D 00000123 00000129 00000130 0000015A 00000018
00000274:folder 00000114 00000178 00000166 0000016F 00000010
00000293:bmptr32 00000114 0000011D 00000123 00000129 00000130 0000015A 0000018D 0000001C

next step, render this as editable forms, when in edit mode. Smile
Post 09 Dec 2024, 13:15
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