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Index > OS Construction > [solved] Qemu BIOS and Serial

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Joined: 03 Apr 2024
Posts: 3
jemo07 03 Apr 2024, 14:20
Hello, I'm trying to learn FASM and x86 ... I though I create a simple bios that echoes my input on the screen. however, this is not going as plan... I have tried several iterations of the code, but I can't seem to print correctly, I'm getting a "0" for every keystroke from the serial0 console on qemu or running it with -serial stdio,

Here is my full listing and I would appreciate to learn where my mistakes might be...
Rolling EyesRolling EyesRolling Eyes

; boot.fasm

org 0x7C00

    cli             ; Disable interrupts
    mov ax, 0x07C0  ; Set up the stack
    mov ss, ax
    mov sp, 0x1000
    sti             ; Enable interrupts

    call init_uart  ; Initialize UART for serial communication

    ; Set video mode to 80x25 text mode
    mov ah, 0x00
    mov al, 0x03
    int 0x10

    ; Main loop to echo characters
    call read_byte_from_com1  ; Read a byte from COM1
    call print_char           ; Print the received character
    jmp main_loop             ; Repeat indefinitely

; Include the serial communication routines
include 'com.fasm'

; Print the ASCII character representation of the byte in AL to the screen
    push ax                    ; Save the register values
    push bx
    push cx
    push dx

    mov ah, 0x0E               ; BIOS teletype output
    mov bh, 0x00               ; Page number
    mov bl, 0x07               ; Attribute (light grey on black)
    mov cl, al                 ; Move the byte value to CL
    and cl, 0x7F               ; Mask off the high bit (non-ASCII values)
    cmp cl, 0x20               ; Check if the byte is a printable ASCII character
    jl non_printable           ; If not, print a '.' instead
    jmp print_char_loop
    mov cl, '.'                ; Print a '.' for non-printable characters

    int 0x10                   ; Call BIOS video interrupt
    pop dx                     ; Restore the register values
    pop cx
    pop bx
    pop ax
times 510-($-$$) db 0  ; Pad the bootloader to 510 bytes
dw 0xAA55              ; Boot signature

and com.fasm

; com.fasm 

PORT equ 0x3F8  ; COM1 Base Port

; Initialize UART for serial communication
    pusha                      ; Save all general-purpose registers

    ; Disable all UART interrupts
    mov dx, PORT + 1           ; Interrupt Enable Register
    mov al, 0x00               ; Disable all interrupts
    out dx, al

    ; Set baud rate to 9600
    mov dx, PORT + 3           ; Line Control Register
    mov al, 0x80               ; Enable DLAB (Divisor Latch Access Bit)
    out dx, al
    mov ax, 0x000C             ; Divisor for 9600 baud rate (12)
    mov dx, PORT               ; Divisor latch low byte
    out dx, al
    mov dx, PORT + 1           ; Divisor latch high byte
    mov al, ah
    out dx, al

    ; Set line control register: 8 bits, no parity, 1 stop bit
    mov dx, PORT + 3
    mov al, 0x03               ; 8 bits, no parity, one stop bit
    out dx, al

    ; Enable FIFO, clear them, with 1-byte threshold (optional, for simplicity)
    ;mov dx, PORT + 2
    ;mov al, 0x01               ; Enable FIFO & set 1-byte threshold
    ;out dx, al

    popa                       ; Restore all general-purpose registers

; Send a byte to COM1
    push ax
    push dx

    mov dx, PORT + 5           ; Line Status Register
    in al, dx
    test al, 0x20              ; Wait for the transmitter to be empty
    jz wait_for_transmit_empty

    pop dx
    mov dx, PORT
    pop ax
    out dx, al

; Read a byte from COM1
    push ax
    push dx

    mov dx, PORT + 5           ; Line Status Register
    in al, dx
    test al, 0x01              ; Check if data is available
    jz wait_for_data_ready

    mov dx, PORT
    in al, dx                  ; Read the byte

    pop dx
    pop ax

Thank you!

Post 03 Apr 2024, 14:20
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revolution 03 Apr 2024, 14:26
    push ax
    pop ax
It always return AL unchanged.
Post 03 Apr 2024, 14:26
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Joined: 03 Apr 2024
Posts: 3
jemo07 03 Apr 2024, 17:25

Dohhhhh Thank you!!!... man, was down a rat hole before I got here and just not see that...

Thank you!

Post 03 Apr 2024, 17:25
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SeproMan 04 Apr 2024, 19:15
@revolution showed you the mistake regarding the serial access.
Additionally there's something wrong in the print_char subroutine. The BIOS.Teletype function always uses the AL register. The masked and/or substituted value in the CL register is never going to be printed!

    push ax             ; Save the register values
    push bx
    mov ah, 0x0E        ; BIOS teletype output
    mov bx, 0x0007      ; Page number and Attribute (light grey on black)
    and al, 0x7F        ; Mask off the high bit (non-ASCII values)
    cmp al, 0x20        ; Check if the byte is a printable ASCII character
    jnb .print
    mov al, '.'         ; Print a '.' for non-printable characters
    int 0x10            ; Call BIOS video interrupt
    pop bx              ; Restore the register values
    pop ax

Real Address Mode.
Post 04 Apr 2024, 19:15
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jemo07 16 Dec 2024, 13:38
Thank you! @SeproMan

Thank you!

Post 16 Dec 2024, 13:38
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