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Index > Non-x86 architectures > [ARM] OS/Graphics/UI. Magic-Compiler+Emulator. 8 Examples

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Joined: 08 Dec 2013
Posts: 296
m3ntal 07 Mar 2014, 16:43
Magic-Compiler + 8 Examples for the PL110 ARM Primecell Color LCD Controller.

Visual UI/interfaces/controls. High resolution fonts and icons. Drawing works with any display that supports RGB 16 5.6.5 (example: Raspberry PI).

Download: Magic-Compiler Package (8MB ZIP due to QEMU).

Source code is compatible with FASMARM (included in \BINARY\). No setup. All \EXAMPLES\ and \PROJECTS\ compile+run where they are located and they all have shared access to \MEDIA\ files. To run an example, click NAME.BAT. QEMU works most of the time. If it fails (black screen, "Stopped"), just retry. LANGUAGE.INC is never finished, always under construction. No input. I couldn't find any information online for this device except for ARM's documents and QEMU's source code. Preview:
; address &vga[(y*(screen.w*2))+(x*2)]...

function vga.xy.16
  . a3=SCREEN.PITCH, a4=a2*a3
  . a4+(a1<<1), a2=VGA, a1=a2+a4

; erase screen with color/a1...

function clear.screen.16
  alias vga=a3,\
   w=a2, c=a1
  . vga=VGA, w=SCREEN.N
  .repeat w
    . (u16) *vga++=c

; create rgb16: a1/a2/a3 = 0-31/0-63/0-31

function rgb16
  alias r=a1, g=a2, b=a3
  . r&11111b, g&111111b, b&11111b
  . r<<11, r|(g<<5), r|b

; extract r/g/b 16

function get.rgb16
  alias r=a1, g=a2, b=a3, c=a4
  . c=r, r=c>>11, r&11111b, g=c>>5
  . g&111111b, b=c&11111b

; draw pixel: a1-a3=x/y/c...

function draw.pixel.16
  alias vga=a1, c=v1
  . c=a3
  . (u16) *vga=c

; draw horizontal line: a1-a4=x/y/w/c...

function draw.line.h.16
  alias vga=a1, c=v1, w=v2
  . c=a4, w=a3
  .repeat w
    . (u16) *vga++=c

; draw solid rectangle: a1-v1=x/y/w/h/c...

function draw.box.16
  alias vga=a1, c=v1,\
   sw=v2, w=v3, h=v4,\
   pitch=a2, wb=a3
  . w=a3, sw=w, h=a4    ; save w/h
  . pitch=SCREEN.PITCH  ; screen+row
  . wb=w<<1             ; w in bytes
  .repeat h             ; h # times
    . w=sw              ; reset saved
    .repeat w           ; w # times
      . (u16) *vga++=c  ; copy color
    . vga+pitch, vga-wb ; advance

; draw rectangle outline...

function draw.outline.16
  alias c=v1,\
   x=v2, y=v3, w=v4, h=v5
  . x=a1, y=a2, w=a3, h=a4
  draw.line.h x, y, w, c     ; top: x, y, w
  draw.line.v x, y, h, c     ; left: x, y, h
  . a1=x+w, a1--             ; right: x+w-1
  . a2=y+1, a3=h-1           ; y+1, h-1
  draw.line.v a1, a2, a3, c
  . a1=x, a2=y+h, a2--       ; bottom: y+h-1
  draw.line.h a1, a2, w, c

; draw rectangle with transparency...
; a1-a4=x/y/w/h. v5=color, v6=alpha

function draw.box.t.16
  alias vga=a1, c=v1,\
   w=v3, h=v4, sw=v2,\
   cl=v5, a=v6,\
   wb=a3, sc=v7
  . w=a3, sw=w, h=a4    ; save w/h
  . pitch=SCREEN.PITCH  ; screen+row
  . wb=w<<1             ; w in bytes
  .repeat h             ; h # times
    . w=sw              ; reset saved
    .repeat w           ; w # times
     . (u16) c=*vga     ; screen color
      mix c, cl, a      ; combine
      . c=a1
      . (u16) *vga++=c  ; copy
    . vga+pitch, vga-wb ; advance

; draw 16BPP scanline. a1-a3/v1=x/y/w/pixels...

function draw.scanline.16
  alias vga=a1,\          ; aliases
   p=v1, w=v2
  . w=a3                  ; save w
  vga.xy                  ; &vga(x,y)
  .repeat w               ; w # times
    . (u16) *vga++=*p++   ; copy pixel

; draw with transparent color...

function draw.scanline.t.16
  alias vga=a1,\     ; aliases
   c=a2, key=v2,\
   w=v3, p=v1
  . w=a3, p=a4       ; save w/p
  vga.xy             ; &vga(x,y)
   . (u16) key=*p    ; color at 0x0
  .repeat w          ; w # times
    . (u16) c=*p++   ; get source pixel
    .if c<>key       ; opaque?
      . (u16) *vga=c ; copy to screen
    . vga+2          ; next

; draw 16BPP variant scanline.
; a1-v1=x/y/w/c/pixels...

function draw.scanline.v.16
  alias vga=a1,\       ; aliases
   p=v1, c=v2, s=v3,\
   cl=v4, x=v5, w=v6,\
  . w=a3, cl=a4        ; save w, color
  vga.xy               ; &vga(x,y)
  .repeat w            ; w # times
    . (u16) c=*p++     ; get source pixel
    .if c=0            ; black, 100% invisible
      go .next
    . x=WHITE
    .if c=x            ; white, 100% visible
      . c=cl
      go .draw
    . (u16) s=*vga     ; else mixed
    . n=c&11111b, n<<3 ; alpha intensity
    .if n>=252         ; invisible
      go .next         ; skip
    .if n<=4           ; pure
      . c=cl
      go .draw
    mix s, cl, n       ; combine
    . c=r0             ; screen+color
    . (u16) *vga=c
    . vga+2            ; next

; draw bitmap with transparency
; by upper left pixel color (0x0).
; a1-a4=x/y/w/h. v1=pixels...

function draw.bitmap.t.16
  alias \                 ; aliases
   vga=a1, image=v1,\
   w=v2, h=v3, sw=v4,\    ; sizes, saved w
   pitch=v5, iwb=v6,\
   key=v7, c=a2
  . w=a3, h=a4, sw=w      ; save size
  . pitch=SCREEN.PITCH    ; screen+image
  . iwb=w<<1              ; w in bytes
  . (u16) key=*image      ; transparent color
  vga.xy                  ; &vga(x,y)
  .repeat h               ; h # times
    . w=sw
    .repeat w             ; w # times
      . (u16) c=*image++
      .if c<>key          ; opaque?
        . (u16) *vga++=c  ; copy pixel
        . vga+2           ; next
    . vga+pitch, vga-iwb  ; advance

; draw bitmap with alpha in v8

function draw.bitmap.a.16
  alias \                 ; aliases
   vga=a1, image=v1,\
   w=v2, h=v3, sw=v4,\    ; sizes, saved w
   pitch=v5, iwb=v6,\
   key=v7, a=v8, c=r12
  . w=a3, h=a4, sw=w      ; save size
  . pitch=SCREEN.PITCH    ; screen+image
  . iwb=w<<1              ; w in bytes
  . (u16) key=*image      ; transparent color
  vga.xy                  ; &vga(x,y)
  .repeat h               ; h # times
    . w=sw
    .repeat w             ; w # times
      . (u16) c=*image++
      .if c<>key          ; opaque?
        . (u16) a2=*vga
        . a1=c, a3=a
        . c=a1
        . (u16) *vga++=c  ; copy pixel
        . vga+2           ; next
    . vga+pitch, vga-iwb  ; advance

; mix(a, b, n) - alpha combination. colors:
; a1/a2=a/b. intensity: a3/n=0-31

function mix.rgb16
  alias \
   a=a1, b=a2,\
   n=a3, d=a4,\
   x=v1, s=v2,\
  sr=v3, sg=v4, sb=v5
  . d=a>>>11, d&1Fh   ; dr=(c1>>11)&11111b
  . s=b>>>11, s&1Fh   ; sr=(c2>>11)&11111b
  . s-d, s*n, s>>>8   ; ((sr-dr)*n)>>8)+dr
  . sr=s+d
  . d=a>>>5, d&3Fh    ; dg=(c1>>5)&111111b
  . s=b>>>5, s&3Fh    ; sg=(c2>>5)&111111b
  . s-d, s*n, s>>>8   ; ((sg-dg)*n)>>8)+dg
  . sg=s+d
  . d=a&1Fh, s=b&1Fh  ; db=c1&11111b
  . s-d, s*n, s>>>8   ; ((sb-db)*n)>>8)+db
  . sb=s+d
  . a=sr<<11          ; c=(r<<11)|(g<<5)|b
  . a|(sg<<5), a|sb

; memory.copy(destiny, source, count)

function memory.copy, a, b, n
  cmp a3, 4         ; if n<4
  blt .8            ; copy 8BIT
  mov v2, a3, lsr 2 ; v2=n/4
  .32:              ; copy 32BIT
   ldr v1, [a2], 4  ; v1=*a2++
   str v1, [a1], 4  ; *a1++=v1
   subs v2, 1       ; v2 # times
  bne .32
  ands a3, 3        ; modulo 4
  beq .!            ; remainder?
  .8:               ; copy 8BIT
   ldrb v1, [a2], 1 ; v1=*a2++
   strb v1, [a1], 1 ; *a1++=v1
   subs a3, 1       ; a3 # times
  bne .8

; text.n(t) - get text length, # characters

function text.n
  alias t=a1, b=a2, c=v1
  . c=1, b=t
  .while c           ; until 0
    . (u8) c=*t++    ; read c
  . t--, t-b         ; return current-start

; text.copy(a, b) - standard copy with 0 after

function text.copy
  alias a=a1, b=a2, c=v1
  . c=1
  .while c
    . (u8) c=*b++    ; read
    . (u8) *a++=c    ; copy
  . a--              ; return end

; text.attach(a, b) - attach b to a

function text.attach
  alias a=a1,\
   b=a2, p=v1
  . p=b
  . b=p

; text.attach.c(t, c) - attach c to t

function text.attach.c
  alias t=a1, c=v2
  . c=a2
  . (u8) *t++=c, (u8) *t=0

; text.compare(a, b) - lexical comparison.
; return <0>

function text.compare
  alias a=a1, b=a2,\
   c=v1, d=v2
   . c=1, d=c
  .while c=d         ; while equal
    . (u8) c=*a++
    . (u8) d=*b++
    . c|d            ; and both nonzero
    .breakz          ; break if either=0
  . a=c-d            ; return *a-*b

; text.equal(a, b) - equal? return 1/0

function text.equal
  .if false
    return 1
endf 0

; text.find(t, c) - search for character.
; return address or 0

function text.find
  alias t=a1,\
   c=v1, key=a2
  .forever           ; loop
    . (u8) c=*t      ; read c
    .if c=0          ; end?
      return 0       ; not found
    .if c=key        ; found?
      return t       ; t=address
    . t++            ; next

; text.find.last(t, c) - search for c reverse

function text.find.last
  alias t=a1, c=a2,\
   key=v1, p=v2
  . key=c, p=t       ; save begin
  . c=1
  .while c           ; advance to end-1,
    . (u8) c=*t++    ; last character
  . t-2
  .while t>p         ; loop backwards
    . (u8) c=*t      ; until beginning
    .if c=key        ; found
      return t       ; t=address
    . t--            ; previous
endf 0               ; not found    
(Keywords for search engines to bring in new users: ARM assembler tutorial qemu bare metal asm instructions source code data example raspberry PI macro language assembler ARM X86 dex dexbasic hla rosasm assembler download if .if while .while loop let high level features raspberry PI RPI bare metal string graphics art font icon draw pixel image bitmap font converter file I/O input output memory manager card flash RiscOS raspbian programming ARM ASM assembler assembly tutorials how to learn introduction beginner manual bare metal GBA header gameboy advance SP raspberry pi instruction reference encodings list decode register memory ip sp lr pc load relative mov ldr adr immediate constant direct absolute address branch pipeline cache alu THUMB 1 2 FPA VFP SIMD NEON vector floating point FP FPA bios interrupt coprocessor emulator disassembler ARM simulator ARM keil DS-5 armulator PDF manual raspberry pi RPI raspberry pi RPI raspberry pi RPI raspberry pi RPI OS OS OS example source code tutorials DexOS Dex BASIC DexBASIC raspberry PI macro language assembler ARM X86 if .if while .while loop let high level features raspberry PI RPI RISC OS ARM bare metal string drawing graphics art font icon draw pixel image bitmap font converter file I/O input output memory manager card format address org start code data flash RiscOS raspbian install raspbian RPI programming ARM ASM assembler assembly tutorials how to learn introduction beginner manual bare metal GBA header gameboy advance SP raspberry pi instruction reference encode encodings list decode register memory ip sp lr pc load relative mov ldr adr immediate constant address branch pipeline cache alu T1 T2 THUMB 1 2 FPA VFP SIMD NEON vector floating point FP FPA bios interrupt coprocessor emulator disassembler simulator ARM keil DS-5 armulator PDF manual raspberry pi RPI raspberry pi RPI raspberry pi RPI raspberry pi RPI OS OS OS example source code tutorials ARM ASM assembler assembly tutorials how to learn introduction beginner ARM ASM assembler assembly tutorials how to learn introduction beginner)

Description: Zionos Operating System. EXAMPLES\ZOS\ZOS.BAT
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Last edited by m3ntal on 12 Mar 2014, 07:47; edited 3 times in total
Post 07 Mar 2014, 16:43
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m3ntal 07 Mar 2014, 16:46
Z-IDE design in 640x480. Intended for higher resolutions, W/XGA+. To run, click EXAMPLES\ZIDE\ZIDE.BAT.

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Post 07 Mar 2014, 16:46
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m3ntal 07 Mar 2014, 16:47
7 examples + 3 project templates:

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Post 07 Mar 2014, 16:47
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m3ntal 07 Mar 2014, 16:48
Magic-Compiler with syntax highlighting:

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Post 07 Mar 2014, 16:48
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m3ntal 08 Mar 2014, 20:06
Update: I registered with sourceforge.net and updated download link.

My New SourceForge Page
Post 08 Mar 2014, 20:06
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Gyver 09 Mar 2014, 10:40
Mouse doesn' t work on my system : Win 8.1 pro 64 bit Crying or Very sad
Post 09 Mar 2014, 10:40
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m3ntal 10 Mar 2014, 03:24
Gyver: Sorry, no input.

QEMU supports serial+USB mouse+keyboard, but I can't find any information on how to initialize devices, setup interrupts and send/receive data. From ARM's documents, I managed to initialize the LCD and access a linear VGA. QEMU also supports Angel-ARM interrupts - see QEMU\TARGET-ARM\ARM-SEMI.C - so file I/O should be easy.

Last edited by m3ntal on 12 Mar 2014, 07:30; edited 1 time in total
Post 10 Mar 2014, 03:24
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m3ntal 12 Mar 2014, 07:27
UPDATE (3/12/14)

* Download Magic-Compiler. New Angel-ARM, FILE.ASM example, FILE.INC, open/create/read/write/seek/etc, CONSOLE.INC, more testing, functions with fast-call parameters (TEXT+DRAW is reduced and clearer), removed DRAW.INC suffixes. Fix: text.find.last.

\EXAMPLES\FILE\FILE.ASM: 100% portable.
text title.t='Angel-ARM',\
 error.t='File I/O failed'

  puts name
  get.filename name
  puts filename
  create filename
  .if false
    go .error
  text.copy buffer, output
  text.reverse buffer
  write buffer, size
  .if false
    go .error
  open filename
  .if false
    go .error
  read buffer, size
  .if false
    go .error
  puts buffer
  text.reverse buffer
  puts buffer
  go .ok
  puts error.t
Post 12 Mar 2014, 07:27
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Posts: 296
m3ntal 22 Mar 2014, 10:23
New: Convert text to number (i/u/h/b):
; convert text to unsigned 32BIT integer

function t2u, t
  alias t=v1,\
   c=v2, n=v3
  . t=a1, (u8) c=*t
  .if c=30h           ; skip preceding
    .while c=30h      ; '0's...
      . (u8) c=*t++
    . t--
  .if c=0             ; 0 value?
    return 0
  . n=0
    . (u8) c=*t++
    .if c=0
      return n
    . n+(n<<2), n+n   ; n=n*10+*t++-'0'
    . n-30h, n+c
endf n

; convert text to signed 32BIT integer

function t2i, t
  alias t=v1,\
   c=v2, negate=v3
  . t=a1, (u8) c=*t
  . negate=0
  .if c='-'           ; negative?
    . t++, negate=1   ; skip
  t2u t
  .if negate
    . -a1

; convert hexadecimal text to number

function t2h, t       ; text to hexadecimal
  alias t=v1,\
   c=v2, n=v3
  . t=a1, (u8) c=*t
  .if c=30h           ; skip preceding
    .while c=30h      ; '0's...
      . (u8) c=*t++
    . t--
  .if c=0             ; 0 value?
    return 0
  . n=0
    . (u8) c=*t++
    .if c=0
      return n
    . n<<4            ; n=n*16+c2h(*t++)
    .if c<=39h        ; 0-9
      . c-30h
    .else.if c>=97    ; a-f
      . c-57h
    .else             ; A-F
      . c-37h
    . n+c
endf n

; convert binary text to number

function t2b, t       ; text to binary
  alias t=v1,\
   c=v2, n=v3
  . t=a1, (u8) c=*t
  .if c=30h           ; skip preceding
    .while c=30h      ; '0's...
      . (u8) c=*t++
    . t--
  .if c=0             ; 0 value?
    return 0
  . n=0
    . (u8) c=*t++
    .if c=0
      return n
    . n<<1, n+c       ; n=n*2+*t++-'0'
    . n-30h
endf n    
Parse: Source, token. Skip/copy while/until:
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; PARSE TEXT ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

; skip while type and not 0

; get p=text.skip.while p, C.WHITE

function text.skip.while, t, type
  alias t=a1,\
   type=a2, c=a3, p=a4
    . (u8) c=*t
    .if c=0
      return 0
    . p=TLT, p+c
    . (u8) c=*p, c&type
    . t++
  . (u8) c=*t
  .if c=0
    return 0

; skip until type and while not 0

; get p=text.skip.until p, C.RETURN

function text.skip.until, t, type
  alias t=a1,\
   type=a2, c=a3, p=a4
    . (u8) c=*t
    .if c=0
      return 0
    . p=TLT, p+c
    . (u8) c=*p, c&type
    . t++
  . (u8) c=*t
  .if c=0
    return 0

; copy while type and not 0

; get s=text.copy.while t, s, C.NAME

function text.copy.while, a, b, type
  alias a=a1, b=a2,\
   type=a3, c=a4, p=v1
    . (u8) c=*b
    .if c=0
      go .e
    . p=TLT, p+c
    . (u8) c=*p, c&type
    . (u8) *a++=*b++
  . (u8) *a=0, (u8) c=*b
  .if c=0
    return 0
endf b

; copy until type and while not 0

; get s=text.copy.until t, s, C.END

function text.copy.until, a, b, type
  alias a=a1, b=a2,\
   type=a3, c=a4, p=v1
    . (u8) c=*b
    .if c=0
      return 0
    . p=TLT, p+c
    . (u8) c=*p, c&type
    . (u8) *a++=*b++
  . (u8) *a=0, (u8) c=*b
  .if c=0
    return 0
endf b

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; SOURCE, TOKEN ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

; safer, easier global skip/copy while/until

align 4

void source.p, token.p
integer token.type, token.value, token.size

macro set.source r
 { . r12=source.p, r11=r, (u32) *r12=r11 }

macro set.token r
 { . r12=token.p, r11=r, (u32) *r12=r11 }

macro set.stream s, t {
  set.source s
  set.token t

macro get.source s, t {
  . s=source.p, (u32) s=*s
  if ~t eq
    . t=token.p, (u32) t=*t
  end if

macro get.token.p t
 { . t=token.p, (u32) t=*t }

macro set.token.x x, v
 {  . r12=token#x, r11=v, (u32) *r12=r11 }

macro set.token.type v { set.token.x .type, v }
macro set.token.class v { set.token.x .class, v }
macro set.token.value v { set.token.x .value, v }

macro get.token.value x
{ . x=token.value, (u32) x=*x }

; skip/copy while/until type...

function skip.while, type
  alias p=v1, type=v2
  . type=a1
  get.source p
  try p=text.skip.while p, type
  set.source p
endf p

function skip.until, type
  alias p=v1, type=v2
  . type=a1
  get.source p
  try p=text.skip.until p, type
  set.source p
endf p

function copy.while, type
  alias p=v1, t=v2, type=v3
  . type=a1
  get.source p, t
  try p=text.copy.while t, p, type
  set.source p
endf p

function copy.until, type
  alias p=v1, t=v2, type=v3
  . type=a1
  get.source p, t
  try p=text.copy.until t, p, type
  set.source p
endf p

macro skip.space   { skip.while C.SPACE }
macro skip.white   { skip.while C.WHITE }
macro skip.comment { skip.until C.RETURN }

function skip.all
  alias s=v1, c=v2
  try skip.white
  get.source s
  . (u8) c=*s
  .if c=0
    return 0
  .if c=SEMI.C
    try skip.comment
    go .white
endf 1

; skip spaces then character. return 0
; if next c not key

function skip.c, key
  alias p=v1,\
   c=v2, key=v3
  . key=a1
  get.source p
  . (u8) c=*p
  .if c<>key
    return 0
  . p++
  set.source p
endf p

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; GET TOKEN ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

macro get.name   { copy.while C.NAME }
macro get.digits { copy.while C.DIGIT }

function get.number
  alias t=v1, s=v2,\
   n=v3, c=v4, p=v5
  try skip.space
  get.source s
  . (u8) c=*s
  .if c<30h           ; must begin
    go .error         ; with 0-9
  .if c>39h
    go .error
  get.digits          ; A-F/a-f, h,b,k,m
  get.token.p t
  get p=text.end t    ; get last
  . p--, (u8) c=*p    ; c of token
  . (u8) *p=0, p++
  .if c>30h           ; ends with
    .if c<39h         ; 0-9?
      get n=t2u t
  .if c=68h           ; h/exadecimal
    get n=t2h t
  .else.if c=62h      ; b/inary
    get n=t2b t
  .else.if c=6Bh      ; k/ilobyte
    get n=t2u t
    . n<<10
  .else.if c=6Dh      ; m/egabyte
    get n=t2u t
    . n<<20
    go .error
  set.token.type C.NUMBER
  set.token.value n
  return C.NUMBER
  syntax.error E.NUMBER
endf 0

function verify.n.x, n, a, b
  alias n=a1, a=a2, b=a3
  .if n>=a
    .if n<=b
      return 1
  syntax.error E.VALUE
endf 0

macro verify.i8  { verify.n.x n, -128, 127 }
macro verify.8   { verify.n.x -255, 255 }
macro verify.12  { verify.n.x -4095, 4095 }
macro verify.u16 { verify.n.x 0, 0FFFFh }
macro verify.16  { verify.n.x -0FFFFh, 0FFFFh }
macro verify.i24 { verify.n.x -7FFFFFh, 7FFFFFh }
macro verify.u24 { verify.n.x 0, 0FFFFFFh }

function get.n.x, a, b
  alias a=v1, b=v2, n=v3
  . a=a1, b=a2
  try get.number
  get.token.value n
  verify.n.x n, a, b
endf 1

macro get.number.i8  { get.n.x -128, 127 }
macro get.number.8   { get.n.x -255, 255 }
macro get.number.12  { get.n.x -4095, 4095 }
macro get.number.u16 { get.n.x 0, 0FFFFh }
macro get.number.16  { get.n.x -0FFFFh, 0FFFFh }
macro get.number.i24 { get.n.x -7FFFFFh, 7FFFFFh }
macro get.number.u24 { get.n.x 0, 0FFFFFFh }
macro get.number.24  { get.n.x -0FFFFFFh, 0FFFFFFh }    

Preview: Minimal Native ARM Assembler:
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ASSEMBLER.INC ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

; Native ARM Assembler

align 4

uinteger @ip=10000h,\
 data.offset, data.size,\
 code.offset, code.size,\

text opcode.name(16),\
 operand.1(96), operand.2(96),\
 operand.3(96), operand.4(96)
integer name.index, opcode.c,\
 opcode.s, opcode.key

text label.prefix(32)

texts registers.ta[]='r0', 'r1', 'r2', 'r3',\
 'r4', 'r5', 'r6', 'r7', 'r8', 'r9', 'r10',\
 'r11', 'r12', 'r13', 'r14', 'r15'

texts registers2.ta[]='a1', 'a2', 'a3', 'a4',\
 'v1', 'v2', 'v3', 'v4', 'v5', 'v6', 'v7',\
 'v8', 'ip', 'sp', 'lr', 'pc'

numeric C.*,\
 EQ, NE, HS, LO, MI, PL, VS, VC,\

texts conditions.ta[]=\
 'eq', 'ne', 'hs', 'lo', 'mi', 'pl', 'vs', 'vc',\
 'hi', 'ls', 'ge', 'lt', 'gt', 'le', 'al', 'nv'

numeric C.*,\
 EQ, NE, HS, LO, MI, PL, VS, VC,\

; $ - s/tatus and/or condition
;     example: add/adds/addgt/addsgt
; ? - condition
; @ - action: da, ia, db, ib

textai opcodes.ta,\
 I.ADC='adc$', I.ADD='add$', I.AND='and$',\
 I.ASR='asr$', I.B='b?', I.BFC='bfc?',\
 I.BFI='bfi?', I.BIC='bic$', I.BKPT='bkpt?',\
 I.BL='bl?', I.BLX='blx?', I.BX='bx?',\
 I.CLZ='clz?', I.CMN='cmn$', I.CMP='cmp$',\
 I.CPS='cps', I.EOR='eor$', I.LDC='ldc?',\
 I.LDM='ldm@', I.LDR='ldr?', I.LDRB='ldrb?',\
 I.LDRD='ldrd?', I.LDRH='ldrh?',\
 I.LDRSB='ldrsb?', I.LDRSH='ldrsh?',\
 I.LSL='lsl$', I.LSR='lsr$', I.MCR='mcr?',\
 I.MCRR='mcrr?', I.MLA='mla$', I.MLS='mls?',\
 I.MOV='mov$', I.MOVT='movt?', I.MOVW='movw?',\
 I.MRC='mrc?', I.MRRC='mrrc?', I.MRS='mrs?',\
 I.MSR='msr?', I.MUL='mul$', I.MVN='mvn$',\
 I.NOP='nop', I.ORR='orr$', I.POP='pop?',\
 I.PUSH='push?', I.RBIT='rbit?', I.REV='rev?',\
 I.REV16='rev16?', I.REVSH='revsh?',\
 I.RFE='rfe', I.ROR='ror$', I.RRX='rrx?',\
 I.RSB='rsb$', I.RSC='rsc$', I.SBC='sbc$',\
 I.SBFX='sbfx?', I.SDIV='sdiv', I.SEL='sel?',\
 I.SETEND='setend', I.SMLAL='smlal$',\
 I.SMULL='smull$', I.SRS='srs', I.STC='stc?',\
 I.STM='stm@', I.STR='str?', I.STRB='strb?',\
 I.STRD='strd?', I.STRH='strh?', I.SUB='sub$',\
 I.SWI='swi?', I.SWP='swp?', I.SWPB='swpb?',\
 I.TEQ='teq$', I.TST='tst$', I.UBFX='ubfx?',\
 I.UDIV='udiv', I.UMLAL='umlal$',\
 I.UMULL='umull$', I.UXTB='uxtb?',\
 I.UXTB16='uxtb16?', I.UXTH='uxth?',\
 I.WFE='wfe?', I.WFI='wfi?', I.YIELD='yield?'

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ERRORS ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

textai errors.ta,\
 E.NONE     ='None',\
 E.SYNTAX   ='Syntax',\
 E.LOAD     ='Load failed',\
 E.UNEXPECT ='Unexpected',\
 E.OPERANDS ='Invalid operand/s',\
 E.AMODE    ='Invalid addressing mode',\
 E.CPU      ='Unsupported by CPU',\
 E.COMMA    =', expected after',\
 E.VALUE    ='Value exceeds size',\
 E.REGISTER ='Register expected',\
 E.NUMBER   ='Number expected',\
 E.NAME     ='Name expected',\
 E.INAME    ='Invalid name',\
 E.RESERVE  ='Reserved name',\
 E.UNDEFINE ='Undefined',\
 E.REDEFINE ='Redefinition',\
 E.EXPECTT  ='Text expected',\
 E.ENDT     ='Text has no end ''',\
 E.MISMATCH ='Mismatched parenthesis'    
Convert Instructions:
.if name=I.NOP
    . i=0E1A00000h
    go .ok

  .if name=I.BKPT
    try get.number.u16
    get.token.value n
    . i=0E1200000h
    . x=n>>4, c=0FFFh, x&c, x<<8
    . i|x, x=n&0Fh, i|x, i|1110000b
    go .ok

  .if name=I.SWI
    try get.number.u24
    get.token.value n
    . i=0EF000000h, i|n
    go .ok

  .if name=I.MOVW
    . i=0E3000000h
    go .movwt
  .if name=I.MOVT
    . i=0E3400000h
    try verify.cpu ARM.v6T2
    get r=get.register
    fail? r=-1
    try skip.comma
    try get.number.16
    get.token.value n
    . i|(r<<12), x=n&0F000h, x<<4
    . i|x, c=0FFFh, x=n&c, i|x
    go .ok
Note: All code is experimental, beta. I recently discovered this method of testing ARM. LANGUAGE.INC is far from finished.

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Post 22 Mar 2014, 10:23
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