flat assembler
Message board for the users of flat assembler.
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ass0 07 Jun 2010, 01:33
Try peview or something like that, so you'll know how a valid pe is done. =D
Code: ;wtf?? use16 ;did you mean: use64;??? _________________ ![]() Nombre: Aquiles Castro. Location2: about:robots |
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DOS386 07 Jun 2010, 06:06
ass0 wrote:
NO he didn't ![]() ![]() ![]() > PE for it to be accepted as valid? Please try my PE's ![]() http://board.flatassembler.net/topic.php?t=10873 AttribJunk http://board.flatassembler.net/topic.php?t=10872 CommandLineBlah |
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edemko 07 Jun 2010, 11:50
maybe this, found today at wasm.ru:
http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:download.microsoft.com/download/9/c/5/9c5b2167-8017-4bae-9fde-d599bac8184a/pecoff_v8.docx ![]() |
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mindcooler 09 Jun 2010, 00:27
edemko wrote: maybe this, found today at wasm.ru: I have gone through that document (and others). At least I get another error message now (not a valid win32 application). Code: format binary as 'exe' use16 alignment equ 512 DOS_HEADER: .magic db 'MZ' rb 58 .lfanew dd NT_HEADERS mov ax,$4c01 int $21 use32 align 8 NT_HEADERS: .sig dd 'PE' FILE_HEADER: .machine dw $014c .sections dw 2 .timedate dd 0 .psymtable dd 0 .symbols dd 0 .opthdrsize dw opthdrsize .characterstcs dw $010e OPTIONAL_HEADER32: .magic dw $10b .majlinkvers db 0 .minlinkvers db 0 .codesize dd 0 .initdatasz dd 0 .uninitdatasz dd 4 .entrypoint dd start .codebase dd 0 .database dd 0 .imagebase dd $400000 .sectalign dd 1 .filealign dd 1 .majosver dw 0 .minosver dw 0 .majimgver dw 0 .minimgver dw 0 .majsubsysver dw 4 .minsubsysver dw 0 .win32ver dd 0 .imagesize dd filesize .headersize dd hdrsize .checksum dd 0 .subsystem dw 2 ;GUI .dllchars dw 0 .stackreserve dd $100000 .stackcommit dd $1000 .heapreserve dd $100000 .heapcommit dd 0 .loaderflags dd 0 .rvacount dd 2 DATA_DIRECTORY: .edata dd 0 .edatasize dd 0 .idata dd idata .idatasize dd idatasize rd 2 opthdrsize = $-OPTIONAL_HEADER32 SECTION_HEADER: .name db 'blutsaft' .virtualsize dd codesize .virtualaddr dd start .rawdatasize dd codesize .rawdataptr dd start .relocptr dd 0 .linenumbptr dd 0 .relocations dw 0 .linenumbers dw 0 .characterstcs dd $00000020+$20000000+$40000000 .name2 db 'brudrost' .virtualsize2 dd 4;datasize .virtualaddr2 dd sdata .rawdatasize2 dd 0;datasize .rawdataptr2 dd 0;sdata .relocptr2 dd 0 .linenumbptr2 dd 0 .relocations2 dw 0 .linenumbers2 dw 0 .characterstc2 dd $00000080+$40000000+$80000000 hdrsize = $ idata: .originalfthk dd ilt .timedate dd 0 .forwarder dd 0 .name dd kernel32 .firstthunk dd iat rb 20 idatasize = $ - idata iat: dd sleep dd 0 ilt: dd sleep dd 0 kernel32: db 'kernel32.dll',0 sleep: dw 0 db 'Sleep',0 align 2 align alignment start: push $1000 call dword [iat] ret codesize = $-start align alignment sdata: rd 1 datasize = $-sdata filesize = $ Time for another approach. Taking the most minimal valid program from fasm as a starting point (1k): Code: format pe entry start section ".text" executable readable writeable start: ret section ".bss" readable writeable rd 1 With some help from good old Olly (513b): Code: format binary as 'exe' use32 db "MZ" ; DOS_Signature[2] = "MZ" dw $80 ; DOS_PartPag = 128. dw $1 ; DOS_PageCnt = 1 dw $0 ; DOS_ReloCnt = 0 dw $4 ; DOS_HdrSize = 4 dw $10 ; DOS_MinMem = 16. dw $0FFFF ; DOS_MaxMem = 65535. dw $0 ; DOS_RelSS = 0 dw $140 ; DOS_ExeSP = 140 dw $0 ; DOS_ChkSum = 0 dw $0 ; DOS_ExeIP = 0 dw $0 ; DOS_RelCS = 0 dw $40 ; DOS_RelocOffset = 40 dw $0 ; DOS_Overlay = 0 dw $0 ; DOS_Reserved1[4] = 00000000 dw $0 dw $0 dw $0 dw $0 ; DOS_OEM_ID = 0 dw $0 ; DOS_OEM_Info = 0 dw $0 ; DOS_Reserved2[10.] = 00000000 dw $0 dw $0 dw $0 dw $0 dw $0 dw $0 dw $0 dw $0 dw $0 dw $80 ; DOS_PEOffset = 80 db $00 db $00 db $0E db $1F db $BA db $0E db $00 db $B4 db $09 ; TAB db $CD db $21 ; CHAR '!' db $B8 db $01 db $4C ; CHAR 'L' db $CD db $21 ; CHAR '!' db $54 ; CHAR 'T' db $68 ; CHAR 'h' db $69 ; CHAR 'i' db $73 ; CHAR 's' db $20 ; CHAR ' ' db $70 ; CHAR 'p' db $72 ; CHAR 'r' db $6F ; CHAR 'o' db $67 ; CHAR 'g' db $72 ; CHAR 'r' db $61 ; CHAR 'a' db $6D ; CHAR 'm' db $20 ; CHAR ' ' db $63 ; CHAR 'c' db $61 ; CHAR 'a' db $6E ; CHAR 'n' db $6E ; CHAR 'n' db $6F ; CHAR 'o' db $74 ; CHAR 't' db $20 ; CHAR ' ' db $62 ; CHAR 'b' db $65 ; CHAR 'e' db $20 ; CHAR ' ' db $72 ; CHAR 'r' db $75 ; CHAR 'u' db $6E ; CHAR 'n' db $20 ; CHAR ' ' db $69 ; CHAR 'i' db $6E ; CHAR 'n' db $20 ; CHAR ' ' db $44 ; CHAR 'D' db $4F ; CHAR 'O' db $53 ; CHAR 'S' db $20 ; CHAR ' ' db $6D ; CHAR 'm' db $6F ; CHAR 'o' db $64 ; CHAR 'd' db $65 ; CHAR 'e' db $2E ; CHAR '.' db $0D ; Carriage Return db $0A ; Line Feed db $24 ; CHAR '$' db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db $00 db "PE",0,0 ; IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE[4] = "PE " dw $14C ; Machine = IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386 dw $2 ; NumberOfSections = 2 dd $4C0ED946 ; TimeDateStamp = 4C0ED946 dd $00000000 ; PointerToSymbolTable = 0 dd $00000000 ; NumberOfSymbols = 0 dw $0E0 ; SizeOfOptionalHeader = 224. dw $10E ; Characteristics = EXECUTABLE_IMAGE|32BIT_MACHINE|LINE_NUMS_STRIPPED|LOCAL_SYMS_STRIPPED dw $10B ; MagicNumber = IMAGE_NT_OPTIONAL_HDR32_MAGIC db $01 ; MajorLinkerVersion = 1 db $44 ; MinorLinkerVersion = 68. dd $00000000 ; SizeOfCode = 0 dd $00000000 ; SizeOfInitializedData = 0 dd $00000000 ; SizeOfUninitializedData = 0 dd $00001000 ; AddressOfEntryPoint = 1000 dd $00000000 ; BaseOfCode = 0 dd $00000000 ; BaseOfData = 0 dd $00400000 ; ImageBase = 400000 dd $00001000 ; SectionAlignment = 1000 dd $00000200 ; FileAlignment = 200 dw $1 ; MajorOSVersion = 1 dw $0 ; MinorOSVersion = 0 dw $0 ; MajorImageVersion = 0 dw $0 ; MinorImageVersion = 0 dw $3 ; MajorSubsystemVersion = 3 dw $0A ; MinorSubsystemVersion = 10. dd $00000000 ; Win32VersionValue = 0 dd $00003000 ; SizeOfImage = 12288. dd $00000200 ; SizeOfHeaders = 512. dd $00003A8F ; CheckSum = 3A8F dw $3 ; Subsystem = IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_WINDOWS_CUI dw $0 ; DLLCharacteristics = 0 dd $00001000 ; SizeOfStackReserve = 4096. dd $00001000 ; SizeOfStackCommit = 4096. dd $00010000 ; SizeOfHeapReserve = 65536. dd $00000000 ; SizeOfHeapCommit = 0 dd $00000000 ; LoaderFlags = 0 dd $00000010 ; NumberOfRvaAndSizes = 16. dd $00000000 ; Export Table address = 0 dd $00000000 ; Export Table size = 0 dd $00000000 ; Import Table address = 0 dd $00000000 ; Import Table size = 0 dd $00000000 ; Resource Table address = 0 dd $00000000 ; Resource Table size = 0 dd $00000000 ; Exception Table address = 0 dd $00000000 ; Exception Table size = 0 dd $00000000 ; Certificate File pointer = 0 dd $00000000 ; Certificate Table size = 0 dd $00000000 ; Relocation Table address = 0 dd $00000000 ; Relocation Table size = 0 dd $00000000 ; Debug Data address = 0 dd $00000000 ; Debug Data size = 0 dd $00000000 ; Architecture Data address = 0 dd $00000000 ; Architecture Data size = 0 dd $00000000 ; Global Ptr address = 0 dd $00000000 ; Reserved = 00000000 dd $00000000 ; TLS Table address = 0 dd $00000000 ; TLS Table size = 0 dd $00000000 ; Load Config Table address = 0 dd $00000000 ; Load Config Table size = 0 dd $00000000 ; Bound Import Table address = 0 dd $00000000 ; Bound Import Table size = 0 dd $00000000 ; Import Address Table address = 0 dd $00000000 ; Import Address Table size = 0 dd $00000000 ; Delay Import Descriptor address = 0 dd $00000000 ; Delay Import Descriptor size = 0 dd $00000000 ; COM+ Runtime Header address = 0 dd $00000000 ; Import Address Table size = 0 dd $00000000 ; Reserved = 00000000 dd $00000000 ; Reserved = 00000000 db ".text",0,0,0 ; Name[8] = ".text " dd $00000001 ; VirtualSize = 1 dd $00001000 ; VirtualAddress = 1000 dd $00000200 ; SizeOfRawData = 512. dd $00000200 ; PointerToRawData = 200 dd $00000000 ; PointerToRelocations = 0 dd $00000000 ; PointerToLineNumbers = 0 dw $0 ; NumberOfRelocations = 0 dw $0 ; NumberOfLineNumbers = 0 dd $E0000000 ; Characteristics = EXECUTE|READ|WRITE db ".bss",0,0,0,0 ; Name[8] = ".bss " dd $00000004 ; VirtualSize = 4 dd $00002000 ; VirtualAddress = 2000 dd $00000000 ; SizeOfRawData = 0 dd $00000000 ; PointerToRawData = 0 dd $00000000 ; PointerToRelocations = 0 dd $00000000 ; PointerToLineNumbers = 0 dw $0 ; NumberOfRelocations = 0 dw $0 ; NumberOfLineNumbers = 0 dd $C0000080 ; Characteristics = UNINITIALIZED_DATA|READ|WRITE align 512 ret _________________ This is a block of text that can be added to posts you make. |
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mindcooler 12 Jun 2010, 04:54
W7 seems to be picky about a few things:
* DOS header, needs aligned mzstart padded with zeroes * Alignment, haven't got any filealign below 512 to work * import section needs to be in a.. section. A working hello world with idata in code section (675b): Code: format binary as 'exe' use16 sectionalign equ 4096 filealign equ 512 imgbase equ $400000 macro orgup n,level { org (((n+(level-1))/level)*level) } db "MZ" ; DOS_Signature[2] = "MZ" dw peof ; DOS_PartPag = 128. dw $1 ; DOS_PageCnt = 1 dw $0 ; DOS_ReloCnt = 0 dw $4 ; DOS_HdrSize = 4 dw $10 ; DOS_MinMem = 16. dw $0FFFF ; DOS_MaxMem = 65535. dw $0 ; DOS_RelSS = 0 dw $140 ; DOS_ExeSP = 140 dw $0 ; DOS_ChkSum = 0 dw $0 ; DOS_ExeIP = 0 dw $0 ; DOS_RelCS = 0 dw mzstart ; DOS_RelocOffset = 40 rw 17 dw peof ; DOS_PEOffset = 80 db 0 db 0 mzstart: mov ax,$4c01 int $21 align 4 peof: db "PE",0,0 ; IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE[4] = "PE " dw $14C ; Machine = IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386 dw $2 ; NumberOfSections = 2 dd $0 ; TimeDateStamp = 4C0ED946 dd $00000000 ; PointerToSymbolTable = 0 dd $00000000 ; NumberOfSymbols = 0 dw optheadersize ; SizeOfOptionalHeader = 224. dw $10E ; Characteristics = EXECUTABLE_IMAGE|32BIT_MACHINE|LINE_NUMS_STRIPPED|LOCAL_SYMS_STRIPPED optheader: dw $10B ; MagicNumber = IMAGE_NT_OPTIONAL_HDR32_MAGIC db $00 ; MajorLinkerVersion = 1 db $00 ; MinorLinkerVersion = 68. dd bss-start ; SizeOfCode = 0 dd $00000000 ; SizeOfInitializedData = 0 dd bsssize ; SizeOfUninitializedData = 0 dd start ; AddressOfEntryPoint = 1000 dd $00000000 ; BaseOfCode = 0 dd $00000000 ; BaseOfData = 0 dd imgbase ; ImageBase = 400000 dd sectionalign ; SectionAlignment = 1000 dd filealign ; FileAlignment = 200 dw $1 ; MajorOSVersion = 1 dw $0 ; MinorOSVersion = 0 dw $0 ; MajorImageVersion = 0 dw $0 ; MinorImageVersion = 0 dw $3 ; MajorSubsystemVersion = 3 dw $0A ; MinorSubsystemVersion = 10. dd $00000000 ; Win32VersionValue = 0 dd imagesize ; SizeOfImage = 12288. dd headersize ; SizeOfHeaders = 512. dd $0 ; CheckSum = 3A8F dw $3 ; Subsystem = IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_WINDOWS_CUI dw $0 ; DLLCharacteristics = 0 dd $00001000 ; SizeOfStackReserve = 4096. dd $00001000 ; SizeOfStackCommit = 4096. dd $00010000 ; SizeOfHeapReserve = 65536. dd $00000000 ; SizeOfHeapCommit = 0 dd $00000000 ; LoaderFlags = 0 dd $00000002 ; NumberOfRvaAndSizes = 16. dd $00000000 ; Export Table address = 0 dd $00000000 ; Export Table size = 0 dd idata ; Import Table address = 0 dd idatasize ; Import Table size = 0 dd $00000000 ; Reserved = 00000000 dd $00000000 ; Reserved = 00000000 optheadersize =$-optheader db ".text",0,0,0 ; Name[8] = ".text " dd bss-start ; VirtualSize = 1 dd start ; VirtualAddress = 1000 dd codesize ; SizeOfRawData = 512. dd rawstart ; PointerToRawData = 200 dd $00000000 ; PointerToRelocations = 0 dd $00000000 ; PointerToLineNumbers = 0 dw $0 ; NumberOfRelocations = 0 dw $0 ; NumberOfLineNumbers = 0 dd $E0000000 ; Characteristics = EXECUTE|READ|WRITE db ".bss",0,0,0,0 ; Name[8] = ".bss " dd bsssize ; VirtualSize = 4 dd bss ; VirtualAddress = 2000 dd $00000000 ; SizeOfRawData = 0 dd $00000000 ; PointerToRawData = 0 dd $00000000 ; PointerToRelocations = 0 dd $00000000 ; PointerToLineNumbers = 0 dw $0 ; NumberOfRelocations = 0 dw $0 ; NumberOfLineNumbers = 0 dd $C0000080 ; Characteristics = UNINITIALIZED_DATA|READ|WRITE headersize = $ ;org imgbase use32 align filealign rawstart: orgup $,sectionalign start: push -11 call dword [imgbase+g] push 0 push bss+imgbase push 16 push hello+imgbase push eax call dword [imgbase+w] push -1 call dword [imgbase+s] ret iat: s: dd sleep w: dd writeconsole g: dd GetStdHandle dd 0 idata: .originalfthk dd 0;ilt .timedate dd 0 .forwarder dd 0 .name dd kernel32 .firstthunk dd iat rb 20 idatasize = $ - idata kernel32: db 'kernel32.dll',0 sleep: dw 0 db 'Sleep',0 align 2 writeconsole dw 0 db 'WriteConsoleA',0 align 2 GetStdHandle dw 0 db 'GetStdHandle',0 hello: db 'Hello, PE World!' codesize =$-start orgup $,sectionalign bss: rd 1 bsssize =$-bss imagesize =$ _________________ This is a block of text that can be added to posts you make. |
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mindcooler 17 Sep 2010, 17:29
With my PE "framework":
Code: ;DEBUG equ TRUE include 'pe.inc' headers CUISUBSYS,".text",".bss" ;---- start: invoke GetStdHandle,STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE invoke WriteConsoleA,eax,hello,hello.size,0,0 invoke Sleep,-1 hello string "Hello, World!" ;---- import kernel32,<Sleep,WriteConsoleA,GetStdHandle> ;---- bss: dummy rd 1 ;---- endpe: Uses the equates included with win32w.inc, and a few macro replacements for for example invoke. Now to just figure out why Olly doesn't reconize my imports.. _________________ This is a block of text that can be added to posts you make. |
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mindcooler 17 Sep 2010, 23:56
I'm going to investigate what PE format 9x needs to be happy.
First find: 98 does not seem to like NumberOfRvaAndSizes less than 16. Edit: More accurately it needs all directories, probably ignores NumberOfRvaAndSizes. Edit: 98 doesn't seem to like imports in code section, it truncated a function name for me: DispatchMessageA to Disp Edit: It gets truncated at a $200 boundary |
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MinhHung 14 Dec 2010, 02:05
i'm need some example to understand
![]() where 'COFF Line Numbers, COFF Symbol Table, Auxiliary Symbol Records, COFF String Table, The Attribute Certificate Table,...' thanks! ![]() |
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MazeGen 14 Dec 2010, 08:07
MinhHung, I used Microsoft tools to understand coff format: MASM to generate an example object file (you can use FASM as well), then dumpbin.exe (or link.exe /dump) to dump the structures.
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MinhHung 14 Dec 2010, 08:54
dumpbin.exe are good, but it not show Detail.
i want to view it like mindcooler: Quote:
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MinhHung 15 Dec 2010, 09:45
thanks EveryBody
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bitRAKE 16 Dec 2010, 02:44
Code: Offset(h) 00 02 04 06 08 0A 0C 0E 00000000 4D5A 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 00000010 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 00000020 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 00000030 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 4000 0000 It is possible to save space and use header for data: Code: format binary as 'exe' use16 sectionalign equ 4096 filealign equ 512 imgbase equ $400000 macro orgup n,level { org (((n+(level-1))/level)*level) } db "MZ" ; DOS_Signature[2] = "MZ" rw 8+8+7 peof: db "PE",0,0 ; IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE[4] = "PE " dw $14C ; Machine = IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386 dw $2 ; NumberOfSections = 2 dd $0 ;*TimeDateStamp = 4C0ED946 dd $00000030 ; PointerToSymbolTable = 0 dd $00000000 ; NumberOfSymbols = 0 dw optheadersize ; SizeOfOptionalHeader = 224. dw $10E ; Characteristics = EXECUTABLE_IMAGE|32BIT_MACHINE|LINE_NUMS_STRIPPED|LOCAL_SYMS_STRIPPED optheader: dw $10B ; MagicNumber = IMAGE_NT_OPTIONAL_HDR32_MAGIC db $00 ;*MajorLinkerVersion = 1 db $00 ;*MinorLinkerVersion = 68. dd bss-start ; SizeOfCode = 0 dd $00000000 ; SizeOfInitializedData = 0 dd bsssize ; SizeOfUninitializedData = 0 dd start ; AddressOfEntryPoint = 1000 dd $00000000 ; BaseOfCode = 0 dd $00000000 ; BaseOfData = 0 dd imgbase ; ImageBase = 400000 dd sectionalign ; SectionAlignment = 1000 dd filealign ; FileAlignment = 200 dw $1 ; MajorOSVersion = 1 dw $0 ; MinorOSVersion = 0 dw $0 ; MajorImageVersion = 0 dw $0 ; MinorImageVersion = 0 dw $3 ; MajorSubsystemVersion = 3 dw $0A ; MinorSubsystemVersion = 10. dd $00000000 ; Win32VersionValue = 0 dd imagesize ; SizeOfImage = 12288. dd headersize ; SizeOfHeaders = 512. dd $0 ; CheckSum = 3A8F dw $3 ; Subsystem = IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_WINDOWS_CUI dw $0 ; DLLCharacteristics = 0 dd $00001000 ; SizeOfStackReserve = 4096. dd $00001000 ; SizeOfStackCommit = 4096. dd $00010000 ; SizeOfHeapReserve = 65536. dd $00000000 ; SizeOfHeapCommit = 0 dd $00000000 ; LoaderFlags = 0 dd $00000002 ; NumberOfRvaAndSizes = 16. dd $00000000 ; Export Table address = 0 dd $00000000 ; Export Table size = 0 dd idata ; Import Table address = 0 dd idatasize ; Import Table size = 0 dd $00000000 ; Reserved = 00000000 dd $00000000 ; Reserved = 00000000 optheadersize =$-optheader db ".text",0,0,0 ; Name[8] = ".text " dd bss-start ; VirtualSize = 1 dd start ; VirtualAddress = 1000 dd codesize ; SizeOfRawData = 512. dd rawstart ; PointerToRawData = 200 dd $00000000 ; PointerToRelocations = 0 dd $00000000 ; PointerToLineNumbers = 0 dw $0 ; NumberOfRelocations = 0 dw $0 ; NumberOfLineNumbers = 0 dd $E0000000 ; Characteristics = EXECUTE|READ|WRITE db ".bss",0,0,0,0 ; Name[8] = ".bss " dd bsssize ; VirtualSize = 4 dd bss ; VirtualAddress = 2000 dd $00000000 ; SizeOfRawData = 0 dd $00000000 ; PointerToRawData = 0 dd $00000000 ; PointerToRelocations = 0 dd $00000000 ; PointerToLineNumbers = 0 dw $0 ; NumberOfRelocations = 0 dw $0 ; NumberOfLineNumbers = 0 dd $C0000080 ; Characteristics = UNINITIALIZED_DATA|READ|WRITE headersize = $ ;org imgbase use32 align filealign rawstart: orgup $,sectionalign start: push -11 call dword [imgbase+g] push 0 push bss+imgbase push 16 push hello+imgbase push eax call dword [imgbase+w] push -1 call dword [imgbase+s] ret iat: s: dd sleep w: dd writeconsole g: dd GetStdHandle dd 0 idata: .originalfthk dd 0;ilt .timedate dd 0 .forwarder dd 0 .name dd kernel32 .firstthunk dd iat rb 20 idatasize = $ - idata kernel32: db 'kernel32.dll',0 sleep: dw 0 db 'Sleep',0 align 2 writeconsole dw 0 db 'WriteConsoleA',0 align 2 GetStdHandle dw 0 db 'GetStdHandle',0 hello: db 'Hello, PE World!' codesize =$-start orgup $,sectionalign bss: rd 1 bsssize =$-bss imagesize =$ Works for 64-bit as well. |
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mindcooler 16 Dec 2010, 02:56
I don't think there's that there isn't enough space in the MZ header to bother storing data there, but there's about 200 bytes after the PE header that I'm probably going to use later.
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