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Index > Windows > Crypted function inside dll

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Joined: 25 Mar 2009
Posts: 2
powerhead 25 Mar 2009, 01:02
goal is to create a function, which stays crypted any time, except when it is called. i found a macro to xor the code and here's my code(i'm new to fasm)

format PE GUI 4.0 DLL
entry DllEntryPoint

include 'C:\fasmw16732\INCLUDE\win32ax.inc'

macro       encrypt {local x
repeat         code_end-code_begin
         load x byte from code_begin+%-1
     x = x xor 55
        store x at code_begin+%-1
end        repeat}

section '.code' code readable writeable executable

proc DllEntryPoint hinstDLL,fdwReason,lpvReserved
     invoke  MessageBoxA,HWND_DESKTOP,message,caption,MB_OK
     mov     eax,TRUE

proc Function
     mov edi,code_begin
     mov ecx,code_end-code_begin
     xor byte[edi],55
     inc edi 
     dec ecx 
     test ecx,ecx 
     jnz @b 
     jmp inv
     message2    db      'DLL3 Func',0
     caption2         db      'DLL3',0
inv: invoke  MessageBoxA,HWND_DESKTOP,message2,caption2,MB_OK
     mov edi,code_begin
     mov ecx,code_end-code_begin
     xor byte[edi],55
     inc edi 
     dec ecx 
     test ecx,ecx 
     jnz @b 

message     db          'DLL3 Main',0
caption     db       'DLL3',0

section '.idata' import data readable writeable

  library kernel32,'kernel32.dll',user,'USER32.DLL'

  import user,\

section '.edata' export data readable

  export 'dll3.DLL',\

section '.reloc' fixups data discardable

when i load this dll and try to call Function() program crashes and disassebly gives out garbage. What am I doing wrong?
Post 25 Mar 2009, 01:02
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Your code has a bug

Joined: 06 May 2005
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Location: Argentina
LocoDelAssembly 25 Mar 2009, 01:48
I haven't checked it completely but the first and fatal error is that you are XOR-encrypting instructions that contains relocations (for instance "push caption2" from the invoke macro).

The example you have seen somewhere probably was an EXE, not a DLL, so the fixups weren't a problem there but now they are.

The following workaround will probably solve the problem (if it was only that):
     call inv
     message2    db      'DLL3 Func',0
     caption2     db      'DLL3',0
inv: pop eax
lea ecx, [eax+message2-delta] ; lea ecx, [eax] would be the same here
lea edx, [eax+caption2-delta]
stdcall  [eax+MessageBoxA-delta], HWND_DESKTOP, ecx, edx, MB_OK
; WARNING: EAX, ECX and EDX destroyed here
Post 25 Mar 2009, 01:48
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Joined: 25 Mar 2009
Posts: 2
powerhead 25 Mar 2009, 07:30
Thanks! everything works now!
Post 25 Mar 2009, 07:30
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