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Joined: 27 Feb 2009
Posts: 31
gandalf 27 Feb 2009, 23:18
Hi there,
I'd like to know if there is a clean way of producing a single bin file from two or more source files.

Let's assume we have the following two files:

org 0
mov eax, ebx
mov ecx, eax

org 0
d1 dw ?

cmp eax, ecx
je @f
xor eax, eax
d2 dw ?

What I need is the binary file generated by
org 0
mov eax, ebx
mov ecx, eax
cmp eax, ecx
je @f
xor eax, eax

org 0
d1 dw ?
d2 dw ?

For now, what I do is make use of some conditional compilation and include my asm source files in a single main source file.
I include my files twice: the first time the code is taken, while the second time the data is taken.
Post 27 Feb 2009, 23:18
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revolution 28 Feb 2009, 01:38
1) You can use a linker. Put all the various bits of your code into sections, and then use the linker to merge the sections together in the order you specify.

2) Use macros. Enclose each of the sections within a macro definition, and then at the end instantiate the macros in the order that you need.
Post 28 Feb 2009, 01:38
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gandalf 28 Feb 2009, 10:42
revolution wrote:
1) You can use a linker. Put all the various bits of your code into sections, and then use the linker to merge the sections together in the order you specify.

Which free linker would you recommend?
Post 28 Feb 2009, 10:42
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revolution 28 Feb 2009, 10:45
gandalf wrote:
revolution wrote:
1) You can use a linker. Put all the various bits of your code into sections, and then use the linker to merge the sections together in the order you specify.

Which free linker would you recommend?
I don't use linkers. So I can't recommend any. I leave the question open for others to make suggestions.
Post 28 Feb 2009, 10:45
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Joined: 27 Feb 2009
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gandalf 28 Feb 2009, 11:07
I don't use linkers. So I can't recommend any. I leave the question open for others to make suggestions.

The problem is that I need binary files (for an OS-like project) and AFAIK fasm doesn't support sections in binary format (how could it?)
I would need to make fasm produce a, say, MS COFF file, link it and then convert it into a binary file, or something like that.
Developing my own ad-hoc linker would probably be simpler than figuring out how to make all this work out.

Wouldn't the use of macros make the error reporting less readable?
I think I'll get rid of conditional comp... assembling and create separate code and data asm files:
BTW, having code and data on different files is even more convenient because you can keep them in two different edit windows and switch between them instantly.
Post 28 Feb 2009, 11:07
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vid 28 Feb 2009, 13:25
For windows I would suggest MS linker (link.exe + DLLs, available in any compiler package). Then you need to separately compile both files to MS COFF .obj files, and use linker to merge them.

Wouldn't the use of macros make the error reporting less readable?

Yeah, somewhat. But nothing extremely hard.
Post 28 Feb 2009, 13:25
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rugxulo 09 Mar 2009, 01:36
Wait, doesn't NASM / YASM support multi-section binary??

And as for making COFF into flat binary, can't GNU BinUtils OBJCOPY do that??
Post 09 Mar 2009, 01:36
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