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Index > Main > Best way to convert hexadecimal string to binary string?

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wht36 16 Nov 2008, 02:48
Hello, can anyone please help me optimise (size or speedwise) my code below that converts a hexadecimal coded string into a binary string?
;Store eg. D0a as the ascii cr lf
;SI=> start of non-hex phrase
;DI-> where string will be stored => after new string
    push    edi
 db      3Ch     ;Disable next byte
.sto: stosb           ;Store 1 digit
      call    HTOA    ;Go get a hex digit
 jc      .sto    ;If no error, go store it
   mov     ecx,edi
     pop     edi     ;DI->where char will be stored
   sub     ecx,edi
     shr     ecx,1   ;If even number of hex-codes
        adc     edi,0
       jecxz   .notHex ;If no digits left, quit
.cat:   push    esi
 mov     esi,edi
.chg:    lodsw
       shl     al,4
        add     al,ah
       loop    .chg
        pop     esi

;HTOA lodsb and sets CF if char in AL is a hex digit (0-9, A-F, a-f).
; and converts AL into the associated binary value.
;If not a hex digit, then SI is bumped back, and CF cleared
HTOA:  lodsb
       sub     al,'0'        ;reduce decimal digits to their binary values
       cmp     al,10   ;if AL 0-9 can quit now
     jb      .ret
        and     al,0DFh ;coerce letters to upper case
       sub     al,7    ;reduce A--F range to 10--15
        cmp     al,10   ;was input below the A--F range?
    jb      ErrChar
     cmp     al,16   ;Carry If input below a--f range
    ja      ErrChar
.ret:    ret    
I know that HTOA can probably be optimised speedwise using an xlat table. I seem to remember AAM 10 can also be used somehow, but I don't exactly know how though.

Last edited by wht36 on 17 Nov 2008, 10:40; edited 1 time in total
Post 16 Nov 2008, 02:48
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wht36 16 Nov 2008, 03:45
;Store eg. D0a as the ascii cr lf
;SI=> start of non-hex phrase
;DI-> where string will be stored => after new string
  push    edi
 db      3Ch     ;Disable next byte
.sto: stosb           ;Store 1 digit
       sub     al,'0'        ;reduce decimal digits to their binary values
       cmp     al,10   ;if AL 0-9 can quit now
     jb      .sto
        and     al,0DFh ;coerce letters to upper case
       sub     al,7    ;reduce A--F range to 10--15
        cmp     al,10   ;was input below the A--F range?
    jb      .pack
       cmp     al,16   ;Carry If input below a--f range
    jb      .sto    ;If no error, go store it
.pack: dec     esi     ;Bump back to where we stopped
      mov     ecx,edi
     pop     edi     ;DI->where char will be stored
   sub     ecx,edi
     shr     ecx,1   ;If even number of hex-codes
        adc     edi,0
       jecxz   .notHex ;If no digits left, quit
    push    esi
 mov     esi,edi
.chg:    lodsw
       shl     al,4
        add     al,ah
       loop    .chg
        pop     esi

Minor update
Post 16 Nov 2008, 03:45
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Mac2004 16 Nov 2008, 19:30
One optimization crossed my mind. I didn't test it but here's my idea:

;Input: al contains a nibble to be converted.

and eax,0xf                   ;Clear extra bits
mov ebx,hex_table
mov al,byte[ebx+eax]          ;Get needed character fromt the converions table.

hex_table: db '0123456789ABCDEF',0

It's not the whole code, but I hope you get the idea....Smile

Post 16 Nov 2008, 19:30
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edfed 16 Nov 2008, 21:56
and al,0fh
mov ebx,htbl
htbl db '0123456789ABCDEF'

no need to test, it works.

but do you feel so hard to make it?
        and al,0fh
        add al,'0'
        cmp al,'9'
        jle @f
        add al,'A'-'9'-1

sorry, i've misanderstood.
then, i correct with a

great, good idea to make a hex2num func.
Post 16 Nov 2008, 21:56
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wht36 17 Nov 2008, 10:34
Thanks, nice tip with the xlatb, I'll keep it in mind. It's the opposite of what I am trying to do though (I am trying to convert the string '0' ... 'F' etc to binary 0-F, not the other way round e.g. given the hex codes '0D0A' it outputs crlf).

I guess I may have conveyed the wrong idea with my title (have changed it just in case).

I should also note that the code need to be case insensitive and need to stop at invalid characters (such as : and @) in the input. This means the code below is not acceptable because it converts : and @ as well
sub al,'0'
aam 16
aad 9    

The code below comes close but converts @
sub al,'0'
and al,0xDF
aam 16
aad 9    
Post 17 Nov 2008, 10:34
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bitRAKE 17 Nov 2008, 17:39
; ASCII hexadecimal digit to nibble

; $30-$39 =>  0 - 9
  sub al,$30
  cmp al,10
  jc .done
; $31-$36 => $11-$16
  and al,$DF ; uppercase
; $11-$16 => 10 - 15
  sub al,7
  cmp al,16
  jc .done

; do something about the unknown digit

...this might not work, but seems right.
(the FASM source code would need such a routine as well)
Post 17 Nov 2008, 17:39
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wht36 17 Nov 2008, 19:16
Not bad, but would parse :;<=>?@` ($3A-$40, $60) incorrectly though.

The code below works correctly and reduces the size by 2 bytes
      sub     al,':'    ;Is it a number
     jb      .num
        and     al,0xDF ;Coerce to uppercase
        sub     al,7    ;Is it a letter
     jb      .bad
.num:       add     al,10   ;Convert to binary
  cmp     al,16
       jb      .good   ;Store if 0..9 A..F    

.bad: ... ; not 0..9 and not A..F
.good: ... ; 0..9 and A..F

Last edited by wht36 on 18 Nov 2008, 03:50; edited 1 time in total
Post 17 Nov 2008, 19:16
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edfed 17 Nov 2008, 19:56
an other way to go is to create a LUT with valid chars.

* db -1
+ db -1
- db -1
/ db -1
0 db 0
1 db 1
2 db 2
3 db 3
4 db 4
5 db 5
6 db 6
7 db 7
8 db 8
9 db 9
A db 10
B db 11
C db 12
D db 13
E db 14
F db 15
a db 10
b db 11
c db 12
d db 13
e db 14
f db 15
other ascii codes db -1

but it needs 256 bytes of LUT only for this task.
the code will be reduced a maximum because error detection is the -1 number.
mov al,hexchar
mov ebx,htbl
cmp al,0
jl .error
add ah,al
loop there
Post 17 Nov 2008, 19:56
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bitRAKE 18 Nov 2008, 01:01
   movzx eax,al ; clamp to byte range
   movzx eax,[hextab+eax]
   shr eax,1 ; set carry flag on error
   jc .error

hextab db \

Could do several in parallel, too. Razz
Post 18 Nov 2008, 01:01
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wht36 18 Nov 2008, 04:40
edfed wrote:
an other way to go is to create a LUT with valid chars.

but it needs 256 bytes of LUT only for this task.
the code will be reduced a maximum because error detection is the -1 number.
mov al,hexchar
mov ebx,htbl
cmp al,0
jl .error
add ah,al
loop there

Nice! I have this in mind as well and was thinking of doing this for speed optimisation.

bitRAKE wrote:
   movzx eax,al ; clamp to byte range
   movzx eax,[hextab+eax]
   shr eax,1 ; set carry flag on error
   jc .error

hextab db \

Could do several in parallel, too. Razz

Ooh, I like this very much, it looks quite fast! What do you mean by parallel? As in dword reads with parallel conversion of all 4 bytes (like in the speed optimised uppercase/lower case string conversions)? Would it be possible in this instance?
Post 18 Nov 2008, 04:40
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bitRAKE 18 Nov 2008, 05:00
movzx eax,[esi+0]
movzx ebx,[esi+1]
movzx ecx,[esi+2]
movzx edx,[esi+3]
add esi,4
mov al,[hextab+eax]
mov bl,[hextab+ebx]
mov cl,[hextab+ecx]
mov dl,[hextab+edx]
...is kind of what I had in mind. Then I started wondering how best to combine the valid nibbles as they become validated...instead of using bit zero, bit 4 might work better:
and eax,$10
jnz .err0
shl ebx,32-4
jc .err1
shld eax,ebx,4
shl ecx,32-4
jc .err2
shld eax,ecx,4
shl edx,32-4
jc .err3
shld eax,edx,4    
...should be a better way - like single branch SSE2 using a multiply to combine all valid terms. Razz

Here is one way to convert a 64-bit number to hexadecimal ASCII:
    align 16
_0F  db 16 dup ($0F)
_REV: rept 16 i { db 16-i }
hex  db "0123456789ABCDEF"


    movq xmm0,rcx ; 64-bit input in RCX
    movdqa xmm1,xmm0
    psrlw xmm0,4
    punpcklbw xmm1,xmm0

    movdqa xmm0,dqword [hex]
    pand xmm1,dqword [_0F]
    pshufb xmm0,xmm1 ; SSSE3
    pshufb xmm0,dqword [_REV] ; SSSE3
    movdqu dqword [rdx],xmm0 ; store string of bytes where RDX points    
That PSHUFB instruction is quite interesting, imho.
Post 18 Nov 2008, 05:00
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Tomasz Grysztar

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Tomasz Grysztar 18 Nov 2008, 07:50
bitRAKE wrote:
That PSHUFB instruction is quite interesting, imho.

Brilliant! Smile
Post 18 Nov 2008, 07:50
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r22 18 Nov 2008, 18:29
bitRAKE's PSHUFB usage in that snippet caused me to stop working for a few moments and marvel.

Taking full advantage of siMD, I love it.
Post 18 Nov 2008, 18:29
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iic2 19 Nov 2008, 02:30
PSHUFB... What kind of processor must you have to use this instruction? It don't seem to work on my P3.
Post 19 Nov 2008, 02:30
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Your code has a bug

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LocoDelAssembly 19 Nov 2008, 02:38
Core2 Duo has it (at least my brother's computer has SSSE3)
Post 19 Nov 2008, 02:38
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wht36 25 Nov 2008, 15:17
bitRAKE wrote:
movzx eax,[esi+0]
movzx ebx,[esi+1]
movzx ecx,[esi+2]
movzx edx,[esi+3]
add esi,4
mov al,[hextab+eax]
mov bl,[hextab+ebx]
mov cl,[hextab+ecx]
mov dl,[hextab+edx]

Very nice code! Can I ask that, in general, would a dword read result in a protection fault/cpu exception if it crosses the boundary of an allocated memory block?
Post 25 Nov 2008, 15:17
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bitRAKE 26 Nov 2008, 01:54
wht36 wrote:
Can I ask that, in general, would a dword read result in a protection fault/cpu exception if it crosses the boundary of an allocated memory block?
No - not in general. Some instructions are specifically designed to only read from aligned addresses (exception generated otherwise). Also, the processor has a feature to force all memory accesses to be aligned (exception generated otherwise), but no operating system I know of uses it.

Of course, a single dword read from memory could be distributed to the other registers:
mov eax,[esi]
add esi,4
movzx edx,al
movzx ecx,ah
bswap eax
movzx ebx,ah
movzx eax,al    
...but I doubt this would perform faster for uncached data, and certainly would impact the performance for cached data due to the dependancy chain.

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Post 26 Nov 2008, 01:54
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