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Index > Main > Defining fully qualified labels: bug or feature?

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Joined: 01 Jan 2004
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Location: USA
PopeInnocent 29 Jan 2004, 04:21
fasm 1.50 assembles the following code:


struc foo {
 .x dd ?
     .y dd ?

virtual at 0
       foo foo
     foo.SIZE = $
end virtual


dd foo.x
dd foo.y
dd foo.SIZE

foo.bar = 0x1234

dd foo.bar

which generates the expected output (in dwords):


My concern is with the line "foo.bar = 0x1234". That form of label definition doesn't appear to be documented in fasm.txt.

So, is this a feature that I can count on using (and I can find many, many uses for it), or a bug/implementation detail that will disappear in a future release?
Post 29 Jan 2004, 04:21
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comrade 29 Jan 2004, 04:54
I think Privalov was about to remove it?

comrade (comrade64@live.com; http://comrade.ownz.com/)
Post 29 Jan 2004, 04:54
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Tomasz Grysztar

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Tomasz Grysztar 29 Jan 2004, 08:18
No, I was not. Dot is a normal character that can occur inside any label name, and thanks to it 'struc' mechanism can work the way it works (as it is a special type of macroinstruction). Also "foo.SIZE" in your example is defined the same way. There is no difference between "foo.SIZE" and "foo.bar" definition in your code, they are both fully correct and allowed.

In the docs I write about the labels beginning with a dot or two dots (as these labels have some special meaning), so I thought it should be clear from it that dots in label names are allowed.
Post 29 Jan 2004, 08:18
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JohnFound 29 Jan 2004, 08:43
As far, as I can understand, the point here is that such definitions actually define local label in the label space of some global label, even when the definition is outside the scope of this global label. For example:
MyLabel.local = 1234h

        mov     eax, .local             ; error "undefined symbol"
        mov     eax, MyLabel.local      ; Normal mov eax, 1234h

        mov     eax, .local     ; Normal mov eax, 1234h
.local = 5678h
        mov     eax, .local     ; Normal mov eax, 5678h

        mov     ebx, .local     ; Error "undefined symbol"
        mov     ebx, MyLabel.local ; Normal mov ebx, 5678h

I think this is natural and normal behaviour and it is definately a "feature" even if it appears as a "side effect". Smile

Post 29 Jan 2004, 08:43
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