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Index > DOS > 7-ZIP encryption | password in commandline | ISR & TSR !

7-ZIP and my hack :
The hack is great, no need to fix 7-ZIP anymore
 33%  [ 1 ]
The hack is great, nevertheless Igor should fix 7-ZIP ASAP
 33%  [ 1 ]
Useless, no need to hide the PWD
 33%  [ 1 ]
No need to use encryption
 0%  [ 0 ]
No need to use 7-ZIP at all, WinRK is great !!!
 0%  [ 0 ]
Total Votes : 3

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Joined: 08 Dec 2006
Posts: 1905
DOS386 27 Sep 2008, 11:16
; REAL MODE Resident & Multithreading (TSR&ISR) example, 8086-compatible
; (CL) 2008-09-27 by DOS386 P.D. | ABUSE at your own risk !!!
; Compile with FASM, but this should REALLY be no longer surprising Very Happy
; Results in a DOS ".COM" executable, 343 bytes -> bloat !!!
; WARNING: This tool does one arguably exotic task very well !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
; WARNING: Will be very evil if you try to type in a password !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
; http://board.flatassembler.net/topic.php?t=9256

; Desc:   this interrupt is automatically called on each clock
;         tick by the INT 8 handler
; Notes:  this is the preferred interrupt to chain when a program needs to
;         be invoked regularly
;         not available on NEC 9800-series PCs
; SeeAlso: INT 8, INT $E2 "PC Cluster"

;    AH = $31
;    AL = return code
;    DX = number of paragraphs to keep resident
; Notes: the value in DX only affects memory block containing PSP
;        additional memory allocated via AH=$48 is not affected
;        the minimum number of paragraphs which will remain resident is $12
;        save mem by releasing enviro before (see #01378 at AH=$26, AH=$49)
;        open files remain open, so one should close any files which will
;        not be used before going resident; to access a file which is left
;        open from the TSR, one must switch PSP segments first (see AH=$50)

; --------V-M0040004A--------------------------
; Size:   WORD
; --------V-M00400050--------------------------
; MEM 0040:0050 - VIDEO - CURSOR POSITIONS $0450
; Size:   8 WORD's (!!!) | low XX high YY
; Desc:   contains row and column position for the cursors on 8 pages (?)
; --------V-M00400084--------------------------
; MEM 0040:0084 - VIDEO - ROWS ON SCREEN MINUS ONE $0484
; Size:   BYTE

format binary as "COM"
org $0100

define pope pop

; **********
; *  Yeah  *
; **********

          mov   ah, 9
          mov   dx, tx1
          int   $21                 ; Yeah Very Happy

          xor   ax, ax
          mov   es, ax              ; "PUSHW 0" is not 8086 compatible

          mov   ax, [es:$72]        ; INT $1C "seg"
          mov   [vvint1c+2], ax
          mov   ax, [es:$70]        ; INT $1C "of***"
          mov   [vvint1c], ax

; Now we have the old target in "vvint1c" , let's fire the thing off !!!

          push  cs
          pope  di           ; "seg"
          mov   si, llisr    ; "of***"
          call  sset1c       ; !!! HOT !!!
          jmp   lltsr

vvint1c:  dd 0                      ; Here we store the old INT $1C target
tx0:      db "Enter password:"      ; 15 chars
tx1:      db 13, 10, "7-ZIP fix/hack | DOS only !!!", 13, 10
          db "(CL) 2008-09-27 by DOS386 P.D. | ABUSE at your own risk !!!"
          db 13, 10, 36

; ***************************
; *  SUB , setting INT $1C  *
; ***************************

; IN: {DI:SI} new target | DI is "seg" | SI is "of***"
; TR: nothing !!!

sset1c:   cli
          push  es
          push  ax

          xor   ax, ax
          mov   es, ax              ; "PUSHW 0" is not 8086 compatible
          mov   word [es:$72], di   ; "seg"
          mov   word [es:$70], si   ; "of***"

          pope  ax
          pope  es

; *******************************
; *  Here our great ISR begins  *
; *******************************

; BEWARE: On entry DS = ??? !!!


          ; Preserve
          push  ds
          push  es
          push  ax
          push  bx
          push  cx
          push  dx
          push  di                  ; We MAY NOT USE SI !!!

          ; Set DS
          push  cs
          pope  ds                  ; Legal in RM

          ; ES to ZERO area
          xor   bx, bx
          mov   es, bx

          ; PEEK screen stuff
          mov   cl, [es:$0451]      ; Cursor line position (YY)
          mov   ch, [es:$0484]      ; Height of screen - 1 !!!
          mov   dl, [es:$044A]      ; Width of screen
          sub   dl, 2               ; Make too low by 2
          shl   dl, 1               ; Now in bytes, too low by 4
          mov   dh, 0               ; Need full 16-bit later, DH is reserved

          ; ES to screen
          mov   di, $B800           ; Text
          mov   es, di              ; Preserving BX from above

; Scan the line (15 chars)

; AH : lines counter (YY)
; AL : char
; BX : "base" address, adds by lines, ZERO from above
; CL : const: cursor line position (YY)
; CH : const: screen height in lines - 1 (YY)
; DX : const: width in bytes - 4 !!!
; DI : byte or char index in line, adds by 1 or 2

          mov   ah, 0

gg0:      xor   di, di              ; MOVNTQ DI, 0

gg1:      shl   di, 1
          mov   al, [es:bx+di]      ; Peek char from screen
          shr   di, 1

          cmp   al, [tx0+di]        ; CMP against our string
          jne   gg2                 ; Not found in this line

          inc   di
          cmp   di, 15              ; Hot string size
          jne   gg1                 ; Continue search in the line

; Found the evil string !!!
; Start trashing after (!!!) it - just right - MUL DI by 2
; Find out how to trash best Very Happy

          shl   di, 1
          cmp   ah, cl              ; Cursor in this line ?
          jne   gg4                 ; NO, delete chars

; YES: trash attributes only for now

gg3:      inc   di                  ; Skip char
          mov   byte [es:bx+di], 0  ; Poke attr to screen: BLACK !!!
          inc   di
          cmp   di, dx              ; Line done (expect 2 chars) ?
          jne   gg3                 ; Delete char attributes
          jmp   short gg2           ; Done

; NO: trash the characters, restore attributes

gg4:      dec   di
          mov   al, [es:bx+di]      ; Steal "standard attribute" AKA 7 Wink
          inc   di
gg5:      mov   byte [es:bx+di], 45 ; Poke char "-" to screen
          inc   di
          mov   [es:bx+di], al      ; Poke attr to screen
          inc   di
          cmp   di, dx
          jne   gg5                 ; Delete char & its attr
          jmp   short gg2           ; Done

; Evil string not found in this line

gg2:      cmp   ah, ch
          je    gg6                 ; Bottom reached, evil string not found
          inc   ah                  ; Line counter
          add   bx, dx              ; Width - 4 bytes
          add   bx, 4               ; Add stolen 4 bytes also
          jmp   short gg0           ; Next line, next attempt

; Overscan

gg6:      xor   dx, dx
          mov   es, dx              ; "PUSHW 0" is not 8086 compatible
          mov   ax, [es:$046C]
          shr   ax, 1               ; SHR by > 1 is not 8086 compatible
          shr   ax, 1
          call  ssover

          pope  di
          pope  dx
          pope  cx
          pope  bx
          pope  ax
          pope  es
          pope  ds
          jmp   far [cs:vvint1c]

; OVERSCAN stuff
; Input colour in AL / AX
; Trashes AX and DX !!!

ssover:   push  ax           ; No BYTE PUSH after 8080 Sad((
          mov   dx, $03DA    ; Make sure in index mode in VGA
          in    al, dx
          mov   dx, $03BA    ; Make sure in index mode in EGA Very Happy
          in    al, dx
          mov   dx, $03C0    ; "ATC" hack
          mov   al, $11      ; Set border/overscan color
          out   dx, al
          pope  ax
          and   al, $1F
          out   dx, al
          mov   al, $20      ; Finalize it
          out   dx, al

; Go TSR now !!!

lltsr:    mov   ax, $3100
          mov   dx, $28      ; $28 -> $0280 bytes resident, PSP hogs $0100 !
          int   $21          ; Go TSR !!!

    if ($ > $0270)
      error "You have a bloat problem !!!"
    end if

; END.

Download now (3'340 Bytes) :

I fixed (or hacked Shocked ) what Igor was unable to fix within years (see 7-ZIP support forum) Smile

DOS only !!! But feel free to port, it's open source & public domain Confused
Post 27 Sep 2008, 11:16
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windwakr 27 Sep 2008, 21:07
Ummm, what exactly does it do?

----> * <---- My star, won HERE
Post 27 Sep 2008, 21:07
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revolution 28 Sep 2008, 04:41
It appears to be a method to obscure/hide a password on the screen.

But why the hack? Would it not be easier to change the source code and recompile? 7-Zip is open source! That is kind of the point of open source so one can change it to suit one's needs/wants!
Post 28 Sep 2008, 04:41
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Posts: 1905
DOS386 28 Sep 2008, 06:18
revolution wrote:
appears to be a method to obscure/hide a password on the screen.

Very true Smile

But why the hack? Would it not be easier to change the source code and recompile?

Regrettably NO. Sad

7-Zip is open source! That is kind of the point of open source so one can change it to suit one's needs/wants!

I am aware if this. Regrettably I am not compatible with C++ Sad

Bug Nr.: 12345

Title: Hello World program compiles to 100 KB !!!

Status: Closed: NOT a Bug
Post 28 Sep 2008, 06:18
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revolution 28 Sep 2008, 07:07
DOS386 wrote:
Regrettably I am not compatible with C++
Why? What are the minimal requirements for C++? Perhaps you could consider rewiring your neural network.
Post 28 Sep 2008, 07:07
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DOS386 28 Sep 2008, 07:29
> Perhaps you could consider

dropping FASM ? Crying or Very sad

Bug Nr.: 12345

Title: Hello World program compiles to 100 KB !!!

Status: Closed: NOT a Bug
Post 28 Sep 2008, 07:29
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revolution 28 Sep 2008, 07:43
DOS386 wrote:
dropping FASM ?
If it requires dropping something then I suggest dropping DOS.
Post 28 Sep 2008, 07:43
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DOS386 28 Sep 2008, 08:34
revolution wrote:
then I suggest dropping DOS.

Excellent , revolutionary idea Shocked

Still, this is a FASM forum IIRC ...

Anyway, does 7-ZIP compile well for you ?
Post 28 Sep 2008, 08:34
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revolution 28 Sep 2008, 08:38
DOS386 wrote:
Anyway, does 7-ZIP compile well for you ?
I've never tried, I am not compatible with C++ Razz
Post 28 Sep 2008, 08:38
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Posts: 1905
DOS386 28 Sep 2008, 08:52
revolution wrote:
never tried, I am not compatible with C++ Razz

COOL. At least we brewed 10 useless posts "helping" the DOS subforum today Very Happy
Post 28 Sep 2008, 08:52
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