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Index > Compiler Internals > PE formatter modification that removes fake virus detection

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Joined: 16 Jan 2007
Posts: 295
Alphonso 17 Aug 2008, 05:05
Here's a demo 'hello' which when compiled by FASMW 1.67.27 create 4 detections on www.VirusTotal.com
format PE GUI 4.0
include 'win32a.inc'

section '.text' code readable executable
  invoke  MessageBox,0,MBText,MBCapt,MB_OK
  invoke  ExitProcess,0

section '.data' data readable writeable
  MBCapt db 'False Detection Test',0
  MBText db 'Hello',0

section '.idata' import data readable writeable
  library kernel32,'KERNEL32.DLL',user32,'USER32.DLL'
  import kernel32,ExitProcess,'ExitProcess'
  import user32,MessageBox,'MessageBoxA'    
and attached is the same program compiled by a slightly modified FASMW which gives no detections at all. The only difference between the two hello's is in the PE header, the program binary itself is exactly the same.

imho it should be the anti virus software that should be modified, not fasm.

Description: Hello_OK.exe
Filename: Hello.zip
Filesize: 466 Bytes
Downloaded: 717 Time(s)

Post 17 Aug 2008, 05:05
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revolution 17 Aug 2008, 17:23
@Alphonso: Good job.

Now there is just the small matter remaining to tell everyone what are the changes needed in the header ... care to do the honours?
Post 17 Aug 2008, 17:23
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Joined: 16 Jan 2007
Posts: 295
Alphonso 17 Aug 2008, 18:42
Well I really don't think it's the right thing to do, all we are doing is changing the PE header data, you're still going to get some false postives. It's the antivirus software that needs fixing.

You're more than welcome to the code, though it's a little unrefined and maybe even buggy. I kept it all in one place to minimise the impact to the source code.

Ver 1.67.27
1. Locate and open the 'FORMATS.INC' file in the source directory.
2. Find the label 'directory_ok:' as shown below.
        mov     [edx+ecx*8+4],eax       ; directory size
        inc     cl
        cmp     cl,10h
        jb      process_directories
        mov     ebx,[code_start]
        sub     ebx,[stub_size]
        mov     ecx,edi
        sub     ecx,ebx
        mov     ebp,ecx
        shr     ecx,1
        xor     eax,eax
        mov     dx,[ebx]    
After the third line down 'jb process_directories' insert the following 'process_pe_extras:' code, you should have the following.
        inc     cl
        cmp     cl,10h
        jb      process_directories
;insert here --->

        mov     edx,[code_start]
        mov     cx,[edx+6]              ;number of sections
        test    cx,cx
        jz      NoSections              ;Just in case!

        mov     word [edx+1ah],2        ;Linker major version   |These two just to keep
        mov     word [edx+40h],3        ;OS major version       |F-Secure quiet...

        xor     eax,eax                 ;Zero data incase of multiple passes
        mov     [edx+1ch],eax           ;Size of code
        mov     [edx+20h],eax           ;Size of IData
        mov     [edx+24h],eax           ;Size of UData
        mov     [edx+2ch],eax           ;Base of code
        test    [format_flags],8        ;check for 64bit
        jnz     NoBaseOfData            ;64bit header does not have a base of data
                                        ;uses 64 bit image base instead
        mov     [edx+30h],eax           ;Base of data
        movzx   ebx,word [edx+14h]      ;size of optional file header
        add     ebx,18h                 ;add size file header
        mov     eax,[edx+ebx+24h]       ;Section Characteristics
        test    eax,20h
        jnz     CodeSection
        test    eax,40h
        jnz     InitDataSection
        test    eax,80h
        jnz     NextSection

        mov     eax,[edx+ebx+10h]       ;Unitialised data size
        add     [edx+24h],eax           ;add to size of unititialised data
        jmp     NextSection

        cmp    [edx+2ch],dword 0        ;Do we have base of code?
        jne    BaseOfCodeSet
        mov    eax,[edx+ebx+0ch]        ;RVA
        mov    [edx+2ch],eax
        mov     eax,[edx+ebx+10h]       ;Code size
        add     [edx+1ch],eax           ;add to size of code
        jmp     NextSection

        cmp    [edx+30h],dword 0        ;Do we have base of data?
        jne    BaseOfDataSet
        mov    eax,[edx+ebx+0ch]        ;RVA
        mov    [edx+30h],eax
        mov     eax,[edx+ebx+10h]       ;Data size
        add     [edx+20h],eax           ;add to size of Initdata
        jmp     NextSection

        add     ebx,28h
        dec     cx
        jnz     MoreSections
;end of insert--->
        mov     ebx,[code_start]
        sub     ebx,[stub_size]
        mov     ecx,edi
        sub     ecx,ebx
        mov     ebp,ecx
        shr     ecx,1
        xor     eax,eax
Save and recompile FASM(D)(W).ASM. I only tried this with FASMW.ASM but I guess the others should be Ok.

All we have done here is added
    Linker version to 2 - just to keep F-Secure happy
    OS major version to 3 - F-Secure again!
    Size of Code
    Size of initialized data
    Size of uninitialized data
    Base of code
    Base of data - unless 64bit PE

Well I think that's all, remember this isn't a fix but meant to show that some antivirus software seems to be using the PE header as part of a virus signature.

Description: A compiled FASMW.EXE using above code
Filename: FASMW.zip
Filesize: 60.7 KB
Downloaded: 698 Time(s)

Description: For those that don't like to cut & paste
Filename: FORMATS.zip
Filesize: 14.19 KB
Downloaded: 686 Time(s)

Post 17 Aug 2008, 18:42
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Your code has a bug

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LocoDelAssembly 17 Aug 2008, 19:01
Thanks a lot Alphonso for taking the time for doing this. I've moved this to Compiler Internals so Tomasz (and people that customize fasm) can see it easily.
Post 17 Aug 2008, 19:01
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Tomasz Grysztar

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Tomasz Grysztar 18 Aug 2008, 06:51
I agree about code and data values, I plan to have such change (thought a bit different in implementation) - however why would I want to give up storing fasm's version in PE header, just like I should be allowed to?
Post 18 Aug 2008, 06:51
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