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Index > OS Construction > first free entry(fat12)

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Joined: 11 Nov 2006
Posts: 88
abuashraf 05 Aug 2008, 08:31

I'm trying to get the first free entry of the root directory for fat12 file system,but i'm not quite sure if my code is correct ,it keeps giving me the
number 1 no matter how I add file,delete them or do any changing in the floppy image.

could you please guys take a look at it...

;return the first free entry in Ax              ;
        xor     ax,ax                   ;zero ax
        mov     bx,ax                   ;zero bx
        mov     dx,ax                   ;zero dx
        mov     si,ax                   ;zero si
        mov     di,ax                   ;zero di

        mov     di,[es:0x400]           ;di points to the buffer
        mov     cx,16                  
        xor     ax,ax
        inc     dx                      ;dx points to the first free entry
        test    byte[di+0x0b],1 shl 3   ;is it a volume label? 
        jnz     @nextentry              ;go to the next entry
        mov     al,[di+bx]              ;fetch chars from the buffer
        cmp     al,0xE5                 ;is it deleted file?
        je      @del                    ;yes
        cmp     al,0                    ;is this end of files/directories?
        je      @del
        mov     ax,dx                   ;ax=first free entry
        jmp     @@.quit                 ;returb
        add     bx,32                   ;go to the next entry                 
        loop    @@.loop                   

Post 05 Aug 2008, 08:31
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Dex4u 05 Aug 2008, 18:16
Is the buffer Address store at es:0x400 or is the buffer at es:0x400, because if the buffer is at es:0x400 try this code
;-----------------------------------------------;;return the first free entry in Ax              ;;-----------------------------------------------;        ffentry:        xor     ax,ax                   ;zero ax        mov     bx,ax                   ;zero bx        mov     dx,ax                   ;zero dx        mov     si,ax                   ;zero si        mov     di,ax                   ;zero di        mov     di,0x400 ;[es:0x400]           ;di points to the buffer                  mov     cx,16                          xor     ax,ax  @@.loop:         inc     dx                      ;dx points to the first free entry        test    byte[es:di+11],1 shl 3   ;is it a volume label?         jnz     @nextentry              ;go to the next entry        mov     al,[es:di+bx]              ;fetch chars from the buffer        cmp     al,0xE5                 ;is it deleted file?        je      @del                    ;yes        cmp     al,0                    ;is this end of files/directories?        je      @del     @del:        mov     ax,dx                   ;ax=first free entry        jmp     @@.quit                 ;returb    @nextentry:           add     bx,32                   ;go to the next entry                                     @@.again:           loop    @@.loop                        @@.quit:        ret    

If not, than yours is OK
Post 05 Aug 2008, 18:16
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abuashraf 06 Aug 2008, 07:10
unfortunatelly it gave me the same result which is 1,
here's the first part of my function:
        mov    bx,[es:0x400]           ;the buffer
     xor     ax,ax                   ;zero ax
        mov     cx,ax                   ;zero cx
        mov     dx,ax                   ;zero dx
        mov     ax,19                   ;first sector of the root directory
        mov     cx,14                   ;root directory occupy 14 sectors                  
        call    read_sectors          ;read 14 sectors
        call    ffentry                   ;get first free entry                 
        call    int_to_string           ;print it
Post 06 Aug 2008, 07:10
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Dex4u 06 Aug 2008, 14:56
Does your "int_to_string" function work OK ?, try this just incase
;-------------------------------------;;convert number into string           ;;where: AX=num ,                      ;;-------------------------------------;int_to_string:     pushad        mov   ebx,eax shr   eax,8   call  write_hex8      mov   eax,ebx call  write_hex8      popad ret ;----------------------------------------------------; ; write hex                                          ; ;----------------------------------------------------;write_hex8:     push  eax     push  eax     shr   al,4                                            call  hexget                                          call  print_char      pop   eax     call  hexget                                          call  print_char      pop   eax     rethexget:    and   eax,0x0000000f  or    eax,0x00000030  cmp   eax,0x39        ja    add7    retadd7:  add   eax,7                   retprint_char:        mov     ah,0Eh                int     10h                   ret                         
Post 06 Aug 2008, 14:56
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abuashraf 07 Aug 2008, 00:29
thank you Dex for your help,anyway I tried your "int_to_string"
function and I got the same result which is 1,I'm really confused Confused
Post 07 Aug 2008, 00:29
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Alphonso 07 Aug 2008, 03:33
Check your conditional jump 'je @del'. Only if it's a volume label does it not go to @del:. Maybe change to this or similar...

        inc     dx                      ;dx points to the first free entry
        test    byte[es:di+11],1 shl 3   ;is it a volume label? 
        jnz     @nextentry              ;go to the next entry
        mov     al,[es:di+bx]              ;fetch chars from the buffer
        cmp     al,0xE5                 ;is it deleted file?
        je      @del                    ;yes
        cmp     al,0                    ;is this end of files/directories?
        jnz      @nextentry             ;<---- from je @del
        mov     ax,dx                   ;ax=first free entry
        jmp     @@.quit                 ;returb
        add     bx,32                   ;go to the next entry                 
        loop    @@.loop                   
Edited.. my bad English Shocked
Post 07 Aug 2008, 03:33
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Dex4u 07 Aug 2008, 20:30
I would use your int_to_string function and dump some of the regs, eg: DI AND AL, also put a
push axxor ax,axint 16hpop ax    

after each reg dump so you can step through the code.
Also add this after this label nextentry:
nextentry:         pusha        mov al,"V"        mov ah,0Eh                      int 10h         popa        

So we know if it gets called.
Post 07 Aug 2008, 20:30
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abuashraf 08 Aug 2008, 08:39
It's working now,thank you guys for your help...
here's the code:
        xor     ax,ax                   ;zero ax
        mov     bx,ax                   ;zero bx
        mov     dx,ax                   ;zero dx
        mov     si,ax                   ;zero si
        mov     di,ax                   ;zero di
        mov     di,[es:0x400]           ;di points to the buffer
        mov     cx,224                  ;number of root directory entries
        inc     dx
        test    byte[di+0x0b],1 shl 3   ;is it a volume label? 
        jnz     volume                  
        cmp     byte [di],0xE5          ;is it deleted file?
        je      @del                    ;yes,
        cmp     byte [di],0x00          ;is this the end of files/directories?
        je      @del                    ;yes,

        add     di,32                   ;go to the next entry
        jmp     @@.again                ;continue looping
        mov     ax,dx                   ;save the first free entry in ax
        jmp     @@.quit                 ;quit 
     volume:                            ;it is a volume label...
        add     di,32                   ;just go to the next entry         
        loop    @@.loop                 ;continue looping!                      
        ret                             ;return    
Post 08 Aug 2008, 08:39
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