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Joined: 30 Jun 2004
Posts: 827
windwakr 06 Jul 2008, 19:09
What do you see when you run this program?
I see a cyclops laying on its side throwing up.. Shocked ...but thats just me...(btw, most of the code minus a bit was "borrowed" out of comrades 1kb sinus cirlces thingy here.)
I stumbled upon this while playing around with the source to that program and generated this odd thing.
Each pixel basically is :
((sin(x)+sin(distance to center) / 2) + x) / 2

        org     100h
        ; switch to graphics mode
        mov     al, 013h
        int     10h

        push    cs
        pop     es
        mov     di, dist
        mov     bx, 200
@@dsty: mov     cx, 320
        @@dstx: mov     [x], cx
                mov     [y], bx
                sub     [x], 160
                sub     [y], 100
                fild    [x]
                fild    [x]
                fmulp   st1,st0
                fild    [y]
                fild    [y]
                fmulp   st1,st0
                faddp   st1,st0
                fistp   [x]
                mov     ax, [x]
                loop    @@dstx
        dec     bx
        jnz     short @@dsty

        ; initialize the palette
        mov     cx, 256
        xor     ax, ax
@@spal: mov     dx, 3C8h
        out     dx, al
        inc     dx
        out     dx, al
        out     dx, al
        out     dx, al
        inc     al
        loop    @@spal

        ; main loop
@@main: ; wait for vertical sync
        mov     dx, 3DAh
@@vs0:  in      al, dx
        test    al, 8
        jz      @@vs0
@@vs1:  in      al, dx
        test    al, 8
        jnz     @@vs1

        ; draw
        push    0A000h
        pop     es
        mov     bx, 200
        mov     si, dist
        xor     di, di
        xor     ax, ax
        mov [x],0
        mov [y],0
@@y:    mov     cx, 320
        mov [x1],0
                mov     [y], ax
                fild    [y]
                fdiv    [freq]
                ;fild    [counter]
                ;fsubp   st1,st0
                fmul    [amp]
                fadd    [amp]
                fistp   [y]

                fild    [x1]
                ;fiadd   [y1]
                fdiv    [freq]
                ;fild    [counter]
                ;fsubp   st1,st0
                fmul    [amp]
                fadd    [amp]
                fistp   [x]

                mov ax, [x]
                add ax,[y]
                shr ax,1
                add ax,[x1]
                shr ax,1

                inc [x1]
                loop    @@x
        inc     [y1]
        dec     bx
        jnz     @@y

        ;inc     [counter]
        ; delay
        push    cs
        push    040h
        pop     ds
        mov     ax, [ds:6Ch]
@@wait: mov     cx, [ds:6Ch]
        sub     cx, ax
        cmp     cx, 2
        jl      @@wait
        pop     ds
        in al,60h
        dec al
        jnz key
        ;jnz @@main

        ; restore text mode
        mov     ax, 003h
        int     10h

        freq    dd      10.0
        amp     dd      31.0
        x       dw      0
        y       dw      0
        x1      dw      0
        y1      dw      0
        counter dw      0

also, try changing:
                mov     [y], ax 
                fild    [y] 
                fdiv    [freq] 
                ;fild    [counter] 
                ;fsubp   st1,st0 
                fmul    [amp] 
                fadd    [amp] 
                fistp   [y] 

                fild    [x1] 
                ;fiadd   [y1] 
                fdiv    [freq] 
                ;fild    [counter] 
                ;fsubp   st1,st0 
                fmul    [amp] 
                fadd    [amp] 
                fistp   [x] 

                mov ax, [x] 
                add ax,[y] 
                shr ax,1 
                add ax,[x1] 
                shr ax,1 

                inc [x1] 
                loop    @@x


                mov     [y], ax
                fild    [y]
                fdiv    [freq]
                ;fild    [counter]
                ;fsubp   st1,st0
                fmul    [amp]
                fadd    [amp]
                fistp   [y]

                fild    [y1]
                 ;fiadd   [y1]
                fdiv    [freq]
                 ;fild    [counter]
                 ;fsubp   st1,st0
                fmul    [amp]
                fadd    [amp]
                fistp   [x]

                mov ax, [x]
                add ax,[y]
                shr ax,1
                add ax,[y1]
                shr ax,1

                inc [x1]
                loop    @@x

Are these boards dying? I've been gone since mid june(no internet Sad ) and doesn't look like much has gone on since then.

Wooooo......4 years as a registered user and only 50 some posts lol

----> * <---- My star, won HERE
Post 06 Jul 2008, 19:09
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When all else fails, read the source

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revolution 07 Jul 2008, 01:40
windwakr wrote:
Are these boards dying? I've been gone since mid june(no internet Sad ) and doesn't look like much has gone on since then.
Well let's see. Sometime in mid-June the board was hacked and everybody lost access for ~1 day. Tomasz took the opportunity to upgrade the forum software and many bugs were discovered. Then it was discovered that many of the users passwords had been reversed and publicly posted (including my own and vid's passwords). Emails were sent out to the affected users and everyone had to reset their password. Do try to keep up.
windwakr wrote:
Wooooo......4 years as a registered user and only 50 some posts lol
If you want more activity then post some more. You can't just wait for others to post, you must also participate. So the above post is a good start, keep them coming.

Last edited by revolution on 07 Jul 2008, 04:15; edited 1 time in total
Post 07 Jul 2008, 01:40
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comrade 07 Jul 2008, 01:55
windwakr wrote:

Each pixel basically is :
((sin(x)+sin(distance to center) / 2) + x) / 2

What you invented there is a class of graphics demos called "plasmas" Smile
Those used to be real popular in late 80s/early 90s in the demo-scene world.

Its a rather easy effect: add a bunch of sine-waves of different periods, index into a gradient palette table. Do a phase-shift on the sine-waves for animation.

Check Hornet (these days accessible at http://www.scene.org/dir.php?dir=%2Fmirrors%2Fhornet%2Fcode%2Feffects%2Fplasma/) for more demos of this sort. You will probably need a MS-DOS VM with something like Turbo C and TASM installed to play with the sources Smile Though I think most stuff still runs fine under NTVDM.

comrade (comrade64@live.com; http://comrade.ownz.com/)
Post 07 Jul 2008, 01:55
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comrade 07 Jul 2008, 01:56
If really get interested in that kinda stuff, also check http://www.pouet.net/ or ask around in #coders on IRCnet.
Post 07 Jul 2008, 01:56
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bitRAKE 07 Jul 2008, 02:07
ZOMG - one of the aliens have revealed itself:
                mov     [y], ax

                fild    [y]
                fdiv    [freq]
                ;fild    [counter]
                ;fsubp   st1,st0
                fmul    [amp]
                fadd    [amp]
                fistp   [y]

                fild    [y1]
                 ;fiadd   [y1]
                fdiv    [freq]
                 ;fild    [counter]
                 ;fsubp   st1,st0
                fmul    [amp]
                fadd    [amp]
                fistp   [x]

                add ax,[y]
                add ax,[x]
                shr ax,1
                jpe .0
                add ax,[y1]
                jmp .1
.0:             xadd ax,dx
.1:             shr ax,1
                inc [x1]
                loop    @@x    

¯\(°_o)/¯ “languages are not safe - uses can be” Bjarne Stroustrup
Post 07 Jul 2008, 02:07
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Joined: 30 Jun 2004
Posts: 827
windwakr 07 Jul 2008, 02:20
Wow, the forums were hacked? Good thing everythings back to normal(or at least looks normal, I couldn't tell anything had happened)

Thanks for the links. I'll check them out.

Shocked .....WOW.....

----> * <---- My star, won HERE
Post 07 Jul 2008, 02:20
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Your code has a bug

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LocoDelAssembly 07 Jul 2008, 02:46
Since I can't provide any better image then I'll contribute a modification on the code Razz

        @@dstx: mov     [x], cx
                mov     [y], bx  
                sub     [x], 160  
                sub     [y], 100  
                fild    [x]  
;                fild    [x]  
                fmul   st0, st0
                fild    [y]  
;                fild    [y]  
                fmul   st0, st0

BTW, also try this:
        @@dstx: mov     [x], cx
                mov     [y], bx
                sub     [x], 160
                sub     [y], 100
                fild    [x]
                fild    [y]
                fistp   [x]
                mov     ax, [x]
                loop    short @@dstx    
(Not equivalent but yet provides somewhat "nice" results)
Post 07 Jul 2008, 02:46
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Joined: 30 Jun 2004
Posts: 827
windwakr 07 Jul 2008, 02:54
Ya, that diamond pattern makes it look good.
Post 07 Jul 2008, 02:54
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