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Joined: 05 May 2007
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Picnic 02 May 2008, 16:34
Hi guys,
Something i wrote in fasm, not much, a simple windows game.
I'm a newcomer to all this api stuff, so don't be bad on me.

The objective is to turn all tiles on the board yellow.
By clicking a tile you will reverse the state for that tile and every adjacent piece.
Click 'Scramble' to play a new random board anytime.

     ; by Picnic

     format PE GUI 4.0
     entry start

     include "win32ax.inc"

     COLUMNS = 6
     ROWS = 6

     TILEW = 40
     TILEH = 40
     BORDER = 4

     YELLOW = 0xFFFF
     BLUE = 0xFF0000

     SCRAMBLE = 500
     XWDTH = COLUMNS * 4

macro get x,y
     mov eax,y
     mov ebx,x
     imul eax,eax,XWDTH
     mov eax,dword[map+eax+ebx*4]

macro set x,y,value
     mov ebx,value
     mov eax,y
     mov ecx,x
     imul eax,eax,XWDTH
     mov dword[map+eax+ecx*4],ebx

macro flip x,y
     local .a, .b
     get x,y
     cmp eax,BLUE
     jne .b
     mov eax,YELLOW
     jmp .a
     mov eax,BLUE
     set x,y,eax

section ".data" data readable writeable

     _class TCHAR "FASMWIN32",0
     _title TCHAR "Flip Flop",0
     _error TCHAR "Startup failed.",0

     align 4
     _btnx dd BORDER
     _btny dd BORDER + (TILEH+BORDER) * ROWS
     _wndw dd 2 * BORDER + (TILEW+BORDER) * COLUMNS
     _wndh dd 50 + BORDER + (TILEH+BORDER) * ROWS
     _wndx dd ?
     _wndy dd ?
     hwnd dd ?
     map rd COLUMNS*ROWS

     align 4
     wc WNDCLASS 0,WindowProc,0,0,0,0,0,COLOR_BTNFACE+1,0,_class
     msg MSG

section ".code" code readable executable

     invoke GetModuleHandle,0
     mov dword[wc.hInstance],eax
     invoke LoadIcon,0,IDI_APPLICATION
     mov dword[wc.hIcon],eax
     invoke LoadCursor,0,IDC_ARROW
     mov dword[wc.hCursor],eax
     invoke CreateSolidBrush,WHITE
     mov dword[wc.hbrBackground],eax
     invoke RegisterClass,addr wc
     test eax,eax
     jz error

     invoke GetSystemMetrics,SM_CXSCREEN
     shr eax,1
     mov ecx,dword[_wndw]
     sar ecx,1
     sub eax,ecx
     mov dword[_wndx],eax

     invoke GetSystemMetrics,SM_CYSCREEN
     shr eax,1
     mov ecx,dword[_wndh]
     sar ecx,1
     sub eax,ecx
     mov dword[_wndy],eax

     invoke CreateWindowEx,0,addr _class,addr _title,WS_VISIBLE+WS_DLGFRAME+WS_SYSMENU,\
     mov dword[hwnd],eax
     test eax,eax
     jz error

     invoke GetMessage,msg,0,0,0
     cmp eax,1
     jb endloop
     jne msgloop
     invoke TranslateMessage,msg
     invoke DispatchMessage,msg
     jmp msgloop
     invoke MessageBox,0,addr _error,0,MB_ICONERROR+MB_OK
     invoke ExitProcess,dword[msg.wParam]

proc WindowProc hwnd:dword,wmsg:dword,wparam:dword,lparam:dword

     local ps:PAINTSTRUCT

     push ebx esi edi
     cmp dword[wmsg],WM_CREATE
     je .wmcreate
     cmp dword[wmsg],WM_COMMAND
     je .wmcommand
     cmp dword[wmsg],WM_LBUTTONDOWN
     je .wmlbuttondown
     cmp dword[wmsg],WM_PAINT
     je .wmpaint
     cmp dword[wmsg],WM_CLOSE
     je .wmclose
     invoke DefWindowProc,dword[hwnd],dword[wmsg],dword[wparam],dword[lparam]
     jmp .finish
     stdcall CreateMap
     invoke CreateWindowEx,0,"BUTTON","Scramble",WS_CHILD or WS_VISIBLE,\
     jmp .finish
     .if ( dword[wparam] = SCRAMBLE )
        stdcall CreateMap
        stdcall DrawMap
     jmp .finish
     stdcall LButtonClick,dword[lparam],dword[lparam]
     jmp .finish
     invoke BeginPaint,dword[hwnd],addr ps
     stdcall DrawMap
     invoke EndPaint,dword[hwnd],addr ps
     jmp .finish
     invoke PostQuitMessage,0
     xor eax,eax
     pop edi esi ebx


; If x,y coords are valid then flip neighbour tiles, redraw map and check if user wins.
proc FlipTiles x:dword,y:dword

     .if ( dword[x] >= 0 ) & ( dword[x] <= COLUMNS-1 ) & ( dword[y] >= 0 ) & ( dword[y] <= ROWS-1 )
        flip dword[x],dword[y]
        .if ( dword[x] > 0 )
           push dword[x]
           dec dword[x]
           flip dword[x],dword[y]
           pop dword[x]
        .if ( dword[x] < COLUMNS-1 )
           push dword[x]
           inc dword[x]
           flip dword[x],dword[y]
           pop dword[x]
        .if ( dword[y] > 0 )
           push dword[y]
           dec dword[y]
           flip dword[x],dword[y]
           pop dword[y]
        .if ( dword[y] < ROWS-1 )
           inc dword[y]
           flip dword[x],dword[y]
        stdcall DrawMap
        stdcall CheckWin


; Convert mouse coords into 2D map coords and call FlipTiles.
proc LButtonClick\

     local hdc dd ?

     invoke GetDC,dword[hwnd]
     mov dword[hdc],eax
     and dword[x],0xFFFF
     shr dword[y],16
     invoke GetPixel,dword[hdc],dword[x],dword[y]
     .if ( eax <> WHITE )
        xor edx,edx
        mov eax,dword[y]
        mov ebx,TILEH+BORDER
        div ebx
        mov dword[y],eax
        xor edx,edx
        mov eax,dword[x]
        mov ebx,TILEW+BORDER
        div ebx
        mov dword[x],eax
        stdcall FlipTiles,dword[x],dword[y]
     invoke ReleaseDC,dword[hwnd],dword[hdc]


; Fill map array with random colors values yellow or blue.
proc CreateMap

     xor ecx,ecx
     .while ( ecx < COLUMNS*ROWS )
        mov dword[map+ecx*4],BLUE
        and eax,eax
        .if ( PARITY? )
           mov dword[map+ecx*4],YELLOW
        inc ecx


; Count yellow color values in map array.
proc CheckWin

     xor ecx,ecx
     xor eax,eax
     .while ( ecx < COLUMNS*ROWS )
        cmp dword[map+ecx*4],YELLOW
        jne @f
        inc eax
        inc ecx
     .if ( eax = COLUMNS*ROWS )
        invoke MessageBox,dword[hwnd],<"Puzzle Completed.">,addr _title,MB_OK or MB_ICONINFORMATION


; Draw a 2D grid of tiles.
proc DrawMap

     local x dd ?
     local y dd ?

     mov dword[y],0
     .while ( dword[y] < ROWS )
         mov dword[x],0
        .while ( dword[x] < COLUMNS )
           imul esi,dword[x],TILEW+BORDER
           add esi,BORDER
           imul edi,dword[y],TILEH+BORDER
           add edi,BORDER
           get dword[x],dword[y]
           stdcall DrawTile,esi,edi,eax
           inc dword[x]
        inc dword[y]


; Draw a tile at x,y with black pen and b brush.
proc DrawTile\
    x:dword, y:dword, b:dword

     local hdc dd ?
     local brush dd ?

     invoke GetDC,dword[hwnd]
     mov dword[hdc],eax
     invoke GetStockObject,BLACK_PEN
     invoke SelectObject,dword[hdc],eax
     invoke CreateSolidBrush,dword[b]
     mov dword[brush],eax
     invoke SelectObject,dword[hdc],dword[brush]
     mov eax,dword[x]
     add eax,TILEW
     mov ecx,dword[y]
     add ecx,TILEH
     invoke RoundRect,dword[hdc],dword[x],dword[y],eax,ecx,8,8
     invoke DeleteObject,dword[brush]
     invoke ReleaseDC,dword[hwnd],dword[hdc]


section ".idata" import data readable writeable


     include "\api\kernel32.inc"
     include "\api\user32.inc"
     include "\api\gdi32.inc"


Last edited by Picnic on 21 Mar 2020, 10:01; edited 2 times in total
Post 02 May 2008, 16:34
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asmhack 02 May 2008, 17:46
gj thimis Wink
bravo Razz
Post 02 May 2008, 17:46
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Yardman 02 May 2008, 21:13
[ Post removed by author. ]

Last edited by Yardman on 04 Apr 2012, 03:18; edited 1 time in total
Post 02 May 2008, 21:13
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Goplat 03 May 2008, 02:20
Only 1 out of every 16 games are actually winnable. The buttons are not "independent" - try pushing any of these combinations:
. X X X | X X . X | X . X X | X X X .
X . X . | . . . X | X . . . | . X . X
X X . . | X X X . | . X X X | . . X X
X . . . | . X . . | . . X . | . . . X    
And you end up back where you started. This shows that you could do without, for example, all the bottom buttons, by pushing instead all the other buttons in the combination containing it; thus you have only 12 bits of influence (4096 accessible states) rather than the 16 bits one might expect (all 65536 states accessible). And if you are not lucky enough to start in one of the 4096 states that are accessible from the all-tiles-yellow state, then nothing you do can win that game.
Post 03 May 2008, 02:20
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AlexP 03 May 2008, 03:58
darn, I could get all but one to go yellow Smile.
Post 03 May 2008, 03:58
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rugxulo 03 May 2008, 07:00
Goplat wrote:
Only 1 out of every 16 games are actually winnable. The buttons are not "independent" - try pushing any of these combinations: ... And you end up back where you started. This shows that you could do without, for example, all the bottom buttons, by pushing instead all the other buttons in the combination containing it; thus you have only 12 bits of influence (4096 accessible states) rather than the 16 bits one might expect (all 65536 states accessible). And if you are not lucky enough to start in one of the 4096 states that are accessible from the all-tiles-yellow state, then nothing you do can win that game.

Could I borrow your brain for a bit? Wink
Post 03 May 2008, 07:00
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Picnic 03 May 2008, 11:18
Thanks for the nice comments guys.
It needs a bit of luck Yardman, to get a winnable board.
Like Goplat says, on a 4x4 board (and also on a 5x5), not all boards are solvable.
Post 03 May 2008, 11:18
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edfed 03 May 2008, 12:18
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Crying or Very sad

this game drives me crazy !!!!!!!!!!
Post 03 May 2008, 12:18
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bitRAKE 03 May 2008, 15:14
The code is almost flexible enough to change the board size.
     _wndw dd 10 + BORDER + (TILEW+BORDER) * COLUMNS
     _wndh dd 56 + BORDER + (TILEH+BORDER) * ROWS    
Look at AdjustWindowRect to determine the size needed for a given client area instead of using the constants.

Edit: GetMessage can return -1, and the branch JB (same as JC) is unsigned - the branch will not be taken in cases of error. Using a signed jump JL would work.

¯\(°_o)/¯ “languages are not safe - uses can be” Bjarne Stroustrup
Post 03 May 2008, 15:14
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Picnic 04 May 2008, 10:30
Nice tips bitRAKE, i'm doing some tests now of AdjustWindowRect Smile

Hobby BASIC Interpreter
Post 04 May 2008, 10:30
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MHajduk 04 May 2008, 13:39
What about adding possibility of saving/loading actual state of the game to/from simple TXT file? In this case we would be able to start not from randomly generated board but from the saved one. Smile
Post 04 May 2008, 13:39
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Picnic 08 May 2008, 17:12
Hi MHajduk,
I like such features and i surely implement them on future projects Smile
Post 08 May 2008, 17:12
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