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Joined: 20 Jul 2008
Posts: 23
gavin 30 Jul 2008, 18:26
string db "54333",0 needs to be -> number dw 54333
How would I go about this?
Post 30 Jul 2008, 18:26
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Madis731 30 Jul 2008, 22:10
Take "5", subtract 30h, multiply by 10 => you get 50;
Take 50, add "4", sub 30h, mul 10 => 540;

Oh, you need the code Smile
    mov   esi,string
    xor   eax,eax
    movzx ebx,byte[esi] ;fetch a digit
    lea   eax,[eax*5] ;multiply by 5
    lea   eax,[eax*2+ebx-"0"] ;multiply by 2 (remember - 10!)
                              ;subtract 30h (or 48 in decimal)
    add   esi,1
    cmp   byte[esi],0
    jne   @b
    ;here you will have 12345 in eax to play with Smile

string db "12345",0
Post 30 Jul 2008, 22:10
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mattst88 31 Jul 2008, 02:53
Madis731 wrote:
Take "5", subtract 30h, multiply by 10 => you get 50;

A bit of clarification: 0x30 is the ASCII code for '0', so '0' (that is, 0x30) + 5 will give you the ASCII code for the character '5'.

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Post 31 Jul 2008, 02:53
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kandamun 31 Jul 2008, 05:49
Madis731 wrote:
Take "5", subtract 30h, multiply by 10 => you get 50;

Of course as any nicely written code it has a small bug.
There will be one extra zero at the end of the result.
I guess it is
init with 0, multiply by 10, add "5", subtract 30h => you get 5.    

or any other way to remove the extra multiply by 10.
Post 31 Jul 2008, 05:49
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edfed 31 Jul 2008, 15:55
str2num, will convert string to decimal value.
it will seek the first char of the string, then, the last char of the number, tehn, start with zero value, and make the basic n=a-'0' +n*10
after, it will point to the end of the number.

esi is used as source pointer.
it will separate multiple numbers, by soem symbols.
it can be used to convert many little strings in many numbers.

        mov     al,[esi]
        inc     esi
        cmp     al,' '
        je      @b
        mov     al,[esi]
        inc     esi
        cmp     al,' '
        je @f
        cmp     al,'.'
        je @f
        cmp     al,','
        je @f
        cmp     al,0
        jne     @b
        dec     esi
        push    esi
        dec     esi
        xor     ebx,ebx
        lea     edx,[ebx+1]
        movzx   eax,byte[esi]
        dec     esi
        cmp     al,'-'
        je      .neg
        cmp     al,' '
        je      .end
        cmp     al,','
        je      .end
        cmp     al,'.'
        je      .end
        sub     al,'0'
        jl      @f
        cmp     al,9
        jg      @f
        imul    eax,edx
        add     ebx,eax
        imul    edx,10
        jmp     @b
        pop     esi
        mov     al,[esi]
        cmp     al,' '
        jne     @b
        neg     ebx
        pop     esi

used as a snippet in fool code.
as it:
        call str2num
        jnc @f
        mov [shell.box+box.x],ebx
        call str2num
        jnc @f
        mov [shell.box+box.y],ebx
        call str2num
        jnc @f
        or ebx,ebx
        je @f
        mov [shell.box+box.xl],ebx
        call str2num
        jnc @f
        or ebx,ebx
        je @f
        mov [shell.box+box.yl],ebx
        call str2num
        jnc @f
        mov [shell.box+box.c],ebx

Post 31 Jul 2008, 15:55
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Joined: 25 Sep 2003
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Location: Estonia
Madis731 31 Jul 2008, 19:37
Sorry, kandamun, the 'spoken code' was flawed, but the ASM-code itself is okay. It inits to 0, then multiplys by 10 and adds the first number.
Post 31 Jul 2008, 19:37
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Joined: 24 Jun 2005
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FrozenKnight 02 Aug 2008, 21:17
this is a snippet form some code i did a few years back it coverts a floating point string to a floating point value. if you review it you will see one of my first major errors where i held the multiplier in ecx. Please note that this was my first attempt at writing code using the FPU.

note that this code doesn't do any checking if the number is valid or not as this was meant to be part of a subclassed dialog and the checking was done in a different area.

proc flttovalue, string:DWORD, value:DWORD;, decimal:DWORD
  local  temp:DWORD, cword:WORD, multiplyer:TBYTE
  push      ebx
  push   ecx
  mov    ebx, [string]
  ;fstcw [cword]
  ;mov   ax, [cword]
  ;or    ax, 00300h
  ;and   ax, 0F3FFh
  ;mov   [cword], ax
  ;fldcw [cword]
  ;mov   [temp], 0
  ;fild  [temp]
  xor      eax, eax
  mov       eax, 1
  cmp BYTE [SS:ebx], '-'
  jnz       @f
  mov     eax, -1
  inc        ebx
  push       eax
  cmp BYTE [SS:ebx], '.'
  jz   .fpart0
  cmp     BYTE [SS:ebx], 0
  jz   .fin
  ;mov   [temp], 10
  ;fild  [temp]
  fimul [const10]
  xor     eax, eax
  mov       al, BYTE [SS:ebx]
  sub  al, '0'
  mov      [temp], eax
  fild   [temp]
  faddp st1, st0
  inc     ebx
  jmp  .ipart
  inc  ebx
  lea    ecx, [multiplyer]
  fstp   tbyte [ecx]
  cmp   BYTE [SS:ebx], '.'
  jz   .fin
  cmp        BYTE [SS:ebx], 0
  jz   .fin
  xor    eax, eax
  mov       al, BYTE [SS:ebx]
  sub  al, '0'
  mov      [temp], eax
  ;fild  [temp]
  ;mov  eax, 10                  ;<==== error here
  ;mul  ecx
  ;mov  ecx, eax
  ;mov  [temp], ecx
  ;mov   [temp], 10
  fld       TBYTE [ecx]
  fidiv [const10]
  fstp      TBYTE [ecx]
  fld    TBYTE [ecx]
  fild   [temp]
  fmulp st1, st0
  faddp st1, st0
  inc ebx
  jmp  .fpart1
  ;fldpi ;test
  pop  eax
  mov    [temp], eax
  fild   [temp]
  fmulp st1, st0
  ;fstcw [cword]
  ;mov   ax, [cword]
  ;mov   cx, WORD [iFloatType]
  ;shl   cx, 8
  ;or    cx, 0F0FFh
  ;and   ax, cx
  ;mov   [cword], ax
  ;fldcw [cword]
  mov       eax, [value]
  mov   edx, [iFloatType]
  cmp      edx, const80
  jnz   @f
  ;fldpi ;test
  fstp  TBYTE [eax]
  cmp        edx, const64
  jnz   @f
  fstp    QWORD [eax]
  cmp        edx, const32
  jnz   @f
  fstp    DWORD [eax]
  mov        eax, esi
  pop       ecx
  pop    ebx
Post 02 Aug 2008, 21:17
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