Sometimes when I search for a word in fasmw IDE, and with the backward checkbox checked, it will not find the word, even though it may only be a few rows before the start word. A characteristic of this behavior is that the search does not find the original search word selected, as it usually would, and it immediately pops the "Text not found" message box.
The source file is large, 179 kb, and the word always is last in a list of several variables with the same name, and ending with a digit, like this:
AVar1 db 'some line of text'
AVar2 db 'some line of text'
AVar3 db 'some line of text'
AVar4 db 'some line of text'
AVar5 db 'some line of text'
AVar6 db 'some line of text'
AVar7 db 'some line of text'
AVar8 db 'some line of text'
Thats all I have been able to determine, so far about this bug, which I am assuming is an IDE bug, but it may be a Windows API bug. I haven't studied the fasmw IDE source, and I don't know how it searches. I am kind of busy now, working on something else.
_________________ Seriously