If fasmw.exe IDE is started without a file, ie opens with the 'untitled' tab, then an attempt is made to open multiple files at the same time such as "prog1.asm" "prog2.asm" then the files are opened with 'blank' tabs. In this state the 'save as' or 'save' does not work although it is possible to compile and run the file(s) even after modifying them in the IDE. Probably more dangerous, if a file is opened in the IDE then multiple files opened at the same time, they are given the same name as the first file. ie If we open a file "1.asm" then try to open two or more files at the same time using 'shift' or 'ctrl' such as "prog1.asm" "prog2.asm" then the tabs will display 1.asm for all three files.
Ver 1.67.26. W2000 SP4