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Joined: 19 Jan 2008
Posts: 160
asmrox 12 Feb 2008, 02:38
Its a rootkit wich block NtQuerySystemInformation

format pe console
section '.code' code readable executable
mov ebp,esp
push 4096000
call [malloc]
mov esi,eax
push 0
push 4096000
push esi
push 5
mov edx,esp
mov eax,0xAD
int 0x2E
add esi,dword [esi]
push dword [esi+68]
push dword [esi+60]
push f
call [printf]
mov esp,ebp
cmp dword [esi],0
jnz l
section '.data' data readable writeable
f db '%ws      %u',13,10,0
ff db '%p',0
section '.idata' import data readable
dd 0,0,0,RVA msvcrt_name,RVA msvcrt_table
dd 5 dup 0
malloc dd RVA _malloc
printf dd RVA _pritnf
dd 0
msvcrt_name db 'msvcrt.dll',0
_pritnf db 0,0,'printf',0
_malloc db 0,0,'malloc',0    

My code will work on xp sp2 without this rootkit. But when its active, it hungs on last process, before listing gameguard process. How can i 'bypass' it?

Last edited by asmrox on 12 Feb 2008, 17:13; edited 1 time in total
Post 12 Feb 2008, 02:38
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Joined: 01 Feb 2008
Posts: 431
asmhack 12 Feb 2008, 12:22
didn't understand exactly what's the problem but try adding the below code, maybe it will help...


{ .privilegecount dd $0
  .low            dd $0
  .high           dd $0
  .attributes     dd $0 } tkp TOKEN_PRIVILEGES

SE_DEBUG_NAME db 'SeDebugPrivilege',$0
tmp dd $0

xor ebx,ebx
call    [GetCurrentProcess]
stdcall [OpenProcessToken],eax,$28,tmp
stdcall [LookupPrivilegeValueA],ebx,SE_DEBUG_NAME,tkp.low
mov dword[tkp.privilegecount],$1
mov dword[tkp.attributes],$2
stdcall [AdjustTokenPrivileges],[tmp],ebx,tkp,ebx,ebx,ebx
Post 12 Feb 2008, 12:22
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Joined: 19 Jan 2008
Posts: 160
asmrox 12 Feb 2008, 17:38
didn't understand exactly what's the problem

i want to list GG process, but it block even a syscall.

i didnt understand your code, so i write this:
last function return 0, and it doesnt work (process cant fisish if rootkit is loaded, and its not listing hidden process).
format pe console
section '.code' code readable executable
mov ebp,esp

push tok
push 0xF00FF
push -1
call [OpenProcessToken]

push luid_low
push a
push 0
call [LookupPrivilegeValueA]

push 0
push 0
push 0
push 0
push [tok]
call [AdjustTokenPrivileges]
push eax
push ff
call [printf]

push 4096000
call [malloc]
mov esi,eax
push 0
push 4096000
push esi
push 5
mov edx,esp
mov eax,0xAD
int 0x2E
add esi,dword [esi]
push dword [esi+68]
push dword [esi+60]
push f
call [printf]
mov esp,ebp
cmp dword [esi],0
jnz l
section '.data' data readable writeable
f db '%ws      %u',13,10,0
ff db '%p',13,10,13,10,0
tok dd 0
a db 'SeDebugPrivilege',0
dd 0
luid_low dd 0
dd 0
dd 0
section '.idata' import data readable
dd 0,0,0,RVA msvcrt_name,RVA msvcrt_table
dd 0,0,0,RVA advapi32_name,RVA advapi32_table
dd 5 dup 0
malloc dd RVA _malloc
printf dd RVA _pritnf
dd 0
OpenProcessToken dd RVA _OpenProcessToken
LookupPrivilegeValueA dd RVA _LookupPrivilegeValueA
AdjustTokenPrivileges dd RVA _AdjustTokenPrivileges
dd 0
msvcrt_name db 'msvcrt.dll',0
advapi32_name db 'advapi32.dll',0

_malloc db 0,0,'malloc',0
_pritnf db 0,0,'printf',0

_OpenProcessToken db 0,0,'OpenProcessToken',0
_LookupPrivilegeValueA db 0,0,'LookupPrivilegeValueA',0
_AdjustTokenPrivileges db 0,0,'AdjustTokenPrivileges',0    
Post 12 Feb 2008, 17:38
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Joined: 01 Feb 2008
Posts: 431
asmhack 12 Feb 2008, 20:20
Post 12 Feb 2008, 20:20
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Joined: 01 Feb 2008
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asmhack 14 Jun 2008, 11:02
Post 14 Jun 2008, 11:02
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