flat assembler
Message board for the users of flat assembler.
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asmrox 20 Jan 2008, 01:39
post all code
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AlexP 20 Jan 2008, 01:46
Code: format PE dll include '%fasminc%\win32ax.inc' ;Description: ; Template to implement: ; 256-bit symmetrical block cipher ; Key Schedule testing routines ; Any encryption algorithms ; ;Calling Usage: ; TestCipher(*Key,*Data,bool Encrypt) ; ;Code Usage: ; To add a block of key schedule code: ; 1) Create the macro appropriately named ; 2) Respect register edi = Out[i], ninth key ; 2) Add macro name to ScheduleWrapper ; To add an encryption routine: ; 1) Re-form macro wrapper EncryptData and EncryptRound ; ;Macros: ; PrepareSchedule ; Prepares memory, keys ; Schedule1 ; Rijndael key schedule implementation ; Schedule2 ; Serpent (partial) key schedule implementation ; Schedule3 ; Custom, Improvable algorithm ; ScheduleRoundDiffusion ; Per-round obfuscating sequences ; RijndaelSubWord ; Rijndael table substitution ; EncryptData ; The encryption routine ; DecryptData ; The decryption routine ; EncryptRound ; One round of the cipher ; DecryptRound ; One inversed round of the cipher ; EndSchedule ; Terminate memory, return data ; ;Sections: ; .code ; Main code and macros ; .data ; Variables used by template ; .tdata ; Any tables used by algorithms ; .idata ; Common Win32API imports ; .edata ; Exported functions ; ;TODO: ; Debug PrepareSchedule ; Debug RijnadelSchedule ; Kind-of-Debug SerpentSchedule ; Check overall implementation ; Debug the encryption methods ; Debug the decryption methods ; Optimize the two schedules ; Make them much smaller, check security ; Encrypt some files or something ; Make small thing in driver to do it for u ; Could this be Unit Two? ; Well, re-make the template then, and do SHA macro EncryptData { ScheduleWrapper ;Main Encryption Loop lea ebx,[eax+1024] mov edx,[SchedulePtr] mov ecx,[DataPtr] xor esi,esi ;Data Counter ;Optimization Possible @@: ScheduleRoundDiffusion EncryptRound add edx,32 ;8 new dwords for next round cmp edx,ebx jnz @b } macro EncryptRound { ;One Round of Caesar @@: mov cl,byte[edx+esi] ;Schedule byte rol byte[ecx+esi],cl ;Data byte inc esi cmp esi,32 ;End of data? jnz @b } macro DecryptData { ScheduleWrapper ;Main Decryption Loop xor edx,edx lea ebx,[eax+1024] ;Optimization Possible @@: ScheduleRoundDiffusion DecryptRound inc edx cmp edx,32 jnz @b } macro DecryptRound { ;One Round of Inv Caesar @@: mov cl,byte[eax+esi] ror byte[ecx+esi],cl inc esi cmp esi,32 ;End of data? jnz @b } macro ScheduleWrapper { Schedule1 Schedule2 Schedule3 ScheduleRoundDiffusion } macro Schedule1 { ;Rijndael Key Schedule push edi xor edx,edx .W1: mov eax,[edi-8] mov ebx,edx and ebx,7 cmp ebx,0 jnz @f rol eax,8 mov ecx,eax ;xchg? RijndaelSubWord mov eax,ecx shr edx,2 xor eax,[RCon-1+edx*4] ;ERROR w/edx? shl edx,2 jmp .W2 @@: cmp ebx,4 jnz .W2 mov ecx,eax RijndaelSubWord mov eax,ecx .W2: xor eax,[edi-64] xor eax,[edi] mov [edi],eax add edi,4 inc edx cmp edx,256 ;32 rounds * 8 dwords/round jnz .W1 pop edi } macro Schedule2 { ;Partial Serpent Key Schedule push edi xor edx,edx .S: mov eax,[edi-64] xor eax,[edi-40] xor eax,[edi-24] xor eax,[edi-8] xor eax,[edi] xor eax,0x9e3779b9 xor eax,edx rol eax,11 mov [edi],eax add edi,4 inc edx cmp edx,256 ;32 rounds * 8 dwords/round jnz .S pop edi } macro Schedule3 { ;Custom Expandable Diffusion Layer } macro ScheduleRoundDiffusion { ;Provides Schedule Diffusion Per Round ;Only needs to operate on eight dwords at [edx] } macro RijndaelSubWord { ;Rijndael table lookup, param in ecx ;Register usage optimization possible push eax ebx edx ecx movzx eax,byte[esp] movzx ebx,byte[esp+1] movzx ecx,byte[esp+2] movzx edx,byte[esp+3] mov al,byte[SBox+eax] mov ah,byte[SBox+ebx] mov bl,byte[SBox+ecx] mov bh,byte[SBox+edx] movzx ecx,bx shl ecx,16 or ecx,eax add esp,0x4 pop edx ebx eax } macro EndSchedule { ;Unlock the memory push 1024 [SchedulePtr] call [VirtualUnlock] cmp eax,0 jnz @f push ErrorUnlock call [printf] add esp,4 End @@: ;Free the memory push 0x4000 1024 [SchedulePtr] call [VirtualFree] cmp eax,0 jnz @f push ErrorFree call [printf] add esp,4 End @@: } macro End { ;Saves Source Space popa pop ebp ret 12 } ;********************************************** ;* Template Code ** ;********************************************** section '.code' code readable executable ;********************************************** PrepareSchedule: ;Initialization push ebp mov ebp,esp pusha ;Parameters mov eax,[ebp+0x8] mov ebx,[ebp+0xC] mov ecx,[ebp+0x10] mov [KeyPtr],eax mov [DataPtr],ebx mov [CryptChoice],ecx ;Allocate Memory push 0x04 0x3000 1024 0 call [VirtualAlloc] cmp eax,0 jnz @f push ErrorAlloc call [printf] add esp,4 EndSchedule End @@: mov [SchedulePtr],eax ;Lock Memory push 1024 eax call [VirtualLock] cmp eax,0 jnz @f push ErrorLock call [printf] add esp,4 EndSchedule End @@: ;User Key -> Schedule mov ecx,8 mov edi,[SchedulePtr] mov esi,[KeyPtr] rep movsd cmp [CryptChoice],0 ;if(Encrypt) jnz .D ;Call Encryption Routine EncryptData EndSchedule End ;Call Decryption Routine .D: DecryptData EndSchedule End ;********************************************** ;* Algorithm Memory Space ** ;********************************************** section '.data' data readable writeable ;********************************************** ;Function Data KeyPtr DD 0 ;User key address DataPtr DD 0 ;User data address SchedulePtr DD 0 ;Base memory address of schedule CryptChoice DD 0 ;Encrypt or decrypt param ;Error strings ErrorAlloc DB 'Could not allocate enough memory',0 ErrorFree DB 'Could not free the memory',0 ErrorLock DB 'Could not lock the memory',0 ErrorUnlock DB 'Could not unlock the memory',0 ;********************************************** ;* Algorithm Constants ** ;********************************************** section '.tdata' data readable writeable ;********************************************** SBox db 063h,07Ch,077h,07Bh,0F2h,06Bh,06Fh,0C5h,030h,001h,067h,02Bh,0FEh,0D7h,0ABh,076h db 0CAh,082h,0C9h,07Dh,0FAh,059h,047h,0F0h,0ADh,0D4h,0A2h,0AFh,09Ch,0A4h,072h,0C0h db 0B7h,0FDh,093h,026h,036h,03Fh,0F7h,0CCh,034h,0A5h,0E5h,0F1h,071h,0D8h,031h,015h db 004h,0C7h,023h,0C3h,018h,096h,005h,09Ah,007h,012h,080h,0E2h,0EBh,027h,0B2h,075h db 009h,083h,02Ch,01Ah,01Bh,06Eh,05Ah,0A0h,052h,03Bh,0D6h,0B3h,029h,0E3h,02Fh,084h db 053h,0D1h,000h,0EDh,020h,0FCh,0B1h,05Bh,06Ah,0CBh,0BEh,039h,04Ah,04Ch,058h,0CFh db 0D0h,0EFh,0AAh,0FBh,043h,04Dh,033h,085h,045h,0F9h,002h,07Fh,050h,03Ch,09Fh,0A8h db 051h,0A3h,040h,08Fh,092h,09Dh,038h,0F5h,0BCh,0B6h,0DAh,021h,010h,0FFh,0F3h,0D2h db 0CDh,00Ch,013h,0ECh,05Fh,097h,044h,017h,0C4h,0A7h,07Eh,03Dh,064h,05Dh,019h,073h db 060h,081h,04Fh,0DCh,022h,02Ah,090h,088h,046h,0EEh,0B8h,014h,0DEh,05Eh,00Bh,0DBh db 0E0h,032h,03Ah,00Ah,049h,006h,024h,05Ch,0C2h,0D3h,0ACh,062h,091h,095h,0E4h,079h db 0E7h,0C8h,037h,06Dh,08Dh,0D5h,04Eh,0A9h,06Ch,056h,0F4h,0EAh,065h,07Ah,0AEh,008h db 0BAh,078h,025h,02Eh,01Ch,0A6h,0B4h,0C6h,0E8h,0DDh,074h,01Fh,04Bh,0BDh,08Bh,08Ah db 070h,03Eh,0B5h,066h,048h,003h,0F6h,00Eh,061h,035h,057h,0B9h,086h,0C1h,01Dh,09Eh db 0E1h,0F8h,098h,011h,069h,0D9h,08Eh,094h,09Bh,01Eh,087h,0E9h,0CEh,055h,028h,0DFh db 08Ch,0A1h,089h,00Dh,0BFh,0E6h,042h,068h,041h,099h,02Dh,00Fh,0B0h,054h,0BBh,016h RCon dd 0x8d,0x01,0x02,0x04,0x08,0x10,0x20,0x40,0x80,0x1b,0x36,0x6c,0xd8,0xab,0x4d,0x9a dd 0x2f,0x5e,0xbc,0x63,0xc6,0x97,0x35,0x6a,0xd4,0xb3,0x7d,0xfa,0xef,0xc5,0x91,0x39 dd 0x72,0xe4,0xd3,0xbd,0x61,0xc2,0x9f,0x25,0x4a,0x94,0x33,0x66,0xcc,0x83,0x1d,0x3a dd 0x74,0xe8,0xcb,0x8d,0x01,0x02,0x04,0x08,0x10,0x20,0x40,0x80,0x1b,0x36,0x6c,0xd8 dd 0xab,0x4d,0x9a,0x2f,0x5e,0xbc,0x63,0xc6,0x97,0x35,0x6a,0xd4,0xb3,0x7d,0xfa,0xef dd 0xc5,0x91,0x39,0x72,0xe4,0xd3,0xbd,0x61,0xc2,0x9f,0x25,0x4a,0x94,0x33,0x66,0xcc dd 0x83,0x1d,0x3a,0x74,0xe8,0xcb,0x8d,0x01,0x02,0x04,0x08,0x10,0x20,0x40,0x80,0x1b dd 0x36,0x6c,0xd8,0xab,0x4d,0x9a,0x2f,0x5e,0xbc,0x63,0xc6,0x97,0x35,0x6a,0xd4,0xb3 dd 0x7d,0xfa,0xef,0xc5,0x91,0x39,0x72,0xe4,0xd3,0xbd,0x61,0xc2,0x9f,0x25,0x4a,0x94 dd 0x33,0x66,0xcc,0x83,0x1d,0x3a,0x74,0xe8,0xcb,0x8d,0x01,0x02,0x04,0x08,0x10,0x20 dd 0x40,0x80,0x1b,0x36,0x6c,0xd8,0xab,0x4d,0x9a,0x2f,0x5e,0xbc,0x63,0xc6,0x97,0x35 dd 0x6a,0xd4,0xb3,0x7d,0xfa,0xef,0xc5,0x91,0x39,0x72,0xe4,0xd3,0xbd,0x61,0xc2,0x9f dd 0x25,0x4a,0x94,0x33,0x66,0xcc,0x83,0x1d,0x3a,0x74,0xe8,0xcb,0x8d,0x01,0x02,0x04 dd 0x08,0x10,0x20,0x40,0x80,0x1b,0x36,0x6c,0xd8,0xab,0x4d,0x9a,0x2f,0x5e,0xbc,0x63 dd 0xc6,0x97,0x35,0x6a,0xd4,0xb3,0x7d,0xfa,0xef,0xc5,0x91,0x39,0x72,0xe4,0xd3,0xbd dd 0x61,0xc2,0x9f,0x25,0x4a,0x94,0x33,0x66,0xcc,0x83,0x1d,0x3a,0x74,0xe8,0xcb ;********************************************** ;* Imported Functions ** ;********************************************** section '.idata' import data readable writeable ;********************************************** library Kernel,'Kernel32.dll',\ Msvcrt,'Msvcrt.dll' import Kernel,\ VirtualAlloc,'VirtualAlloc',\ VirtualFree,'VirtualFree',\ VirtualLock,'VirtualLock',\ VirtualUnlock,'VirtualUnlock' import Msvcrt,\ printf,'printf' ;********************************************** ;* Exported Functions ** ;********************************************** section '.edata' export data readable writeable ;********************************************** export 'Cipher.dll',\ PrepareSchedule,'TestCipher' ;********************************************** ;* Library Relocs ** ;********************************************** section '.reloc' fixups data discardable ;********************************************** Just a little key schedule template I felt like making to test out some ideas. The schedule wrapper is just for making it simpler to inject and edit code into it, like it says in the header comments [EDIT] Solved, apparently fasm didn't like the local label .D: for some reason. I took that off and it was fine. IDK if FASM allows local labels to point to the beginning of a macro, that was probably it. |
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LocoDelAssembly 20 Jan 2008, 01:59
Schedule1 is expanded at least twice and although you used ".W1", the number of scope levels are limited to two (global and local, but no local of local of local...). So, if you replace ".D" with "D" and fix one jump you have there that refers to ".D", your code will compile. with "D" the global label "D.W1" will be defined but if you use ".D" the global label "PrepareSchedule.D" and "PrepareSchedule.W1" are defined instead and the latter will collide with the previous macro expansion (EncryptData).
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AlexP 20 Jan 2008, 02:25
Wow. Thanks loco, I'll remember 2 do that when I try macro's in fasm
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asmrox 20 Jan 2008, 02:43
Quote: Is there any way to delete a thread? NtTerminateThread from ntdll or TerminateThread from kernel32 |
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AlexP 20 Jan 2008, 02:49
Lol I meant in the fasm forums
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LocoDelAssembly 20 Jan 2008, 03:09
I see no reason for deleting it, other people could learn from it.
Note that if you don't need external access to the labels (i.e. the labels are private to the macro), you can use "local" preprocessor directive to assign an unique name each time. I suggest using labels in the form of "..name" since those doesn't affect scope of the callee. (I don't remember if using just a single dot has the same effect when you use labels previously declared with the local directive). |
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AlexP 20 Jan 2008, 04:06
If I'm thinking right, having two dots prefixed means it's treated as a global variable? It doesn't matter much in my specific case, but I will take it in to consideration with larger projects. Thanks!
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LocoDelAssembly 20 Jan 2008, 04:23
Quote: it's treated as a global variable? yes, but does not affect scope Code: ;All works jmp a.c jmp ..b a: jmp .c ..b: .c: jmp ..b Code: jmp a.c ; it is not defined (it is b.c now) jmp b ; ok a: jmp .c ; unreachable from current scope (you need b.c now) b: .c: jmp b ; ok But if you don't need any access to the local labels created by the macros then I see no difference between using one dot and using two. |
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