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Index > Compiler Internals > Strange thing about resources [bug?]

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Joined: 25 Mar 2006
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AsmER 04 Jan 2008, 01:41
I have just found something pretty strange.
When I create resources for my application, using separate section like this:
section 'rs' resource readable writeable
        directory RT_MENU,menus,\
                RT_DIALOG, dialogs,\

        resource menus,\

        resource dialogs,\
                IDD_Options, LANG_ENGLISH, Options_Dlg

        resource icons,\

        resource group_icons,\

        menu main_menu
                menuitem '&Window',0,MFR_POPUP
                        menuitem '&Options',IDC_Options
                        menuitem 'E&xit',IDC_Exit,MFR_END
                menuitem '&About',IDC_About, MFR_END

        icon main_icon,icon_data,'WMIcon.ico'

        dialog Options_Dlg, 'Options', 0, 0, 300, 215, WS_VISIBLE+WS_CAPTION+DS_3DLOOK+WS_SYSMENU, WS_EX_TOPMOST+WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW
                dialogitem 'BUTTON', '',IDOC_Assign, 10, 95, 120, 15, WS_VISIBLE+BS_VCENTER
                dialogitem 'LISTBOX', '', IDOC_Commands, 140, 10, 150, 80, WS_VISIBLE+LBS_NOINTEGRALHEIGHT+WS_BORDER
                dialogitem 'BUTTON', 'Remove Task', IDOC_Remove, 140, 95, 150, 15, WS_VISIBLE
                dialogitem 'BUTTON','NEW TASK', 0, 10, 115, 280, 5, WS_VISIBLE+BS_GROUPBOX+WS_DISABLED
                dialogitem 'STATIC','', IDOC_CtrlName, 10, 130, 120, 35, WS_VISIBLE+WS_BORDER
                dialogitem 'BUTTON','Find Menu', IDOC_Find, 10, 165, 120, 15, WS_VISIBLE
                dialogitem 'BUTTON', 'Add Task', IDOC_Add, 140, 145, 150, 15, WS_VISIBLE
                dialogitem 'BUTTON','', IDOC_Progress, 140, 165, 150, 15, WS_VISIBLE+BS_VCENTER+BS_FLAT+WS_DISABLED
                dialogitem 'STATIC','Every', 1, 140, 130, 40, 15, WS_VISIBLE
                dialogitem 'EDIT','',IDOC_Delay, 165, 130, 30, 10, WS_VISIBLE+ES_NUMBER+WS_BORDER
                dialogitem 'STATIC','min', 0, 200, 130, 30, 10, WS_VISIBLE
                dialogitem 'BUTTON','CLOSE',IDOC_Close, 130, 190, 40, 15, WS_VISIBLE

Everything works perfectly [my application have its menu and all resources working after start].
But when I create just the same resources using data resource directive, and recompile my app. menu is not visible anymore [resource viewers state that resources section in invalid/corrupted]:
data resource
;section 'rs' resource readable writeable
        directory RT_MENU,menus,\
                RT_DIALOG, dialogs,\

        resource menus,\

        resource dialogs,\
                IDD_Options, LANG_ENGLISH, Options_Dlg

        resource icons,\

        resource group_icons,\

        menu main_menu
                menuitem '&Window',0,MFR_POPUP
                        menuitem '&Options',IDC_Options
                        menuitem 'E&xit',IDC_Exit,MFR_END
                menuitem '&About',IDC_About, MFR_END

        icon main_icon,icon_data,'WMIcon.ico'

        dialog Options_Dlg, 'Options', 0, 0, 300, 215, WS_VISIBLE+WS_CAPTION+DS_3DLOOK+WS_SYSMENU, WS_EX_TOPMOST+WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW
                dialogitem 'BUTTON', '',IDOC_Assign, 10, 95, 120, 15, WS_VISIBLE+BS_VCENTER
                dialogitem 'LISTBOX', '', IDOC_Commands, 140, 10, 150, 80, WS_VISIBLE+LBS_NOINTEGRALHEIGHT+WS_BORDER
                dialogitem 'BUTTON', 'Remove Task', IDOC_Remove, 140, 95, 150, 15, WS_VISIBLE
                dialogitem 'BUTTON','NEW TASK', 0, 10, 115, 280, 5, WS_VISIBLE+BS_GROUPBOX+WS_DISABLED
                dialogitem 'STATIC','', IDOC_CtrlName, 10, 130, 120, 35, WS_VISIBLE+WS_BORDER
                dialogitem 'BUTTON','Find Menu', IDOC_Find, 10, 165, 120, 15, WS_VISIBLE
                dialogitem 'BUTTON', 'Add Task', IDOC_Add, 140, 145, 150, 15, WS_VISIBLE
                dialogitem 'BUTTON','', IDOC_Progress, 140, 165, 150, 15, WS_VISIBLE+BS_VCENTER+BS_FLAT+WS_DISABLED
                dialogitem 'STATIC','Every', 1, 140, 130, 40, 15, WS_VISIBLE
                dialogitem 'EDIT','',IDOC_Delay, 165, 130, 30, 10, WS_VISIBLE+ES_NUMBER+WS_BORDER
                dialogitem 'STATIC','min', 0, 200, 130, 30, 10, WS_VISIBLE
                dialogitem 'BUTTON','CLOSE',IDOC_Close, 130, 190, 40, 15, WS_VISIBLE
        ; might as well be here [won't change anything]
        ; icon main_icon,icon_data,'WMIcon.ico'

end data

and now the strangest thing for me: after moving the line which defines the icon, like this:
data resource
        resource group_icons,\

        ;---now its here---
        icon main_icon,icon_data,'WMIcon.ico'     

        menu main_menu
                menuitem '&Window',0,MFR_POPUP
                        menuitem '&Options',IDC_Options
                        menuitem 'E&xit',IDC_Exit,MFR_END
                menuitem '&About',IDC_About, MFR_END 
end data

IT WORKS AGAIN o_O?! I don't know why. Can't find anything in help file about order of definitions that can cause trouble [well, it cant really. it worked before, didn't it?Wink + when I leave icon main_icon,icon_data,'WMIcon.ico' there and use section directive again, it still works]
If i missed anything please infor me ;]

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Post 04 Jan 2008, 01:41
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revolution 04 Jan 2008, 06:47
Check the alignment of the resources.
align 16
data resources
might help. This is just my guess. I haven't tried it.
Post 04 Jan 2008, 06:47
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LocoDelAssembly 04 Jan 2008, 14:24
I always use "align 4" and works but I have no references, it was just a trial an error (and since I used 4 in my first attempt there was no errors Laughing)
Post 04 Jan 2008, 14:24
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AsmER 04 Jan 2008, 14:32
Yeah, I have tried align 4 as well and worked too Very Happy
However I'm not too sure about why it works straight away with section directive... does it add align automatically? Hmmm, I guess I will really need to learn something more about all the things I do not always treat as important x) Thanks for your replays.
-would be nice if fasm could find out whenever such alignment is required or not, and inform about it or just add alignment automatically ;]
Post 04 Jan 2008, 14:32
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LocoDelAssembly 04 Jan 2008, 14:37
Yes, a section is aligned to a page boundary so it is ultra hyper aligned to 4 as well Razz

http://flatassembler.net/docs.php?article=manual#2.4.2 wrote:
section directive defines a new section, it should be followed by quoted string defining the name of section, then one or more section flags can follow. Available flags are: code, data, readable, writeable, executable, shareable, discardable, notpageable. The origin of section is aligned to page (4096 bytes). Example declaration of PE section:

section '.text' code readable executable

Post 04 Jan 2008, 14:37
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