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Index > Windows > Why doesn't process terminate?

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Joined: 21 Jul 2003
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bitRAKE 01 Apr 2008, 02:59
itsnobody wrote:
Here it is works perfectly without a useless wasted parent window...
I just had to import 2 functions and add a variable
Nice solution - appears to work well.

¯\(°_o)/¯ “languages are not safe - uses can be” Bjarne Stroustrup
Post 01 Apr 2008, 02:59
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itsnobody 01 Apr 2008, 03:13
bitRAKE wrote:
itsnobody wrote:
Here it is works perfectly without a useless wasted parent window...
I just had to import 2 functions and add a variable
Nice solution - appears to work well.


There still might be some better solution somewhere
Post 01 Apr 2008, 03:13
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bitRAKE 01 Apr 2008, 04:42
Lessthan 1k without compression is pretty good. Laughing
(yeah, I was board and this is more fun than TV.)
hInstance = $100000

format PE GUI 4.0 at hInstance
;       Reserve,        Commit
stack   $1000,          $1000
heap    $10000,         $10000

section '.bitRAKE' code import readable executable writeable 

dd 0,0,0, RVA kernel_name,   RVA kernel_table 
dd 0,0,0, RVA user_name,     RVA user_table 
dd 0,0,0, RVA atl_name,      RVA atl_table 
dd 0,0,0, 0,                 0 

        __ExitProcess      dd RVA _ExitProcess
        dd 0
        __CallWindowProc   dd RVA _CallWindowProc
        __CreateWindowExA  dd RVA _CreateWindowExA
        __DispatchMessageA dd RVA _DispatchMessageA
        __GetMessageA      dd RVA _GetMessageA
        __SendMessageA     dd RVA _SendMessageA
        __GetSystemMetrics dd RVA _GetSystemMetrics
        __MessageBoxA      dd RVA _MessageBoxA
        __SetWindowLong    dd RVA _SetWindowLong
        dd 0
        __AtlAxWinInit     dd RVA _AtlAxWinInit
        dd 0

include "WIN32AX.INC"

        label .uMsg dword at esp+8

        cmp [.uMsg],WM_DESTROY
        pop eax
        je @F
        db $68 ; push imm32
  .old: dd hInstance
        push eax
        jmp [__CallWindowProc]

_Failed   db "Failed",0

Fail:   lea eax,[_Failed-(_AtlAxWinInit+2)+ebx]
        push ebx
        push eax ; push _Failed
        push ebp
        call [MessageBoxA]

@@:     push 0
        call [__ExitProcess]

_AtlAxWinInit: db 0,0,"AtlAxWinInit",0

;label ExitProcess      dword at ebx+__ExitProcess     -(_AtlAxWinInit+2)
;label CallWindowProc   dword at ebx+__CallWindowProc  -(_AtlAxWinInit+2)
label CreateWindowExA  dword at ebx+__CreateWindowExA -(_AtlAxWinInit+2)
label DispatchMessageA dword at ebx+__DispatchMessageA-(_AtlAxWinInit+2)
label GetMessageA      dword at ebx+__GetMessageA     -(_AtlAxWinInit+2)
label SendMessageA     dword at ebx+__SendMessageA    -(_AtlAxWinInit+2)
label GetSystemMetrics dword at ebx+__GetSystemMetrics-(_AtlAxWinInit+2)
label MessageBoxA      dword at ebx+__MessageBoxA     -(_AtlAxWinInit+2)
label SetWindowLong    dword at ebx+__SetWindowLong   -(_AtlAxWinInit+2)
label AtlAxWinInit     dword at ebx+__AtlAxWinInit    -(_AtlAxWinInit+2)

entry $
        mov ebx,_AtlAxWinInit+2
        xchg eax,ebp ;xor ebp,ebp
        call [AtlAxWinInit]
        xchg eax,ecx
        jecxz Fail

        push ebp        ; CreateWindowExA.lParam
        ; CreateWindowExA.hInstance
        push dword [ebx+DestroyProc.old-(_AtlAxWinInit+2)]
        push ebp        ; CreateWindowExA.hMenu
        push ebp        ; CreateWindowExA.hParent

        push SM_CYSCREEN
        call [GetSystemMetrics]
        push eax        ; CreateWindowExA.Height

        push ebp ; SM_CXSCREEN
        call [GetSystemMetrics]
        push eax        ; CreateWindowExA.Width

        mov [ebx+8],ebp

        lea eax,[_url-(_AtlAxWinInit+2)+ebx]
        lea esi,[ebx+DestroyProc-(_AtlAxWinInit+2)]
        push ebp        ; CreateWindowExA.Y
        push ebp        ; CreateWindowExA.X
        push eax ; _url ; CreateWindowExA.Title
        push ebx        ; CreateWindowExA.Class
        call [CreateWindowExA]

        push esi
        push GWL_WNDPROC
        push eax
        xchg eax,esi
        call [SetWindowLong]
        ; seems dangerous to set this after the fact
        mov [ebx+DestroyProc.old-(_AtlAxWinInit+2)],eax

        ; reuse EBX for MSG structure
.get:   push ebp
        push ebp
        push ebp
        push ebx
        call [GetMessageA]
        xchg eax,ecx
        jecxz @B

        push ebx
        push ebp
        push $37F ; WM_FORWARDMSG
        push esi
        call [SendMessageA]
        test eax,eax
        jne .get

        push ebx
        call [DispatchMessageA]
        jmp .get


_url db "http://board.flatassembler.net",0


kernel_name db 'KERNEL32',0 
user_name   db 'USER32',0 
atl_name    db "ATL",0 

_ExitProcess      db 0,0,'ExitProcess',0 

_CreateWindowExA  db 0,0,'CreateWindowExA',0
_DispatchMessageA db 0,0,'DispatchMessageA',0
_GetMessageA      db 0,0,'GetMessageA',0
_SendMessageA     db 0,0,'SendMessageA',0
_GetSystemMetrics db 0,0,'GetSystemMetrics',0 
_MessageBoxA      db 0,0,'MessageBoxA',0 
_SetWindowLong    db 0,0,'SetWindowLongA',0
_CallWindowProc   db 0,0,'CallWindowProcA',0    
(24 bytes to spare for longer URLs.)

The accellerator keys don't work (need to send WM_FORWARDMSG to have ATL process messages).

Edit: I've fixed the message processing to support accellerators. Quite a bit more work to keep it under 1k - still more bytes to spare. Enjoy. Razz

Edit, again: shaved off some more bytes, made code more concise...

¯\(°_o)/¯ “languages are not safe - uses can be” Bjarne Stroustrup

Last edited by bitRAKE on 11 Apr 2008, 20:33; edited 1 time in total
Post 01 Apr 2008, 04:42
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Joined: 21 Jul 2003
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Location: vpcmpistri
bitRAKE 01 Apr 2008, 17:00
ShowHTMLDialog works with some Flash files, for example:

Haven't found a way to embed the Flash file in the resource section, yet. Figure it's something silly like needing full path name.

Description: http://lightforce.freestuff.gr/ FullHex game.
Filename: FullHex.rar
Filesize: 1.27 KB
Downloaded: 142 Time(s)

¯\(°_o)/¯ “languages are not safe - uses can be” Bjarne Stroustrup
Post 01 Apr 2008, 17:00
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