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computerex 02 Dec 2007, 22:25
Hi. I have just started learning assembly. I can code in c++, and I know a fair bit of win32 programming. I have been reading the FASM documentation, and the tutorial, but I learn better from looking at examples.

This code here I modified from the DIALOG example. The idea is that a user enters a number in the text field, and the dialog box adds a hard coded value to that number, 10, in this case, and spits it back to the user using a message box. Except this is spitting back eratic values. What is wrong?

Also, in the declaration of the "field" double word, what does the 10h stand for? I just saw it in an example. Embarassed

include 'win32ax.inc'


field dw 10h



        invoke  GetModuleHandle,0
        invoke  DialogBoxParam,eax,37,HWND_DESKTOP,DialogProc,0
        or      eax,eax
        jz      exit
        invoke  ExitProcess,0

.end start

proc DialogProc hwnddlg,msg,wparam,lparam
        push    ebx esi edi
        cmp     [msg],WM_COMMAND
        je      .wmcommand
        cmp     [msg],WM_CLOSE
        je      .wmclose
        xor     eax,eax
        jmp     .finish
        cmp     [wparam],BN_CLICKED shl 16 + IDOK
        je      .display
        jmp     .processed

        invoke  GetDlgItemText,[hwnddlg], 10, field, 10h
        add     [field],10
        invoke  MessageBox, HWND_DESKTOP, field, "caption", MB_OK
        jmp     .processed
        invoke  EndDialog,[hwnddlg],0
        mov     eax,1
        pop     edi esi ebx

section '.rsrc' resource data readable

  directory RT_DIALOG,dialogs
  resource dialogs,\

  dialog demonstration,'Add',70,70,190,175,WS_CAPTION+WS_POPUP+WS_SYSMENU+DS_MODALFRAME
    dialogitem 'EDIT','',10,10,20,170,13,WS_VISIBLE+WS_BORDER+WS_TABSTOP
Post 02 Dec 2007, 22:25
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vid 02 Dec 2007, 22:59
problem is here
  invoke  MessageBox, HWND_DESKTOP, field, "caption", MB_OK     

second parameter of MessageBox is pointer to string. You pass number instead of pointer to string. You must first convert number to string, and only then you can use it.
Post 02 Dec 2007, 22:59
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computerex 02 Dec 2007, 23:18
Any idea how to do that? I wish I had sprintf or itoa in assembly. Confused
Post 02 Dec 2007, 23:18
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vid 03 Dec 2007, 00:18
You do. Just link to "msvcrt.dll", and call those functions from there.

As an alternative, there is assembly library FASMLIB (written by me...) that provides this functionality too: fasmlib.x86asm.net
Post 03 Dec 2007, 00:18
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handyman 03 Dec 2007, 00:27
use 'cinvoke wsprintf, ...'. Be sure to check out the formatting string definitions for the wsprinf. put formatting string in a data string and use pointer to it in command. In assembly all cinvoke, invoke, and stdcall commands use pointers to strings (if used) and not the actual strings for the call since these are macro commands that actually do parameter value pushes to the stack to pass data values/locations to the called process.
Post 03 Dec 2007, 00:27
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vid 03 Dec 2007, 00:52
isn't wsprintf for wide-char (UTF16) strings?
Post 03 Dec 2007, 00:52
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LocoDelAssembly 03 Dec 2007, 01:21
No, but you can use wsprintfW if you want wide-char.
Post 03 Dec 2007, 01:21
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computerex 03 Dec 2007, 01:34
Thanks for the replies. I tried wsprintf, and it gives even more eratic results. Entering a 3 gives 4198400. Maybe there is an overflow going on here?


field  dw 10h
buff   rb 100
fmt    db '%i',0  

; snipping 
Within the dialog's message handling procedure:

        invoke  GetDlgItemText,[hwnddlg], 10, field, 10h
        add     [field],10
        cinvoke  wsprintf, buff, fmt, field
        invoke  MessageBox, HWND_DESKTOP, buff, "caption", MB_OK    

Post 03 Dec 2007, 01:34
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LocoDelAssembly 03 Dec 2007, 01:49
Oh yes, you have passed a pointer to the variable rather than the actual integer value, this is the correct call
cinvoke  wsprintf, buff, fmt, [field]    

Apart of null-terminated strings I can't remember another data type that must be passed as pointer to wsprintf.
Post 03 Dec 2007, 01:49
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computerex 03 Dec 2007, 01:59
I read the msdn page on wsprintf, and at first did give the last argument as an object rather then a pointer, but that led to my message box looking like this:

Can anyone just give me the corrected code? Wink
One this I really like about FASM is how easy and quick it is to start a project/build. In VC6 you have to mess with the thing for 15 minutes...
Post 03 Dec 2007, 01:59
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vid 03 Dec 2007, 02:09
In VC6 you have to mess with the thing for 15 minutes...

In VS6, eg. Visual Studio IDE. You can still fuck off the IDE, and use compiler directly, or with different IDE (Code::Blocks).
Post 03 Dec 2007, 02:09
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computerex 03 Dec 2007, 03:59
vid wrote:
In VC6 you have to mess with the thing for 15 minutes...

In VS6, eg. Visual Studio IDE. You can still fuck off the IDE, and use compiler directly, or with different IDE (Code::Blocks).

Yeah, but the IDE is nice. Intellisense is useful. The debugger isn't bad either.

Anyway, still stuck on that simple program...How the heck do I make it add two numbers and spit the result back onto the screen? I have new found respect for assembly programmers...I can't even make it add two numbers, even while using an advance assembler like FASM. Crying or Very sad
Post 03 Dec 2007, 03:59
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kohlrak 03 Dec 2007, 06:22
You need null termination. It's like throwing a '\0' and the end of a char array in C++. It's how the computer knows to stop printing the string.

invoke  MessageBox, HWND_DESKTOP, buff, "caption", MB_OK      

Should become:

invoke  MessageBox, HWND_DESKTOP, buff, <"caption",0>, MB_OK      


caption db "caption", 0 ;Note the null (0) termination (decleration of end). This belongs in the datat section, the second belongs in the code section.
invoke  MessageBox, HWND_DESKTOP, buff, caption, MB_OK     

For hex numbers, it's just a loop taking off 4 bits (1 hex digit) and converting it 0 to F then adding to it to reach a corrisponding value (look at charmap), which is pretty easy. You could declare a 9 byte array, making the last one a 0. Like below.

Data section:
output db 9 dup(0) ;9 bytes (chars) all initialized with 0

;This code is for converting, it goes before the printing. You don't seem to be using ebx, edx and ecx, so i'll use that instead of eax, but normally you'd use what you're not using for this.

mov ecx, 8
mov ebx, 0 ;gotta make sure it's clear.
mov bx, [field]
mov edx, ebx
and edx, 0xF ;4 bits from the right are kept to be worked with
add edx, 0x30
mov [output-1+ecx], dl ;DL is edx's furthest right byte, which needs to be the same size as what we're moving to.
shr ebx, 4 ;4 bits erased and to the next 4 bits next time around
loop convertloop
Post 03 Dec 2007, 06:22
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LocoDelAssembly 03 Dec 2007, 15:26
No kohlrak, the string gets null-terminated automatically...

computerex, it is very funny what happened here, but have you realized that you requested the edit box's text and hence the number is already a string?

This would print your number (any content actually)
        invoke  GetDlgItemText,[hwnddlg], 10, buff, 100  
        invoke  MessageBox, HWND_DESKTOP, buff, "caption", MB_OK    

Now, to do what you originally requested, wsprintf won't never help to convert the string to integer, and win32 API does not provide wsprinft counterpart (or it does?).

Well, here my code, I hope it works good
include 'win32ax.inc'


fmt    db '%d',0

field  dd ?
buff   rb 100



        invoke  GetModuleHandle,0 
        invoke  DialogBoxParam,eax,37,HWND_DESKTOP,DialogProc,0 
        or      eax,eax 
        jz      exit 
        invoke  ExitProcess,0 

.end start 

proc DialogProc hwnddlg,msg,wparam,lparam 
        push    ebx esi edi 
        cmp     [msg],WM_COMMAND 
        je      .wmcommand 
        cmp     [msg],WM_CLOSE 
        je      .wmclose 
        xor     eax,eax 
        jmp     .finish 
        cmp     [wparam],BN_CLICKED shl 16 + IDOK 
        je      .display 
        jmp     .processed 

        mov     esi, buff
        invoke  GetDlgItemText,[hwnddlg], 10, esi, 100

        xor     edx, edx
        xor     eax, eax
        jmp     .loadChar

          sub     al, '0'
          cmp     al, 9
          ja      .invalidInput

          imul    edx, 10
          jc      .numberTooBig

          add     edx, eax

          lods    byte [esi]
          test    al, al
          jnz     .strToIntLoop

        add     edx, 10 ; Could overflow so if you don't want modular arithmetic then add post-check
        mov     [field], edx

        cinvoke wsprintf, buff, fmt, edx
        invoke  MessageBox, HWND_DESKTOP, buff, "caption", MB_OK
        jmp     .processed

          invoke  MessageBox, HWND_DESKTOP, "Invalid input", "Error", MB_OK
          jmp     .processed

        .numberTooBig: ; Will be triggered on cases like 123456789123456789erhigufehi too...
          invoke  MessageBox, HWND_DESKTOP, "Number too big", "Error", MB_OK
          jmp     .processed

        invoke  EndDialog,[hwnddlg],0 
        mov     eax,1 
        pop     edi esi ebx 

section '.rsrc' resource data readable 

  directory RT_DIALOG,dialogs 
  resource dialogs,\ 

  dialog demonstration,'Add',70,70,190,175,WS_CAPTION+WS_POPUP+WS_SYSMENU+DS_MODALFRAME 
    dialogitem 'EDIT','',10,10,20,170,13,WS_VISIBLE+WS_BORDER+WS_TABSTOP
Post 03 Dec 2007, 15:26
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vid 03 Dec 2007, 16:36
Post 03 Dec 2007, 16:36
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LocoDelAssembly 03 Dec 2007, 17:19
That would mean using CRT and the standard package does not provide any headers for it. But, what is the problem on using wsprintf anyway? Perhaps do you mean sscanf to avoid converting the number yourself? The problem of lacking of proper headers still exist with this one. Such headers will be available on the community package for sure, though Wink
Post 03 Dec 2007, 17:19
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handyman 04 Dec 2007, 00:49

Another way to get integer numbers to the screen is to use 'SetDlgItemInt'

I use this in the prime number program source that I posted at


Please use the code at the bottom of the post list, not the first one.
Post 04 Dec 2007, 00:49
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LocoDelAssembly 04 Dec 2007, 01:09
hoho, how simple Very Happy And of course also exists GetDlgItemInt so there is no need for conversion loop anymore.

I leave the links for reference:
Post 04 Dec 2007, 01:09
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computerex 05 Dec 2007, 03:45
Excellent! Thanks for the help guys, finally got a working version! Unfortunately it only works for integers. Entering a real number causes GetDlgInt to fail. Next step is to find out how to use sprintf in FASM!


include 'win32ax.inc'


succes db ?
buff   dd ?
fmt    db '%d',0


        invoke  GetModuleHandle,0
        invoke  DialogBoxParam,eax,37,HWND_DESKTOP,DialogProc,0
        or      eax,eax
        jz      exit
        invoke  ExitProcess,0

.end start

proc DialogProc hwnddlg,msg,wparam,lparam
        push    ebx esi edi
        cmp     [msg],WM_COMMAND
        je      .wmcommand
        cmp     [msg],WM_CLOSE
        je      .wmclose
        xor     eax,eax
        jmp     .finish
        cmp     [wparam],BN_CLICKED shl 16 + IDOK
        je      .display
        jmp     .processed

        invoke  GetDlgItemInt,[hwnddlg], 10, succes, TRUE
        cmp     [succes], TRUE
        jne     .error
        mov     edx,eax
        add     edx,10
        invoke  wsprintf, buff, fmt, edx
        invoke  MessageBox, HWND_DESKTOP, buff, "caption", MB_OK
        jmp     .processed
        invoke  MessageBox, HWND_DESKTOP, "You have entered a real number", "Error!", MB_OK+MB_ICONEXCLAMATION
        jmp     .processed
        invoke  EndDialog,[hwnddlg],0
        mov     eax,1
        pop     edi esi ebx

section '.rsrc' resource data readable

  directory RT_DIALOG,dialogs
  resource dialogs,\

  dialog demonstration,'Add',70,70,190,175,WS_CAPTION+WS_POPUP+WS_SYSMENU+DS_MODALFRAME
    dialogitem 'EDIT','',10,10,20,170,13,WS_VISIBLE+WS_BORDER+WS_TABSTOP
Post 05 Dec 2007, 03:45
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