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Index > Macroinstructions > efficient proc/endp and push/pop macros (32bit only)

Are those macros overkill?
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Joined: 21 Aug 2004
Posts: 602
Location: Germany
MCD 29 Oct 2007, 10:52
Hi, I was working on some more advanced and efficient "proc"/"endp" and "push"/"pop" macros the last weeks.

Especially in 32bit code, you have the problems of high register presure and wasting register "ebp" if you have some arguments in "stdcall", so I used to use "ebp" for other purposes and access parameters/local variables via "esp" instead of "ebp".
Also, there is no code that saves and restores ebp in the prolog/epilog of a procedure.
I used to call this calling convention "efficient call", because it is 1.) a little faster and 2.) smaller than stdcall.

Unfortunately, you must keep track of the parameter by using different immediates when accessing them, so [esp+4] is the first paramter at the entry of the procedure, but if you do any "push", you will have to adjust this to [esp+i] with i>4.
Why don't I use registers for such parameters? They actually cause more overhead because you would have to save the registers with the parameters anyway, this is at least true for bigger procedures. For smaller procedures, I usually inline them completely with macros or use jumps instead, which is again completely different.

Another problem I had is that I wanted to switch between native register saving "push eax,edx.." and the more explicit register saving "sub esp,X mov [esp+x],eax mov [esp+x],edx..." and all the procedures in the code by changin just 1 preprocessor option for optimizing.

These macros are intended for 32bit code only, this is mostly due to the fact that in 16bit mode you can't use "sp" to access the stack and in 64bit mode the register pressure is much lower, thus neglecting the need to free "rbp".

also these macro extend the "push" and "pop" instructions to allow you to
"push"/"pop" directly:
1.) immediates and memory of size qwords
2.) memory of size dqword
3.) MMX and SSE-registers and linear ranges of such registers

Still these macros lack some important features, especially:
1.) allocating local variables inside a "proc endp" block must still be done manually
2.) the pushing and popping of multiple registers with non native "push"/"pop"s doesn't yet merge the "esp" incrementing into 1 instruction, which is quiet unoptimized
But both of these are in the TODO list

Another drawback is that those macros make the preprocessor and assembler consume an almost unacceptable amount of memory.

Tomasz, isn't there any way to tell fasm to deallocate memory?
Especially for unused symbolic constants (restore) and macros (purge), I uses them in the debugging version, but it turned that although they restore symbols and macros, they doesn't deallocate anything. This is especially bad for larger projects Sad

;General Options:

;show some general hints?
define      show_hints      true

;Options for the push and pop macros:

;if set to "true", use native "push" and "pop" instructions when possible.
;if set to "false", code all "push" and "pop" instructions with "mov"s,
;which will increase code size, but might run faster on some CPUs.
define       native_pushpop  true

;what sse mov instruction variant to use for non-native "push"/"pop"s.
;reasonable values are
;for SSE1+:     movups
;for SSE2+:       movups, movupd, movdqu
;the movaXX instructions would be possible, but this requires some
;stack aligning work, which is quiet difficult and inefficient on a per
;register basis
define       sse_mov movups

;don't modify the flags when working on the stack?
;this is only relevant for non-native "push"/"pop"s,
;as native ones always preserve the flags (except the popf).
;should be set to true, unless you know what you are doing and to save some
;code size.
;Note that yo can still save the flags with "pushf" at some point and restore
;them when needed with "popf", but the flags will be destroyed inside
;the "pushf" "popf" block from the beginning!
define        preserve_stack_flags    true

;Options to the proc, save, return, endp and call macros:

;If the code size of the restoring part is above this value, then all "return"s
;will simply perform jmps to the "endp" epilog.
;Else each "return" will have it's own register restoring part.
;Useful for doing performance/size tradeoffs.
define       max_code_size_inline_return     1

;use mmx/sse instructions to optimize non-native prolog and epilog even when no
;mmx/sse registers have been specified. This is currently not implemented,
;but this may become useful in the future for optimizing savings/restorings
;of multiple large memory operands.
;mmx/sse instructions are nevertheless always used when explicitly saving
;mm? or xmm? registers
;define  implicit_mmx    off
;define  implicit_sse    off;off sse1 sse2 sse3

\t       fix 0x9
\n  fix 0xA

macro    displn  [txt] {
  match all, txt \{
    display   txt
  display        \n

virtual    at      0
   lldt    [eax]
  load .prefix0        from 0
end virtual
if .prefix0 = 0x67
  displn 'error: program not compiled with use32!'
end if

macro  _add_esp        acc {
;;;TODO: merge the stack pointer increments of multiple register pushs/pops
;into 1 increment to save size and speed (if the registers are in 1 line only)
;I know how to do this, just haven't got enough time yet. Will be fixed ASAP
  if preserve_stack_flags eq true
       lea     esp,[esp+acc]
    if acc < 0
        sub     esp,-acc
        add     esp,acc
    end if
  end if

macro        _pu     arg {
local     op, size
  size      equ
  op     equ arg
  last_push_size= 4

  match first rest, arg \{
    size      equ first
    op             equ rest
    last_push_size= -1

  match =dqword, size \{ last_push_size= 16 \}
  match   =qword , size \{ last_push_size= 8 \}
  match    =dword , size \{ last_push_size= 4 \}
  match    =word  , size \{ last_push_size= 2 \}                               ;WORD
  if op in <ax,cx,dx,bx,sp,bp,si,di>;,cs,ss,ds,es,fs,gs                  ;WORD
    last_push_size= 2                                                  ;WORD
  end if                                                               ;WORD

  if last_push_size = 2                                            ;HINT & WORD
    match   =true, show_hints \{                              ;HINT & WORD
      displn 'hint: pushing words may cause stack-alignment'#\       ;HINT & WORD
         ' errors on some 32bit systems.'                 ;HINT & WORD
    \}                                                                ;HINT & WORD
  end if                                                    ;HINT & WORD

  if op eq flags
    if size eq | size eq dword
    else if size eq word                                               ;WORD
       pushfw                                                          ;WORD
    else;all other sizes aren't supported
 pushd   arg
    end if

    rept       8       i:0 \{
  else if op eq mm\#i
    last_push_size= 8
 _add_esp        -last_push_size
     movq    size [esp],op
  else if op eq xmm\#i
    last_push_size= 16
  _add_esp        -last_push_size
     sse_mov size [esp],op
  else if op eqtype 0 | op eqtype "" | op eqtype 1.0
    if last_push_size = -1 | size eq dqword
      pushd   arg
    end if
    if (size eq & op >= -0x80000000 & op <= 0xFFFFFFFF) | arg eqtype 1.0 \
    | size eq dword
      if native_pushpop eq true
    push    arg
   _add_esp        -last_push_size
     mov     dword [esp],op
      end if
    else if size eq word                                              ;WORD
      if native_pushpop eq true                                                ;WORD
       pushw   op                                                      ;WORD
      else                                                             ;WORD
       _add_esp        -last_push_size                                 ;WORD
       mov     word [esp],op                                           ;WORD
      end if                                                           ;WORD
    else;if size eq qword
      last_push_size= 8
local  tmp
      tmp= arg
      if native_pushpop eq true
    push    tmp shr 32
  push    tmp and 0xFFFFFFFF
    _add_esp        -last_push_size
     mov     dword [esp],tmp and 0xFFFFFFFF
      mov     dword [esp+4],tmp shr 32
      end if
    end if
  else if op eqtype [ebx]
    match        addr], op \{
      if size eq dqword
   push    dword addr+12]
  push    dword addr+8]
   push    dword addr+4]
   push    dword addr]
      else if size eq qword
      push    dword addr+4]
   push    dword addr]
      else if size eq word                                           ;WORD
       pushw   arg                                                     ;WORD
 push    arg
      end if
  else if native_pushpop eq false;if op eqtype eax
   _add_esp        -last_push_size
     mov     [esp],arg
 push    arg
  end if

macro  _po     arg {
local     op, size
  size      equ
  op     equ arg
  last_pop_size= 4

  match first rest, arg \{
    size       equ first
    op             equ rest
    last_pop_size= -1

  match  =dqword, size \{ last_pop_size= 16 \}
  match    =qword , size \{ last_pop_size= 8 \}
  match     =dword , size \{ last_pop_size= 4 \}
  match     =word  , size \{ last_pop_size= 2 \}                                ;WORD
  if op in <ax,cx,dx,bx,sp,bp,si,di>;,cs,ss,ds,es,fs,gs                  ;WORD
    last_pop_size= 2                                                   ;WORD
  end if                                                               ;WORD

  if last_pop_size eq 2                                            ;HINT & WORD
    match   =true, show_hints \{                              ;HINT & WORD
      displn 'hint: popping words may cause stack-alignment'#\       ;HINT & WORD
         ' errors on some 32bit systems.'                 ;HINT & WORD
    \}                                                                ;HINT & WORD
  end if                                                    ;HINT & WORD

  if op eq flags
    if size eq | size eq dword
    else if size eq word                                                ;WORD
       popfw                                                           ;WORD
    else;all other sizes aren't supported
 popd    arg
    end if

    rept       8       i:0 \{
  else if op eq mm\#i
    last_pop_size= 8
  _add_esp        last_pop_size
       movq    op,size [esp]
  else if op eq xmm\#i
    last_pop_size= 16
   _add_esp        last_pop_size
       sse_mov op,size [esp]
  else if op eqtype [ebx]
    match addr], op \{
      if size eq dqword
   pop     dword addr]
     pop     dword addr+4]
   pop     dword addr+8]
   pop     dword addr+12]
      else if size eq qword
   pop     dword addr]
     pop     dword addr+4]
      else if size eq word                                         ;WORD
       popw    arg                                                     ;WORD
 pop     arg
      end if
  else if native_pushpop eq false;if op eqtype eax
   _add_esp        last_pop_size
       mov     arg,[esp]
 pop     arg
  end if

macro  _parse_args     sngl_m,mult_m, [arg] {
;here goes da big preprocessor parser, the match of your life!
local        not_symb, size_prefix, cat_stat, cat
  ;off  flank_on        on      flank_off       flank_tmp
  define   cat_stat        off
  irps   i, arg \{
    match    =true, size_prefix \\{
      define   not_symb        false
      match    [, i \\\{ define not_symb true \\\}
      match  =false, not_symb \\\{
       cat     equ cat i
   define  cat_stat        flank_off

    define     size_prefix     false
    match      =off, cat_stat \\{
      match        [   , i \\\{ define cat_stat flank_on \\\}
      match   =dword  , i \\\{ define cat_stat flank_tmp \\\}
      match  =qword  , i \\\{ define cat_stat flank_tmp \\\}
      match  =dqword , i \\\{ define cat_stat flank_tmp \\\}
      ;not recommended though
      match =byte   , i \\\{ define cat_stat flank_tmp \\\}
      match  =word   , i \\\{ define cat_stat flank_tmp \\\}
      match  =fword  , i \\\{ define cat_stat flank_tmp \\\}
      match  =tword  , i \\\{ define cat_stat flank_tmp \\\}
    match  =flank_tmp, cat_stat \\{
      define size_prefix     true
      define    cat_stat        flank_on

    define    not_symb        false
    match      =,, i \\{ define not_symb true \\}
    match   =false, not_symb \\{
      match      =on, cat_stat \\\{
  match   all, cat \\\\{ cat equ all\\\\#i \\\\}
      match       =flank_on, cat_stat \\\{
    cat     equ i
       define  cat_stat        on
      match ], i \\\{ define cat_stat flank_off \\\}

      match =off, cat_stat \\\{ sngl_m i \\\}
      match        =flank_off, cat_stat \\\{
   mult_m  cat
 define  cat_stat        off

;offset of first argument within current stack frame at the beginning of proc
define      _proc_args_ofs  4
;size of 1 pushed argument on stack
define      _proc_arg_size  4

;name of current procedure
;setup by "proc" macro, should be treated readonly by actual code
.proc_name        equ

.._proc_prolog= -0x100000000

macro    proc    name,[arg] {
  .proc_name       equ name

  _args_size    equ 0
  .args_ofs= _proc_args_ofs

  .saved_regs       equ
  .saved_regs_size= 0

  match     all, arg \{
    ;args arg, the angry pirat!
    .\#arg  equ esp+.args_ofs + _args_size
    _args_size        equ _proc_arg_size + _args_size
  .args_size= _args_size

  .._proc_prolog= $

  if defined .epilog                                                      ;SYNTAX
    .saved_regs_code_size= ._after_epilog - .epilog - 1
  else                                                                    ;SYNTAX
    displn   'error: missing "endp"'                                 ;SYNTAX
  end if                                                             ;SYNTAX

macro  _save_sngl      op {
  if op eqtype eax | op eq flags                                   ;SYNTAX
     _pu     op
    .saved_regs_size= .saved_regs_size + last_push_size
    .saved_regs        equ op .saved_regs
  else                                                                    ;SYNTAX
    displn   'error: can only save registers, memory '# \             ;SYNTAX
             'or flags, skipping argument'                         ;SYNTAX
  end if                                                             ;SYNTAX
macro      _save_mult      op {
local      m
  if op eqtype dword [ebx] | cat eq dword flags | cat eq word flags \
  | cat eqtype dword eax | op eqtype [ebx]                               ;SYNTAX
     _pu     op
    .saved_regs_size= .saved_regs_size + last_push_size
    .saved_regs        equ m .saved_regs
    match  all, op \{ define m all \}
  else                                                                        ;SYNTAX
    displn   'error: can only save registers, memory '# \             ;SYNTAX
             'or flags, skipping argument'                         ;SYNTAX
  end if
macro  save    [arg] {
  if $ - .._proc_prolog <> 0
    displn      'error: "save" statement not directly after "proc"'   ;SYNTAX
    ;"save" is not allowed in the middle of procedures 'cause neither     ;SYNTAX
    ;preprocessor nor assembler would know how often each "save" would     ;SYNTAX
    ;actually get executed.                                          ;SYNTAX
    ;They wouldn't know how to change arg_ofs and thus                      ;SYNTAX
    ;all argument symbols may get broken!                            ;SYNTAX
    _parse_args    _save_sngl,_save_mult, arg
    match      name, .proc_name \{ name equ @b \}

    .args_ofs= .args_ofs + .saved_regs_size
  end if

macro    _do_epilog {
  match    all, .saved_regs \{
  irps     i, all \\{
    if i eqtype eax | i eq flags | i eqtype dword [ebx] \
    | i eq dword flags | i eq word flags | i eqtype dword eax | i eqtype [ebx]
   _po     i
    end if
  if .args_size = 0
       ret     .args_size
  end if

macro   return {
  if ~.proc_name eq
    if .saved_regs_code_size > max_code_size_inline_return
       jmp     .epilog
    end if
  else                                                                 ;HINT
    match      =true, show_hints \{                                      ;HINT
      displn 'hint: superfluous "return"'                              ;HINT
    \}                                                                   ;HINT
  end if

macro        endp {
  if ~.proc_name eq
    .saved_regs  equ
    .proc_name   equ
local    tmp
  else                                                                       ;HINT
    match =true, show_hints \{ displn 'hint: superfluous "endp"' \}        ;HINT
  end if

macro        call    proc,[arg] {
;;;TODO: add optional parameter count checking
  if ~ arg eq
       _pu     arg
  end if
   call    proc

pword     equ fword
tbyte      equ tword
oword      equ dqword
xword     equ dqword

;some shortcuts, handy for pushing and popping registers
;we must use "fix" because of the commas
mm0..0      fix mm0                                                 ;OPTIONAL
mm0..1     fix mm0,mm1                                             ;OPTIONAL
mm0..2     fix mm0,mm1,mm2
mm0..3       fix mm0,mm1,mm2,mm3
mm0..4   fix mm0,mm1,mm2,mm3,mm4
mm0..5       fix mm0,mm1,mm2,mm3,mm4,mm5
mm0..6   fix mm0,mm1,mm2,mm3,mm4,mm5,mm6
mm0..7       fix mm0,mm1,mm2,mm3,mm4,mm5,mm6,mm7
mm1..1   fix mm1                                                 ;OPTIONAL
mm1..2     fix mm1,mm2                                             ;OPTIONAL
mm1..3     fix mm1,mm2,mm3
mm1..4       fix mm1,mm2,mm3,mm4
mm1..5   fix mm1,mm2,mm3,mm4,mm5
mm1..6       fix mm1,mm2,mm3,mm4,mm5,mm6
mm1..7   fix mm1,mm2,mm3,mm4,mm5,mm6,mm7
mm2..2       fix mm2                                                 ;OPTIONAL
mm2..3     fix mm2,mm3                                             ;OPTIONAL
mm2..4     fix mm2,mm3,mm4
mm2..5       fix mm2,mm3,mm4,mm5
mm2..6   fix mm2,mm3,mm4,mm5,mm6
mm2..7       fix mm2,mm3,mm4,mm5,mm6,mm7
mm3..3   fix mm3                                                 ;OPTIONAL
mm3..4     fix mm3,mm4                                             ;OPTIONAL
mm3..5     fix mm3,mm4,mm5
mm3..6       fix mm3,mm4,mm5,mm6
mm3..7   fix mm3,mm4,mm5,mm6,mm7
mm4..4       fix mm4                                                 ;OPTIONAL
mm4..5     fix mm4,mm5                                             ;OPTIONAL
mm4..6     fix mm4,mm5,mm6
mm4..7       fix mm4,mm5,mm6,mm7
mm5..5   fix mm5                                                 ;OPTIONAL
mm5..6     fix mm5,mm6                                             ;OPTIONAL
mm5..7     fix mm5,mm6,mm7
mm6..6       fix mm6                                                 ;OPTIONAL
mm6..7     fix mm6,mm7                                             ;OPTIONAL
mm7..7     fix mm7                                                 ;OPTIONAL
mm7..6     fix mm7,mm6                                             ;OPTIONAL
mm7..5     fix mm7,mm6,mm5
mm7..4       fix mm7,mm6,mm5,mm4
mm7..3   fix mm7,mm6,mm5,mm4,mm3
mm7..2       fix mm7,mm6,mm5,mm4,mm3,mm2
mm7..1   fix mm7,mm6,mm5,mm4,mm3,mm2,mm1
mm7..0       fix mm7,mm6,mm5,mm4,mm3,mm2,mm1,mm0
mm6..5   fix mm6,mm5                                             ;OPTIONAL
mm6..4     fix mm6,mm5,mm4
mm6..3       fix mm6,mm5,mm4,mm3
mm6..2   fix mm6,mm5,mm4,mm3,mm2
mm6..1       fix mm6,mm5,mm4,mm3,mm2,mm1
mm6..0   fix mm6,mm5,mm4,mm3,mm2,mm1,mm0
mm5..4       fix mm5,mm4                                             ;OPTIONAL
mm5..3     fix mm5,mm4,mm3
mm5..2       fix mm5,mm4,mm3,mm2
mm5..1   fix mm5,mm4,mm3,mm2,mm1
mm5..0       fix mm5,mm4,mm3,mm2,mm1,mm0
mm4..3   fix mm4,mm3                                             ;OPTIONAL
mm4..2     fix mm4,mm3,mm2
mm4..1       fix mm4,mm3,mm2,mm1
mm4..0   fix mm4,mm3,mm2,mm1,mm0
mm3..2       fix mm3,mm2                                             ;OPTIONAL
mm3..1     fix mm3,mm2,mm1
mm3..0       fix mm3,mm2,mm1,mm0
mm2..1   fix mm2,mm1                                             ;OPTIONAL
mm2..0     fix mm2,mm1,mm0
mm1..0       fix mm1,mm0                                             ;OPTIONAL

xmm0..0        fix xmm0                                                ;OPTIONAL
xmm0..1    fix xmm0,xmm1                                           ;OPTIONAL
xmm0..2    fix xmm0,xmm1,xmm2
xmm0..3   fix xmm0,xmm1,xmm2,xmm3
xmm0..4      fix xmm0,xmm1,xmm2,xmm3,xmm4
xmm0..5 fix xmm0,xmm1,xmm2,xmm3,xmm4,xmm5
xmm0..6    fix xmm0,xmm1,xmm2,xmm3,xmm4,xmm5,xmm6
xmm0..7       fix xmm0,xmm1,xmm2,xmm3,xmm4,xmm5,xmm6,xmm7
xmm1..1  fix xmm1                                                ;OPTIONAL
xmm1..2    fix xmm1,xmm2                                           ;OPTIONAL
xmm1..3    fix xmm1,xmm2,xmm3
xmm1..4   fix xmm1,xmm2,xmm3,xmm4
xmm1..5      fix xmm1,xmm2,xmm3,xmm4,xmm5
xmm1..6 fix xmm1,xmm2,xmm3,xmm4,xmm5,xmm6
xmm1..7    fix xmm1,xmm2,xmm3,xmm4,xmm5,xmm6,xmm7
xmm2..2       fix xmm2                                                ;OPTIONAL
xmm2..3    fix xmm2,xmm3                                           ;OPTIONAL
xmm2..4    fix xmm2,xmm3,xmm4
xmm2..5   fix xmm2,xmm3,xmm4,xmm5
xmm2..6      fix xmm2,xmm3,xmm4,xmm5,xmm6
xmm2..7 fix xmm2,xmm3,xmm4,xmm5,xmm6,xmm7
xmm3..3    fix xmm3                                                ;OPTIONAL
xmm3..4    fix xmm3,xmm4                                           ;OPTIONAL
xmm3..5    fix xmm3,xmm4,xmm5
xmm3..6   fix xmm3,xmm4,xmm5,xmm6
xmm3..7      fix xmm3,xmm4,xmm5,xmm6,xmm7
xmm4..4 fix xmm4                                                ;OPTIONAL
xmm4..5    fix xmm4,xmm5                                           ;OPTIONAL
xmm4..6    fix xmm4,xmm5,xmm6
xmm4..7   fix xmm4,xmm5,xmm6,xmm7
xmm5..5      fix xmm5                                                ;OPTIONAL
xmm5..6    fix xmm5,xmm6                                           ;OPTIONAL
xmm5..7    fix xmm5,xmm6,xmm7
xmm6..6   fix xmm6                                                ;OPTIONAL
xmm6..7    fix xmm6,xmm7                                           ;OPTIONAL
xmm7..7    fix xmm7                                                ;OPTIONAL
xmm7..6    fix xmm7,xmm6                                           ;OPTIONAL
xmm7..5    fix xmm7,xmm6,xmm5
xmm7..4   fix xmm7,xmm6,xmm5,xmm4
xmm7..3      fix xmm7,xmm6,xmm5,xmm4,xmm3
xmm7..2 fix xmm7,xmm6,xmm5,xmm4,xmm3,xmm2
xmm7..1    fix xmm7,xmm6,xmm5,xmm4,xmm3,xmm2,xmm1
xmm7..0       fix xmm7,xmm6,xmm5,xmm4,xmm3,xmm2,xmm1,xmm0
xmm6..5  fix xmm6,xmm5                                           ;OPTIONAL
xmm6..4    fix xmm6,xmm5,xmm4
xmm6..3   fix xmm6,xmm5,xmm4,xmm3
xmm6..2      fix xmm6,xmm5,xmm4,xmm3,xmm2
xmm6..1 fix xmm6,xmm5,xmm4,xmm3,xmm2,xmm1
xmm6..0    fix xmm6,xmm5,xmm4,xmm3,xmm2,xmm1,xmm0
xmm5..4       fix xmm5,xmm4                                           ;OPTIONAL
xmm5..3    fix xmm5,xmm4,xmm3
xmm5..2   fix xmm5,xmm4,xmm3,xmm2
xmm5..1      fix xmm5,xmm4,xmm3,xmm2,xmm1
xmm5..0 fix xmm5,xmm4,xmm3,xmm2,xmm1,xmm0
xmm4..3    fix xmm4,xmm3                                           ;OPTIONAL
xmm4..2    fix xmm4,xmm3,xmm2
xmm4..1   fix xmm4,xmm3,xmm2,xmm1
xmm4..0      fix xmm4,xmm3,xmm2,xmm1,xmm0
xmm3..2 fix xmm3,xmm2                                           ;OPTIONAL
xmm3..1    fix xmm3,xmm2,xmm1
xmm3..0   fix xmm3,xmm2,xmm1,xmm0
xmm2..1      fix xmm2,xmm1                                           ;OPTIONAL
xmm2..0    fix xmm2,xmm1,xmm0
xmm1..0   fix xmm1,xmm0                                           ;OPTIONAL
;this is supposed to be 32bit only macros, so we don't have xmm8..15 ;(
;is there any need for shortcuts to all GPRs? I don't considering defining those
;because of the myriad of different combinations out there

macro       _push   [arg] {
  _parse_args _pu,_pu, arg

macro     _pop    [arg] {
  _parse_args _po,_po, arg
;we can't just call the above macros "push" and "pop", or else we will get
;circular macro references if you do something like
;proc  whatever
;save       something
push      fix     _push
pop    fix     _pop
;;;TODO: add pushd, pushw, popd and popw macros

ok, and here is the developpment version, with all kind of DEBUGging and TESTing stuff inside

Filename: proc_pupo-dev.inc
Filesize: 27 KB
Downloaded: 341 Time(s)

MCD - the inevitable return of the Mad Computer Doggy

.|| ||

Last edited by MCD on 29 Oct 2007, 11:47; edited 1 time in total
Post 29 Oct 2007, 10:52
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Joined: 21 Aug 2004
Posts: 602
Location: Germany
MCD 29 Oct 2007, 11:28
Ok folks, here are some usage examples:
   call    something

proc   something, a,b,c
save        eax,flags,mm1..5,xmm6..2,mm4,xmm7,\
        dqword [esi+ecx*8+100],dword [dat],dword [.b]
       mov     eax,[.a]
    jz      .epilog
     mov     eax,[.b]
    mov     eax,[.c]
  dd      .args_size
  _pu     eax
 .args_ofs= .args_ofs+4
      jne     something
   mov     eax,[.a]
    mov     eax,[.b]
    mov     eax,[.c]
    call    something
   push    eax,dat,dword dat,0.0,qword 0.0,\
          dword [dat+8*ebx+edi],qword [dat]
   push    eax dat dword dat 0.0 qword 0.0 \
          dword [dat+8*ebx+edi] qword [dat]
   pop     eax,dword [dat+8*ebx+edi],qword [dat]
       pop     eax dword [dat+8*ebx+edi] qword [dat]

all of the "proc", "endp", "save" and "return" macros handle the ".args_ofs" constant automatically correct, but the "push" and "pop" macros do NOT, this is because they CAN'T handle it because they can't know how often the "push" and "pop" gets executed. See the following code:
push eax
loop something; unknown value in ecx

Thus, if you do some code that changes the stack pointer "esp", you MUST adjust ".args_ofs" MANUALLY as showed in the aboved example.
This is a heavy drawback, but all other "solutions" are far worse and crappy!

Note that there are several special symbols available inside and outside the "proc/endp" block:

    numeric constants:
    .args_size: size of all arguments saved in stack
    .args_ofs: offset to the first argument within current stack frame
    .saved_regs_size: size of all saved operands in stack

    symbolic constants:
    .proc_name: name of the current procedure
    .saved_regs: list of all saved operands. preliminary used for restore those -operands in "return" and "endp"

    note that the "saved_regs" may change in future, since the "save" macro also allows you to save memory operands and thus "regs" is a bit unfortunate.

    .epilog: address of the "endp" epilog
    Also there will be a label with the name that you passed as the first argument to the "proc" macro

General notes:

    -symcolic names and macros starting with an underscore should better not be used by your code unless you know what you are doing.
    -the push and pop macros are backward-compatible with the original fasm push/pop instructions, which means they can do everything the fasm instructions can plus something more
    -these macros are even trying to preserve the kind of errors that gets generated when you use them wrong. for example "push byte [ebx]" should generate an "invalid size error" whereas "push word eax" should generate an "operand sizes do not match" error.

MCD - the inevitable return of the Mad Computer Doggy

.|| ||
Post 29 Oct 2007, 11:28
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