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Joined: 20 Oct 2007
Posts: 2
Sandurr 20 Oct 2007, 03:47
Hello there!

I have been writing in asm for a pretty long while now, but I never really came to use the DIV yet, I write in OllyDbg

I understand that 'div edx' basicly does this (at least thats what I get from most pages):
eax = eax/edx

So if I write this:
mov eax,4
mov edx,2
div edx

I get 'integer overflow' error, why?

Hopefully someone can help me out quickly Smile

Post 20 Oct 2007, 03:47
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Your code has a bug

Joined: 06 May 2005
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Location: Argentina
LocoDelAssembly 20 Oct 2007, 04:19
Because it actually performs:
EAX = EDX:EAX div divisor (1) {[(EDX * 4294967296 + EAX) / divisor]}
EDX = EDX:EAX mod divisor (2) {(EDX * 4294967296 + EAX) mod divisor}
(with div and mod behaving like in Pascal language)

Since (2) is impossible to give a value greater or equal to the divisor that part never overflows. However, we can't say the same about (1), by just having EDX=1 and EAX=0, dividing by 1 is enough to overflow because EDX:EAX before division is 4294967296, and after division is the same value again, but the maximun value supported in EAX (a 32-bit reg), is 4294967295 (one minus than the result).

To sumarize, you will get overflows if the divisor of EDX:EAX cannot reduce the number to a value less than 4294967296. You'll typically want to clear EDX before dividing using XOR EDX, EDX; MOV EDX, 0; or any other thing that you found more suitable for your particular context.
Post 20 Oct 2007, 04:19
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