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tom tobias 12 Oct 2007, 11:01
Thanks Edfed, for starting a very useful thread. Mac2004: I did read about Stallings book, some reviewers were unimpressed. What do you think of this article, which I find useful:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hierarchical_File_System I remain curious to learn more about the 256 character allocation for a file name. Assuming 26 symbols in the roman alphabet, that's an awfully large quantity of unique file names, especially if one adds ten arabic numerals. 32 characters, each of which can be any one of 36 different symbols, ought to give as many variations as the quantity of stars in our galaxy---a lot more than we can ever use. |
12 Oct 2007, 11:01 |
Mac2004 12 Oct 2007, 16:30
tom tobias wrote:
Quote: What do you think of this article, which I find useful: The article was nice and pretty thorough. One of the problem is that HFS seems to be proprietary. About 256 byte name length: I write documents among other things at work. I have met the need for longer file names many times at work. So the 256 bytes name length originates from my experiences while writing docs. Documents must be named so clearly that they are easy to distinguish after several years of time. 32 chars is just not enough for me, but I can understand your point as well. Besides the remaing 256 bytes of the header are enough for the rest of file variables. Shorter filenames would leave more non-used space within the header. There's no point of leaving unused areas within the header. I hope this helps you to understand my reasoning. regards, Mac2004 Last edited by Mac2004 on 12 Oct 2007, 16:34; edited 1 time in total |
12 Oct 2007, 16:30 |
Mac2004 12 Oct 2007, 16:43
edfed wrote:
The design I was telling about is flexiple to different adaptations. It's up to the programmer to decide. |
12 Oct 2007, 16:43 |
edfed 12 Oct 2007, 17:28
i know
let's go now the definition of the structure is the most important it decides of how the functions will works a 256 byte is too much for little file names and not enough for very long file names so i will write the file name in a fixed location but a pointer will signal the end of the name that is the beginning of other parameters (aligned on dwords) |
12 Oct 2007, 17:28 |
Mac2004 12 Oct 2007, 17:53
edfed wrote:
That's why the structure needs to be as stable as possible. It's easier to maintain (to code, to test, to debug) especially at the later stages of the file system implementation. regards Mac2004 |
12 Oct 2007, 17:53 |
Mac2004 12 Oct 2007, 18:00
Hayden wrote:
Agreed regards, Mac2004 |
12 Oct 2007, 18:00 |
ManOfSteel 12 Oct 2007, 18:03
Quote: music in MP3 that holds the lyrics in the name for exemple or the names of each members of the group or others MP3 has ID3 tags for that (including a large comment/note section for random data). Why not use them when they are already available. Personally, I find the "%artist/band - %name" combination quite sufficient as a filename. Quote: and this can be used to write simple files like text in only the name of the file This is wrong as a principle since the filename is "metadata" just like date/time attributes, permissions, etc. A filename is just a title, an identifier, not an essay! Quote: in my opinion, file names needs to be unlimited in size ... requiring multiple sector read/write operations just to retrieve the filename. Not what I would call a very effective design. |
12 Oct 2007, 18:03 |
Mac2004 12 Oct 2007, 18:08
That's why I chose the file name length of 256 bytes. The header can be read just by reading 1 sector from the disk. regards, Mac2004 |
12 Oct 2007, 18:08 |
edfed 12 Oct 2007, 18:24
yes id3 exists
it was just a little idea in fact i don't want to freeze the file name structure why?? because i don't want to waste memory if a file name is 2 bytes long, only 2 bytes will be used if a file name is 257 bytes long, only 257 bytes will be used an index will show the end of name/begin of params the index is 4bytes long to use the speed of 32 bit addressing ok i waste 4bytes but i earn 252 bytes for name and other stuff file names needs to be unlimited in size, even it's a long name or a very short name |
12 Oct 2007, 18:24 |
Mac2004 12 Oct 2007, 19:36
edfed wrote:
Please note: The header is loaded to 512byte temporary buffer when the file is opened. When I want to handle a new file/folder I just clear the temporary buffer and load the next header from the disk and place it in the temporary buffer. In fact we are using only a little memory while handling the files/folders. Quote: file names needs to be unlimited in size, even it's a long name or a very short name Well, nothing stops you to do so in your own implementation of the file system. Just be aware of the pros and cons of your implementation. regards, Mac2004 |
12 Oct 2007, 19:36 |
edfed 12 Oct 2007, 20:17
this is the diagram of file implementation on disk
Code: org 0 rootdir: dd @f-$-4 .fil00: dd moile,0,0,0 .fil01: dd edfed,0,0,0 .fil02: dd nota,0,0,0 .fil03: dd track12,0,0,0 .fil04: dd fasmdir!,fasmdir,0,0;???? seek a method to handle the real sector number during compilation @@: moile db 'why are there three dword set to zero? because the first is the first sector of the file',0 edfed db 'and the second is for the full size in sectors and the last is for full size of file in bytes',0 nota db "very long name you know it's not a real problem in this file system cause there is all the bytes you want there",0 track12 db '12 Asian Dub Foundation-RETURN TO JERICHO (dub version).MP3',0 fasmdir! db 'flat assembler',0 align 512 org 0 fasmdir: dd @f-$-4 .fil00: db fasm.asm,0,0,0 .fil01: db fasm.exe,0,0,0 .fil02: db fasm.inc,0,0,0 @@: fasm: .exe db 'fasm.exe',0 .asm db 'fasm.asm',0 .inc db 'fasm.inc',0 align 512 in case of file fragmentation, the file link in folder point to the header. this case is signaled by size_in_sectors to be one ( header first sector) and size_in_bytes to be the effective size of the file, saturated at 4Gigabytes-1 ,or 0FFFFFFFFh. file that are only one sector (mostlly 512bytes) of size, or less, will be accessed directly by the file pointer in folder. note that if the file pointers and size indicate that the file is one block, instead of fragments, the header will not exist file that are more than 4G -1 are always fragmented and always have a header. header is transparent for applications. for the file system, we need other structures as the sector occupation bitmap (if sector is free, bit = 0, if occupied or dead, bit = 1) dead sectors mustn't appear in the file pointers. dead sectors are detected during drive format and sector read/write/verify. dead sectors into files induce fragmentation. fragmentation is not a big problem if fragments are on the same track or neighbours tracks. fragmentation is a problem in case of many, little, and locations on various random tracks. Last edited by edfed on 05 Dec 2007, 02:13; edited 1 time in total |
12 Oct 2007, 20:17 |
Mac2004 13 Oct 2007, 07:26
tom tobias wrote: Mac2004: I did read about Stallings book, some reviewers were unimpressed. Personally I like it. (Maybe one reason is that I was lucky to find the book from local book store at a prize of 5 euros (something like 7 US dollars)). regards, Mac2004 |
13 Oct 2007, 07:26 |
tom tobias 13 Oct 2007, 08:20
Mac2004 wrote: Personally I like it. http://www.amazon.com/Operating-Systems-Internals-Design-Principles/dp/0131479547/ref=pd_bbs_5/103-0010915-7579862?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1192260829&sr=8-5 Another book, which seems to garner lots of votes from reviewers, was published about 8 years ago by Giampaolo, with an interesting title: "practical file system design". Any impressions? I like that title, it is just what I seek, though, reading about the book, leaves me wondering--it seems to be focused on BE, and other unix like file systems. edfed wrote: ...file names needs to be unlimited in size, even it's a long name or a very short name... Mac2004 wrote: The header is loaded to 512byte temporary buffer ... Why not 8192 bytes, for example, as the element of "granularity"? If a typical hard drive has 1 gigabyte (thinking of the situation a decade ago, i.e. about three-four decades ahead of my current mental status,) that is, roughly 25 times more capacity, than was the case in the late 70's when this 512 byte business erupted, shouldn't we have a commensurate increase in the size of the smallest unit of storage? What is so special about 512 bytes? Sorry to be completely dense. |
13 Oct 2007, 08:20 |
Mac2004 13 Oct 2007, 10:06
tom tobias wrote:
It is 3rd edition... I guess that's one reason the book being so cheap... Quote:
Propably I'am stuck with the thinking of disks (hdd, floppy etc.) as arrays of sectors. In many cases sectors consist of 512bytes. So 512bytes is 'natural' boundary. Nothing more nothing less. For instance if you use BIOS int 13h services you access sectors not bytes or anything else. Please mind that in my FS desing right after the header comes the rest o the file/folder. So the header is just a small portion of a file/folder. A tool I should say. regards, Mac2004 |
13 Oct 2007, 10:06 |
edfed 13 Oct 2007, 11:34
Mac2004 wrote:
and what do you do if an opened file is reopen? you load it's header in the temporary buffer one more time? an opened file needs it's header in constantly in ram like if ram was an image of disk nothing stops me, but only one thing i want to write a really good fs and then i need various opinions your header is one of opinion that i'll use but not with 256bytes files names and the buffer is pretty good idea but when i want to know the file header, it needs to reload it from disk so i need asm coder opinion because my fs is oriented asm development and i need opinion of the most asm coders possible ) |
13 Oct 2007, 11:34 |
Octavio 13 Oct 2007, 14:37
>so i need asm coder opinion
My opinion is that a filesystem must be harware independent ,not based on 512 bytes sector size,the filesystem should work well on hd cd ram etc... > my fs is oriented asm development and specially programing language independent. long filenames are not needed ,a name is just a reference not a description of the file. start by implement the most basic features, but leave it ready to add new features in the future. Also learn how other filesystem work. |
13 Oct 2007, 14:37 |
Mac2004 13 Oct 2007, 14:55
edfed wrote:
Quote: and what do you do if an opened file is reopen? There's at least two solutions I can figure: 1) We can add a checker which tests whether the file has been opened or not. If yes, there's no need to reload the header. One must make sure that the file is opened for writing no more than once at the same time. Other instances should be read-only. Otherwise we could damage the data of the file. 2) Use of multiple temporary buffers which allow multiple file instances to be opened at the same time. regards, Mac2004 |
13 Oct 2007, 14:55 |
edfed 14 Oct 2007, 03:13
yes, 512 byte is a variable but the most used is 512
4096 is used in PM paging 65536 is used in RM segment limit 16 is for the segment size etc... so there will be the possibility variable cluster size from 0 to max (2^32-1?) i alway cross a problem when navigate in a file system making severals cd into and cd .. is slow cause of reloading the follow and previous headers and it's frustrating, for example when you seek a lost file in the tree PC have at least many MEGA bytes so i don't matter about ram use and it permitts to improve the speed if the file system is asm oriented, it means that it is sinple to use in asm, and then fast and if it is simple in asm, it is more simple in others languages an auto update is possible in multiple instances cases, if the file is modified in an instance the others instance thats use this file updates the file in their memory or cannot too, if the file is an audio flux in ram? or an image? it needs to be updated if the file is a folder, and that other instances modifies this folder? it must be updated an application is possible with very long file names using the file system like a possibles sentences list sorted in alphabetic order and that have a meannig writen in the file i think for exemple to IA and language conprehension these applications needs a powerfull database to exists otherwise it will rest a pure dream a data base thats use all the addressing possibility of 64 bit needs to manage very long names to class them by family, IP ,local machine, network, etc... like a path but into the name there is a lot of uses possiblilities of unlimited name size |
14 Oct 2007, 03:13 |
edfed 18 Oct 2007, 10:56
36^32 names possible
but... some names are unpossible like DJKSQGHKFEUZBFHQJKSNAZAUIOFPANUF LIOIUOZEB898B8D979210707E02B0Z70 MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM 00009990900808080279406784378729 why? because they are unreadable no human can use this only human readable letters combination are possible, assuming that it's for human use very long variable file name examples: "Metallica-Black album Track 01 ENTER SANDMAN.wav" 48 letters "Fallout 3 van burren demo technique.zip" 39 letters "FasmW 1 63 23.zip" 17 letters "MichaelAbrashBlackBookSource.zip" 32 letters and why having the file names into folders and with variable 'unlimitted' size? "fdisk.exe" 9 letters "put.inc" 7 letters "box.inc" "2D.inc" 6 letters "3D.inc" r/asmx86/graphic library/>dir >ls to read all files names, you need to read only the folder a folder is a system file this happens only in system memory segments and a sector can contain approximatelly 24 names depend on name size a file is normally into a contiguous sector zone so it is very fast to load a folder and don't make a lot of hard disk noise whith only names into 256 byte files header, you will make ~ 329 X ONE sector reads at various CHS positions and only use a fiew bytes for names, 10 / 256 |
18 Oct 2007, 10:56 |
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