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Index > Macroinstructions > new %t to string macro

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Joined: 05 Nov 2005
Posts: 86
daluca 12 Aug 2007, 22:04

Here are some macros that convert the timestamp to year/month/day:



but I have found that these macros fail in the date 31-december-2000 that they
report as 01-january-2001, so I made my own:


macro num_to_db num, digits {  ;from decard
   local ..lbl, ..ptr, ..dig, ..num 

   rb digits 

   ..ptr = ..lbl + digits - 1 
   ..num = num 
   repeat digits 
     ..dig = (..num mod 10) + $30 
     ..num = ..num / 10 
     store byte ..dig at ..ptr 
     ..ptr = ..ptr - 1 
   end repeat 
macro DayByName day
        if day=0
        db 'Sunday'
        else if day=1
        db 'Monday'
        else if day=2
        db 'Tuesday'
        else if day =3
        db 'Wednesday'
        else if day=4
        db  'Thursday'
        else if day=5
        db 'Friday'
        db 'Saturday'
        end if
macro MonthByName month
        if month = 1
           db 'January'
        else if month = 2
           db 'February'
        else if month = 3
           db 'March'
        else if month = 4
           db 'April'
        else if month = 5
           db 'May'
        else if month = 6
           db 'June'
        else if month = 7
           db 'July'
        else if month = 8
           db 'August'
        else if month = 9
           db 'September'
        else if month = 10
           db 'October'
        else if month = 11
           db 'November'
           db 'December'
        end if
macro get_time

time = %t   ;add or sub your timezone here

        SECONDS = time mod 60
           min = time/60
        MINUTES  = min mod 60
           hora = min/60
        HOURS = hora mod 24
           dias = hora/24
        DAYWEEK=(dias mod 7)+4
        if DAYWEEK >6
          DAYWEEK =DAYWEEK-7
        end if

YEAR = 1970
while 1
        if (YEAR mod 4 = 0) & (YEAR <>2100)
                if dias>=366
                        dias = dias-366
                        YEAR = YEAR +1
                end if
                if dias>=365
                end if
        end if

end while

if (YEAR mod 4 = 0) & (YEAR <> 2100)
end if
dias = dias +1

virtual at 1
db 31,feb,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31
DAY = dias
repeat 12
load MONTH byte from %
        if DAY>MONTH
           MONTH = %
        end if
end repeat
end virtual


if the code above is saved to a file 'time.inc' and included in a project, calling
the 'get_time' macro will load the variables with the corresponding values from %t:

YEAR the year form 1970 to 2106
MONTH form 1 to 12
DAY from 1 to 31
HOURS from 0 to 23
MINUTES from 0 to 59
SECONDS from 0 to 59
DAYWEEK from 0 to 6 as 0 = sunday,1 = monday ...

the macro works ok for timestamp 0 =
Thursday 01/january/1970 00:00:00
to timestamp FFFFFFFFh =
sunday 7/february/2106 06:28:15

you can use these variables to define the values as binary data or ascii.
here is an example of using the macro to define them as string.

the time.inc contains 2 simple macros to define the names of the months
and days of the week based on their numbers,i also include a num_to_db macro
from decard to define the strings of the other values:


format pe gui
include 'win32ax.inc'
include 'time.inc'
get_time   ;load values

     invoke MessageBoxA,0,date,title,MB_OK
     invoke ExitProcess, 0

title db 'TimeStamp test',0

db ' '
num_to_db DAY,2
db '/'
num_to_db MONTH,2
db '/'
num_to_db YEAR,4
db ' '
num_to_db HOURS,2
db ':'
num_to_db MINUTES,2
db ':'
num_to_db SECONDS,2
db 13,10,'('
MonthByName MONTH
db ')',0

.end start


obviously the format can be customized at will, but don't forget to put the final 0
and add or substract the correct number of secons to the %t acording to your timezone.
Post 12 Aug 2007, 22:04
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