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Index > Projects and Ideas > Subtraction technique [DONE]

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Joined: 25 Sep 2003
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Madis731 27 May 2007, 22:35
This program takes input in rows and columns as decimals 0..9 and organises the data so that most typical values gather at the top-left and most untypical values bottom-right. The numbers in the headers of the resulting rows/columns are their original position in the data and the numbers in the footer are the conformism values at the time of being "thrown out" of the calculations.

Detailed usage:
You can write your input text in the textbox or into a file Alt+I or "Intput" checkbox toggles that. Filenames can be relative or absolute
You can see the output in the other textbox or put it into a file with Alt+O toggling the choice.
Alt+S will start the program (performance is poor about O(n²). Alt+E will exit. Processing time shows the time it took in milliseconds.
Examples from performance on Core 2 T7200 @ 2GHz:
200x200 => 31ms
250x250 => 63ms
300x300 => 94ms
350x350 =>187ms

This isn't exactly nxn, but a bit less. When increasing data size 1.5 times, it will take 2 times longer or something O(n^1,5) maybe Smile

Don't know if it has a better name in English, but that's what it was called in school: "Miinustehnika"

Implementation in ASM
64-bit source+executable
32-bit source+executable
Test data generator in FASM macrolanguage
(64 one is about 10% faster than 32)

Description: The source and executable in English
Filename: MiinusENG.7z
Filesize: 9.23 KB
Downloaded: 845 Time(s)

Description: Source+executable+testdata
Filename: Miinustehnika.7z
Filesize: 13.76 KB
Downloaded: 820 Time(s)

My updated idol Very Happy http://www.agner.org/optimize/

Last edited by Madis731 on 28 May 2007, 13:43; edited 1 time in total
Post 27 May 2007, 22:35
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vid 27 May 2007, 23:25
just wondering: what's it good for?
Post 27 May 2007, 23:25
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LocoDelAssembly 27 May 2007, 23:38
Preparing for Huffman encoding? Razz
Post 27 May 2007, 23:38
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Madis731 28 May 2007, 08:36
vid wrote:
just wondering: what's it good for?

Very Happy exercise for the reader, perhaps?
LocoDelAssembly wrote:
Preparing for Huffman encoding?

Smile heh, I don't know if NP-hard algorithm should be used, but maybe...

Well, I don't know what is it used for exactly, but the lecturer had some examples like perhaps statistics. You have persons that have a car and others that don't. Then you have people with good healt and others with bad Smile
Now you can put them in a table as 0-bad, 1-good, 0-no car, 1-w/ car like this:
          w/ car health
Person 1:   0       1
Person 2:   0       0
  ...       .       .
Person N:   1       0

After arranging you can come to some conclusions like "people with cars have commonly healthproblems" Very Happy or something like that...
Post 28 May 2007, 08:36
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shoorick 29 May 2007, 08:24
just running exe i supposed there buttons should be somewhere below my screen Smile
(i use 800x600 resolution - i hope it is valid Wink )
Post 29 May 2007, 08:24
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Madis731 29 May 2007, 12:38
Damn, I'm really sorry - I was just thinking that my 1280x800 res laptop is the lowest you can get and thought that it would run no prob. on 1024x768 too. There is a really simple fix for this:
Around lines 760-766 (depending on source 32/64) change the upper-left to some other point on screen:
dialog main_dlg,"Subtraction technique",7,7,390,375,WS_CAPTION+WS_POPUP+WS_SYSMENU+DS_MODALFRAME
I put 7,7 there because I don't like it at the very corner Razz
Post 29 May 2007, 12:38
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shoorick 29 May 2007, 13:01
thnx Smile there is nothing esspecial here in real: more and more of new application can not reduce their windows to fit into less then 1024x768, forcing users sell their aquariums and buy TFT, but i prefer low resolution even on TFT as more soft for eyes (usage of high resolution with large fonts brings other kind of problems with some software Sad )
in real you change left upper corner position, but i need smaller size Wink
i had try to modify dialog, but failed to compile: fasm says "Out of memory" (even fasmw on original M..Eng32.asm) (maybe because of national labels ??? )

here my variant of dialog (modify labels and "01010" text to get it proper if you wish to try)

Filename: Miinus32ENG.xdlg.zip
Filesize: 8.8 KB
Downloaded: 810 Time(s)

Post 29 May 2007, 13:01
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Madis731 30 May 2007, 07:21
Well its not about labels, but should be called "BAD PROGRAMMING" Razz I've allocated rb 1 shl buffersize so when buffersize is 27 then about 131MB will be allocated and FASM needs all that space at the compile-time. In case there is other stuff at the end...
My compiler setup says 524288 in the memory inputbox Smile

I've done some very resolution-independent apps in MenuetOS, but in Windows they're making it so hard to do :S I'll have to catch the resize event and then calculate everything based on DPI ^o) or sth. Razz The project is in "good enough" status.
Post 30 May 2007, 07:21
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shoorick 30 May 2007, 17:06
now clear, thanx
Post 30 May 2007, 17:06
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vid 30 May 2007, 17:22
My compiler setup says 524288 in the memory inputbox
over half of gigabyte?!? wow, man, there surely is a better way Wink
Post 30 May 2007, 17:22
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