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Joined: 03 Feb 2007
Posts: 26
Jakevfr 21 Mar 2007, 21:55
I'm attempting to optimize the libraries I made earlier and have had some success so far, but have run into a problem. The backspace. Below is my code, and it was working just fine just an hour ago, but now it won't show up correctly (It still works like it should though). If you could help me out I'd appreciate it.
org 100h

call getStr
mov dx, ax
mov ah, 09h
int 21h

mov ax, 4c00h
int 21h

    push bx cx dx
    xor ax, ax
    xor bx, bx
    xor cx, cx
    xor dx, dx
    mov dl, '?'
    mov ah, 02h
    int 21h

        xor ax, ax
        int 16h
        mov cl, al

        cmp cl, 13
        je .exit
        cmp cl, 8
        je .backspace

        mov dl, al
        mov ah, 02h
        int 21h

        mov [input+bx], cl
        inc bl
        cmp bl, 99
        jae .exit
        jmp .loop

        cmp bl, 0
        jbe .loop
        mov ah, 02h
        mov dl, ' '
        int 21h
        mov dl, 8
        int 21h
        dec bl
        jmp .loop

        mov [input+bx], '$'
        call endl
        pop dx cx bx
        mov ax, input

    mov ah, 02h
    mov dl, 13
    int 21h
    mov dl, 10
    int 21h

input db 100 dup (?)    

Thanks Smile

EDIT: Also, how should I go about doing this:
mov [var], ax    

Should I make the variable dw, or is there some special way I can move ax into a DB variable?
Post 21 Mar 2007, 21:55
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Joined: 08 Dec 2006
Posts: 1902
DOS386 22 Mar 2007, 05:33

mov [var], ax

Should I make the variable dw

Definitely YES.

is there some special way I can move ax into a DB variable

Is there some special way how to store 16 gallons of trinitroglycerole
into a 8 gallons bottle ? Laughing

Probably NO, silly idea, doesn't fit Laughing


The backspace. Below is my code, and it was working just fine just an hour ago, but now it won't show up correctly (It still works like it should though)

Strange. Something must have happened 1 hour ago Laughing


        mov ah,2
        mov dl, 8
        int $21
        mov dl, ' '
        int $21
        mov dl, 8
        int $21 

Bug Nr.: 12345

Title: Hello World program compiles to 100 KB !!!

Status: Closed: NOT a Bug
Post 22 Mar 2007, 05:33
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Joined: 03 Feb 2007
Posts: 26
Jakevfr 22 Mar 2007, 14:48
Post 22 Mar 2007, 14:48
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Joined: 19 Apr 2007
Posts: 1
bsc021 19 Apr 2007, 19:43
I am doing a project and would like you to post a working input code.
I need to input two numbers to be multiplied and then give the output.

Post 19 Apr 2007, 19:43
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Joined: 03 Feb 2007
Posts: 26
Jakevfr 04 May 2007, 02:50
I will once I get back to my computer with all that stuff on it.

Sorry for not replying sooner, been busy and haven't made it to the forums in a while :/
Post 04 May 2007, 02:50
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Joined: 03 Feb 2007
Posts: 26
Jakevfr 04 May 2007, 02:56
Alright here is the code I have... updated to. I'm not sure if this code is better, but it removes the need for a variable making it smaller, which I like.

Just call geti and ax will contain the number inputed.

        xor ax,ax
        push ax
        call getc
        cmp al,'-'
        jne ooops
        mov cx,1
        call putc
        call getc
        call putc
        cmp al,13
        je .exit
        sub al,0x30
        xor dx,dx
        mov dl,al
        pop ax
        add ax,dx
        push ax

        call getc
        call putc
        cmp al,13
        je .exit
        sub al,0x30
        xor dx,dx
        mov dl,al
        pop ax
        imul ax,10
        add ax,dx
        push ax
        jmp .getii

        pop ax
        cmp cx,1
        jne noneg
        neg ax
        push ax
        mov al,10
        call putc
        pop ax

    xor ax,ax
    int 0x16

    mov ah,0x0e
    int 0x10

EDIT: Added PutC, I knida forgot it Confused
Post 04 May 2007, 02:56
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