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Joined: 26 Oct 2003
Posts: 108
Kain 29 Nov 2003, 05:22
In the following code, I get "Error: undefined symbol" on this line in the .rsrc section:

menu main_menu

I can't figure out what is undefined about it since I defined it on the preceding line:


Similar syntax works fine with all the other code samples that I have.
Can anyone spot where I went wrong?

format PE GUI 4.0

include '%include%\win32a.inc'          ; main window equates
include '%include%\macro\if.inc'       ; for HLL loops

;constants go here
ButtonID        =10
EditID          =11
IDM_MAIN        =100
IDM_HELLO       =200
IDM_CLEAR       =210
IDM_GETTEXT     =220
IDM_EXIT        =230

section '.data' data readable writeable

        ClassName           db 'SimpleWinClass',0
        AppName             db 'OurFirstWindow',0
        MenuName            db 'FirstMenu',0
        ButtonClassName     db 'button',0
        ButtonText          db 'My Fist Button',0
        EditClassName       db 'edit',0
        TestString          db 'Wow! I''m in an edit box now',0

section '.udata' readable writeable
        hInstance       dd ?
        CommandLine     dd ?
        hwndButton      dd ?
        hwndEdit        dd ?
        buffer          rb 512

section '.text' code readable executable

        invoke  GetModuleHandle, NULL
        mov     ptr hInstance, eax
        invoke  GetCommandLine
        mov     ptr CommandLine, eax
        stdcall WinMain, ptr hInstance, NULL, ptr CommandLine, SW_SHOWDEFAULT
        invoke  ExitProcess, eax

proc WinMain, hInst, hPrevInst, CmdLine, CmdShow
     wc      WNDCLASSEX
     msg     MSG
     hwnd    dd ?


     mov        ptr wc.cbSize, wc.size
     mov        ptr wc.style, CS_HREDRAW or CS_VREDRAW
     mov        ptr wc.lpfnWndProc, WndProc
     mov        ptr wc.cbClsExtra,NULL
     mov        ptr wc.cbWndExtra,NULL
     push       ptr hInst
     pop        ptr wc.hInstance
     mov        ptr wc.hbrBackground,COLOR_BTNFACE+1
     mov        ptr wc.lpszMenuName, NULL
     mov        ptr wc.lpszClassName, ClassName

     invoke     LoadIcon,NULL,IDI_APPLICATION
     mov        ptr wc.hIcon,eax
     mov        ptr wc.hIconSm,eax

     invoke     LoadCursor,NULL,IDC_ARROW
     mov        ptr wc.hCursor,eax

     lea        eax, ptr wc
     invoke     RegisterClassEx, eax

     invoke     LoadMenu,ptr hInstance, IDM_MAIN

     invoke     CreateWindowEx,WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE,ClassName, \
                        AppName, WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW,\
                        CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT,\
                        300,200,NULL,NULL, ptr hInst,NULL
     mov        ptr hwnd, eax

     invoke     ShowWindow, ptr hwnd, SW_SHOWNORMAL
     invoke     UpdateWindow, ptr hwnd
     lea        ebx, ptr msg

        invoke  GetMessage, ebx,NULL,0,0
        or      eax,eax
        jz      @f
        invoke  TranslateMessage, ebx
        invoke  DispatchMessage, ebx
        jmp     @b
        mov     eax,ptr msg.wParam

proc WndProc, hWnd, uMsg, wParam, IParam

        .if ptr uMsg,e,WM_DESTROY
                invoke  PostQuitMessage, NULL
        .elseif ptr uMsg,e,WM_CREATE
                invoke CreateWindowEx,WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE, EditClassName,NULL,\
                        WS_CHILD or WS_VISIBLE or WS_BORDER or ES_LEFT or\
                        50,35,200,25,ptr hWnd,8,ptr hInstance,NULL
                mov     ptr hwndEdit,eax
                invoke  SetFocus, ptr hwndEdit
                invoke  CreateWindowEx,NULL, ButtonClassName,ButtonText,\
                        WS_CHILD or WS_VISIBLE or BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON,\
                        75,70,140,25,ptr hWnd,ButtonID,ptr hInstance,NULL
                mov     ptr hwndButton,eax
        .elseif ptr uMsg,e,WM_COMMAND
                mov     eax, ptr wParam
                .if ptr IParam,e,0
                        .if ax,e,IDM_HELLO
                                invoke  SetWindowText, ptr hwndEdit, TestString
                        .elseif ax,e,IDM_CLEAR
                                invoke  SetWindowText, ptr hwndEdit, NULL
                        .elseif ax,e,IDM_GETTEXT
                                invoke  GetWindowText, ptr hwndEdit, buffer, 512
                                invoke  MessageBox, NULL, buffer, AppName, MB_OK
                                invoke  DestroyWindow, ptr hWnd
                        .if     ax,e,ButtonID
                                shr     eax,16
                                .if     ax,e,BN_CLICKED
                                        invoke SendMessage, ptr hWnd, WM_COMMAND, IDM_GETTEXT,0
                invoke  DefWindowProc, ptr hWnd, ptr uMsg, ptr wParam, ptr IParam
        xor     eax, eax

section '.idata' import data readable writeable
; import all the API functions that we used

library kernel, 'KERNEL32.DLL', user, 'USER32.DLL'

import  kernel,\
        GetCommandLine, 'GetCommandLineA',\
        ExitProcess, 'ExitProcess'

import  user,\
        RegisterClassEx, 'RegisterClassExA',\
        CreateWindowEx, 'CreateWindowExA',\
        DefWindowProc, 'DefWindowProcA',\
        ShowWindow, 'ShowWindow',\
        GetMessage, 'GetMessageA',\
        TranslateMessage, 'TranslateMessage',\
        DispatchMessage, 'DispatchMessageA',\
        LoadCursor, 'LoadCursorA',\
        LoadIcon, 'LoadIconA',\

section '.rsrc' resource data readable

directory RT_MENU, menus

menu main_menu
     menuitem '&Test Controls',0,MFR_POPUP
     menuitem '&Say Hello',IDM_HELLO,0
     menuitem '&Clear',IDM_CLEAR,0
     menuitem '&Get Text',IDM_GETTEXT,0
     menuitem 'E&xit',IDM_EXIT,MFR_END  
Post 29 Nov 2003, 05:22
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Joined: 02 Oct 2003
Posts: 198
Location: St.Vincent & the Grenadines
silkodyssey 29 Nov 2003, 09:49

Add the MFR_END flag to test console line so it should be like this.

menuitem '&Test Controls',0,MFR_POPUP + MFR_END 


I think this its because is the only Top Level Menu you have to terminate it just like the menu items. I tried running the program but it crashed so I guess there's another problem.

Post 29 Nov 2003, 09:49
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Joined: 02 Oct 2003
Posts: 198
Location: St.Vincent & the Grenadines
silkodyssey 29 Nov 2003, 10:07

I found the bugs in your code. I will post the code below with comments so you know what I've changed.

format PE GUI 4.0

include '%include%\win32ax.inc'          ; main window equates
include '%include%\macro\if.inc'       ; for HLL loops

entry start ; you forget to set the entry point for the code
;constants go here
ButtonID        =10
EditID          =11
IDM_MAIN        =100
IDM_HELLO       =200
IDM_CLEAR       =210
IDM_GETTEXT     =220
IDM_EXIT        =230

section '.data' data readable writeable

        ClassName           db 'SimpleWinClass',0
        AppName             db 'OurFirstWindow',0
        MenuName            db 'FirstMenu',0
        ButtonClassName     db 'button',0
        ButtonText          db 'My Fist Button',0
        EditClassName       db 'edit',0
        TestString          db 'Wow! I''m in an edit box now',0

section '.udata' readable writeable
        hInstance       dd ?
        CommandLine     dd ?
        hwndButton      dd ?
        hwndEdit        dd ?
        buffer          rb 512

section '.text' code readable executable

        invoke  GetModuleHandle, NULL
        mov     ptr hInstance, eax
        invoke  GetCommandLine
        mov     ptr CommandLine, eax
        stdcall WinMain, ptr hInstance, NULL, ptr CommandLine, SW_SHOWDEFAULT
        invoke  ExitProcess, eax

proc WinMain, hInst, hPrevInst, CmdLine, CmdShow
     wc      WNDCLASSEX
     msg     MSG
     hwnd    dd ?


     mov        ptr wc.cbSize, sizeof.WNDCLASSEX
     mov        ptr wc.style, CS_HREDRAW or CS_VREDRAW
     mov        ptr wc.lpfnWndProc, WndProc
     mov        ptr wc.cbClsExtra,NULL
     mov        ptr wc.cbWndExtra,NULL
     push       ptr hInst
     pop        ptr wc.hInstance
     mov        ptr wc.hbrBackground,COLOR_BTNFACE+1
     mov        ptr wc.lpszMenuName, NULL
     mov        ptr wc.lpszClassName, ClassName

     invoke     LoadIcon,NULL,IDI_APPLICATION
     mov        ptr wc.hIcon,eax
     mov        ptr wc.hIconSm,eax

     invoke     LoadCursor,NULL,IDC_ARROW
     mov        ptr wc.hCursor,eax

     lea        eax,  ptr wc
     invoke     RegisterClassEx, eax

     invoke     LoadMenu,ptr hInstance, IDM_MAIN

     ; I've added eax to the hmenu parameter
     ; which is the handle to the menu you
     ; just loaded

     invoke     CreateWindowEx,WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE,ClassName, \
                        AppName, WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW,\
                        CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT,\
                        300,200,NULL,eax, ptr hInst,NULL
     mov        ptr hwnd, eax

     invoke     ShowWindow, ptr hwnd, SW_SHOWNORMAL
     invoke     UpdateWindow, ptr hwnd

     push       ebx     ;you need to preserve ebx
     lea        ebx, ptr msg

        invoke  GetMessage, ebx,NULL,0,0
        or      eax,eax
        jz      @f
        invoke  TranslateMessage, ebx
        invoke  DispatchMessage, ebx
        jmp     @b
        pop     ebx
        mov     eax,ptr msg.wParam

proc WndProc, hWnd, uMsg, wParam, IParam

        .if ptr uMsg,e,WM_DESTROY
                invoke  PostQuitMessage, NULL
        .elseif ptr uMsg,e,WM_CREATE
                invoke CreateWindowEx,WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE, EditClassName,NULL,\
                        WS_CHILD or WS_VISIBLE or WS_BORDER or ES_LEFT or\
                        50,35,200,25,ptr hWnd,8,ptr hInstance,NULL
                mov     ptr hwndEdit,eax
                invoke  SetFocus, ptr hwndEdit
                invoke  CreateWindowEx,NULL, ButtonClassName,ButtonText,\
                        WS_CHILD or WS_VISIBLE or BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON,\
                        75,70,140,25,ptr hWnd,ButtonID,ptr hInstance,NULL
                mov     ptr hwndButton,eax
        .elseif ptr uMsg,e,WM_COMMAND
                mov     eax, ptr wParam
                .if ptr IParam,e,0
                        .if ax,e,IDM_HELLO
                                invoke  SetWindowText, ptr hwndEdit, TestString
                        .elseif ax,e,IDM_CLEAR
                                invoke  SetWindowText, ptr hwndEdit, NULL
                        .elseif ax,e,IDM_GETTEXT
                                invoke  GetWindowText, ptr hwndEdit, buffer, 512
                                invoke  MessageBox, NULL, buffer, AppName, MB_OK
                                invoke  DestroyWindow, ptr hWnd
                        .if     ax,e,ButtonID
                                shr     eax,16
                                .if     ax,e,BN_CLICKED
                                        invoke SendMessage, ptr hWnd, WM_COMMAND, IDM_GETTEXT,0
        ;.endif << typo
                invoke  DefWindowProc, ptr hWnd, ptr uMsg, ptr wParam, ptr IParam
        xor     eax, eax

section '.idata' import data readable writeable
; import all the API functions that we used

library kernel, 'KERNEL32.DLL', user, 'USER32.DLL'

import  kernel,\
        GetCommandLine, 'GetCommandLineA',\
        ExitProcess, 'ExitProcess'

import  user,\
        RegisterClassEx, 'RegisterClassExA',\
        CreateWindowEx, 'CreateWindowExA',\
        DefWindowProc, 'DefWindowProcA',\
        ShowWindow, 'ShowWindow',\
        GetMessage, 'GetMessageA',\
        TranslateMessage, 'TranslateMessage',\
        DispatchMessage, 'DispatchMessageA',\
        LoadCursor, 'LoadCursorA',\
        LoadIcon, 'LoadIconA',\

section '.rsrc' resource data readable

        directory RT_MENU, menus

        resource menus,IDM_MAIN,LANG_ENGLISH+SUBLANG_DEFAULT,main_menu

        menu main_menu
             menuitem '&Test Controls',0,MFR_POPUP + MFR_END
                      menuitem '&Say Hello',IDM_HELLO,0
                      menuitem '&Clear',IDM_CLEAR,0
                      menuitem '&Get Text',IDM_GETTEXT,0
                      menuitem 'E&xit',IDM_EXIT,MFR_END 

Post 29 Nov 2003, 10:07
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Joined: 19 Jun 2003
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roticv 29 Nov 2003, 15:47
nay the ebx does not need to be preserved. The reason being that that part of the program is not a callback function. The only reason it need to be preserve is that ebx is used internally in 2k and xp in dispatchmessage if i remmeber correctly.
Post 29 Nov 2003, 15:47
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Varchilde 29 Nov 2003, 17:16
the +MFR_END flag has to be added onto the last top-level menu item?
Post 29 Nov 2003, 17:16
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Posts: 108
Kain 30 Nov 2003, 05:45
Nice! Thanks for the corrections.
Post 30 Nov 2003, 05:45
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