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> Windows > GetThreadContext API - Weird things ... |
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okasvi 14 Nov 2006, 01:02
I changed your code to bit more to my liking to see if I can make it work, and here's working version:
Code: format PE GUI struc OPENFILENAME { .lStructSize rd 1 .hwndOwner rd 1 .hInstance rd 1 .lpstrFilter rd 1 .lpstrCustomFilter rd 1 .nMaxCustFilter rd 1 .nFilterIndex rd 1 .lpstrFile rd 1 .nMaxFile rd 1 .lpstrFileTitle rd 1 .nMaxFileTitle rd 1 .lpstrInitialDir rd 1 .lpstrTitle rd 1 .Flags rd 1 .nFileOffset rw 1 .nFileExtension rw 1 .lpstrDefExt rd 1 .lCustData rd 1 .lpfnHook rd 1 .lpTemplateName rd 1 } struc STARTUPINFO { .cb rd 1 .lpReserved rd 1 .lpDesktop rd 1 .lpTitle rd 1 .dwX rd 1 .dwY rd 1 .dwXSize rd 1 .dwYSize rd 1 .dwXCountChars rd 1 .dwYCountChars rd 1 .dwFillAttribute rd 1 .dwFlags rd 1 .wShowWindow rw 1 .cbReserved2 rw 1 .lpReserved2 rd 1 .hStdInput rd 1 .hStdOutput rd 1 .hStdError rd 1 } struc PROCESS_INFORMATION { .hProcess rd 1 .hThread rd 1 .dwProcessId rd 1 .dwThreadId rd 1 } CONTEXT_X86 = 0x00010000 CONTEXT86_CONTROL = (CONTEXT_X86 or 0x0001) ;/* SS:SP, CS:IP, FLAGS, BP */ CONTEXT86_INTEGER = (CONTEXT_X86 or 0x0002) ;/* AX, BX, CX, DX, SI, DI */ CONTEXT86_SEGMENTS = (CONTEXT_X86 or 0x0004) ;/* DS, ES, FS, GS */ CONTEXT86_FULL = (CONTEXT86_CONTROL or CONTEXT86_INTEGER or CONTEXT86_SEGMENTS) CONTEXT_FULL = CONTEXT86_FULL SIZE_OF_80387_REGISTERS equ 80 struc FLOATING_SAVE_AREA { .ControlWord rd 1 .StatusWord rd 1 .TagWord rd 1 .ErrorOffset rd 1 .ErrorSelector rd 1 .DataOffset rd 1 .DataSelector rd 1 .RegisterArea rb SIZE_OF_80387_REGISTERS .Cr0NpxState rd 1 } MAXIMUM_SUPPORTED_EXTENSION equ 512 struc CONTEXT { .ContextFlags dd -1 .Dr0 rd 1 .Dr1 rd 1 .Dr2 rd 1 .Dr3 rd 1 .Dr6 rd 1 .Dr7 rd 1 .FloatSave.ControlWord rd 1 .FloatSave.StatusWord rd 1 .FloatSave.TagWord rd 1 .FloatSave.ErrorOffset rd 1 .FloatSave.ErrorSelector rd 1 .FloatSave.DataOffset rd 1 .FloatSave.DataSelector rd 1 .FloatSave.RegisterArea rb 80 ;SIZE_OF_80387_REGISTERS .FloatSave.Cr0NpxState rd 1 .SegGs rd 1 .SegFs rd 1 .SegEs rd 1 .SegDs rd 1 .Edi rd 1 .Esi rd 1 .Ebx rd 1 .Edx rd 1 .Ecx rd 1 .Eax rd 1 .Ebp rd 1 .Eip rd 1 .SegCs rd 1 .EFlags rd 1 .Esp rd 1 .SegSs rd 1 .ExtendedRegisters rb MAXIMUM_SUPPORTED_EXTENSION } section '.text' readable executable entry $ mov [ofn.lStructSize], OPENFILENAME_SIZE mov [ofn.lpstrFilter], ofnTxtFilter mov [ofn.lpstrFile], ofnBuffer mov [ofn.nMaxFile], 512 mov [ofn.Flags], 2627588 push ofn call [GetOpenFileName] test eax, eax jz err push pinfo push sinfo push 0 0 push 0 ; 4=CREATE_SUSPENDED, NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS is set by default, so null param works here push 0 0 0 0 push ofnBuffer call [CreateProcess] test eax, eax jz err push 5000 call [Sleep] push [pinfo.hThread] call [SuspendThread] cmp eax, -1 jz err mov [context.ContextFlags], 00010000h+1+2+4+8+10h ;CONTEXT_FULL push context push [pinfo.hThread] call [GetThreadContext] mov eax, [context.Eip] push eax push _format1 push buf call [wsprintf] push 0 push _title push buf push 0 call [MessageBox] jmp exit err: push 0 push _title push _err push 0 call [MessageBox] exit: push 0 call [ExitProcess] retn section '.data' readable writable context CONTEXT ofnTxtFilter db 'UPX Packed Executable Files',0,'*.exe',0,0 _title db 'bleh',0 _format db '%s',0 _format1 db '%x',0 _err db 'Error, Failed.',0 buf rb 512 ofn OPENFILENAME OPENFILENAME_SIZE = $ - ofn pinfo PROCESS_INFORMATION sinfo STARTUPINFO ofnBuffer rb 1024 section '.idata' readable writable ;____________________________________________________________________ ;IAT ;____________________________________________________________ krnl32: CreateProcess dd RVA _CreateProcess ExitProcess dd RVA _ExitProcess GetThreadContext dd RVA _GetThreadContext Sleep dd RVA _Sleep SuspendThread dd RVA _SuspendThread dw 0 _CreateProcess db 0,0,'CreateProcessA',0 _krnl32 db 'kernel32' _ExitProcess db 0,0,'ExitProcess' _GetThreadContext db 0,0,'GetThreadContext' _Sleep db 0,0,'Sleep' _SuspendThread db 0,0,'SuspendThread',0 ;____________________________________________________________ user32: MessageBox dd RVA _MessageBox wsprintf dd RVA _wsprintf dw 0 _MessageBox db 0,0,'MessageBoxA',0 _user32 db 'user32' _wsprintf db 0,0,'wsprintfA',0 ;____________________________________________________________ comd32: GetOpenFileName dd RVA _GetOpenFileName dw 0 _GetOpenFileName db 0,0,'GetOpenFileNameA',0 _comd32 db 'comdlg32' ;____________________________________________________________ data import dd 0,0,0, RVA _krnl32, RVA krnl32 dd 0,0,0, RVA _user32, RVA user32 dd 0,0,0, RVA _comd32, RVA comd32 dd 0,0,0,0,0 end data ;____________________________________________________________________ and here is what I tested it with: Code: include 'win32ax.inc' start: lool: mov eax, 1 mov ebx, 2 mov esi, 2 mov edi, 3 jmp lool push 0 call [ExitProcess] .end start btw. incase you use CREATE_SUSPEND and get the thread context, eip will most likely be within kernel32.dll because the app hasnt initialized completely yet hence I added sleep for few secs and suspended it after that... _________________ When We Ride On Our Enemies support reverse smileys |: |
14 Nov 2006, 01:02 |
LocoDelAssembly 14 Nov 2006, 01:42
And if the program is not CPU intensive is very probable that EIP points to some blocking code (Sleep, GetMessage, synchronization functions, etc).
14 Nov 2006, 01:42 |
smoke 14 Nov 2006, 13:53
hmm thanks guys but .. okasvi , the problem is that i need to get the EP of the file so i can do byte scann after that .. and if i use your code i cant find out the EP of the opened thread (because its already running) ..
14 Nov 2006, 13:53 |
LocoDelAssembly 14 Nov 2006, 14:51
Have you already tried http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms679358.aspx ? and then loking at LOADED_IMAGE > IMAGE_NT_HEADERS > IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER > AddressOfEntryPoint ?
Note that maybe is easier to access the EXE by your self instead of all this mess. Decide by yourself which solution is better. Regards |
14 Nov 2006, 14:51 |
f0dder 14 Nov 2006, 14:55
There's basically two things you can do. Both of them involves reading the PE header and getting the entrypoint.
The first method then is to run the process in debug mode, insert a 0xCC at entrypoint, and catching the debug message. The other involves overwriting some more bytes at EIP with some inter-process communication code, and thus removing the need for running that app in debug mode. |
14 Nov 2006, 14:55 |
smoke 14 Nov 2006, 16:25
f0dder, well i need to findout the EP first .. and then i'll be able to do something .. so what guys do you suggest ? i thought there's some other option (like getting it with some apis or something) than reading it from a file (reading it from a file is kinda weird)
14 Nov 2006, 16:25 |
f0dder 14 Nov 2006, 23:26
smoke wrote: f0dder, well i need to findout the EP first .. and then i'll be able to do something .. so what guys do you suggest ? i thought there's some other option (like getting it with some apis or something) than reading it from a file (reading it from a file is kinda weird) I was referring to the (decompressor code) EP as set in the PE header - which is where you want to trace from, instead of the SUSPENDED entry in kernel32... _________________ - carpe noctem |
14 Nov 2006, 23:26 |
smoke 16 Nov 2006, 13:34
okay i got the code which retrieves the entry point for me
this is how i did it: Code: invoke CreateFile,ofnBuffer,GENERIC_READ,NULL,NULL,OPEN_EXISTING,FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL,NULL cmp eax,INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE je OpenErr mov [hTarget],eax invoke CreateFileMapping,eax,NULL,PAGE_READONLY,NULL,NULL,NULL mov [hMapping],eax invoke MapViewOfFile,eax,FILE_MAP_READ,NULL,NULL,NULL mov [pMapping],eax add ax, word [eax+3Ch] mov [PELoc],eax mov ebx, dword [eax+28h] mov eax,[PELoc] add ebx, dword [eax+34h] mov eax,ebx invoke wsprintf,entrypoint,_format2,eax invoke printf,_format,EPMSG and now when i have this i was thinking of running the file in suspended mode and then writing EB FE to the entrypoint |
16 Nov 2006, 13:34 |
f0dder 16 Nov 2006, 15:17
You can also have a look at how I do it in my XCOM patch loaders - it's a bit tricky, but pretty flexible - http://f0dder.reteam.org/dl/xcom_bugfix091.zip
16 Nov 2006, 15:17 |
smoke 16 Nov 2006, 21:47
yes , finaly i got it working like it should!
here's the whole (almost hehe) code : Code: invoke CreateFile,ofnBuffer,GENERIC_READ,NULL,NULL,OPEN_EXISTING,FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL,NULL cmp eax,INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE je OpenErr mov [hTarget],eax invoke CreateFileMapping,eax,NULL,PAGE_READONLY,NULL,NULL,NULL mov [hMapping],eax invoke MapViewOfFile,eax,FILE_MAP_READ,NULL,NULL,NULL mov [pMapping],eax add ax, word [eax+3Ch] mov [PELoc],eax mov ebx, dword [eax+28h] mov eax,[PELoc] add ebx, dword [eax+34h] mov eax,ebx mov dword [entrypoint2],eax invoke wsprintf,entrypoint,_format2,eax mov [entrypoint+6], 0Dh invoke printf,_format,EPMSG ; mov ebx,eax ; -------------------------------------------------------- invoke CloseHandle,dword[hTarget] invoke CreateProcess,ofnBuffer,NULL,NULL,NULL,FALSE,NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS + CREATE_SUSPENDED,\ NULL,NULL,startupinfo,processinfo test eax,eax je _failed mov eax,dword [entrypoint2] invoke ReadProcessMemory,[processinfo.hProcess],eax,backupdata,breaksize,NULL mov eax,dword [entrypoint2] invoke WriteProcessMemory,[processinfo.hProcess],eax,breakpoint,breaksize,NULL invoke ResumeThread,[processinfo.hThread] invoke Sleep,250 invoke SuspendThread,[processinfo.hThread] mov [mycontext.xcontextflags], 00010000h+1+2+4+8+10h invoke GetThreadContext,[processinfo.hThread],mycontext mov eax,[mycontext.xeip] mov ebx,dword [entrypoint2] cmp eax, ebx je _success |
16 Nov 2006, 21:47 |
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