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Index > IDE Development > FASMW request: PUSH/POP pairing evenness

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Joined: 25 Jul 2010
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typedef 06 May 2012, 20:44
Hi. I have another story to tell. I was compiling a program today(lots of code) and it kept crashing but I could not find the bug since it's too big to even debug.

So I was wondering if you could make FASMW count how many PUSHes and POPs are performed regardless of CALLs.

So, like(generates WARNING):
PUSH EBP  ;<---- has no POP counterpart

PUSH 1234
PUSH 5678
CALL  add

FASMW then would warn the user
WARNING: Uneven number of PUSH/POPs or
WARNING: Your stack frame looks disastrous

However the following does not generate a WARNING)

PUSH EBP  ;<---- first PUSH

PUSH 1234
PUSH 5678
CALL  add

POP  EBP ;<------first PUSH has a counterpart

I'm assuming FASM(compiler) is smart enough to tell if the PUSH being made is for a CALL by checking for (ADD ESP, XXX ) in the case of an __cdecl call convention. But how would you tell with an __stdcall convention?...I do not know.

Also, it would be very very very very very awesome if FASMW supported plugin technology that way we would just do these things on our own instead of nagging you Very Happy
Post 06 May 2012, 20:44
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JohnFound 06 May 2012, 21:17
You can write such utilities for Fresh and they will be included in the project. But I doubt there exists reliable enough algorithm for such checks.(except of course, code emulation).
Post 06 May 2012, 21:17
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cod3b453 06 May 2012, 21:51
You can override the instructions with wrapper macros:
__stack = 0

macro push [x]
        push x
        __stack = __stack + 1

macro pop [x]
        pop x

        if __stack = 0
                err Stack underflow
        end if

        __stack = __stack - 1

macro ret

        if __stack <> 0
                err Stack imbalance
        end if
You would also need to extend this for calls/proc macro or other special cases since (AFAIK) FASM has no actual knowledge of parameters to a procedure.
Post 06 May 2012, 21:51
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typedef 07 May 2012, 01:16
@codebase thanks I found the damn error
push                 edi                      ; string
push                 dword _http.size    ; number
push                 eax                     ; format
push                 ebx                     ;buffer
call                   [_user32.wsprintfA]
add                   esp,    4*3  ; <------------------------- LOL

EDI would get stuck on the stack
What a stupid bug. Very Happy wasted my precious time.
Post 07 May 2012, 01:16
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revolution 07 May 2012, 02:20
typedef wrote:
@codebase thanks I found the damn error
push                 edi                      ; string
push                 dword _http.size    ; number
push                 eax                     ; format
push                 ebx                     ;buffer
call                   [_user32.wsprintfA]
add                   esp,    4*3  ; <------------------------- LOL

EDI would get stuck on the stack
What a stupid bug. Very Happy wasted my precious time.
That is why we have the cinvoke macro. With the macro such off-by-one errors are greatly lessened.
Post 07 May 2012, 02:20
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shutdownall 07 May 2012, 12:32
typedef wrote:
Hi. I have another story to tell. I was compiling a program today(lots of code) and it kept crashing but I could not find the bug since it's too big to even debug.

So I was wondering if you could make FASMW count how many PUSHes and POPs are performed regardless of CALLs.

So, like(generates WARNING):

I don't think that it is very useful. Because you can not interprete stack content. What about the many used constructions with


push ebp
<some code>
pop eax



push eax ebx ecx edx edi esi
<some code>
add esp,5*4 ; cleanup stack
pop eax

So this is a very complex adventure and you never mind what a programmer wants to do with the stack. In the first example the sequence


pop ebp
mov eax,ebp

is quite longer in code and execution and maybe you don't want to destroy ebp contents which have been changed in the code inbetween.

So please do not try to generate warnings, this could be a never ending story. Wink
Post 07 May 2012, 12:32
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AsmGuru62 07 May 2012, 14:33
I agree. Too much of an IDE means less freedom for a coder.
Post 07 May 2012, 14:33
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