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Index > Projects and Ideas > IDEA : FIX 3 files to only one...

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Remy Vincent

Joined: 16 Sep 2005
Posts: 155
Location: France
Remy Vincent 23 Nov 2006, 22:50
I am so sorry to post PASCAL code in this FASM FORUM, but it is so VERY HARD to write this kind of algorithm directly in assembler, my god,... even transalting it from pascal ==> asm looks like a year work!!! BUT... this "small program" is fully tested (as I am used to)!!!

PROGRAM   Cmp3File ;
{$IFDEF MSDOS}   USES   DOS ;   {$ENDIF}      {--- TP4,... }
{$IFDEF WIN32}   {$APPTYPE CONSOLE}   USES   SysUtils ;   {$ENDIF}      {--- Delphi2,... }


! Small Toolbox
! String routines
! UpperCase
{===== UpperCase }

FUNCTION   UpperCase   ( IL_String : String ) : String ;
   L_i : Integer ;
   FOR L_i := 1 TO Length(IL_String) DO BEGIN
      IL_String[L_i] := UpCase ( IL_String[L_i] );
   UpperCase := IL_String ;

! FileExists
{===== FileExists }

FUNCTION   FileExists   ( I_Path : String ) : Boolean ;
   L_SearchRec : SearchRec ;
   FindFirst ( I_Path , AnyFile , L_SearchRec );
   FileExists := ( DosError = 0 );


   GI_FilePath1 : String ;      {--- Parameter 1 }
   GI_FilePath2 : String ;      {--- Parameter 2 }
   GI_FilePath3 : String ;      {--- Parameter 3 }

   GI_OutFilePath : String ;      {--- Parameter 4 }

   G_VerboseQ : Boolean ;

   G_Buffer1 : Array[0..2047] of Byte ;
   G_Buffer2 : Array[0..2047] of Byte ;
   G_Buffer3 : Array[0..2047] of Byte ;
   G_File1   : File ;
   G_File2   : File ;
   G_File3   : File ;
   G_ByteRead1 : {$IFDEF WIN32}Longint{$ELSE}Word{$ENDIF} ;
   G_ByteRead2 : {$IFDEF WIN32}Longint{$ELSE}Word{$ENDIF} ;
   G_ByteRead3 : {$IFDEF WIN32}Longint{$ELSE}Word{$ENDIF} ;

   G_OutBuffer : Array[0..2047] of Byte ;
   G_OutFile   : File ;
   G_ByteToWrite : Word ;

   G_iSegment : Longint ;

   G_jCountMin : Word ;
   {--G_jCountMax : Word ;--}
   G_jNextStep : Shortint ;

   G_jCount : Word ;
   G_j      : Word ;
   G_Byte1  : Byte ;
   G_Byte2  : Byte ;
   G_Byte3  : Byte ;

   G_HelpUP : String[10];

   {===== Help ========================================================= }
   G_HelpUP := UpperCase ( ParamStr(1) );
   IF (G_HelpUP = '?'   ) Or (G_HelpUP = '-?'   ) Or (G_HelpUP = '/?'   ) Or
      (G_HelpUP = 'HELP') Or (G_HelpUP = '-HELP') Or (G_HelpUP = '/HELP') Or
      (ParamCount = 0)
      WriteLn (   '***** Cmp3File Help ***********************************************************'   );
      WriteLn (   'Process 3 Binary files, and output the "best choice" when the bytes'               );
      WriteLn (   'of the 3 files are different.'                                                     );
      WriteLn (   '- This program is made to "try to repair" 3 corrupted versions'                    );
      WriteLn (   '  of the same file.'                                                               );
      WriteLn (   '- (  "Cmp3File"  means  "CoMPare, 3 FILEs"  )'                                     );
      WriteLn (   ''                                                                                  );
      WriteLn (   'CMP3FILE   FilePath1   FilePath2   FilePath3   [OutFilePath]   [>Destination]'     );
      WriteLn (   ''                                                                                  );
      WriteLn (   '   FilePath1   : The existing binary file, copy 1.'                                );
      WriteLn (   '   FilePath2   : The existing binary file, copy 2.'                                );
      WriteLn (   '   FilePath3   : The existing binary file, copy 3.'                                );
      WriteLn (   '   OutFilePath : The "best byte choice", when the 3 files are different.'          );
      WriteLn (   '   Destination : Default is screen, to output to a file use usual'                 );
      WriteLn (   '                 "DOS output redirection"  ( CMD  ...  >MyOutput.TXT ).'           );
      WriteLn (   ''                                                                                  );
      WriteLn (   '----- Examples :'                                                                  );
      WriteLn (   'Cmp3File   DownLd1.BIN   DownLd2.BIN   DownLd3.BIN   Repaired.BIN'                 );
      WriteLn (   'Cmp3File   DownLd1.BIN   DownLd2.BIN   DownLd3.BIN   Repaired.BIN   >errors.out'   );
      WriteLn (   '*******************************************************************************'   );

      HALT ( 0 );

   {----- CONTROL Parameter 1 : File exists ?  }
   GI_FilePath1 := ParamStr(1);
   IF not FileExists ( GI_FilePath1 ) THEN BEGIN
      WriteLn (   'ERROR: '  ,  'File1 not found  ( Parameter 1 ).'   );
      HALT ( 1 );

   {----- CONTROL Parameter 2 : File exists ?  }
   GI_FilePath2 := ParamStr(2);
   IF not FileExists ( GI_FilePath2 ) THEN BEGIN
      WriteLn (   'ERROR: '  ,  'File2 not found  ( Parameter 2 ).'   );
      HALT ( 1 );

   {----- CONTROL Parameter 3 : File exists ?  }
   GI_FilePath3 := ParamStr(3);
   IF not FileExists ( GI_FilePath3 ) THEN BEGIN
      WriteLn (   'ERROR: '  ,  'File3 not found  ( Parameter 3 ).'   );
      HALT ( 1 );

   {----- OPTIONAL : Parameter 4 }
   GI_OutFilePath := ParamStr(4);

   G_VerboseQ := TRUE ;

   Assign ( G_File1 , GI_FilePath1 );
   Reset  ( G_File1 , 1 );

   Assign ( G_File2 , GI_FilePath2 );
   Reset  ( G_File2 , 1 );

   Assign ( G_File3 , GI_FilePath3 );
   Reset  ( G_File3 , 1 );

   IF GI_OutFilePath <> '' THEN BEGIN
      Assign  ( G_OutFile , GI_OutFilePath );
      Rewrite ( G_OutFile , 1 );

   G_iSegment := 1 ;

   {----- LOOP , Read the 3 binary files , with 3 small buffers }
   WHILE (Eof(G_File1) = False) Or (Eof(G_File2) = False) Or (Eof(G_File3) = False)
      {----- Input : Binary file 1, 2 & 3 }
      BlockRead ( G_File1 , G_Buffer1[0] , SizeOf(G_Buffer1) , G_ByteRead1 );
      BlockRead ( G_File2 , G_Buffer2[0] , SizeOf(G_Buffer2) , G_ByteRead2 );
      BlockRead ( G_File3 , G_Buffer3[0] , SizeOf(G_Buffer3) , G_ByteRead3 );

      {--------------- DECISION, Find the smaller buffer ---------------}

      {----- Find min length }
      IF G_ByteRead1 = G_ByteRead2
         IF G_ByteRead1 = G_ByteRead3
         THEN BEGIN   { usual case }
            G_jCountMin := G_ByteRead1 ;
            G_jNextStep := 0 ;      {--- No next step needed, because 3 buffer length equal }
         ELSE BEGIN
            IF G_ByteRead3 < G_ByteRead1
            THEN BEGIN
               G_jCountMin := G_ByteRead3 ;
               G_jNextStep := -3 ;      {--- Next step WITHOUT buffer 3 }
            ELSE BEGIN
               G_jCountMin := G_ByteRead1 ;
               G_jNextStep := 3 ;      {--- Next step WITH ONLY buffer 3 }
         IF G_ByteRead1 = G_ByteRead3
         THEN BEGIN
            IF G_ByteRead2 < G_ByteRead1
            THEN BEGIN
               G_jCountMin := G_ByteRead2 ;
               G_jNextStep := -2 ;      {--- Next step WITHOUT buffer 2 }
            ELSE BEGIN
               G_jCountMin := G_ByteRead1 ;
               G_jNextStep := 2 ;      {--- Next step WITH ONLY buffer 2 }
         ELSE BEGIN
            IF G_ByteRead2 = G_ByteRead3
            THEN BEGIN
               IF G_ByteRead1 < G_ByteRead2
               THEN BEGIN
                  G_jCountMin := G_ByteRead1 ;
                  G_jNextStep := -1 ;      {--- Next step WITHOUT buffer 1 }
               ELSE BEGIN
                  G_jCountMin := G_ByteRead2 ;
                  G_jNextStep := 1 ;      {--- Next step WITH ONLY buffer 1 }

      {--------------- MAIN, 3 buffers(COMMON PARTS)  ==>  Best choice ---------------}

      G_ByteToWrite := 0 ;
      G_j := 0 ;
      G_jCount := G_jCountMin ;

      {----- LOOP 1 : Compare each byte }
      WHILE G_jCount <> 0 DO BEGIN
         G_Byte1 := G_Buffer1[G_j];
         G_Byte2 := G_Buffer2[G_j];
         G_Byte3 := G_Buffer3[G_j];

         {----- Big choice, because which bytes are equal ?  }
         IF G_Byte1 = G_Byte2
         THEN BEGIN
            IF G_Byte1 = G_Byte3
            THEN BEGIN
               G_OutBuffer[G_j] := G_Byte1 ;
            ELSE BEGIN
               G_OutBuffer[G_j] := G_Byte1 ;

               IF G_VerboseQ
               THEN WriteLn (   G_iSegment  ,  ':'  ,  G_j  ,  '> '
                             ,  G_Byte1  ,  ' '  ,  G_Byte2  ,  ' ('  ,  G_Byte3  ,  ')'
         ELSE BEGIN
            IF G_Byte1 = G_Byte3
            THEN BEGIN
               G_OutBuffer[G_j] := G_Byte1 ;

               IF G_VerboseQ
               THEN WriteLn (   G_iSegment  ,  ':'  ,  G_j  ,  '> '
                             ,  G_Byte1  ,  ' ('  ,  G_Byte2  ,  ') '  ,  G_Byte3   );
            ELSE BEGIN
               IF G_Byte2 = G_Byte3
               THEN BEGIN
                  G_OutBuffer[G_j] := G_Byte2 ;

                  IF G_VerboseQ
                  THEN WriteLn (   G_iSegment  ,  ':'  ,  G_j  ,  '> '
                                ,  '('  ,  G_Byte1  ,  ') '  ,  G_Byte2  ,  ' '  ,  G_Byte3   );
               ELSE BEGIN
                  G_OutBuffer[G_j] := G_Byte1 ;      {--- Default choice when the 3 bytes are different }

                  IF G_VerboseQ
                  THEN WriteLn (   G_iSegment  ,  ':'  ,  G_j  ,  '> '
                                ,  '('  ,  G_Byte1  ,  ') ('  ,  G_Byte2  ,  ') ('  ,  G_Byte3  ,  ')'   );

         DEC ( G_jCount );
         Inc ( G_j );
         {--Inc ( G_ByteToWrite );--}

      G_ByteToWrite := G_jCountMin ;

      Dec ( G_ByteRead1 , G_jCountMin );
      Dec ( G_ByteRead2 , G_jCountMin );
      Dec ( G_ByteRead3 , G_jCountMin );

      {--------------- 2 buffers(ENDING PARTS)  ==>  Best choice ---------------}

      CASE G_jNextStep OF
         -3 : BEGIN   { Step WITHOUT buffer 3 }
            {----- Find  min length }
            IF G_ByteRead1 = G_ByteRead2
            THEN BEGIN
               G_jCountMin := G_ByteRead1 ;
               G_jNextStep := 0 ;      {--- No next step needed }
            ELSE BEGIN
               IF G_ByteRead1 < G_ByteRead2
               THEN BEGIN
                  G_jCountMin := G_ByteRead1 ;
                  G_jNextStep := 2 ;      {--- Next step WITH ONLY buffer 2 }
               ELSE BEGIN
                  G_jCountMin := G_ByteRead2 ;
                  G_jNextStep := 1 ;      {--- Next step WITH ONLY buffer 1 }

            G_jCount := G_jCountMin ;

            {----- LOOP 2.3 : Compare each byte }
            WHILE G_jCount <> 0 DO BEGIN
               G_Byte1 := G_Buffer1[G_j];
               G_Byte2 := G_Buffer2[G_j];

               {----- Choice, bytes are equal ?  }
               IF G_Byte1 = G_Byte2
               THEN BEGIN
                  G_OutBuffer[G_j] := G_Byte1 ;
               ELSE BEGIN
                  G_OutBuffer[G_j] := G_Byte1 ;      {--- Default choice when the 2 bytes are different }

                  IF G_VerboseQ
                  THEN WriteLn (   G_iSegment  ,  ':'  ,  G_j  ,  '> '
                                ,  G_Byte1  ,  ' ('  ,  G_Byte2  ,  ') ('  ,  ';'  ,  ')'   );

               DEC ( G_jCount );
               Inc ( G_j );
               {--Inc ( G_ByteToWrite );--}

            Inc ( G_ByteToWrite , G_jCountMin );

            Dec ( G_ByteRead1 , G_jCountMin );
            Dec ( G_ByteRead2 , G_jCountMin );

         -2 : BEGIN   { Step WITHOUT buffer 2 }
            {----- Find  min length }
            IF G_ByteRead1 = G_ByteRead3
            THEN BEGIN
               G_jCountMin := G_ByteRead1 ;
               G_jNextStep := 0 ;      {--- No next step needed }
            ELSE BEGIN
               IF G_ByteRead1 < G_ByteRead3
               THEN BEGIN
                  G_jCountMin := G_ByteRead1 ;
                  G_jNextStep := 3 ;      {--- Next step WITH ONLY buffer 3 }
               ELSE BEGIN
                  G_jCountMin := G_ByteRead3 ;
                  G_jNextStep := 1 ;      {--- Next step WITH ONLY buffer 1 }

            G_jCount := G_jCountMin ;

            {----- LOOP 2.2 : Compare each byte }
            WHILE G_jCount <> 0 DO BEGIN
               G_Byte1 := G_Buffer1[G_j];
               G_Byte3 := G_Buffer3[G_j];

               {----- Choice, bytes are equal ?  }
               IF G_Byte1 = G_Byte3
               THEN BEGIN
                  G_OutBuffer[G_j] := G_Byte1 ;
               ELSE BEGIN
                  G_OutBuffer[G_j] := G_Byte1 ;      {--- Default choice when the 2 bytes are different }

                  IF G_VerboseQ
                  THEN WriteLn (   G_iSegment  ,  ':'  ,  G_j  ,  '> '
                                ,  G_Byte1  ,  ' ('  ,  '.'  ,  ') ('  ,  G_Byte3  ,  ')'   );

               DEC ( G_jCount );
               inc ( G_j );
               {--Inc ( G_ByteToWrite );--}

            Inc ( G_ByteToWrite , G_jCountMin );

            Dec ( G_ByteRead1 , G_jCountMin );
            Dec ( G_ByteRead3 , G_jCountMin );

         -1 : BEGIN   { Step WITHOUT buffer 1 }
            {----- Find  min length }
            IF G_ByteRead2 = G_ByteRead3
            THEN BEGIN
               G_jCountMin := G_ByteRead2 ;
               G_jNextStep := 0 ;      {--- No next step needed }
            ELSE BEGIN
               IF G_ByteRead2 < G_ByteRead3
               THEN BEGIN
                  G_jCountMin := G_ByteRead2 ;
                  G_jNextStep := 3 ;      {--- Next step WITH ONLY buffer 3 }
               ELSE BEGIN
                  G_jCountMin := G_ByteRead3 ;
                  G_jNextStep := 2 ;      {--- Next step WITH ONLY buffer 2 }

            G_jCount := G_jCountMin ;

            {----- LOOP 2.3 : Compare each byte }
            WHILE G_jCount <> 0 DO BEGIN
               G_Byte2 := G_Buffer2[G_j];
               G_Byte3 := G_Buffer3[G_j];

               {----- Choice, bytes are equal ?  }
               IF G_Byte2 = G_Byte3
               THEN BEGIN
                  G_OutBuffer[G_j] := G_Byte2 ;
               ELSE BEGIN
                  G_OutBuffer[G_j] := G_Byte2 ;      {--- Default choice when the 2 bytes are different }

                  IF G_VerboseQ
                  THEN WriteLn (   G_iSegment  ,  ':'  ,  G_j  ,  '> '
                                ,  '('  ,  '.'  ,  ') '  ,  G_Byte2  ,  ' ('  ,  G_Byte3  ,  ')'   );

               DEC ( G_jCount );
               Inc ( G_j );
               {--Inc ( G_ByteToWrite );--}

            Inc ( G_ByteToWrite , G_jCountMin );

            Dec ( G_ByteRead2 , G_jCountMin );
            Dec ( G_ByteRead3 , G_jCountMin );

         0 : ;   { No next step needed }

         1 : BEGIN   { Step WITH ONLY buffer 1 }
            {----- Min length }
            G_jCountMin := G_ByteRead1 ;
            G_jNextStep := 0 ;      {--- No next step needed }

            G_jCount := G_jCountMin ;

            Move ( G_Buffer1[G_j] , G_OutBuffer[G_j] , G_jCount );

            Inc ( G_ByteToWrite , G_jCountMin );

            Dec ( G_ByteRead1 , G_jCountMin );

         2 : BEGIN   { Step WITH ONLY buffer 2 }
            {----- Min length }
            G_jCountMin := G_ByteRead2 ;
            G_jNextStep := 0 ;      {--- No next step needed }

            G_jCount := G_jCountMin ;

            Move ( G_Buffer2[G_j] , G_OutBuffer[G_j] , G_jCount );

            Inc ( G_ByteToWrite , G_jCountMin );

            Dec ( G_ByteRead2 , G_jCountMin );

         3 : BEGIN   { Step WITH ONLY buffer 3 }
            {----- Min length }
            G_jCountMin := G_ByteRead3 ;
            G_jNextStep := 0 ;      {--- No next step needed }

            G_jCount := G_jCountMin ;

            Move ( G_Buffer3[G_j] , G_OutBuffer[G_j] , G_jCount );

            Inc ( G_ByteToWrite , G_jCountMin );

            Dec ( G_ByteRead3 , G_jCountMin );

      Inc ( G_ByteToWrite , G_ByteRead3 );

      {--------------- One buffer(ENDING PART)  ==>  Best choice ---------------}

      CASE G_jNextStep OF
         0 : ;   { No next step needed }

         1 : BEGIN   { Step WITH ONLY buffer 1 }
            {----- Min length }
            G_jCountMin := G_ByteRead1 ;
            G_jNextStep := 0 ;      {--- No next step needed }

            G_jCount := G_jCountMin ;

            Move ( G_Buffer1[G_j] , G_OutBuffer[G_j] , G_jCount );

            Inc ( G_ByteToWrite , G_jCountMin );

            Dec ( G_ByteRead1 , G_jCountMin );

         2 : BEGIN   { Step WITH ONLY buffer 2 }
            {----- Min length }
            G_jCountMin := G_ByteRead2 ;
            G_jNextStep := 0 ;      {--- No next step needed }

            G_jCount := G_jCountMin ;

            Move ( G_Buffer2[G_j] , G_OutBuffer[G_j] , G_jCount );

            Inc ( G_ByteToWrite , G_jCountMin );

            Dec ( G_ByteRead2 , G_jCountMin );

         3 : BEGIN   { Step WITH ONLY buffer 3 }
            {----- Min length }
            G_jCountMin := G_ByteRead3 ;

            G_jCount := G_jCountMin ;

            Move ( G_Buffer3[G_j] , G_OutBuffer[G_j] , G_jCount );

            Inc ( G_ByteToWrite , G_jCountMin );

            Dec ( G_ByteRead3 , G_jCountMin );

      {--------------- / ---------------}

      {----- OUTPUT : Selected bytes }
      IF GI_OutFilePath <> '' THEN BEGIN
         BlockWrite ( G_OutFile , G_OutBuffer[0] , G_ByteToWrite );

      INC ( G_iSegment );

   Close ( G_File1 );
   Close ( G_File2 );
   Close ( G_File3 );

   IF GI_OutFilePath <> '' THEN BEGIN
      Close ( G_OutFile );

Post 23 Nov 2006, 22:50
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Verbosity in development

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vid 23 Nov 2006, 23:04
can't help myself, but i believe this program could be written much more efficiently. Could you please explain closer what it does?
Post 23 Nov 2006, 23:04
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revolution 23 Nov 2006, 23:16
Looks like a vaiant of a simple majority rules selection using byte by byte comparison. Although I can't understand why the files would be currupted in such a way unless he/she has unreliable RAM or HDD.
Post 23 Nov 2006, 23:16
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Remy Vincent

Joined: 16 Sep 2005
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Location: France
Remy Vincent 23 Nov 2006, 23:18
Some weeks ago, I tried to download some BORLAND programs: from their "external but borland" web site .turboexplorer. : english version of Turbo delphi was unpacking, but not french version of TURBODELPHI,... so I tried to download 3 times, and as I am unlucky, the 3 files were unable to unpack... That's why I tried to do the previous very hard algorithm, to be able to join, and fix, 3 corrupted files... but may be too much reading is less clear than a "graphical" explanation:

- DOWLOADED FILE 1 (unable to unpack)
- DOWLOADED FILE 2 (unable to unpack too)
- DOWLOADED FILE 3 (unable to unpack also)

CMP3FILE.exe "Fil_1.exe" "Fil_2.exe" "Fil_3.exe" TRYTOFIXIT.exe

This is what I call "IDEA : FIX 3 files to only one..."

Is it possible in FASM?? or are we REACHING THE "ROOF" of what could be done with assembler???

That is a question: does assembler programming aloud very complex algorithms... Yeah, what could absolutly be impossible to program only with assembler, without any call to any external DLL done in another High Level Language???
Post 23 Nov 2006, 23:18
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Your code has a bug

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LocoDelAssembly 24 Nov 2006, 00:20
Using arrays instead of "VarNameX" where X is in 1..3 can help a lot. For the part that choose the minimun can be done by first sorting the array and then picking the appropiate cell. Rewrite it using arrays, it will make the job of porting it to fasm easier IMHO
Post 24 Nov 2006, 00:20
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Remy Vincent

Joined: 16 Sep 2005
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Location: France
Remy Vincent 24 Nov 2006, 00:56
LocoDelAssembly wrote:
Using arrays instead of "VarNameX" where X is in 1..3 can help a lot. For the part that choose the minimun can be done by first sorting the array and then picking the appropiate cell. Rewrite it using arrays, it will make the job of porting it to fasm easier IMHO

With a vararray, do you think it would be possible to process more than 8 or 9 files with less program lines than the program lines needed to process 3 files ?
Post 24 Nov 2006, 00:56
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Verbosity in development

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vid 24 Nov 2006, 01:09
now i understand. here is the idea for "find min length" and "common parts". Which is MUCH nicer in assembly (gotos) than in HLL

;load values to registers
mov ebx, [G_ByteRead1]
mov ecx, [G_ByteRead2]
mov edx, [G_ByteRead3]

;find min count
mov eax, ebx
cmp eax, ecx
cmova eax, ecx
cmp eax, edx
cmova eax, edx
mov [G_jMinCount], eax

;determine next step
;check case 1=2
cmp ebx, ecx
jne @f

mov eax, 0
cmp ebx, edx
je .next_step_done

mov eax, -3
cmp edx, ebx
jl .next_step_done

mov eax, 3
jmp .next_step_done

;check case 1=3
cmp ebx, edx
jne @f

mov eax,-2
cmp ecx, ebx
jl .next_step_done

mov eax, 2
jmp .next_step_done

;check case 2=3
cmp ecx, edx
jne .next_step_done ;in this case you don't set those variables at all

mov eax, -1
cmp ebx, ecx
je .next_step_done

mov eax, 1

mov [G_jNextStep], eax

you see, no problem

Last edited by vid on 24 Nov 2006, 02:38; edited 2 times in total
Post 24 Nov 2006, 01:09
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Verbosity in development

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vid 24 Nov 2006, 01:12
in fact, whenever you see something like this:

then you can be sure it can be writen nice in ASM Wink
Post 24 Nov 2006, 01:12
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Your code has a bug

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LocoDelAssembly 24 Nov 2006, 01:50
Your algorithm is too big to fit in my brain so forgive me if the following pseudo-code is not what you spected Razz:
first we read all file into their respective buffers at the array

We find the which is the most amount of bytes read this way:

max_size := -1;
FOR i:= 1 TO N DO IF files[i].G_ByteRead > max then max := files[i].G_ByteRead; { This part is incredible easy with ASM if you have a PPro class CPU Very Happy (look at vid's code above) }

Now that we know which buffers has max_size bytes we compare all of them to see which one has more coincidences:

max_occurrencies:= 0;
max_buffer := 1;

FOR i := 1 to N DO
  IF files[i].files[i].G_ByteRead < max then continue; {skip this step}
  ocurrencies := 0;
  FOR j := i+1 to N DO IF files[i].buffer = files[j].buffer THEN inc(ocurrencies);
  IF ocurrencies > max_occurrencies THEN
    max_buffer := i;
    max_occurrencies := occurrencies;

At this point we know which data pattern appeared more times (if a tie occured then the tie-break has been made by choosing the first pattern with max_occurrencies occurrencies).    
Post 24 Nov 2006, 01:50
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Tomasz Grysztar

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Tomasz Grysztar 24 Nov 2006, 09:56
Remy Vincent wrote:
That is a question: does assembler programming aloud very complex algorithms... Yeah, what could absolutly be impossible to program only with assembler, without any call to any external DLL done in another High Level Language???

Nothing would be impossible. On the other hand, some things are impossible to program only with HLL without call to assembly. Wink
And, as vid already noted, the branches allow to write algorithms in more compact and cleaner form that structural code, if only you know how to use them wisely.
You also wouldn't be able to convert fasm's source into a structural form without re-arranging many parts - while converting structural code into a branched one is pretty straightforward. (Well, this is all about jumps really, not the assembly itself*. I personally very dislike languages - even though I'm sometimes forced to use them - that don't have GOTO statement... I can manage to handle problems using purely structural code, I just don't get why people hate GOTO so much... perhaps they are scared of too much power it would give to them).

* Still the assembly has more of the nice "outside-paradigm" tricks. Recently I had trouble converting into HLL code like:
cmp [variable],100
ja is_above
jb is_below
; here we do something when it's equal    

You see, it's usually impossible (without writing a macro or something like that) to do such construction in HLL without writing the name of variable twice.
Post 24 Nov 2006, 09:56
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Verbosity in development

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Location: Slovakia
vid 24 Nov 2006, 13:40
yes the problem with new languages is power. Power can always be misused, and todays trend is to reduce power to disallow coder misuse anything. That's why C programmers say gotos are stupid, and why C# programmers say pointers are stupid. Everything powerful can be misused, but that is not reason not to use it
Post 24 Nov 2006, 13:40
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Your code has a bug

Joined: 06 May 2005
Posts: 4624
Location: Argentina
LocoDelAssembly 24 Nov 2006, 14:48
I just don't get why people hate GOTO so much... perhaps they are scared of too much power it would give to them).

Because we learn that shit at university and to be sure that you will not have "strange ideas" of using it them disapprove you at the exams and even force you to take the course again the next year if you persist with your "revolutionary ideas". And all this shit is because they promise you that with structured code you will produce bug free code just because the blocks has one entry point and one exit point and apparently this will avoid returning wrong values at the end of the module (which has to have only one return point too...). Note that if you produce a 100 lines code using goto over the same code using structured code but with 1000 lines they still thinking that structured code is better Mad

University concepts sucks Smile You learn great things at there but unfortunately they cut your creativity by things like this and some courses goes beyond and disapprove you if you write an algorithm in a way not seen at the course and no matter if your algorithm is better and uses HLL constructs seen at the course :S
Post 24 Nov 2006, 14:48
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