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Joined: 25 Oct 2006
Posts: 3
grimpirate 25 Oct 2006, 02:28
I'm curious if anyone can refer me to a URL or explain how exactly it is that I can achieve a soft power down in assembly code. Like is there a certain interrupt I should call? Some special value I need to place into memory? A particular opcode? Any help is appreciated.
Post 25 Oct 2006, 02:28
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Joined: 21 Jun 2003
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Location: Spain
Octavio 25 Oct 2006, 12:33
Post 25 Oct 2006, 12:33
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Joined: 25 Oct 2006
Posts: 3
grimpirate 26 Oct 2006, 06:22
Thx alot Octavio, that really helps and I actually put the interrupt in there and got it to work Very Happy So here it is for the sake of helping someone else out who might need it.
boot_start      equ     0x7c00

jmp boot_code

times   59      db      0xff

mov     si,     boot_start + message
mov     ah,     0x0e
mov     bx,     0x07
or      al,     al
jz      @f
int     0x10
jmp     @b
mov     ah,     0x00
int     0x16
mov     ax,     0x5307
mov     bx,     0x0001
mov     cx,     0x0003
int     0x15

message db      'Hello World!', 13, 10
        db      'Press any key to shut down computer...', 0

times   510 - $         db      0
db      0x55, 0xaa    

NOTE: My code isn't as well done as Octavio's his actually checks that the Interrupt exists and is functional. I don't quite understand all of it, but I figure that's what it's doing.
Post 26 Oct 2006, 06:22
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Joined: 31 Oct 2004
Posts: 557
smiddy 26 Oct 2006, 12:40
Here's what I'm using from a PM OS:

PowerManagmentVersion dw 0
NoPowerManagment      db 'No power management functionality',10,13,0
ErrorMessage          db 'Power management error',10,13,0
WrongVersion          db 'Need APM version 1.1 or better',10,13,0


   mov ax,5300h                     ; See if APM available
   mov bx,0                         ; device = BIOS
   int 15h
   mov si,NoPowerManagment
   jc .Error
   cmp ax,101h                      ; See if version 1.1 or greater
   mov dx,WrongVersion
   jc .Error
   mov [PowerManagementVersion],ax
   mov ax,5301h                     ; Do a real mode connection
   mov bx,0                         ; device = BIOS
   int 15h
   jnc .NoConectionError
   cmp ah,2                         ; Pass if already connected
   mov si,ErrorMessage              ; else error
   jnz .Error


   mov ax,530eh                     ; Enable latest version of APM
   mov bx,0                         ; device = BIOS
   mov cx,[PowerManagmentVersion]   ; version
   int 15h
   mov si,ErrorMessage
   jc .Error
   mov ax,530dh                     ; Now engage and enable CPU management
   mov bx,1                         ; device = all
   mov cx,1                         ; enable
   int 15h
   mov si,ErrorMessage
   jc .Error
   mov ax,530fh
   mov bx,1                         ; device = ALL
   mov cx,1                         ; enable
   int 15h
   mov si,ErrorMessage
   jc .Error
   mov ax,5307h                     ; Do the power down
   mov bx,1                         ; device = ALL
   mov cx,3                         ; mode = OFF
   int 15h                          ; shutdown CPU
   mov si,ErrorMessage


   call PrintString

Post 26 Oct 2006, 12:40
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