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Index > Windows > Problem with bitmaps

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Joined: 07 Aug 2006
Posts: 7
Location: Finland
Defsanguje 07 Aug 2006, 02:47
Here's my code:
; Template for program using standard Win32 headers

format PE GUI 4.0
entry start

include 'win32ax.inc'

section '.data' data readable writeable
  _title           db 'Patcher Template',0
  _class           db 'FASMWIN32',0
  _ButtonClassName db "button",0
  _ButtonText      db "About",0
  _ButtonAbout     db "Random testing by. Defsanguje",0
  _ButtonAboutCap  db "About",0
  _StaticClassName db "static",0
  _StaticText      db "Random testing by. Defsanguje",0

  ID_ABOUT          =  100

  bmpH             dd ?
  ps               PAINTSTRUCT
  hdc              dd ?
  hMemDC           dd ?
  rect             RECT


  msg MSG

section '.code' code readable executable


        invoke  GetModuleHandle,0
        mov     [wc.hInstance],eax
        invoke  LoadIcon,0,IDI_APPLICATION
        mov     [wc.hIcon],eax
        invoke  LoadCursor,0,IDC_ARROW
        mov     [wc.hCursor],eax
        invoke  RegisterClass,wc

        invoke  CreateWindowEx,0,_class,_title,WS_VISIBLE+WS_DLGFRAME+WS_SYSMENU,200,200,343,300,NULL,NULL,[wc.hInstance],NULL

        invoke  GetMessage,msg,NULL,0,0
        or      eax,eax
        jz      end_loop
        invoke  TranslateMessage,msg
        invoke  DispatchMessage,msg
        jmp     msg_loop

        invoke  ExitProcess,[msg.wParam]

  proc WindowProc hwnd,wmsg,wparam,lparam

             push    ebx esi edi
             cmp     [wmsg],WM_CREATE
             je      wmcreate
             cmp     [wmsg],WM_DESTROY
             je      wmdestroy
             cmp     [wmsg],WM_COMMAND
             je      wmcommand
             cmp     [wmsg],WM_PAINT
             je      wmpaint
             cmp     [wmsg],WM_DESTROY
             je      wmdestroy

             invoke  DefWindowProc,[hwnd],[wmsg],[wparam],[lparam]
             jmp     finish

             invoke  LoadBitmap,[wc.hInstance],IDR_LOGO
             mov     [bmpH],eax

             invoke  CreateWindowEx,0,_StaticClassName,NULL,WS_CHILD+WS_VISIBLE+WS_BORDER,5,28,325,235,[hwnd],NULL,[wc.hInstance],NULL
             invoke  CreateWindowEx,0,_StaticClassName,NULL,WS_CHILD+WS_VISIBLE+SS_BITMAP,10,32,600,600,[hwnd],IDR_LOGO,[wc.hInstance],NULL
             invoke  CreateWindowEx,0,_ButtonClassName,_ButtonText,WS_CHILD+WS_VISIBLE+BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON,10,235,80,23,[hwnd],ID_ABOUT,[wc.hInstance],NULL
             invoke  CreateWindowEx,0,_StaticClassName,_StaticText,WS_CHILD+WS_VISIBLE,5,5,350,23,[hwnd],NULL,[wc.hInstance],NULL

             jmp     finish

            invoke  BeginPaint,[hwnd],ps
                    mov  [hdc],eax
            invoke  CreateCompatibleDC,[hdc]
                    mov  [hMemDC],eax
            invoke  SelectObject,[hMemDC],[bmpH]
            invoke  GetClientRect,[hwnd],rect
            invoke  BitBlt,[hdc],50,50,[rect.right],[rect.bottom],[hMemDC],0,0,SRCCOPY
            invoke  DeleteDC,[hMemDC]
            invoke  EndPaint,[hwnd],ps
                    jmp  finish

            invoke  DeleteObject,[logo]
            invoke  PostQuitMessage,0

            cmp     [wparam],BN_CLICKED shl 16 + ID_ABOUT
            je      wmabout
            jmp     finish

            invoke  MessageBox,[hwnd],_ButtonAbout,_ButtonAboutCap,MB_OK
            jmp     finish

            invoke DeleteObject,[bmpH]
            invoke PostQuitMessage,NULL

            pop     edi esi ebx

section '.idata' import data readable writeable

  library kernel32,'KERNEL32.DLL',\

  include 'apia\kernel32.inc'
  include 'apia\user32.inc'
  include 'apia\gdi32.inc'

section '.rsrc' resource data readable

  IDR_LOGO          =  7

  directory bitmaps


  bitmap logo,'logo.bmp'    

It compiles perfectly and my .exe becomes 12kb bigger (logo.bmp is 12kb), but It doesn't draw the image... What's wrong?

Last edited by Defsanguje on 06 Dec 2008, 00:04; edited 1 time in total
Post 07 Aug 2006, 02:47
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Joined: 25 Sep 2003
Posts: 2139
Location: Estonia
Madis731 07 Aug 2006, 07:18
1) you need
  directory RT_BITMAP,bitmaps 

to make it work under FASM 1.66

2) It draws the bitmap behind the
             invoke  CreateWindowEx,0,_StaticClassName,NULL,WS_CHILD+WS_VISIBLE+WS_BORDER,5,28,325,235,[hwnd],NULL,[wc.hInstance],NULL

so very little can be seen.

Try if you can fix it yourself now - I don't know what are you trying to do with that BMP.
Post 07 Aug 2006, 07:18
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Joined: 07 Aug 2006
Posts: 7
Location: Finland
Defsanguje 07 Aug 2006, 15:15
Madis731 wrote:
1) you need
  directory RT_BITMAP,bitmaps 

to make it work under FASM 1.66

2) It draws the bitmap behind the
             invoke  CreateWindowEx,0,_StaticClassName,NULL,WS_CHILD+WS_VISIBLE+WS_BORDER,5,28,325,235,[hwnd],NULL,[wc.hInstance],NULL

so very little can be seen.

Try if you can fix it yourself now - I don't know what are you trying to do with that BMP.

I just wanted to display it. Thanks,
  directory RT_BITMAP,bitmaps 

worked Wink
Post 07 Aug 2006, 15:15
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Joined: 24 Aug 2004
Posts: 408
Location: Poland
Reverend 07 Aug 2006, 22:33
There are too ways for drawing a bitmap. First is by obtaining device context (dc) when WM_PAINT is sent. Then you draw it in a similar way you posted. But if you create a static with SS_BITMAP style you can do it the other (simplier) way:
        invoke  CreateWindowEx,0,_StaticClassName,NULL,WS_CHILD+WS_VISIBLE+SS_BITMAP,10,32,600,600,[hwnd],IDR_LOGO,[wc.hInstance],NULL
        mov     [handle_of_static], eax
        invoke  LoadBitmap, [wc.hInstance], IDR_LOGO
        mov     [handle_of_bitmap], eax
        invoke  SendMessage, [handle_of_static], STM_SETIMAGE, IMAGE_BITMAP, [handle_of_bitmap]    

EDIT: If you choose the first way (drawing), do not create statics with SS_BITMAP as they're useless then.
Post 07 Aug 2006, 22:33
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