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Index > Linux > Error calling sys_write, help please

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Joined: 27 Jul 2006
Posts: 42
Thaorius 05 Aug 2006, 03:40

I wrote a library for packing files in my own format(tpack) for windows, so i'm translating it to linux-asm.
I started it with the basic writing functions.

This is my TPacker.inc:
; TPacker v2.0 library for GNU/Linux OS 

proc tpackw.new stdcall file
        stdcall sys_creat, [file], 00644o       ; Attemp to create packet
        test eax,eax                            ; Test for error
        js .error                               ; Jump on error
        clc                                     ; Clear carry flag
        stdcall sys_write, eax, __tpack_head, __tpack_head_size
        test eax,eax                            ; Test for error
        js .error                               ; Jump on error
        jmp .ret                                ; Return
        stc                                     ; Set Carry Flag
        jmp .ret                                ; Return

proc tpackw.end stdcall fd
        stdcall sys_write, [fd], __tpack_end_head, __tpack_end_head_size
        test eax,eax                            ; Test for error
        js .error                               ; Jump on error
        jmp .ret                                ; Return
        stc                                     ; Set Carry Flag
        jmp .ret                                ; Return

__tpack_head db "tpack2.0",0
__tpack_head_size = $-__tpack_head
__tpack_end_head db "epack",0
__tpack_end_head_size = $-__tpack_end_head    

And the TPacker.asm for testing:
format ELF executable
entry main

include 'api.inc'
include 'TPacker.inc'

segment readable executable

        stdcall tpackw.new, _path
        ;jc .error
        stdcall tpackw.end, eax
        jc .error
        jmp .ret
        stdcall sys_write, 1 , _error, _error_size
        jmp .ret
        stdcall sys_exit,1
segment readable writable
_path db "/home/thaorius/asm/pack.tpack",0
_error db "Error!",10,0
_error_size = $-_error    

It build's fine, but on runtime, the function tpackw.end returns with error and the 'epack' head is not writed. But, if you look at tpack.new there is a call to sys_write with the fd that sys_creat returns.
The problem is that the head 'tpack2.0' is writed without problems but the 'epack' isn't.

Any ideas?

P/D: api.inc
; GNU/Linux API Wrapper
include 'macros.inc'

O_RDONLY equ 00
O_RWONLY equ 01
O_RDRW equ 02

proc sys_exit stdcall uses eax ebx,ecode
        mov eax, 1              ; Select sys_exit function
        mov ebx, [ecode]        ; Exit code
        int 80h                 ; Call the kernel
        ret                     ; Return

proc sys_fork stdcall
        mov eax, 2              ; Select sys_fork function
        int 80h                 ; Call the kernel
        test eax, eax           ; Check for error
        js .error               ; Jump on error
        clc                     ; Clear carry flag
        jmp .ret                ; Jump to return instruction
        stc                     ; Set carry flag
        jmp .ret                ; Jump to return instruction
        ret                     ; Return

proc sys_read stdcall uses eax ebx ecx edx, fd, buffer, nbytes
        mov eax, 3              ; Select sys_read function
        mov ebx, [fd]           ; File Descriptor
        mov ecx, [buffer]       ; Buffer address
        mov edx, [nbytes]       ; Bytes to read
        int 80h                 ; Call the kernel
        test eax,eax            ; Check for error
        js .error               ; If the sign flag is set go to error
        clc                     ; Clear carry flag
        jmp .ret                ; Jump to return instruction
        stc                     ; Set carry flag
        jmp .ret                ; Jump to return instruction
        ret                     ; Return

proc sys_write stdcall uses ebx ecx edx, fd, buffer, buffer_len
        mov eax, 4              ; Select sys_write function
        mov ebx, [fd]           ; File Descriptor
        mov ecx, [buffer]       ; Buffer
        mov edx, [buffer_len]   ; Buffer Len
        int 80h                 ; Call the kernel
        test eax,eax            ; Check for error
        js .error               ; If the sign flag is set go to error
        clc                     ; Clear carry flag
        jmp .ret                ; Jump to return instruction
        stc                     ; Set carry flag
        jmp .ret                ; Jump to return instruction
        ret                     ; Return

proc sys_open stdcall uses ebx ecx, road, flags
        mov eax, 5              ; Select sys_open function
        mov ebx, [road]         ; File location
        mov ecx, [flags]        ; Flags
        int 80h                 ; Call the kernel
        test eax,eax            ; Check the file descriptor
        js .error               ; If the sign flag is set go to error
        clc                     ; Clear carry flag
        jmp .ret                ; Jump to return instruction
        stc                     ; Set carry flag
        jmp .ret                ; Jump to return instruction
        ret                     ; Return

proc sys_close stdcall uses ebx, fd
        mov eax, 6              ; Select sys_close function
        mov ebx, [fd]           ; File descriptor
        int 80h                 ; Call the kernel
        test eax,eax            ; Check for error
        js .error               ; If the sign flag is set go to error
        clc                     ; Clear carry flag
        jmp .ret                ; Jump to return instruction
        stc                     ; Set carry flag
        jmp .ret                ; Jump to return instruction
        ret                     ; Return

proc sys_creat stdcall uses ebx ecx, what, mode
        mov eax, 8              ; Select sys_creat function
        mov ebx, [what]         ; File to create
        mov ecx, [mode]         ; Mode
        int 80h                 ; Call the kernel
        test eax,eax            ; Check the file descriptor
        js .error               ; If the sign flag is set go to error
        clc                     ; Clear carry flag
        jmp .ret                ; Jump to return instruction
        stc                     ; Set carry flag
        jmp .ret                ; Jump to return instruction
        ret                     ; Return

proc sys_brk stdcall uses ebx, edsegment
        mov eax, 45             ; Select sys_brk function
        lea ebx, [edsegment]    ; End data segment
        int 80h                 ; Call the kernel
        test eax,eax            ; Check for error
        js .error               ; If the sign flag is set go to error
        clc                     ; Clear carry flag
        jmp .ret                ; Jump to return instruction
        stc                     ; Set carry flag
        jmp .ret                ; Jump to return instruction
        ret                     ; Return

Thanks for helping me.
Post 05 Aug 2006, 03:40
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Joined: 29 Aug 2006
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Location: Jerusalem, Israel
arafel 29 Aug 2006, 14:11
It fails because tpackw.new doesn't return a file descriptor, but rather a sys_write return value.
Post 29 Aug 2006, 14:11
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vid 30 Aug 2006, 05:14
also in linux, you don't test error as return value=0, but like this:
cmp eax, -4069
ja .error    

it's like this with EVERY system call... problem is that Linux system calls are NOT documented, only their C wrappers, which ARE different. see

Even "strace" utility catches system call but displays them as if it was libc call.... stupid
Post 30 Aug 2006, 05:14
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