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Joined: 31 Jul 2006
Posts: 487
Location: Maryland, Unol Daleithiau
rhyno_dagreat 02 Aug 2006, 18:23
Hey, I just learned how to use VGA mode (sooo SIMPLE!) and now I'm moving on up to VBE3 VESA mode, and I'm trying to print a whole mess of colors to the screen by incrementing the color value each time I go to a new pixel. Now, I can use the loop counter register CX for only WORD values, but the whole screen in even 640 x 480 mode goes beyond the 1 WORD limit (640 * 480 = 307200 decimal, 04B000 in hexadecimal). So after I tried that, I then tried creating my own DOUBLE WORD variable, and in the loop incremented it's value and compared it's value to the full amount of pixels on the screen. All that happens when I do that is that the screen just comes up black. If someone could help me here, I'd be very appreciative. Heres the code:

org 100h
mov ah, 4Fh    ;tells cpu it's VESA mode
mov al, 02h    ;function for setmode
mov bx, 0101h  ;640 x 480 mode
int 10h

mov bx, 0A000h
mov es, bx
mov bx, 0
mov al, 0

;mov cx, 64000 ;should be 307200, but not sure how to get that much in a loop counter!

mov [es:bx], al
inc bx
inc al
inc [mynum]
cmp [mynum], 307200
je done
loop startloop

mov ax, 0100h
int 21h
int 20h


mynum dd 0

Thanks for your time!

Post 02 Aug 2006, 18:23
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Joined: 31 Jul 2006
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Location: Maryland, Unol Daleithiau
rhyno_dagreat 02 Aug 2006, 18:38
Also, I have another issue, if I try to go any higher than mode 101h (640 x 480 with 256 colors), it compiles okay but when I run it, my monitor puts up a message "Out of scan range" then below that "14.8kHz/154Hz".
Post 02 Aug 2006, 18:38
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Location: Poland, Malopolska
donkey7 02 Aug 2006, 20:21
i've programmed some demos a few years ago - http://asembler.republika.pl/bin/progsy.zip (comments and labels in polish - demos for directx, vesa banked and linear modes - from 320x200x8 to 640x480x24).

there are two vesa modes - banked and linear.

in 16- bit you can use only banked mode. why it's named banked? screen is divided into 64 kb parts called banks. you must switch to apropriate bank before drawing anything on screen.

in 32- bit (protected mode - you can use dpmi, pmodew, wdosx or other pmode servers) you can use linear framebuffer. but it uses paging to map video memory to system memory. it's much faster and imo it's easier to use.

i recommend you linear mode, but if you will be using banked mode don't forget about bank switching. afair it done like that:
mov ax,$4f05
mov dx,bank_number_starting_from_zero
int $10
Post 02 Aug 2006, 20:21
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Joined: 31 Jul 2006
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Location: Maryland, Unol Daleithiau
rhyno_dagreat 03 Aug 2006, 01:35
I'll be doing this as a test for an OS GUI most likely, but how does accessing the linear framebuffer work? Is that what I'm doing in that program by accessing video memory directly?
Post 03 Aug 2006, 01:35
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Location: Poland, Malopolska
donkey7 03 Aug 2006, 11:45
in both modes you accesses video memory directly. the only difference is that in banked mode you can use only 16- bit addressing, while in linear mode you can use 32- bit addressing and you don't need to switch between banks (which is slow on moder gfx cards).

example of filling screen with color.

16- bit banked mode:

number_of_banks = roundup(number_of_pixels / 65536)
a = 0
switch to bank a
set segment $a000
fill memory from 0 to 65535 with byte color
until a++ = number_of_banks

32- bit linear mode:
mov edi,screen_bufer
mov ecx,number_of_pixels
mov al,color
rep stosb
Post 03 Aug 2006, 11:45
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rhyno_dagreat 03 Aug 2006, 17:54
Thanks again, Donkey! I think I get it now... But I'm wondering, with my source code up there, how can I write to all of the screen the way I'm going? Or is it impossible because the loop counter and BX are both only limited to one word each?
Post 03 Aug 2006, 17:54
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cod3b453 03 Aug 2006, 22:19
This probably should have gone in the OS Construction area...

What I did is enable gate A20 and setup VESA mode with linear buffer bit set in 16 bit real mode, then switch to protected mode, this allows you to load the 32 bit video address pointer and use ecx to loop your drawing algorithm.

Enabling A20 means it uses linear buffer, as I learnt recently Laughing . Using protected mode you can also use larger screen resolutions easily (if you want).

Post 03 Aug 2006, 22:19
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Location: Maryland, Unol Daleithiau
rhyno_dagreat 04 Aug 2006, 03:44
Ah, I see! Thanks!
Post 04 Aug 2006, 03:44
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