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Index > Windows > Handling strings of unknown length

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Joined: 21 Jan 2006
Posts: 20
Killswitch 01 Aug 2006, 18:58
Thanks to help I/others have gotten on these forums I've been able to work out how to handle strings of a fixed length with FASM. I've also been able to figure out how to condense strings using a buffer (of a fixed size).

But I've been unable to understand how I should handle strings of an unknown length (as they could, after all, be bigger than the buffer I allocated to store the string in), could you help?


Post 01 Aug 2006, 18:58
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okasvi 02 Aug 2006, 01:09
format PE GUI 4.0
include 'win32a.inc'
entry $
push    0
push    0
push    0
call    [HeapCreate]
mov     [hHeap], eax

push    [dwBufferSize]
push    0x08 ;HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY
push    [hHeap]
call    [HeapAlloc]
mov     [pBuffer], eax
mov     esi, pString
mov     edi, [pBuffer]
mov     ecx, [dwBufferSize]
xor     eax, eax
;'lodsb' could be used instead
;of mov / inc, but I've been
;told that it's slower to use
;than mov / inc combination...
mov     al, byte [esi]
inc     esi
test    al, al
jz      .zero
;cmp    al, 'a'
;jz     @f
loopd   .copy
imul    ecx, [dwBufferSize], 2 ;double the buffersize 
push    ecx
push    [pBuffer]
push    0x08 ;HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY
push    [hHeap]
call    [HeapReAlloc] ;replace params/function with w/e you use for reallocing
jmp     .copy
push    0
call    [ExitProcess]
data import
library kernel32,'kernel32'
import  kernel32,\
end data
dwBufferSize dd 512
;pString rd 1
hHeap   rd 1
pBuffer rd 1
; a random file that has 'string'
; longer than 512 bytes.
; db 0x0D,0x0A = CRLF could be used
; instead of 0x00-byte...
; just create .txt file with random
; lines in it to get actual filesize
; over 512bytes
file 'random.txt'    

I hope this is atleast a bit what you are looking for, of course lstrlenA from kernel32 could help too Wink

eh, forgot totally about _handling_ of the strings Surprised
added string-'handling' as commented, parses a-chars Smile

sry for my english Embarassed
Post 02 Aug 2006, 01:09
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vid 02 Aug 2006, 07:43
check out FASMLIB, next part of tutorial will describe it's string library, which is capable of working with strings with non-fixed length

also same library is used in Fresh project

for now, see file /fasmlib/str.inc
Post 02 Aug 2006, 07:43
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Joined: 21 Jan 2006
Posts: 20
Killswitch 02 Aug 2006, 13:59
Thanks for your help, I just want to make sure I know what's going on:

push    [dwBufferSize] 
push    0x08 ;HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY 
push    [hHeap] 
call    [HeapAlloc] 
mov     [pBuffer], eax 

- Allocates a buffer of 512 bytes initially

mov     al, byte [esi] 
inc     esi 
test    al, al 
jz      .zero 

-Starts copying bytes to pBuffer upto the number of bytes indicated by dwBufferSize, or untill a terminating null byte is encounterded (in which case it jumps to the end)

loopd   .copy 
imul    ecx, [dwBufferSize], 2 ;double the buffersize  
push    ecx 
push    [pBuffer] 
push    0x08 ;HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY 
push    [hHeap] 
call    [HeapReAlloc] ;replace params/function with w/e you use for reallocing 
jmp     .copy

-Increases the size of pBuffer if there's stuff left to copy over, but there wasn't enough space

Is that the gist?
Post 02 Aug 2006, 13:59
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okasvi 03 Aug 2006, 10:23
second part is actually this, but other than that, correct.

mov     al, byte [esi]
inc     esi
test    al, al
jz      .zero
loopd   .copy    
Post 03 Aug 2006, 10:23
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Joined: 21 Jan 2006
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Killswitch 03 Aug 2006, 15:17
Thank you Smile


How could I turn that code into a macro, and also have it start adding characters from the end of the Buffer (so I can call the macro once, and make pBuffer = 'hello' then call the macro again so that ' world' gets added to pBuffer)?
Post 03 Aug 2006, 15:17
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okasvi 04 Aug 2006, 12:24
Killswitch wrote:
Thank you Smile


How could I turn that code into a macro, and also have it start adding characters from the end of the Buffer (so I can call the macro once, and make pBuffer = 'hello' then call the macro again so that ' world' gets added to pBuffer)?

You should make it a proc
I'll work on example soon.

format PE GUI 4.0
include 'win32a.inc'
entry $
        push    szString3
        push    szString2
        push    szString
        call    szAppend
        push    0
        push    szCaption
        push    szString3
        push    0
        call    [MessageBox]
        push    0
        call    [ExitProcess]
proc szAppend, pString1, pString2, pBufOut
        mov     esi, [pString1]
        mov     edi, [pBufOut]
        xor     eax, eax
        mov     ecx, 1
        mov     al, byte [esi]
        inc     esi
        test    al, al
        jz      .zero
        jmp     .copy
        test    ecx, ecx
        jz      .ret
        mov     esi, [pString2]
        xor     ecx, ecx
        jmp     .copy
data import
library kernel32,'kernel32',\
import  kernel32,\
import  user32,\
end data
szCaption       db      'humm',0
szString        db      'Hello',0
szString2       db      ' World',0
szString3       rb      0x200    

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Post 04 Aug 2006, 12:24
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Joined: 21 Jan 2006
Posts: 20
Killswitch 05 Aug 2006, 12:35
You're a genious mate, thank you!
Post 05 Aug 2006, 12:35
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