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> Projects and Ideas > [IDEA]Knowledge base Goto page 1, 2 Next |
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rugxulo 09 Jul 2006, 00:11
I think there's too much redundant stuff if you do that (e.g., lots of stuff is already online at familiar places: http://www.wotsit.org, http://www.sac.sk, http://www.flatassembler.net, http://www.simtel.net, http://www.256b.com, http://www.sourceforge.net). Maybe if you could specialize it to something that isn't common.
Maybe a better idea would be an assembly newssite, like the emu sites do. Then, if a new, cool program or assembler appears or a useful forum thread is started (FASM, Win32, etc.), everybody can hear about it. |
09 Jul 2006, 00:11 |
Tomasz Grysztar 09 Jul 2006, 00:33
The idea was to gather as much as possible to fill up the space And thus it wouldn't be much specialized, but rather immense. Of course copying all what we could (docs I mean) from the mentioned sites would be a good start.
And http://www.rfc-editor.org/download.html and http://www.scs.cmu.edu/afs/cs.cmu.edu/user/ralf/pub/WWW/files.html and so on. And even look out to find different revisions of some docs sets and archive them all. |
09 Jul 2006, 00:33 |
madmatt 09 Jul 2006, 00:49
100gb?!?! I have some of my older directdraw examples that I would like to put somewhere else, along with some other windows examples that I couldn't fit in my webspace. I still would like to be able to update the files, so I would need someway to access and overwrite the older files.
09 Jul 2006, 00:49 |
mattst88 09 Jul 2006, 02:59
I would love to see such a thing. If the project gets underway, I'll try my best to involve myself.
09 Jul 2006, 02:59 |
vid 09 Jul 2006, 07:17
great idea, to have just the docs here. Don't forget about all threads linked from "important/interesting threads", AoA, and maybe searching the forum for "book" would give something
right now i DO have free time, but only slow connection, so copying would have to be done by someone else |
09 Jul 2006, 07:17 |
Ivan2k2 09 Jul 2006, 07:53
nice idea!!! i have many docs and i'll try to help
09 Jul 2006, 07:53 |
vid 09 Jul 2006, 07:58
also a note - there should be file (best pure .txt) which lists all files with full name of a thing - this way we can mostly prevent having same file 3 times under different name.
tomasz: how do you imagine it? Everyone can upload, or people will just collect links and someone with rights (and time and bandwith) will then upload it all? |
09 Jul 2006, 07:58 |
sylwek32 09 Jul 2006, 08:28
Hello, that´s me the man with a lot of webspace
Here you can see a "current version" Current functions: - Download - Upload - nothing more... |
09 Jul 2006, 08:28 |
Reverend 09 Jul 2006, 09:50
Maybe we can organize it as a wiki. Then only the administrators of content are needed. Every user who will find something useful and not yet uploaded will just do it. Then it would be checked, named properly (if we want 100 GB of data, we must stick to some naming rules not to get confused), etc. So I propose some wiki solution for such a document repository
09 Jul 2006, 09:50 |
vid 09 Jul 2006, 10:21
making such place publicly accessible is dangerous - people may find it and use it as public warez server. I suggest creating account for users of board, requested via PM
09 Jul 2006, 10:21 |
sylwek32 09 Jul 2006, 11:27
Your idea is good.
Let´s make a test.. I'll upload MediaWiki and make it editable by some people.. A please to you: - If you are interested in being an admin/moderator please write it here and ill add you to my list - If you are interested in being a gfxer please write it here and ill add you to my list Thanks for the answers.. |
09 Jul 2006, 11:27 |
donkey7 09 Jul 2006, 12:11
i have another idea. you can make some simple forum, where people will send links to interesting stuff (if one has a file not published anywhere then he can upload it to eg. http://www.peerfactor.fr/send/ then send a link). this way people won't have to wait for uploading files (in most cases). then moderators will review stuff, categorize it and add to repository.
if your server has good cable, then tranferring files from other servers (using curl or something, i don't know) will be much faster than uploading them through usual dsl cable. nobody will need good connection (users and even moderators), because files would be transferred without use of client connection. finally links can be collected and backuped regularly, so if servers gets broken it is easy to recover files again (by retransferring). the only thing we need is simple cms that acts like moderated catalog and allows transferring from other servers. but i don't know php and mysql good so i'm not able to write it. |
09 Jul 2006, 12:11 |
sylwek32 09 Jul 2006, 14:43
I think thats a bad idea..
Because somebody can upload warez etc.. AND: There are too many of such services in the WWW |
09 Jul 2006, 14:43 |
donkey7 09 Jul 2006, 15:34
files are reviewed so all illegal content will be deleted. people would only send links. the only difference from mediawiki etc. is that nobody can upload anything directly (only links). then files would be transferred directly - look at http://krun.ch/ and option krunch on web. mods will be able to intruct server to download specofied files from internet. the advatage is that transfer will be faster because many people use adsl where ulpoad is several times slower than download (mods need to download every file to review it).
service can even act like ftp. or mixed http and ftp (i mean there would be layer that translates ftp listing to html code and adds some icons, additional informations etc.). and you can create several ftp- accounts for mods eg. some mod for 3d examples, some for algorithms, etc. every folder can contain description file. et cetera, et cetera... many possibilities and it's very flexible way to present and manage files. huh, maybe it's too difficult or complex... btw: Quote:
assembly is often omitted or rarely updated. can you point me to some good assembly repository? and what makes mediawiki different from other websites? or maybe i'm not clear enough (my english is not fluent)? if so, pm me |
09 Jul 2006, 15:34 |
Aquila 09 Jul 2006, 17:26
Well, I know rather good sources repository: http://www.wasm.ru/all.php?mode=src . |
09 Jul 2006, 17:26 |
donkey7 09 Jul 2006, 17:35
well, not that bad but it's in russian and it seems to not be very flexible (as it looks like static html). and there's no papers!
09 Jul 2006, 17:35 |
Aquila 09 Jul 2006, 18:08
No, it is flexible - you see, it is php. There is special interface for adding sources (by admin(s)). But, yes it is russian-oriented and we have not much docs, though most usefull are present ( http://www.wasm.ru/all.php?mode=doc ). |
09 Jul 2006, 18:08 |
UCM 09 Jul 2006, 19:14
If you want, I can program some PHP.
09 Jul 2006, 19:14 |
rugxulo 09 Jul 2006, 19:20
Yes, I think a Wiki would be better, but I don't personally understand the goal of such a thing (seems too general but whatever, it's your call).
P.S. Use Babelfish to translate wasm.ru from Russian to English (or some others). |
09 Jul 2006, 19:20 |
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