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Index > Macroinstructions > force evaluation

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Joined: 07 May 2006
Posts: 6
Smile 08 May 2006, 21:24

used compiler fasm-1.64

macro MakeName name, i
 name#i = '?'
index = 0
MakeName _, index 

Prefer result "_0" label instead of "_index".
Is it possible to evaluate "index" before concatenation?
Post 08 May 2006, 21:24
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Location: Argentina
LocoDelAssembly 08 May 2006, 22:04
macro MakeName name, i
  match index, i \{
    name \# index = '?'

index equ 0
MakeName _, index

display _0    

I don't remember why match is needed but works Very Happy

Note I use equ instead of =, you need to use equ because the # works at preprossesing time (where "=" works at assembly time)

Hope this helps and someone explain us why match is needed Laughing
Post 08 May 2006, 22:04
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Joined: 07 May 2006
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Smile 08 May 2006, 22:39
"index equ 0" - constant expression, and not work in my case

index = 0 ; <- dinamic expression
MakeName _, index+1

i use this construction to access stored variables, have i another way?

macro stack name
  name#.sp = 0 ; stack pointer

  macro name#.push arg
   index = name#.sp
   name#.item#index = arg
   name#.sp = index + 1

  macro name#.pop  arg
   index = name#.sp
   if index > 0
    arg = name#.item#index
    name#.sp = index - 1
    display `name # ' - stack is empty'
   end if

stack s
s.push 1
s.pop x
display x+0x30   

main problem - resolve unique names
name#.item#index ; always s.itemindex
Post 08 May 2006, 22:39
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Location: Argentina
LocoDelAssembly 08 May 2006, 23:03
Check this http://board.flatassembler.net/topic.php?p=29109#29109

To decrement if there is no other way you can get it by doing
restore counter
restore counter    

I think you can use equates with your problem but I have no time to do it now. I'll try later if you still having problems

[edit]Works but not checked if it does all that is intended
macro stack name
  name#.sp = 0 ; stack pointer 
  index equ 0

  macro name#.push arg 
    match current,index ; this we need to get value of index before preprocessing
       name\\#.item\\#current = arg

       rept 2 i:current \\\{ index equ i \\\} ; this increases the index
   name#.sp = index

  macro name#.pop  arg
   if index > 0
    restore index
    restore index
    name#.sp = index
    match current,index ; this we need to get value of index before preprocessing
      arg = name\\#.item\\#current
    display `name # ' - stack is empty'
   end if 

stack test

irp item, 'H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o' {test.push item}

rept 5 n:0 { display test.item # n }
display 13, 10

rept 5 n:0
  test.pop char
  display char
Post 08 May 2006, 23:03
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Joined: 07 May 2006
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Smile 09 May 2006, 08:26
Post 09 May 2006, 08:26
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Your code has a bug

Joined: 06 May 2005
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Location: Argentina
LocoDelAssembly 09 May 2006, 13:37
I forgot to say something, don't use things like
 repeat test.sp
test.pop item
end repeat    
and the others iterative structures of the assembly stage because both push and pop need to be expanded for every call to it.

See why:
repeat test.sp
  test.pop var
  display var ; Five o's will be displayed
end repeat    

Preprocesed as:
repeat test.sp
;test.pop var
        if 5>0
        ;restore index
        ;restore index
        ;match current,4
        ; var=test#.item#current
        display 'test - stack is empty'
        end if
display var
end repeat     

As you can see, index is decremented only once (since repeat doesn't repeats "restore index" nor concatenates again with # since that is at preprossesing stage).

As a rule, always make sure that push and pop gets expanded every time it's used (like REPT does).
Post 09 May 2006, 13:37
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